Revision b8b685a5bb56b588b304581cb8d77beefbf7757e authored by Nicole Spillane on 06 May 2021, 20:32:45 UTC, committed by Nicole Spillane on 06 May 2021, 20:32:45 UTC
1 parent c87fb92
Tip revision: b8b685a5bb56b588b304581cb8d77beefbf7757e authored by Nicole Spillane on 06 May 2021, 20:32:45 UTC
Preconditioners for Apos are partly implemented, for H2_AS the GenEO eigenproblem for eigmax is not implemented, consider using AMPCG, our cg solvers are broken
Preconditioners for Apos are partly implemented, for H2_AS the GenEO eigenproblem for eigmax is not implemented, consider using AMPCG, our cg solvers are broken
Tip revision: b8b685a
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