Revision b96c296e6bb1204380b9289d61605c91657c6f4d authored by Wayne Zhang on 07 January 2012, 00:00:00 UTC, committed by Gabor Csardi on 07 January 2012, 00:00:00 UTC
1 parent 9be3f5a
# Functions used in fitting additive models in cpglmm #
# get model frame and factor list
# for cpglmm with smoothing terms
frFL <- function (formula, data, family, control = list(),
verbose, weights, offset, contrasts, basisGenerators, bySetToZero = T)
call <-
formula <- eval(call$formula)
tf <- terms.formula(formula, specials = eval(call$basisGenerators,
f.ind <- unlist(attr(tf, "specials"))
n.f <- length(f.ind)
rhs <- amer:::safeDeparse(formula[[3]])
fctterm <- fct <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.f)
for (i in 1:n.f)
fctterm[[i]] <- attr(tf, "variables")[[f.ind[i] + 1]]
fct <- lapply(fctterm, eval, envir = data, enclos = parent.frame(2))
for (i in seq_along(fct))
fct[[i]] <- amer:::expandBasis(fct[[i]], eval(attr(fct[[i]], "call")$by, data),
eval(attr(fct[[i]], "call")$varying, data), bySetToZero)
names(fct) <- names(fctterm) <- paste("f.", lapply(fct,
function(x) {
paste(as.character(attr(x, "call")$x), ifelse(!is.null(eval(attr(x,
"call")$varying, data)), paste("X", deparse(attr(x,
"call")$varying), sep = ""), ""), ifelse(eval(attr(x,
"call")$allPen), paste(".", deparse(attr(x,
"call")$by), sep = ""), ""), sep = "")
}), sep = "")
rhs <- amer:::subFcts(rhs, fctterm, fct, data)
data <- amer:::expandMf(data, fct)
call[[1]] <-"lmer")
call$doFit <- FALSE
call$data <-"data")
call$formula <- as.formula(paste(formula[[2]], "~", rhs))
call["basisGenerators"] <- NULL
m <- eval(call, data)
# m$fr$mf <- data
m <- amer:::subAZ(m, fct)
fctterm <- lapply(fct, function(x) attr(x, "call"))
return(list(m = m, fct = fct, fctterm = fctterm))
# function for 2d splines (from Ngo and Wand)
# compute thin plate spline covariance function
tps.cov <- function(r) {
r <- as.matrix(r)
num.row <- nrow(r)
num.col <- ncol(r)
r <- as.vector(r)
nzi <- (1:length(r))[r!=0]
ans <- rep(0,length(r))
ans[nzi] <- r[nzi]*r[nzi]*log(abs(r[nzi]))
if (num.col>1)
ans <- matrix(ans,num.row,num.col)
sp2d <- function(x1, x2, k = max(20,min(length(x1)/4,150)),
by = NULL, allPen = FALSE, varying = NULL,
diag = FALSE, knots1 = quantile(x1, probs = 1:k/(k+1)),
knots2 = quantile(x1, probs = 1:k/(k+1))) {
call <- as.list(
knots1 <- eval(knots1)
knots2 <- eval(knots2)
k <- eval(k)
# design matrix for fixed effects
X <- cbind(x1,x2)
knots <- cbind(knots1,knots2)
dist.mat <- matrix(0,k,k)
dist.mat[lower.tri(dist.mat)] <- dist(knots)
dist.mat <- dist.mat + t(dist.mat)
Omega <- tps.cov(dist.mat)
diffs.1 <- outer(x1,knots1,"-")
diffs.2 <- outer(x2,knots2,"-")
dists <- sqrt(diffs.1*diffs.1+diffs.2*diffs.2)
svd.Omega <- svd(Omega)
sqrt.Omega <- t(svd.Omega$v %*% (t(svd.Omega$u) * sqrt(svd.Omega$d)))
# design matrix for random effects
Z <- t(solve(sqrt.Omega,t(tps.cov(dists))))
res <- list(X=X, Z=Z, knots=knots)
attr(res, "call") <-
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