Revision b96c296e6bb1204380b9289d61605c91657c6f4d authored by Wayne Zhang on 07 January 2012, 00:00:00 UTC, committed by Gabor Csardi on 07 January 2012, 00:00:00 UTC
1 parent 9be3f5a
# check arguments
check.args.cplm <- function(call,n.obs){
## checking arguments
if (!is.null(call$weights)){
if (!is.numeric(call$weights))
stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")
if (any(call$weights <= 0))
stop("negative or zero weights not allowed")
if (!is.null(call$offset)) {
if (length(call$offset) != n.obs)
stop(gettextf("number of 'offset' is %d should
equal %d (number of observations)",
length(call$offset), n.obs), domain = NA)
check.args.bcplm <- function(call, n.beta, n.chains){
# check counts related inputs
if (!is.null(call$n.chains) && (!is.numeric(call$n.chains)
|| call$n.chains < 1))
stop("'n.chains' must be greater than 1" )
if (!is.null(call$n.burnin) && !is.null(call$n.iter) &&
call$n.burnin >= call$n.iter)
stop("'n.burnin' should be less than 'n.iter'" )
if (!is.null(call$prior.beta.mean) &&
length(call$prior.beta.mean) != n.beta)
stop(gettextf("'prior.beta.mean' should be of length %d"), n.beta)
if (!is.null(call$prior.beta.mean) &&
length(call$prior.beta.mean) != n.beta)
stop(gettextf("'prior.beta.mean' should be of length %d"), n.beta)
# Check initial values
# check initial values in cpglm
check.inits.cpglm <- function(inits, n.beta){
if (!("beta" %in% names(inits)))
stop("the 'beta' component in 'inits' is missing")
if (!("phi" %in% names(inits)))
stop("the 'phi' component in 'inits' is missing")
if (!("p" %in% names(inits)))
stop("the 'p' component in 'inits' is missing")
if (length(inits$beta) != n.beta)
stop(gettextf("number of 'beta' in 'inits' is %d, but should
equal %d (number of mean parameters)",
length(inits$beta), n.beta, domain = NA))
if (length(inits$phi) > 1 || inits$phi <= 0)
stop("'phi' in 'inits' should be of length 1 and greater than 0")
if (length(inits$p) > 1 || inits$p <= 1 || inits$p >= 2)
stop("'p' in 'inits' should be of length 1 and between 1 and 2")
# check initial values in cpglmm
check.inits.cpglmm <- function(inits, n.beta, n.term){
if (!("Sigma" %in% names(inits)))
stop("the 'Sigma' component in 'inits' is missing")
if (length(inits$Sigma) != n.term)
stop(gettextf("'Sigma' in 'inits' should be of length %d", n.term))
# check initial values in bcpglm
check.inits.bcpglm <- function(inits, n.beta, n.chains){
if (length(inits) != n.chains)
stop(gettextf("'inits' should be of length %d", n.chains))
invisible(lapply(inits, check.inits.cpglm, n.beta))
# check initial values in bcpglmm
check.inits.bcpglmm <- function(inits, n.beta, n.term, n.chains){
if (length(inits) != n.chains)
stop(gettextf("'inits' should be of length %d", n.chains))
invisible(lapply(inits, function(x) check.inits.cpglmm(x, n.beta, n.term)))
# default control options
# control options intializer
cpglm.control <- function(bound.p = c(1.01,1.99),
trace = 0,
max.iter = 200L){
if (min(bound.p)<1 || max(bound.p)>2)
stop("value of 'bound.p' must be between 1 and 2")
if (!is.numeric(trace) && !is.logical(trace))
stop("'trace' must be logical or numeric")
if (!is.numeric(max.iter) || max.iter < 0)
stop("'max.iter' must be greater than 0")
list(bound.p = sort(bound.p),
trace = as.integer(trace),
max.iter = as.integer(max.iter))
# update control parameters in cpglmm
cpglmm.control <- function(max.iter = 300L, = 20000L,
bound.p = c(1.01, 1.99),
trace = 0){
if (!is.numeric(max.iter) || max.iter <= 0)
stop("value of 'max.iter' must be > 0")
if (!is.numeric( || <= 0)
stop("value of '' must be > 0")
if (!is.numeric(bound.p) || length(bound.p) != 2)
stop("'bound.p' must be of length 2")
if (min(bound.p) < 1 || max(bound.p) > 2)
stop("invalid bounds in 'bound.p'")
if (!is.numeric(trace) && !is.logical(trace))
stop("'trace' must be logical or numeric")
list(max.iter = as.integer(max.iter), = as.integer(,
bound.p = as.numeric(sort(bound.p)),
trace = as.integer(trace))
# parse and default prior info for the variance component
# inverse gamma
igamma <- function(scale = 0.01, shape = 0.01){
return(list(igamma.scale = scale, igamma.shape = shape))
# inverse wishart
iwish <- function(df = 3, scale = diag(1, df)){
return(list(iwish.df = df, iwish.scale = scale))
# default prior info for the variance component
prior.Sigma.default <- function(Sigma){
lapply(Sigma, function(x){
nc <- ncol(x)
if (nc == 1)
igamma(scale = 0.001, shape = 0.001) else
iwish(df = as.double(nc))
# numerical derivatives
# function to compute gradient
grad <- function(parm, fun, ...){
n <- length(parm)
eps <- 0.001
gd <- rep(NA, n)
for (i in 1:n){
parm[i] <- parm[i] - eps
g1 <- fun(parm, ...)
parm[i] <- parm[i] + 2 * eps
g2 <- fun(parm, ...)
gd[i] <- (g2 - g1) / (2 * eps)
# function to compute hessian
hess <- function(parm, fun, ...){
n <- length(parm)
eps <- 0.001
hn <- matrix(0, n, n)
for (i in 1:n){
parm[i] <- parm[i] - eps
g1 <- grad(parm, fun, ...)
parm[i] <- parm[i] + 2 * eps
g2 <- grad(parm, fun, ...)
hn[i,] <- (g2 - g1) / ( 2 * eps)
# glm related
# construct model frame in cpglm <- function(mf, contrast){
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights",
"na.action", "offset"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <-"model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
Y <- model.response(mf, "any")
X <- if (!is.empty.model(mt))
model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
weights <- as.vector(model.weights(mf))
offset <- as.vector(model.offset(mf))
n.obs <- nrow(X)
if (is.null(weights))
weights <- rep(1, n.obs)
if (is.null(offset))
offset <- rep(0, n.obs)
return (list(mf = mf, wts = weights, off = offset,
Y = Y, X = X))
# fit a Tweedie glm given a model frame <- function(fr, p = 1.5, link.power = 0) {
fm <- tweedie(var.power = p,link.power = link.power)
int <- attr(attr(fr$mf,"terms"), "intercept") > 0L$X, fr$Y, weights = fr$wts, offset = fr$off,
family = fm, intercept = int)
# compute fitted values of for bigglm
fitted.bigglm <- function(object, data, ...){
# get chunks of data
tt <- terms(object)
n <- object$n
beta <- coef(object)
cursor <- 0
eta <- offset <- pwts <- c()
datafun <- function(){
if (cursor >= n)
start <- cursor + 1
cursor <<- cursor + min(object$call$chunksize, n - cursor)
data[start:cursor, ]
# get stats for each chunk
while(!is.null(chunk <- datafun())){
mf <- model.frame(tt, chunk)
mm <- model.matrix(tt, mf)
if(is.null(off <- model.offset(mf)))
off <- rep(0, nrow(mm))
if (!is.null(object$weights))
w <- model.frame(object$weights, chunk)[[1]] else
w <- rep(1, nrow(mm))
eta <- c(eta, mm %*% beta + off)
offset <- c(offset, off)
pwts <- c(pwts, w)
# compute stats to be returned
mu <- object$family$linkinv(eta)
dmu <- object$family$mu.eta(eta)
wts <- pwts * dmu * dmu / (object$family$variance(mu))
y <- eval(object$call$formula[[2]], data)
res <- (y - mu) / dmu
list(linear.predictors = eta,
fitted.values = mu,
offset = offset,
prior.weights = pwts,
weights = wts,
residuals = res )
# general utility functions
# function to compute log density
dtweedie.nlogl <- function(y, mu, phi,power) {
ans <- -2 * sum(log(dtweedie(y = y, mu = mu, phi = phi, power = power)))
if (is.infinite(ans)) {
ans <- sum( = y, mu = mu, power = power)) / length(y)
#attr(ans, "gradient") <- dtweedie.dldphi(y = y, mu = mu,
# phi = phi, power = power)
# function to take inverse of a matrix using svd
svd.inv <- function(x){
sx <- svd(x)
return(sx$v %*% diag(1 / sx$d) %*% t(sx$u))
# function to compute the link.power needed in tweedie <- function(link) {
if (!is.character(link) && !is.numeric(link))
stop("link.power must be either numeric or character.")
if (is.character(link)){
okLinks <- c("log", "identity", "sqrt","inverse")
if (link %in% okLinks)
switch(link, log = 0, identity = 1, sqrt = 0.5, inverse = -1) else
stop("invalid link function!")
} else
Computing file changes ...