Revision b96c296e6bb1204380b9289d61605c91657c6f4d authored by Wayne Zhang on 07 January 2012, 00:00:00 UTC, committed by Gabor Csardi on 07 January 2012, 00:00:00 UTC
1 parent 9be3f5a
/* Header files for C functions in the cplm package */
/* Author: Wayne Zhang */
/* */
* @file cplm.h
* @brief header files to be included in the cplm C functions
* @author Wayne Zhang
#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <Rmath.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <R_ext/Applic.h>
#include <R_ext/Lapack.h>
#include <R_ext/Linpack.h>
#include "Matrix.h"
/** zero an array */
#define AZERO(x, n) {int _I_, _SZ_ = (n); for(_I_ = 0; _I_ < _SZ_; _I_++) (x)[_I_] = 0;}
/* When appropriate, alloca is cleaner than malloc/free. The storage
* is freed automatically on return from a function. When using gcc the
* builtin version is much faster. */
#ifdef __GNUC__
# undef alloca
# define alloca(x) __builtin_alloca((x))
/* this is necessary (and sufficient) for Solaris 10: */
# ifdef __sun
# include <alloca.h>
# endif
/** alloca n elements of type t */
#define Alloca(n, t) (t *) alloca( (size_t) ( (n) * sizeof(t) ) )
/** struct to store data and parameters */
typedef struct {
int nO ; /**< number of Observations */
int nP ; /**< # positive observations */
int nB ; /**< # model cofficients*/
int k ; /**< index used internally by various functions */
int *ygt0 ; /**< row index of positive values */
double *X ; /**< design matrix */
double *Y ; /**< reponse variable */
double *offset ; /**< vector of offsets */
double *weights ; /**< prior weights */
double *beta ; /**< model coefficients */
double phi ; /**< dispersion parameter */
double p ; /**< index parameter */
double link_power ; /**< power of link function, as in tweedie */
double lambda ; /**< original mean for the truncated Poisson proposal */
} da_parm ;
#ifdef ENABLE_NLS /** Allow for translation of error messages */
#include <libintl.h>
#define _(String) dgettext ("cplm", String)
#define _(String) (String)
/** positions in the dims vector in Bayesian models */
enum dimB {
nO_POS=0, /**<number of observations */
nB_POS, /**<number of coefficients */
nP_POS, /**<number of positive obs */
nT_POS, /**<number of terms in cpglmm */
nU_POS, /**<number of random coefficients */
nA_POS, /**<number of parameters in the variance components */
chn_POS, /**<number of chains */
itr_POS, /**<number of iterations */
bun_POS, /**<number of burn-in */
thn_POS, /**<number of thinning */
kp_POS, /**<number of simulations to keep in each chain */
sims_POS, /**<total number of simulations */
rpt_POS, /**<report frequency */
tnit_POS, /**<number of iterations used for tuning */
ntn_POS /**<number of tuning loops */
// R list
SEXP getListElement (SEXP list, char *str);
* Extract the element named nm from the list object obj and return a null pointer
* if the element has length 0 or a pointer to the REAL contents.
* @param obj pointer to a list object
* @param str pointer to a symbol naming the element to extract
* @return pointer to the REAL contents, if nonzero length, otherwise
* a NULL pointer
static R_INLINE double *ELT_REAL_NULL(SEXP obj, char *str)
SEXP pt = getListElement(obj, str);
return LENGTH(pt) ? REAL(pt) : (double*) NULL;
/** Return the double pointer to the X slot */
#define X_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x, "X")
/** Return the double pointer to the y slot */
#define Y_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x, "y")
/** Allocate (alloca) a cholmod_sparse struct, populate it with values
* from the Zt slot and return the pointer. */
#define Zt_ELT(x) AS_CHM_SP(getListElement(x, "Zt"))
/** Return the double pointer to the offset slot or (double*) NULL if
* offset has length 0) */
#define OFFSET_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x, "offset")
/** Return the double pointer to the pWt slot or (double*) NULL if
* pWt has length 0) */
#define PWT_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x, "pWt")
/** Return the integer pointer to the ygt0 slot or (double*) NULL if
* pWt has length 0) */
#define YPO_ELT(x) INTEGER(getListElement(x, "ygt0"))
/** Return the integer pointer to the dims slot */
#define DIMS_ELT(x) INTEGER(getListElement(x, "dims"))
/** Return the double pointer to the fixef slot */
#define BETA_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x, "beta")
/** Return the double pointer to the ranef slot */
#define U_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x, "u")
/** Return the double pointer to the eta slot */
#define ETA_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x, "eta")
/** Return the double pointer to the mu slot */
#define MU_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x, "mu")
/** Return the double pointer to the muEta slot or (double*) NULL if
* muEta has length 0) */
#define MUETA_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x, "muEta")
/** Return the double pointer to the var slot or (double*) NULL if
* var has length 0) */
#define VAR_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x, "var")
/** Return the double pointer to the resid slot */
#define RESID_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x, "resid")
/** Return the double pointer to the p slot or (double*) NULL if
* sqrtXWt has length 0) */
#define P_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x, "p")
/** Return the double pointer to the phi slot or (double*) NULL if
* sqrtXWt has length 0) */
#define PHI_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x, "phi")
/** Return the double pointer to the link.power slot or (double*) NULL if
* sqrtXWt has length 0) */
#define LKP_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x, "link.power")
/** Return the double pointer to the bound.p slot */
#define BDP_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x,"bound.p")
/** Return the double pointer to the bound.phi slot */
#define BDPHI_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x,"bound.phi")
/** Return the double pointer to the pbeta.mean slot */
#define PBM_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x,"pbeta.mean")
/** Return the double pointer to the pbeta.var slot */
#define PBV_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x,"pbeta.var")
/** Return the integer pointer to the Gp slot or (double*) NULL if
* Gp has length 0) */
#define Gp_ELT(x) INTEGER(getListElement(x, "Gp"))
/** Return the double pointer to the ebeta.var slot */
#define EBV_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x,"ebeta.var")
/** Return the double pointer to the eu.var slot */
#define EUV_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x,"eu.var")
/** Return the double pointer to the ephi.var slot */
#define EPHIV_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x,"ephi.var")
/** Return the double pointer to the ep.var slot */
#define EPV_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x,"ep.var")
/** Return the integer pointer to the ncol slot */
#define NCOL_ELT(x) INTEGER(getListElement(x, "ncol"))
/** Return the integer pointer to the nlev slot */
#define NLEV_ELT(x) INTEGER(getListElement(x, "nlev"))
/** Return the double pointer to the igamma.shape slot */
#define IGSHP_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x,"igamma.shape")
/** Return the double pointer to the igamma.scale slot */
#define IGSCL_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x,"igamma.scale")
/** Return the double pointer to the iwish.scale slot */
#define IWSCL_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x,"iwish.scale")
/** Return the double pointer to the iwish.df slot */
#define IWDF_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x,"iwish.df")
/** Return the integer pointer to the simT slot */
#define SIMT_ELT(x) INTEGER(getListElement(x, "simT"))
/** Return the integer pointer to the k slot */
#define K_ELT(x) INTEGER(getListElement(x, "k"))
/** Return the double pointer to the lambda slot */
#define LAM_ELT(x) ELT_REAL_NULL(x,"lambda")
// memory allocation utilities
double * dvect(int n) ;
double ** dmatrix(int nr, int nc) ;
int * ivect(int n) ;
int ** imatrix(int nr, int nc) ;
// simple computation
double dcumsum(double *x, int n) ;
int icumsum(int *x, int n) ;
double dcumwsum(double *x, double *w, int n) ;
double icumwsum(int *x, double *w, int n) ;
double norm (double *x, int n);
double dist (double *x, double *y, int n);
double dmax (double *x, int n) ;
int imax (int *x, int n) ;
// univariate optimization
void lbfgsbU(double *x, double lower, double upper, double *val,
optimfn fn, optimgr gr, void *ex, int *conv) ;
// glm related computation
double varFun (double mu, double p);
double linkFun(double mu, double link_power);
double linkInv(double eta, double link_power);
double mu_eta(double eta, double link_power) ;
void cpglm_eta(double *eta, int nO, int nB, double *X,
double *beta, double *offset);
void cplm_mu_eta(double* mu, double* muEta, int n, double* eta,
double link_power);
void cplm_varFun(double* var, double* mu, int n, double p);
void cpglm_fitted(SEXP da);
void cpglm_fitted_x(double *x, SEXP da);
// cplm
double cplm_post_latT(double x, double y, double phi, double p) ;
double cplm_lambda_tpois(double y, double phi, double p) ;
// function to simulate from 0 truncated poisson
int cplm_rtpois(double lambda ) ;
// function to compute the density of 0-truncated poisson on log scale
double cplm_dtpois(double x, double lambda) ;
void cplm_rlatT_reject(SEXP da) ;
double cplm_llik_lat(SEXP da);
// M-H
int metrop_mvnorm_rw(int d, double *m, double *v, double *sn,
double (*myfunc)(double *x, void *data),
void *data);
int metrop_tnorm_rw( double m, double sd, double lb, double rb, double *sn,
double (*myfunc)(double x, void *data),
void *data) ;
void cov(int n, int p, double *x, double *ans) ;
void solve_po(int d, double *v, double *iv) ;
void mult_xtx(int m, int n, double *x, double *out) ;
double dmvnorm(int d, double *x, double *m, double *iv) ;
// tweedie
double dtweedie(double y, double mu,
double phi, double p);
double dl2tweedie(int n, double *y, double *mu,
double phi, double p) ;
void rwishart(int d, double nu, double *scal, double *out) ;
// utility functions in bcpglmm
void bcpglmm_set_sims(SEXP da, int ns, double **sims) ;
void bcpglmm_set_init(SEXP da, int k) ;
void cpglmm_fitted(SEXP da) ;
void cpglmm_fitted_bx(double *x, SEXP da) ;
void cpglmm_fitted_ux(double *x, SEXP da) ;
// functions to export
SEXP cpglmm_optimize(SEXP x) ;
SEXP cpglmm_update_mu(SEXP x) ;
SEXP cpglmm_update_u(SEXP x) ;
SEXP cpglmm_update_L(SEXP x) ;
SEXP cpglmm_update_dev(SEXP x, SEXP pm) ;
SEXP cpglmm_setPars(SEXP x, SEXP pm) ;
SEXP bcpglmm_gibbs_tw (SEXP da) ;
SEXP bcpglmm_gibbs_lat (SEXP da) ;
SEXP bcpglm_gibbs_lat (SEXP da) ;
SEXP bcpglm_gibbs_tw (SEXP da) ;
// numerical derivatives
void grad(int n, double *x,
double (*myfunc)(double *x, void *data),
void *data, double *ans) ;
void hess(int n, double *x,
double (*myfunc)(double *x, void *data),
void *data, double *ans) ;
Computing file changes ...