Revision b9d40510b04e23174dc618b8b31953294ffb3050 authored by richard defazio on 19 July 2021, 13:38:38 UTC, committed by richard defazio on 19 July 2021, 13:38:38 UTC
Merge AGG VBW Regions into master

See merge request um-mip/coding-project!2
2 parent s ba44c6a + 9befa28
Raw File
! macros - v11.ipf
#pragma rtGlobals=3		// Use modern global access method and strict wave access.
#pragma TextEncoding = "MacRoman"
strconstant sc_version = "20210202 AGG VBW"
macro version()
	print sc_version

macro JPsmartConcPanel ()

macro onlySpont()

macro SpontSenk()

macro AGG_VBWPanel()

// macro cccapRunner()
// //function CCcap( ntraces, [ maxCurrent ] )
// variable ntraces  = 5 // for original CC-IV
// variable maxCurrent = -1 // cuts off before zero

// // get list of series for batch mode
// 	string series_list = "", series_listw = "serieslistw", series_list_selw = "", listboxn = "list_series", pathn = "collector_data"
// 	string thisseries = ""
// 	variable seriesn = inf
// //	WAVE/Z/T slistw = serieslistw // $series_listw
// 	if( !waveexists( $series_listw ) )
// 		print "no series wave for batchmode:", series_listw
// 		abort
// 	endif 

// 	variable iseries=0, nseries = numpnts( $series_listw )
// 	string sweeplist1 //= returnallwavesfromserieslist( "", tracen = 1, slistw = $series_listw, pathn = pathn )
// 	string sweeplist2 //= returnallwavesfromserieslist( "", tracen = 2, slistw = $series_listw, pathn = pathn )

// 	//print "here is the series list:", sweeplist

// 	variable isweeps = 0, nsweeps = itemsinlist( sweeplist1 ) 
// 	do
// 		thisSeries = $series_Listw[ iseries ]

// 		seriesn = seriesnumberGREP( thisSeries )
// 		sweeplist1 = returnwavesfromseries( thisseries, tracen = 1 )
// 		//print thisSeries, sweeplist1
// 		sweeplist2 = returnwavesfromseries( thisseries, tracen = 2 )
// 		print cccap( ntraces, maxCurrent = maxCurrent, slist = sweeplist1 )
// 		iseries += 1
// 	while( iseries < nseries )

// endmacro

// macro makeitso()
// 	// make all visible graph use the same axes
// 	string wl = winlist( "*", ";", "WIN:1,VISIBLE:1")
// 	print wl
// endmacro

macro dectaumac()

function dectau()
	string wl=tracenamelist("",";",1)
	string wn=stringfromlist(0,wl)
	variable i=0,n=itemsinlist(wl), xs = xcsr(A), xe = xcsr(B)
	make/O/N=(3) W_coef
	make/O/N=(n) results
		wn=removequotes( stringfromlist(i,wl) )
		WAVE w = $wn
		CurveFit/Q/TBOX=256 exp w(xs, xe) /D 
		print wn, 1000/w_coef[2]
		results[i] = 1000/w_coef[2]
		i += 1
	while( i < n )


macro Table2QuB()
	// convert each wave in table to simple QuB binary :: compton = 1
	// get list of waves in top table
	string wl = wavelistfromtoptable(), wn = ""
	// loop over wave list
	variable nw = itemsinlist( wl ), iw=0
	// export to QuB
		wn = stringfromlist( iw, wl )
		// print w 
		print xy2qub( wn, compton=1 )
		iw += 1
	while( iw < nw )
	// clean up


macro graph2QuBX(scale)
	variable scale = 1000 // necessary to convert SI units (Patchmaster) to mV, pA, pF in QuB
	// convert each wave in table to simple QuB binary :: compton = 1
	// get list of waves in top table
	string wl = tracenamelist("",";",1), wn = ""
	// loop over wave list
	variable nw = itemsinlist( wl ), iw=0
	// export to QuB
		wn = removequotes( stringfromlist( iw, wl ) )
		// print w 
		print xy2qub( wn, scale=scale ) //, compton=1 )
		iw += 1
	while( iw < nw )
	// clean up


macro inSilicoPSP(  )
variable peaksign = inf //1	// sets optional parameter to determine sign of peak, +1 for positive, -1 for negative peak

// required parameters
variable m_rin = 0 		// disable input resistance measurement, only works for current clamp :: DO NOT SET TO 1 ::
variable use_csr = 0	 	// :: -1 use x-axis for range, :: 0 use default range -inf, inf sec, :: 1 use cursors A and B for range

// optional parameters in function call
variable trace 				// set tr = trace if you want to specify which trace, only use if multiple traces
variable baseline			// set bsl = baseline if you want to specify when the baseline measurement starts (5 msec dur)
variable xstart = 0.02, xend = inf				// set xs = xstart, xe = xend to specify a manual range for peak detection and analysis
variable peakwin = 0.02			// set pwin = peakwin, this sets the window to search for the peak if multiple peaks, starts at xstart 

print eventM( m_rin, use_csr, xs = xstart, xe = xend, pwin = peakwin, psign = peaksign )



macro eventAnalysis( peaksign )
variable peaksign = 1	// sets optional parameter to determine sign of peak, +1 for positive, -1 for negative peak

// required parameters
variable m_rin = 0 		// disable input resistance measurement, only works for current clamp :: DO NOT SET TO 1 ::
variable use_csr = 0	 	// :: -1 use x-axis for range, :: 0 use default range -inf, inf sec, :: 1 use cursors A and B for range

// optional parameters in function call
variable trace 				// set tr = trace if you want to specify which trace, only use if multiple traces
variable baseline			// set bsl = baseline if you want to specify when the baseline measurement starts (5 msec dur)
variable xstart = -0.001, xend = inf				// set xs = xstart, xe = xend to specify a manual range for peak detection and analysis
variable peakwin = 0.01			// set pwin = peakwin, this sets the window to search for the peak if multiple peaks, starts at xstart 

print eventM( m_rin, use_csr, xs = xstart, xe = xend, pwin = peakwin, psign = peaksign )


// td version for averaged AMPA PSCs from blast_panel detection

macro AMPA_avePSCs( peaksign )
variable peaksign = -1	// sets optional parameter to determine sign of peak, +1 for positive, -1 for negative peak

// required parameters
variable m_rin = 0 		// disable input resistance measurement, only works for current clamp :: DO NOT SET TO 1 ::
variable use_csr = 0	 	// :: -1 use x-axis for range, :: 0 use default range -inf, inf sec, :: 1 use cursors A and B for range

// optional parameters in function call
variable trace 				// set tr = trace if you want to specify which trace, only use if multiple traces
variable baseline = -0.01			// set bsl = baseline if you want to specify when the baseline is taken
variable xstart = -0.002, xend = inf				// set xs = xstart, xe = xend to specify a manual range for peak detection and analysis
variable peakwin = 0.01			// set pwin = peakwin, this sets the window to search for the peak if multiple peaks, starts at xstart 

print eventM( m_rin, use_csr, bsl = baseline, xs = xstart, xe = xend, pwin = peakwin, psign = peaksign )


// td version for dcPSP analysis
//  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\

macro test_smartPeak()
variable peaksign = -1			// sets optional parameter to determine sign of peak, +1 for positive, -1 for negative peak

	// required parameters
	variable m_rin = 1 			// disable input resistance measurement, only works for current clamp :: DO NOT SET TO 1 unless you are pro ::
	variable use_csr = 0	 		// :: -1 use x-axis for range, :: 0 use default range -inf, inf sec, :: 1 use cursors A and B for range
	// optional parameters in function call
	variable trace 					// set tr = trace if you want to specify which trace, only use if multiple traces
	variable baseline	= 0.25	// set bsl = baseline if you want to specify when the baseline is taken
	variable xstart = 0// 0.15
	variable xend = 0.1 // 0.35			// set xs = xstart, xe = xend to specify a manual range for peak detection and analysis
	variable xinc = 0.0
	variable peakwin = 0.015		// set pwin = peakwin, this sets the window to search for the peak if multiple peaks, starts at xstart 
	string nm = "first_", holder=""
	string wlist = winlist("*", ";", ""), panelwin = stringfromlist( 0, wlist )
	string tablen = "smartPeak"
	variable imax = 11
	variable nsmooth = 11
	string pathn = "collector_data", passwn = "", passTablen="", targetwn = "", expcode = ""

	targetwn = removequotes( stringfromlist( 0, tracenamelist( "", ";", 1 ) ) )
	expcode = removequotes( datecodefromanything( targetwn ) )
	passTablen = "T_" + expcode + "_0"
	string wl = tracenamelist( "", ";", 1 ),outwn

	//function/S smartPeak( wl, tstart, tend, nsmth, suffix, [do_avg, do_tau, order, posneg ] )
	holder = smartpeak( wl, xstart, xend, nsmooth, "spx" )
	outwn = stringbykey( "peak", holder )
	dowindow/F peaktable0
	if(V_Flag == 0 ) // notable
		edit/k=1/N=peaktable0 $outwn
		appendtotable $outwn

	holder = smartpeak( wl, xend-0.01, xend, nsmooth, "sps" )
	outwn = stringbykey( "peak", holder )
	dowindow/F sustable0
	if(V_Flag == 0 ) // notable
		edit/k=1/N=sustable0 $outwn
		appendtotable $outwn

	dowindow/F $panelwin

	passwn = passiveSandwich( setpathn = pathn, passiveTablen = passTablen, targetwn = targetwn ) // acts on top window!
	dowindow/F $tablen
	//WAVE/Z pw = $passwn
	//if( waveexists( pw ) )
	if( waveexists( $passwn ) )
		appendtotable/W=$tablen $passwn

//  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\

// td version for dcPSP analysis
//  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\

macro dcPSP()
variable peaksign = 1			// sets optional parameter to determine sign of peak, +1 for positive, -1 for negative peak

// required parameters
variable m_rin = 1 			// disable input resistance measurement, only works for current clamp :: DO NOT SET TO 1 unless you are pro ::
variable use_csr = 0	 		// :: -1 use x-axis for range, :: 0 use default range -inf, inf sec, :: 1 use cursors A and B for range

// optional parameters in function call
variable trace 					// set tr = trace if you want to specify which trace, only use if multiple traces
variable baseline	= 0.25	// set bsl = baseline if you want to specify when the baseline is taken

variable xstart = 0.4
variable xend = 0.5			// set xs = xstart, xe = xend to specify a manual range for peak detection and analysis

variable peakwin = 0.01		// set pwin = peakwin, this sets the window to search for the peak if multiple peaks, starts at xstart 

print eventM( m_rin, use_csr, bsl = baseline, xs = xstart, xe = xend, pwin = peakwin, psign = peaksign )

//  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\

// td version for dcPSP analysis
//  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\

macro dcPSP_completo()
variable peaksign = 1			// sets optional parameter to determine sign of peak, +1 for positive, -1 for negative peak

	// required parameters
	variable m_rin = 1 			// disable input resistance measurement, only works for current clamp :: DO NOT SET TO 1 unless you are pro ::
	variable use_csr = 0	 		// :: -1 use x-axis for range, :: 0 use default range -inf, inf sec, :: 1 use cursors A and B for range
	// optional parameters in function call
	variable trace 					// set tr = trace if you want to specify which trace, only use if multiple traces
	variable baseline	= 0.25	// set bsl = baseline if you want to specify when the baseline is taken
	variable xstart = 0.3
	variable xend = 0.4			// set xs = xstart, xe = xend to specify a manual range for peak detection and analysis
	variable xinc = 0.01
	variable peakwin = 0.015		// set pwin = peakwin, this sets the window to search for the peak if multiple peaks, starts at xstart 
	string nm = "first_", holder=""
	string wlist = winlist("*", ";", ""), panelwin = stringfromlist( 0, wlist )
	string tablen = "dcPSPcompleto"
	variable imax = 11
	string pathn = "collector_data", passwn = "", passTablen="", targetwn = "", expcode = ""

	targetwn = removequotes( stringfromlist( 0, tracenamelist( "", ";", 1 ) ) )
	expcode = removequotes( datecodefromanything( targetwn ) )
	passTablen = "T_" + expcode + "_0"
	// 1st pulse
	holder = eventM( m_rin, use_csr, bsl = baseline, xs = xstart, xe = xend, xinc = xinc, pwin = peakwin, psign = peaksign, name = nm, tablen = tablen, maxsweep = imax )
	xstart = 0.4
	xend = 0.5			// set xs = xstart, xe = xend to specify a manual range for peak detection and analysis
	xinc = 0.0
	peakwin = 0.015		// set pwin = peakwin, this sets the window to search for the peak if multiple peaks, starts at xstart 
	// 2nd pulse
	dowindow/F $panelwin
	nm = "second_"
	holder = eventM( m_rin, use_csr, bsl = baseline, xs = xstart, xe = xend, xinc = xinc, pwin = peakwin, psign = peaksign, name = nm, tablen = tablen, maxsweep = imax )
	dowindow/F $panelwin

	passwn = passiveSandwich( setpathn = pathn, passiveTablen = passTablen, targetwn = targetwn ) // acts on top window!
	dowindow/F $tablen
	//WAVE/Z pw = $passwn
	//if( waveexists( pw ) )
	if( waveexists( $passwn ) )
		appendtotable/W=$tablen $passwn


//  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\

// td version for dcPSP analysis
//  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\

macro dcPSP_batchMode( increment )
	variable increment = 0.01 // default is to increment timing of 1st pulse

// get list of series for batch mode
	string series_list = "", series_listw = "serieslistw", series_list_selw = "", listboxn = "list_series", pathn = "collector_data"

//	WAVE/Z/T slistw = serieslistw // $series_listw
	if( !waveexists( $series_listw ) )
		print "no series wave for batchmode:", series_listw
	string sweeplist = returnallwavesfromserieslist( "", tracen = 1, slistw = $series_listw, pathn = pathn )
	//print "here is the series list:", sweeplist

	variable isweeps = 0, nsweeps = itemsinlist( sweeplist ) 

//	string wavel = returnwavesfromseries( serieslistw[0], tracen = 1, pathn = pathn )
	string wlist = winlist("*", ";", ""), panelwin = stringfromlist( 0, wlist )
	string tablen = "dcPSP_batchMode0"
	string passwn = "", passTablen="", targetwn = "", expcode = ""
	targetwn = removequotes( stringfromlist( 0, sweeplist ) )
	expcode = removequotes( datecodefromanything( targetwn ) )
	passTablen = "T_" + expcode + "_0"

	string PGFlabel = stringbykey( "LABEL", note( $targetwn ) )

	// assemble the batch mode wave list

	variable peaksign = 1			// sets optional parameter to determine sign of peak, +1 for positive, -1 for negative peak

	// required parameters
	variable m_rin = 1 			// 0 disable input resistance measurement, only works for current clamp :: DO NOT SET TO 1 unless you are pro ::
	variable use_csr = 0	 	// :: -1 use x-axis for range, :: 0 use default range -inf, inf sec, :: 1 use cursors A and B for range
	// optional parameters in function call
	variable trace 				// set tr = trace if you want to specify which trace, only use if multiple traces
	variable baseline	= 0.25	// set bsl = baseline if you want to specify when the baseline is taken
	variable xstart = 0.2 // 0.3
	variable xend = 0.3 //0.4			// set xs = xstart, xe = xend to specify a manual range for peak detection and analysis
	variable xinc = increment // 0.01

	variable peakwin = 0.015	// set pwin = peakwin, this sets the window to search for the peak if multiple peaks, starts at xstart 
	string nm = expcode + PGFlabel + "_1", holder=""
	tablen = "T_" + expcode +  "_dcPSP_BM0"
	variable imax = nsweeps
	variable ignoreSweep = 11 // ignores sweeps >= to param
	variable target_baseline = -75 // mV
	variable target_thresh = 2 // mV range

	//for( isweep = 0; isweep < nsweeps; ++ isweep )
		// 1st pulse
		dowindow/F $panelwin
		xstart = 0.2  //0.3
		xend = 0.3			// set xs = xstart, xe = xend to specify a manual range for peak detection and analysis
		xinc = 0.01 //0 // 0.01
		peakwin = 0.015		// set pwin = peakwin, this sets the window to search for the peak if 
		if( strlen( pgflabel ) > 6 )
			print "BATCH MODE warning pgflabel too long", pgflabel
			pgflabel = "a"
		nm = expcode + PGFlabel + "_1"
		holder = eventM( m_rin, use_csr, bsl = baseline, xs = xstart, xe = xend, xinc = xinc, pwin = peakwin, psign = peaksign, name = nm, tablen = tablen, maxsweep = imax, wlist = sweeplist, ignoreSweep = ignoreSweep, target_baseline = target_baseline, target_threshold = target_thresh )

		// 2nd pulse	
		dowindow/F $panelwin
		xstart = 0.4
		xend = 0.5			// set xs = xstart, xe = xend to specify a manual range for peak detection and analysis
		xinc = 0.0
		peakwin = 0.015		// set pwin = peakwin, this sets the window to search for the peak if multiple peaks, starts at xstart 
		nm = expcode + PGFlabel + "_2"
		holder = eventM( m_rin, use_csr, bsl = baseline, xs = xstart, xe = xend, xinc = xinc, pwin = peakwin, psign = peaksign, name = nm, tablen = tablen, maxsweep = imax, wlist = sweeplist, target_baseline = target_baseline, target_threshold = target_thresh )
		dowindow/F $panelwin

		graphResults( expcode, PGFlabel )

		// passwn = passiveSandwich( setpathn = pathn, passiveTablen = passTablen, targetwn = targetwn ) // acts on top window!
		// dowindow/F $tablen
		// if( waveexists( $passwn ) )
		// 	appendtotable/W=$tablen $passwn
		// endif
		// equilibrateTable()
// end of dcPSP batchmode

//  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\

// td version for dcPSP analysis
//  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\

macro dcPSP_beastMode(wlwn)

	// provide a text wave listing the series for analysis	
	string wlwn = "g2"
	string series_listw = wlwn

	string series_list = "", series_list_selw = "", listboxn = "list_series", pathn = "collector_data"

//	WAVE/Z/T slistw = serieslistw // $series_listw
	if( !waveexists( $series_listw ) )
		print "no series wave for batchmode:", series_listw
	string sweeplist = returnallwavesfromserieslist( "", tracen = 1, slistw = $series_listw, pathn = pathn )
	//print "here is the series list:", sweeplist

	variable isweeps = 0, nsweeps = itemsinlist( sweeplist ) 

//	string wavel = returnwavesfromseries( serieslistw[0], tracen = 1, pathn = pathn )
	string wlist = winlist("*", ";", ""), panelwin = stringfromlist( 0, wlist )
	string tablen = "dcPSP_batchMode0"
	string passwn = "", passTablen="", targetwn = "", expcode = ""
	targetwn = removequotes( stringfromlist( 0, sweeplist ) )
	expcode = removequotes( datecodefromanything( targetwn ) )
	passTablen = "T_" + expcode + "_0"

	string PGFlabel = stringbykey( "LABEL", note( $targetwn ) )

	// assemble the batch mode wave list

	variable peaksign = 1			// sets optional parameter to determine sign of peak, +1 for positive, -1 for negative peak

	// required parameters
	variable m_rin = 1 			// 0 disable input resistance measurement, only works for current clamp :: DO NOT SET TO 1 unless you are pro ::
	variable use_csr = 0	 	// :: -1 use x-axis for range, :: 0 use default range -inf, inf sec, :: 1 use cursors A and B for range
	// optional parameters in function call
	variable trace 				// set tr = trace if you want to specify which trace, only use if multiple traces
	variable baseline	= 0.25	// set bsl = baseline if you want to specify when the baseline is taken
	variable xstart = 0.3
	variable xend = 0.4			// set xs = xstart, xe = xend to specify a manual range for peak detection and analysis
	variable xinc = 0.01
	variable peakwin = 0.015	// set pwin = peakwin, this sets the window to search for the peak if multiple peaks, starts at xstart 
	string nm, holder //= expcode + PGFlabel + "_1", holder=""
	tablen = "T_" + expcode +  "_dcPSP_BM0"
	variable imax = nsweeps
	variable ignoreSweep = 11 // ignores sweeps >= to param
	variable target_baseline = -75 // mV
	variable target_thresh = 2 // mV range

		// 1st pulse

		xstart = 0.3
		xend = 0.4			// set xs = xstart, xe = xend to specify a manual range for peak detection and analysis
		xinc = 0.01
		peakwin = 0.015		// set pwin = peakwin, this sets the window to search for the peak if 
		//nm = expcode + PGFlabel + "_1"
		nm = wlwn + "_1"
		holder = eventM( m_rin, use_csr, bsl = baseline, xs = xstart, xe = xend, xinc = xinc, pwin = peakwin, psign = peaksign, name = nm, tablen = tablen, maxsweep = imax, wlist = sweeplist, ignoreSweep = ignoreSweep, target_baseline = target_baseline, target_threshold = target_thresh )

		// 2nd pulse	

		xstart = 0.4
		xend = 0.5			// set xs = xstart, xe = xend to specify a manual range for peak detection and analysis
		xinc = 0.0
		peakwin = 0.015		// set pwin = peakwin, this sets the window to search for the peak if multiple peaks, starts at xstart 
		//nm = expcode + PGFlabel + "_2"
		nm = wlwn + "_2"
		holder = eventM( m_rin, use_csr, bsl = baseline, xs = xstart, xe = xend, xinc = xinc, pwin = peakwin, psign = peaksign, name=nm, tablen = tablen, maxsweep = imax, wlist = sweeplist, target_baseline = target_baseline, target_threshold = target_thresh )

		// process and display

		//graphResults( expcode, PGFlabel )

	pgflabel = "" // totally faking it here
	graphResults( wlwn, PGFlabel )

// end of dcPSP beastmode

//  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\

// td version for dcPSP analysis
//  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\

macro dcPSP_1stpulse()
variable peaksign = 1			// sets optional parameter to determine sign of peak, +1 for positive, -1 for negative peak

// required parameters
variable m_rin = 1 			// disable input resistance measurement, only works for current clamp :: DO NOT SET TO 1 unless you are pro ::
variable use_csr = 0	 		// :: -1 use x-axis for range, :: 0 use default range -inf, inf sec, :: 1 use cursors A and B for range

// optional parameters in function call
variable trace 					// set tr = trace if you want to specify which trace, only use if multiple traces
variable baseline	= 0.25	// set bsl = baseline if you want to specify when the baseline is taken

variable xstart = 0.3
variable xend = 0.4			// set xs = xstart, xe = xend to specify a manual range for peak detection and analysis
variable xinc = 0.01

variable peakwin = 0.01		// set pwin = peakwin, this sets the window to search for the peak if multiple peaks, starts at xstart 
string nm = ""
print eventM( m_rin, use_csr, bsl = baseline, xs = xstart, xe = xend, xinc = xinc, pwin = peakwin, psign = peaksign, name = nm, tablen = "Test" )


//  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\

// td version for dcPSP analysis
//  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\

macro dcPSP_2ndPulse()
variable peaksign = 1			// sets optional parameter to determine sign of peak, +1 for positive, -1 for negative peak

// required parameters
variable m_rin = 1 			// disable input resistance measurement, only works for current clamp :: DO NOT SET TO 1 unless you are pro ::
variable use_csr = 0	 		// :: -1 use x-axis for range, :: 0 use default range -inf, inf sec, :: 1 use cursors A and B for range

// optional parameters in function call
variable trace 					// set tr = trace if you want to specify which trace, only use if multiple traces
variable baseline	= 0.25	// set bsl = baseline if you want to specify when the baseline is taken

variable xstart = 0.4
variable xend = 0.5			// set xs = xstart, xe = xend to specify a manual range for peak detection and analysis
variable xinc = 0.0

variable peakwin = 0.01		// set pwin = peakwin, this sets the window to search for the peak if multiple peaks, starts at xstart 

print eventM( m_rin, use_csr, bsl = baseline, xs = xstart, xe = xend, xinc = xinc, pwin = peakwin, psign = peaksign )


macro buildMKP()
	variable ntabs = 5
	buildmasterkinpanel( ntabs )

macro passSandwich()
	string pathn = "collector_data"
	print passiveSandwich( setpathn = pathn )

function/S textwave2stringlist( twn [, dc, sep ] )
string twn
variable dc // set to 1 to cut text to just datecode 
string sep // set this to use something other than ;
WAVE/T tw = $twn

string separator = ";"
if(!paramisdefault( sep ))
	separator = sep

variable i, n = numpnts( tw )
string str_list = "", sadd = ""
for( i=0; i<n; i+=1 )
	if( paramisdefault( dc ) )
		sadd = tw[ i ]
		if( dc == 1 )
			sadd = datecodefromanything( tw[ i ] )
	str_list += sadd + separator //";" 

return str_list

macro kv2prismOLD( twn ) // access to SIRI etc
	string twn // text wave name, date codes for data to process

	string dcl = "" //= "20200422c;20200422f;20200423c;20200423e;20200423f;"
	//dcl = "20200415b;20200415c;20200415d;20200416f;20200416i;"
	//dcl = returntablist() // returns comma separated
	// need semicolon separated
	string dcls = "" // replacestring( ",", dcl, ";" )
	dcls = textwave2stringlist( twn, dc = 1, sep = "," ) // old prism routine uses commas!!! 
	print "dc list: ", dcls
	string dcls_plus = textwave2stringlist( twn )
	print "dc list plus: ", dcls_plus
	prism( dc_list = dcls, tablename_prefix = twn )
	// get the peak
	//print modernkvprism( dcls, forcesecond = 1 ) //, forcesecond = 1) //, residual = 1 )
	// get the residual
	//print modernkvprism( dcls, residual = 1, forcesecond = 1 ) 
	//passiveSummaryCollector( twn )

macro kv2prismSLOW( twn )
	string twn // text wave name, date codes for data to process

	string dcl = "" //= "20200422c;20200422f;20200423c;20200423e;20200423f;"
	//dcl = "20200415b;20200415c;20200415d;20200416f;20200416i;"
	//dcl = returntablist() // returns comma separated
	// need semicolon separated
	string dcls = "" // replacestring( ",", dcl, ";" )
	dcls = textwave2stringlist( twn, dc = 1 ) 
	print "dc list: ", dcls
	string dcls_plus = textwave2stringlist( twn )
	print "dc list plus: ", dcls_plus
	// get the peak
	print modernkvprism( dcls, forcesecond = 1 ) //, forcesecond = 1) //, residual = 1 )
	// get the residual
	print modernkvprism( dcls, residual = 1, forcesecond = 1 ) 
	passiveSummaryCollector( twn )

macro kv2prismFAST( twn )
	string twn // text wave name, date codes for data to process

	string dcl = "" //= "20200422c;20200422f;20200423c;20200423e;20200423f;"
	//dcl = "20200415b;20200415c;20200415d;20200416f;20200416i;"
	//dcl = returntablist() // returns comma separated
	// need semicolon separated
	string dcls = "" // replacestring( ",", dcl, ";" )
	dcls = textwave2stringlist( twn, dc = 1 ) 
	print "dc list: ", dcls
	string dcls_plus = textwave2stringlist( twn )
	print "dc list plus: ", dcls_plus

//	dcl = returntablist() // returns comma separated
	// need semicolon separated
//	string dcls = replacestring( ",", dcl, ";" )
	print "kv2prism fast: ", dcls	
	print modernkvprism( dcls ) //, residual = 1 ) //, forcesecond = 1, residual = 1 )
	passiveSummaryCollector( twn )

macro ap( )
	variable offset = 2.0 // 0.1 //in seconds delay to the stimulus pulse
	variable trace = -1, smoothing = 1, threshold = 1
	variable preStepBaseDur = 0.01 // 50 msec from offset
	threshold = getparam( "Derivative cutoff", "Enter derivative cutoff (V/s, 1 for GnRH):", 2 )
	offset = getparam( "Delay to step", "Enter delay to step (s):", 0.1 )

	print appropV2_2( trace, smoothing, threshold, disp=2, delay=offset, preStepBase = preStepBaseDur  )
	print threshold


macro ap2qub( )
	variable offset = 0.01 // delay to the stimulus pulse
	variable trace = -1, smoothing = 1, threshold = 1
	variable duration = 0.02 // sec, this is the time before the alignment and the time after alignment
	// so total duration is 2x duration
	variable resampleRate = 50e3 // resample to 50kHz
	// custom for current 20191115 GnRH AP protocol
	//threshold = getparam( "Derivative cutoff", "Enter derivative cutoff (V/s, 1 for GnRH):", threshold )
	//offset = getparam( "Delay to step", "Enter delay to step (s):", offset )

	print appropV2_2( trace, smoothing, threshold, disp=2, delay=offset, ap2qub=duration, resample_rate=ResampleRate )
	print threshold


macro ap2sweeplist( threshold, offset, series_listwn )
	variable threshold = 1 // set this to 1 for GnRH neurons
	variable offset = 2.0 // 0.01 // delay to the stimulus pulse, this is used to offset the timing of the event
	string series_listwn = "ap_names" // serieslistw" // 20200605 "seriesNames"

	variable preStepBaseDur = 0.01 // 50 msec from offset
	variable selectTrace = 1 // trace number, actual number of trace to be analyzed, usually 1 or 2

	string pathn = "collector_data" // this is the default path, must run collector first!

	if( !waveexists( $series_listwn ) )
		print "no series wave for ap2 batchmode:", series_listwn
	//WAVE/T sl = $series_listw
	//string sn = $series_listwn[0]

	string sweeplist //= returnwavesfromseries( seriesn=sn, tracen = selectTrace, pathn = pathn )

	variable trace = -1, smoothing = 10

	variable iseries, nseries = numpnts( $series_listwn ), seriesnum
	string temp_wn, wn, datecode

	variable sweepnum = 7

	iseries = 0
		temp_wn = $series_listwn[ iseries ]
		print "processing series", temp_wn
		seriesnum = seriesnumber( temp_wn )
		datecode = datecodefromanything( temp_wn ) 
		wn = datecode + "g1s" + num2str( seriesnum ) + "sw" + num2str( sweepnum ) + "t1"

		sweeplist = returnwavesfromseries( wn, tracen = selectTrace, pathn = pathn )
		print "wave list", sweeplist

//		appropV2_2( trace, smoothing, threshold, disp=2, delay=offset, slist = sweeplist )

		print appropV2_2( trace, smoothing, threshold, disp=0, delay=offset, preStepBase = preStepBaseDur, slist = sweeplist )

		iseries += 1
	while( iseries < nseries )
	runAPprocessor( series_listwn ) 

macro run_run_sAHP_Xi( slistwn )
	string slistwn // name of wave containing series names

	variable bstart = 1.9 // baseline start
	variable bend = 2.0 // baseline end
	variable xstart = 2.5 // time to start looking for minimum
	variable xend = 5.0 // end time, set to INF for end of wave
	variable binsize = 0.1 // in seconds, between xstart and xend bins

	run_sAHPprocessor( slistwn, bstart, bend, xstart, xend, binsize )
macro run_run_sAHP_TD( slistwn )
	string slistwn // name of wave containing series names

	variable bstart = 0.0 // baseline start
	variable bend = 0.01 // baseline end
	variable xstart = 0.5 // time to start looking for minimum
	variable xend = 1.0 // end time, set to INF for end of wave
	variable binsize = 0.1 // in seconds, between xstart and xend bins

	run_sAHPprocessor( slistwn, bstart, bend, xstart, xend, binsize )
function run_sAHPprocessor( slistwn, bstart, bend, xstart, xend, binsize )
	string slistwn //= "ap_names"

	variable bstart //= 1.9 // baseline start
	variable bend //= 2.0 // baseline end
	variable xstart //= 2.5 // time to start looking for minimum
	variable xend //= 5.0 // end time, set to INF for end of wave
	variable binsize //= 0.1 // in seconds, between xstart and xend bins

	WAVE/T/Z sl = $slistwn

	string pathn = "collector_data" // this is the default path, must run collector first! 

	variable i, nw = numpnts( sl )
	variable j, nparams, nout //= 5 // zero based

	string wn, wl, out_wl // wave list to process
	string temp_wn, tablen 

	string paramlist = "sAHPsumBase" + ";" +"sAHPsumMinAbs" + ";" + "sAHPsumMinRel" + ";" +	"sAHPsumMinRel2" + ";" + "sAHPsumMint" + ";" + "sAHPsumMaxR2" + ";" + "sAHPsumMaxT"

	nparams = itemsinlist( paramlist )
	for( j = 0; j < nparams; j += 1 )
		tablen = slistwn + "_" + stringfromlist( j, paramlist )

	for( i = 0; i < nw; i += 1 )
		wn = sl[ i ]
		wl = returnwavesfromseries( wn, tracen = 1, pathn = pathn )
		// get wave list from top graph
		//wl = tracenamelist( "", ";", 1 )
		//print wl
		out_wl = sAHPprocessor( wl, bstart, bend, xstart, xend, binsize )
		nout = itemsinlist(out_wl) 
		if(  nout != nparams )
			print "run_sAHPprocessor: param mismatch"

		for( j = 0; j < nparams; j += 1 )
			temp_wn = stringfromlist( j, out_wl )
			WAVE/Z tw = $temp_wn
			tablen = slistwn + "_" + stringfromlist( j, paramlist )
			appendtotable/W=$tablen tw


macro runAPprocessor( slistwn )
	string slistwn = "ap_names"
	APprocessorSL( slistwn )
	passiveSummaryCollector( slistwn )

function APprocessorSL( series_listwn ) // ( threshold, offset, series_listwn )
	string series_listwn //= "ap0" // serieslistw" // 20200605 "seriesNames"

	variable threshold = 1 // set this to 1 for GnRH neurons
	variable offset = 0.01 // delay to the stimulus pulse, this is used to offset the timing of the event
	variable HertzConversionFactor = 0.5 // secs, duration of current pulse

	variable selectTrace = 1 // trace number, actual number of trace to be analyzed, usually 1 or 2

	string pathn = "collector_data" // this is the default path, must run collector first!

	if( !waveexists( $series_listwn ) )
		print "no series wave for ap2 batchmode:", series_listwn
	string sweeplist //= returnwavesfromseries( seriesn=sn, tracen = selectTrace, pathn = pathn )

	variable iseries, nseries = numpnts( $series_listwn )
	variable ipar, npar = 12 // number of parameters in all data
	variable isweep, nsweeps = 15 // number sweeps in AP protocol 

	string sn, wavelet, alldataname, tracedataname, abstime, reltime, tabstime, treltime
	//string firstSpikeSummary //= "fss_"
	//string excitability //= "exc_"
	WAVE/T/Z series_listw = $series_listwn
	iseries = 0
		sn = series_listw[ iseries ]
		print "processing series", sn

		sweeplist = returnwavesfromseries( sn, tracen = selectTrace, pathn = pathn )
		//print "wave list", sweeplist

		//appropV2_2( trace, smoothing, threshold, disp=2, delay=offset, slist = sweeplist )
		wavelet = removequotes( stringfromlist( 0, sweeplist ))
		print wavelet
		alldataname = wavelet + "_alldata"
		tracedataname = wavelet + "_tracedata"
		abstime = wavelet + "_abstime"
		reltime = wavelet + "_reltime"
		tabstime = wavelet + "_tabstime" 
		treltime = wavelet + "_treltime" 

		if( iseries == 0 )
			// make the tables to store the summaries
			string wn = "firstspike_" + series_listwn
			duplicate/O $alldataname, $wn
			WAVE/Z firstspikesummary = $wn
			firstspikesummary = nan
			redimension /N=(nseries, npar) firstSpikeSummary
			wn = "excite_" + series_listwn
			make/O/N=(nsweeps, nseries) $wn
			WAVE/Z excitability = $wn
			excitability = nan
			wn = "snames_" + series_listwn
			make/T/O/N=(nseries) $wn
			WAVE/Z/T seriesNames = $wn
			seriesnames = ""
			wn = "stimes_" + series_listwn
			make/D/O/N=(nseries) $wn
			WAVE/Z seriesTimes = $wn
			seriestimes = nan
		seriesNames[ iseries ] = wavelet

		WAVE/Z alldatawave = $alldataname
		WAVE/Z tracedatawave = $tracedataname
		WAVE/Z timedatawave = $abstime
		seriestimes[ iseries ] = timedatawave[0]

		// scaling factors
		make/O/N=(npar) scaling
		scaling[0] = 1 // sweep
		scaling[1] = 1 // spike number
		scaling[2] = 1 // interval
		scaling[3] = 1000 // latency
		scaling[4] = 1000 // amp 
		scaling[5] = 1000 // width
		scaling[6] = 1000 // ahp amp
		scaling[7] = 1000 // ahp loc
		scaling[8] = 1000 // ahp min
		scaling[9] = 1 // rate of rise
		scaling[10] = 1000 // threshold
		scaling[11] = 1000 // baseline

		for( ipar=0; ipar<npar; ipar+=1 )
			firstspikesummary[ iseries ][ ipar ] = scaling[ ipar ] * alldatawave[ 0 ][ ipar ] // first spike row
		variable isw = 0, nsw = dimsize( tracedatawave, 0 ) // number of sweeps in current series
		isw = nsw-1
		for( isweep=(nsweeps-1); isweep>=0; isweep -=1 )
			excitability[ isweep ][ iseries ] = tracedatawave[ isw ][ 1 ] / HertzConversionFactor // column containing excitability
			isw -= 1
			if( isw <0 )
		iseries += 1
	while( iseries < nseries )
	edit/k=1 seriesnames, seriestimes, firstSpikeSummary
	ModifyTable format(seriestimes)=8
	modifytable title[1]="names"
	modifytable title[2]="dateTime"
	modifytable title[3]="sweep"
	modifytable title[4]="spike"
	modifytable title[5]="interval"
	modifytable title[6]="ap latency"
	modifytable title[7]="ap amp"
	modifytable title[8]="ap width"
	modifytable title[9]="ahp amp"
	modifytable title[10]="ahp loc"
	modifytable title[11]="ahp min"
	modifytable title[12]="ap rate rise"
	modifytable title[13]="ap threshold"
	modifytable title[14]="baseline"
	edit/k=1 excitability

macro makeBlastPanel()



macro refreshBlastPanel()



macro refreshInt()


macro refreshT50R( )
variable thissign = -1
variable disp = 1

refreshrisetimes( thissign, disp = 1 ) //, disp = 1 )


macro scalewaves( str, scalef )
string str = "*1sw*" // string to identify waves to scale
variable scalef = 1000 // scaleing factor
//WaveList(matchStr, separatorStr, optionsStr )
string wn="", wl = wavelist( str, ";", "" )
variable i=0, nw = 0

nw = itemsinlist( wl )
	wn = removequotes( stringfromlist( i, wl ) )
	$wn *= scalef
while( i < nw )

//									uses wavestats to report max(or min) based on sign
// for each trace in active window

macro getMeanCsr()
variable thesign=1
	string wavelist=tracenamelist("",";",1)
	string wavelet=removequotes(stringfromlist(0,wavelist))
	variable nwaves=itemsinlist(wavelist)
	variable iwave
	variable prepoint=xcsr(A)
	variable postpoint=xcsr(B)
	variable reg2start=xcsr(c),reg2end=xcsr(d)
	variable mean1=0,mean2=0

print "wavename \t mean1 \t mean2"
		wavelet=removequotes(stringfromlist(iwave, wavelist))
		wavestats /Q/Z/R=((prepoint), (postpoint)) $wavelet
		wavestats /Q/Z/R=((prepoint), (postpoint)) $wavelet
		print wavelet,mean1,mean2
	while (iwave<nwaves)

macro csr()
showinfo /cp=1

macro getMaxCsr(thesign)
variable thesign=1
	string wavelist=tracenamelist("",";",1)
	string wavelet=removequotes(stringfromlist(0,wavelist))
	variable nwaves=itemsinlist(wavelist)
	variable iwave
	variable prepoint=xcsr(A)
	variable postpoint=xcsr(B)
	variable peak = 0,peak_time=0

print "wavename \t peak \t peak time \t average"
		wavelet=removequotes(stringfromlist(iwave, wavelist))
		wavestats /Q/Z/R=((prepoint), (postpoint)) $wavelet
			peak = V_max
			peak = V_min
		print wavelet,"\t",peak,"\t",peak_time,"\t",V_avg
	while (iwave<nwaves)

macro buildocvmmac()

macro nsna()
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