Revision ba0a4aa0d4b96f2f57a380d0d599d035a9767767 authored by Mark M. Tobenkin on 04 June 2013, 05:36:43 UTC, committed by Mark M. Tobenkin on 04 June 2013, 05:36:43 UTC
1 parent 07954bc
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Tip revision: ba0a4aa0d4b96f2f57a380d0d599d035a9767767 authored by Mark M. Tobenkin on 04 June 2013, 05:36:43 UTC
fixed a bug with empty matrix multiplies
Tip revision: ba0a4aa
\title{Robust Identification Tools}
\author{Mark M. Tobenkin}
This toolbox is a subset of SPOT currently
used for determining nonlinear models satisfying variaous stability
properties from time domain data.  We generally have inputs $u(t) \in
\RR^{n_u}$ and outputs $y(t) \in \RR^{n_y}$ for a set of trials.  Most
of the tools require approximate ``states'' of the system, $x(t) \in
\RR^{n_x}$, and the toolbox provides some simple functions for
computing state surrogates.

This manual is in {\it alpha}.  It is incomplete and a work in
progress.  Please report bugs to Mark M. Tobenkin $<$mmt at mit dot edu$>$.
Not yet supported:
  \item Continuous time models (dealing with the subtleties of
    derivative estimation).

\subsection{Quick Start}
The general work flow consists of the following:
\item Create an {\tt ridata} object from input / output data.
\item Generate candidate states if states are not directly measured, and estimate derivatives for CT models.
\item Construct and {\tt ripmodel} structure, choosing model type and order.
\item Add constraints and objectives to the model, sub-selecting representative data.
\item Run the optimization.
\item Simulate the model and compare to validation data.
The following is an example of a DT fitting procedure contained in
{\tt spot/rid/simple\_dt\_example.m}:
load simple_dt_example;
data = ridata({Ytrain,Ytest},{Utrain,Utest},{Ttrain,Ttest});
[data,g] = states(data,'time-delay',0,0);

train = trials(data,1);
test = trials(data,2);

model = ripmodel(data,1,[7 1],g); % -- True system outside
                                  %    model class.

%model = lse_obj(model,data); %-- Equation Error.

dsel = unf_select(train,300); %-- Representative subset of samples.

model = rie_obj(model,dsel);  %-- Local Robust Identification Error.

model = model.optimize();
val = model.validate(data);

\section{{\tt ridata} | Time Domain Data}
The {\tt ridata} data structure stores time domain data for
identification.  The structure stores a set of $M$ {\it trials}.  The
following table describes the member variables:

    Name & Dim. & Desc.\\
    \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Input-Output Data}\\
    {\tt nu} & scalar & Input dimension, nonnegative integer.\\
    {\tt ny} & scalar & Output dimension, positive integer.\\
   {\tt N} & {\tt 1 $\times$ M} & Trial lengths, positive integers. \\
    {\tt D} & scalar & The number of samples (equal to {\tt sum(N)}).\\
    {\tt T} & {\tt 1 $\times$ D} & Concatenated sample
    times. \\
    {\tt Y} & {\tt ny $\times$ D} & Concatenated  output samples. \\
  {\tt U} & {\tt nu $\times$ D} &Concatenated input samples.\\
  \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{State Space Data}\\
  {\tt nx} & scalar & State dimension, nonnegative integer.\\
 {\tt X} & {\tt nx $\times$ D} & State
  samples, all trials if {\tt nx} non-zero, empty otherwise.\\
  {\tt V} & {\tt nx $\times$ D} & Update
  samples, all trials if {\tt nx} non-zero, empty otherwise.\\
  {\tt dT} & scalar & Scalar.  {\tt dT = 0}
  indiciates a CT model, {\tt dT < 0} unspecified.\\
At a minimum, each trial consists of a vector of sample times, {\tt
  T}, a sequence of outputs, {\tt Y}, and a sequence of inputs {\tt
  U}.  Additionally, a trial may have a sequence of state estimates,
{\tt X}, and a sequence of {\it update information}, {\tt V}.  For CT
models, the update information approximates the derivative of the
states, $\frac{d}{dt} x(t)$, and for DT models the update information
is imply the state at the next time sample.

The following methods construct an {\tt ridata}:
d = ridata(Y,U,T)
d = ridata(Y,U,T,X,V,dT)
The scalar {\tt dT} can either be $0$, indicating that {\tt V} is the derivative of {\tt X}, or a positive scalar, indicating a DT data set.
All arguments other than {\tt dT} can either be a cell array or matricies.  If they are matricies the data is assumed to be from a single trial and  then the following table relates their dimensions:
  {\tt T} & $1 \times N$ \\
  {\tt Y} & $n_y \times N$ \\
  {\tt U} & $n_u \times N$ \\
  {\tt X},{\tt V} & $n_x \times N$
If the arguments are cell arrays they must all have identical
dimensions, and each entry is considered a single trial.  The
corresponding cell entries must be related as above, and the same
$n_u,n_y,n_x$ must be used for every entry.
\subsection{Selecting and Combining Data}
There are several methods for refining and combining {\tt ridata}
\subsubsection{{\tt merge}}
The {\tt merge} function combines two {\tt ridata} objections by
taking the union of their trials, so long as {\tt ny,nu} and {\tt nx}
are the same for both. Usage:
dmerged = merge(d1,d2);
where {\tt d1} and {\tt d2} are {\tt ridata} objects.

\subsubsection{{\tt trials}}
The {\tt trials} function returns an {\tt ridata} with only the
specified trials of the original {\tt ridata}.
dsub = trials(dorig,trialnos);
The argument {\tt dorig} is an {\tt ridata}.  The {\tt trialnos} must
be an array of positive integers less than {\tt
  dorig.M}.  The result, {\tt dsub}, is an {\tt ridata} with {\tt
  length(trialnos)} trials corresponding in the indicies in {\tt
  trialnos}.  They will be listed in the order {\tt trialnos(:)}.

\subsubsection{{\tt select}}
The {\tt select} function allows the user to specify a subset of points
across all trials to form a new {\tt ridata}.  Each data-point is
placed in a separate trial of length {\tt 1}.

dsel = select(d,sel);

Here {\tt d} is an {\tt ridat} and {\tt sel} is an array of indicies
between {\tt 1} and {\tt d.D}.  The result {\tt dsel} is an {\tt
  ridata} with {\tt length(sel)} trials each containing a single
data-point corresponding to the index in {\tt sel}.

\subsubsection{{\tt unf\_select}}
The {\tt unf\_select} function returns a fixed number of samples taken from
all trials based on a uniform data-space coverage strategy.

dsampled = unf_select(d,K);
dsampled = unf_select(d,K,dist);

Here {\tt d} is an {\tt ridata} and {\tt K} is a positive integer.
The resulding {\tt ridata}, {\tt dsampled}, will have {\tt K} trials
of duration 1. 

 The argument {\tt dist} is a {\it distance function}.
 This should be a function of two arguments, say {\tt x} and {\tt A}.
 {\tt x} is a column vector of the form {\tt [ y ; u]} if states have
 not been specified and {\tt [y ; u ; x ; v]} if they have.  The
 matrix {\tt A} has columns which are drawn from the same space as
 {\tt x}.  The function should return a row vector which is the
 distance from {\tt x} to each column of {\tt A}.

 The default {\tt dist} is the squared $\ell_2$ norm, normalized by
 the standard deviation of each coordinate of each element.
 In general {\tt unf\_select} should be applied {\it after}
states have been determined (see Section \ref{states}).

\subsection{Generating State Estimates}
There are several methods in the toolbox for providing estimates of
the latent state of system.  Most of these are simply linear
projections of past input-output history.  

% Many of these methods will also augment the inputs to include
% projectiosn of past inputs. To suppress this behavior, use set:
% \begin{verbatim}
% options.extend_inputs = 0
% \end{verbatim}

For CT models, estimating the derivative of a system presents another
challenge.  In general, numerical differentiation is too noisy.
Several smoothing algorithms are provided for easing this task.  To
specify a smoothing algorithm, there is an options data structure.

options.numerical_diff = '...';
options.numerical_diff_arguments = {};

\subsubsection{Time Delay Embedding}
The simplest state estimate for discrete time systems is the
``time-delay'' embedding, that is taking the last $k$ samples of the
output to be the state.
[dnew,g] = states(d,'time-delay',ky);
[dnew,g] = states(d,'time-delay',ky,options);
[dnew,g] = states(d,'time-delay',ky,ku,options);
Here {\tt d} is an {\tt ridata} object without states.
The state of the system becomes:
$$ x(t) = \begin{bmatrix} y(t) \\ y(t-1) \\ \vdots \\ y(t-{\tt ky})\end{bmatrix}$$
The default is {\tt ky == 0}.  The input becomes:
$$ u(t) = \begin{bmatrix} u(t+1) \\ u(t) \\ \vdots \\ u(t-{\tt ku})\end{bmatrix}$$
The default {\tt ku == 0}.  If the {\tt options.feedthrough == 0} then
the $u(t+1)$ term is not included.
Necessarily this operation reduces the
length of the trials in {\tt ridata}.

The returned value {\tt dnew} includes the states and potentially
augmented inputs.  The variable {\tt g} is a function such that:
$${\tt all(dnew.Y(:,i) == g(dnew.X(:,i),dnew.U(:,i))}),$$
i.e. {\tt g} is the known function
mapping state to output.

\subsubsection{Linear Filter Bank}
For both CT and DT one can use a linear filter bank to approximate states:
dnew = states(d,'linear-filter',G,muY);
dnew = states(d,'linear-filter',G,muY,H,muU);
dnew = states(d,'linear-filter',...,options);
 Here {\tt G} and {\tt H} are transfer function objects.
 The output of {\tt G} will be the states and the output of {\tt H}
 will be the new inputs.    The filter {\tt G} will be applied to the
 elements of $y(t) - {\tt muY}$ trial-by-trial.  Similarly, {\tt H}
 will be applied to $u(t) - {\tt muU}$.
% If {\tt H} is not specified, {\tt G} is single-input, and {\tt
%   options.extend\_inputs ~= 0} then the default will be {\tt H = G}.
% Otherwise {\tt H = eye(} by default.
 In general, to calculate the updates each trial will be shortened by
 one sample.

 If {\tt G} (resp. {\tt H}) is single-input it will be applied to each
 output (resp. input) in turn.  Otherwise, {\tt G} must have {\tt d.ny}
 inputs and {\tt H} must have {\tt} inputs.  

% Further, {\tt G} and {\tt H} must be in the same time-domain, and this
% will determine {\tt dnew.dT}.

\subsubsection{Orthogonal Filter Bank}
For both CT and DT one can use a linear filter bank to approximate states:
[dnew,g] = states(d,'orth-filter',domain,Gpoles);
[dnew,g] = states(d,'orth-filter',domain,Gpoles,muY);
[dnew,g] = states(d,'orth-filter',domain,Gpoles,muY,Hpoles);
[dnew,g] = states(d,'orth-filter',domain,Gpoles,muY,Hpoles,muU);
[dnew,g] = states(d,'orth-filter',...,options);
Here {\tt domain} is one of  the strings {\tt 'CT'} or {\tt 'DT'}.
The argument {\tt Gpoles} is a list of poles (be sure they are stable
for the appropriate time domain!).  These poles are used to generate
a filter with appropriately orthogonal impulse responses in the
frequency domain. Here {\tt muY} is a
mean to be subtracted off of the output data (default {\tt 0}).
Similarly, {\tt Hpoles} and {\tt muU} are used to construct a filter
for augmenting the inputs.  If unspecified, the input is not

The {\tt options} structure has the same interpretation as in Section

The output {\tt dnew} is the new {\tt ridata} and the variable {\tt g} is
a function such that:
$${\tt all(dnew.Y(:,i) == g(dnew.X(:,i),dnew.U(:,i))}),$$
i.e. {\tt g} is the known function
mapping state to output.

 \section{{\tt rimodel}}
When first instantiated, an {\tt rimodel} provides facilities for
selecting a model structure, solving for an optimized fit and then
validating and simulating the models response to inputs.

\subsection{Functions for Undetermined {\tt rimodel}}
\subsubsection{{\tt optimize}}
After an appropriate objective has been defined, {\tt optimize}
determines the optimal model parameters.
mdet = optimize(mundet);
Here {\tt mundet} is an undetermined model and {\tt mdet} is the model
determined as the optimal solution.
\subsection{Functions for Determined {\tt rimodel}}
\subsubsection{{\tt simulate}}
The function {\tt simulate} determines the response to an input:
[ts,ys,xs] = simulate(model,u,tspan,x0);
The simulation function returns {\tt ts}, a vector of $1 \times N$
ascending time-steps, {\tt ys}, a matrix of ${\tt ny} \times N$ output
samples, and {\tt xs}, a matrix of ${\tt nx} \times N$ state samples.  

The argument {\tt model} is a determined model.  The argument {\tt u}
is the input.  This is a function from a scalar $t$, with ${\tt
  tspan}(1) \leq t \leq {\tt tspan(end)}$, to vectors of size $1
\times {\tt nu}$ for CT models and an ${\tt nu} \times N$ array for DT

The argument {\tt tspan} is either a $1 \times 2$ ascending array of
time-steps for CT models, or a $1 \times N$ array.  For the former,
the values returned will be at the time-steps specified by the
variable step integrator.  For the latter the values returned will be
the response at the specified elements of {\tt tspan}.
For DT models, the values returned will always be for incrementing time-steps.

Finally, {\tt x0} is the ${\tt nx} \times 1$ initial condition vector.

\subsubsection{{\tt validate}}
The function {\tt validate} simulates the model on the input and
initial conditions for a set of trials.
valdata = validate(model,data);
valdata = validate(model,data,options);
Here {\tt data} is an {\tt ridata} of {\tt M} trials.  The dimension
of the input output and state must match that of the model.  For each
trial, the response of the model to the identical input and initial
condition is computed.  These trials are stored sequentially in {\tt
A common use case is to separate training and validation data sets
using the {\tt trials} function of {\tt ridata}.

The options structure supports plotting options. If {\tt options.plot
  == 1} then a separate figure for each trial is plotted containg
several relevant comparisons of the results.

\subsection{{\tt ripmodel} | Implicit Polynomial Models}
For continuous time (CT) data the {\tt ripmodel}  fits models of the form:
$$ \frac{d}{dt}e(x(t)) = f(x(t),u(t)), \qquad y(t) = g(x(t),u(t))$$
and in the discrete time (DT) case:
$$ e(x(t+1)) = f(x(t),u(t)), \qquad y(t) = g(x(t),u(t)),$$
where $e: \RR^{n_x} \mapsto \RR^{n_x}$, $f: \RR^{n_x} \times
\RR^{n_u}\mapsto \RR^{n_x}$ and $g: \RR^{n_x} \times \RR^{n_u}\mapsto
\RR^{n_y}$ are polynomials or rational functions with fixed
denominators.  For the models to be well posed, the Jacobian of
$e(\cdot)$ must be invertible in the CT case, and the function
$e(\cdot)$ must be invertible in the DT case.

The {\tt ripmodel} can be constructed as follows:
m = ripmodel(data,edeg,fdeg,gdeg);
m = ripmodel(data,edeg,fdeg,gdeg,options);
m = ripmodel(data,edeg,fdeg,gfun);
m = ripmodel(data,edeg,fdeg,gfun,options);
The first argument, {\tt data}, informs the model of the domain (CT
vs. DT) and dimensions of the problem.  Further, these data-points are
used to decide on an appropriate rescaling of the input-output and
state domains for numerical accuracy.  {\it This data should cover the
regions over which you plan to model the dynamics.}

The argument {\tt edeg} is a positive integer, indicating the maximum
total degree of $e(x)$ as a polynomial in $x \in \RR^{n_x}$.  For
$f(x,u)$ and $g(x,u)$ two numbers must be specified as the degrees for
$x$ and $u$.  Thus {\tt fdeg} and {\tt gdeg} should each be a two
integer array.  Optionally, $g(x,u)$ can be fixed by passing a
function, {\tt gfun}, of two arguments.  Only a limited set of
operations are supported inside this function (simple arithmetic etc).

To enable fixed deonominator rational models, set {\tt
  options.rational = 1}.  This option will only work when
the degree of $e(x)$ and $f(x,u)$ in $x$ are specified to be odd.
This is most useful for restricting continuous time models to disallow
finite escape, and to enable global stability requirements.

To require global stability, set {\tt options.globally\_stable = 1}.

\subsubsection{{\tt rie\_bound}}
\subsubsection{{\tt rie\_obj}}
The {\tt rie\_obj} method adds a local Robust Identification Error objective to the
objective function:
mnew = rie_obj(m,data);
mnew = rie_obj(m,data,w);
Here {\tt m} is an {\tt ripmodel} and {\tt data} is an {\tt ridata}
object.  The returned model {\tt mnew} will have an objective
augmented as described below. 
The local RIE objective at each data-point is  weighted by {\tt w} which is  $1 \times {\tt
  data.D}$.  The default weight is $1$.
\subsubsection{{\tt lse\_obj}}
The {\tt lse\_obj} method adds a least-squares minimization to the
objective function.  This really should only be used in conjunction
with more sophisticated objectives and constraints offered by the
toolbox.  This is currently a {\it very} slow way to solve LS problems
(recasting them as a SOCP):
mnew = lse_obj(m,data);
mnew = lse_obj(m,data,w);
Here {\tt m} is an {\tt ripmodel} and {\tt data} is an {\tt ridata}
object.  The returned model {\tt mnew} will have an objective
augmented as described below.  {\tt w} is a $1 \times {\tt data.D}$
array of weights which default to $1$.

   For DT models, the following term is added to the objective:
$$ \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{D} {\tt w}(i)\| e(v_i) - f(x_i,u_i) \|^2}$$
and for CT models, the following:
$$ \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{D} {\tt w}(i)\left\| \frac{\partial e}{\partial x}(x_i)v_i -
  f(x_i,u_i) \right\|^2}.$$
where $(v_i,x_i,u_i)$ are the corresponding samples in {\tt ridata}.
For both domains, if the output map is not fixed, the following will
be added to the objective:
$$\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{D} {\tt w}(i)\| y_i - g(x_i,u_i) \|^2},$$
where again $(y_i,u_i)$ are from the samples in {\tt ridata}.

As an example:
mnew = lse_obj(m,select(data,1000));
would select $1000$ data points from {\tt data} and 


This work is  supported by National Science Foundation Grant
No. 0835947 and the Los Alamos ISAMI program.


  Mark M. Tobenkin, I. R. Manchester, J. Wang, A. Megretski and R. TEdrake.
  \emph{Convex Optimization Approaches to Nonlinear System Identification.}.

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