Revision ba545a9c82d684be976cec846ab5359fabbcd4dd authored by Benjamin Grégoire on 12 June 2018, 05:31:11 UTC, committed by Pierre-Yves Strub on 12 June 2018, 05:34:41 UTC
The tactic statically unroll while loops of the form

  x <- int-constant
  while (guard) {
    body (does not write x);
    x <- f(x);

where "guard" and "f" can be statically evaluated at each
iteration. The code is then replaced by the while loop
fully unrolled.

The tactic does not terminate if the unrolling leads to
a infinite process.
1 parent 43fd7aa
Raw File
Tip revision: ba545a9c82d684be976cec846ab5359fabbcd4dd authored by Benjamin Grégoire on 12 June 2018, 05:31:11 UTC
New tactic for static unrolling of "for-loops"
Tip revision: ba545a9
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Inria
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Ecole Polytechnique
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let s_get  = "_.[_]"
let s_set  = "_.[_<-_]"
let s_nil  = "[]"
let s_cons = "::"
let s_abs  = "`|_|"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let i_top  = "Top"
let i_self = "Self"
let p_top  = EcPath.psymbol i_top

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let i_Pervasive = "Pervasive"
let p_Pervasive = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Pervasive
let _Pervasive  = fun x -> EcPath.pqname p_Pervasive x

(*-------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Unit = struct
  let p_unit  = _Pervasive "unit"
  let p_tt    = _Pervasive "tt"

(*-------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Bool = struct
  let i_Bool = "Bool"
  let p_Bool = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Bool
  let p_bool = _Pervasive "bool"

  let p_true  = _Pervasive "true"
  let p_false = _Pervasive "false"

  let p_not  = _Pervasive "[!]"
  let p_anda = _Pervasive "&&"
  let p_and  = _Pervasive "/\\"
  let p_ora  = _Pervasive "||"
  let p_or   = _Pervasive "\\/"
  let p_imp  = _Pervasive "=>"
  let p_iff  = _Pervasive "<=>"
  let p_eq   = _Pervasive "="

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Int = struct
  let i_Int = "Int"
  let p_Int = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Int
  let p_int = _Pervasive "int"

  let _Int = fun x -> EcPath.pqname p_Int x

  let p_int_elim = _Int "intind"
  let p_int_opp = _Int "[-]"
  let p_int_add = _Int "+"
  let p_int_mul = _Int "*"
  let p_int_pow = _Int "^"
  let p_int_le  = _Int "<="
  let p_int_lt  = _Int "<"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Real = struct
  let i_Real = "Real"
  let p_Real = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Real
  let p_real = _Pervasive "real"

  let p_RealExtra = EcPath.pqname p_top "RealExtra"

  let p_RealOrder =
    EcPath.extend p_top ["StdOrder"; "RealOrder"]

  let _Real = fun x -> EcPath.pqname p_Real x

  let p_real0       = _Real "zero"
  let p_real1       = _Real "one"
  let p_real_opp    = _Real "[-]"
  let p_real_add    = _Real "+"
  let p_real_mul    = _Real "*"
  let p_real_inv    = _Real "inv"
  let p_real_pow    = EcPath.extend p_Real ["^"]
  let p_real_le     = _Real "<="
  let p_real_lt     = _Real "<"
  let p_real_of_int = EcPath.extend p_Real ["from_int"]
  let p_real_abs    = EcPath.extend p_Real ["`|_|"]

module CI_Pred = struct
  let i_Pred  = "Logic"
  let p_Pred  = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Pred

  let _Pred x = EcPath.pqname p_Pred x
  let p_predT = _Pred "predT"
  let p_pred1 = _Pred "pred1"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Distr = struct
  let i_Distr = "Distr"
  let p_Distr = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Distr
  let p_distr = _Pervasive "distr"
  let _Distr  = fun x -> EcPath.pqname p_Distr x

  let p_dbool      = EcPath.extend p_top ["DBool"; "dbool"]
  let p_dbitstring = EcPath.extend p_Distr ["Dbitstring"; "dbitstring"]
  let p_dinter     = EcPath.extend p_top ["DInterval"; "dinter"]

  let p_support  = _Distr "support"
  let p_mu       = _Pervasive "mu"
  let p_lossless = _Distr "is_lossless"


(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Map = struct
  let i_Map = "CoreMap"
  let p_Map = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Map
  let _Map  = fun x -> EcPath.pqname p_Map x

  let p_map = _Map "map"
  let p_get = _Map s_get
  let p_set = _Map s_set
  let p_cst = _Map "cst"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CI_Logic = struct
  let i_Logic  = "Tactics"
  let p_Logic  = EcPath.pqname p_top i_Logic
  let _Logic   = fun x -> EcPath.pqname p_Logic x
  let mk_logic = _Logic

  let p_unit_elim     = _Logic "unitW"
  let p_false_elim    = _Logic "falseW"
  let p_bool_elim     = _Logic "boolW"
  let p_and_elim      = _Logic "andW"
  let p_anda_elim     = _Logic "andaW"
  let p_and_proj_l    = _Logic "andWl"
  let p_and_proj_r    = _Logic "andWr"
  let p_anda_proj_l   = _Logic "andaWl"
  let p_anda_proj_r   = _Logic "andaWr"
  let p_or_elim       = _Logic "orW"
  let p_ora_elim      = _Logic "oraW"
  let p_iff_elim      = _Logic "iffW"
  let p_if_elim       = _Logic "ifW"

  let p_true_intro    = _Logic "trueI"
  let p_and_intro     = _Logic "andI"
  let p_anda_intro    = _Logic "andaI"
  let p_or_intro_l    = _Logic "orIl"
  let p_ora_intro_l   = _Logic "oraIl"
  let p_or_intro_r    = _Logic "orIr"
  let p_ora_intro_r   = _Logic "oraIr"
  let p_iff_intro     = _Logic "iffI"
  let p_if_intro      = _Logic "ifI"
  let p_if_congr      = _Logic "if_congr"
  let p_eq_refl       = _Logic "eq_refl"
  let p_eq_trans      = _Logic "eq_trans"
  let p_eq_iff        = _Logic "eq_iff"
  let p_fcongr        = _Logic "congr1"
  let p_eq_sym        = _Logic "eq_sym"
  let p_eq_sym_imp    = _Logic "eq_sym_imp"
  let p_negbTE        = _Logic "negbTE"
  let p_negeqF        = _Logic "negeqF"

  let p_iff_lr        = _Logic "iffLR"
  let p_iff_rl        = _Logic "iffRL"

  let p_cut_lemma     = _Logic "cut_"
  let p_case_eq_bool  = _Logic "boolWE"
  let p_ip_dup        = _Logic "dup"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let is_mixfix_op =
  let ops = [s_get; s_set; s_nil; s_abs] in
  fun op -> List.mem op ops

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let s_real_of_int = EcPath.toqsymbol CI_Real.p_real_of_int
let s_dbool       = EcPath.toqsymbol CI_Distr.p_dbool
let s_dbitstring  = EcPath.toqsymbol CI_Distr.p_dbitstring
let s_dinter      = EcPath.toqsymbol CI_Distr.p_dinter
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