Revision ba545a9c82d684be976cec846ab5359fabbcd4dd authored by Benjamin Grégoire on 12 June 2018, 05:31:11 UTC, committed by Pierre-Yves Strub on 12 June 2018, 05:34:41 UTC
The tactic statically unroll while loops of the form

  x <- int-constant
  while (guard) {
    body (does not write x);
    x <- f(x);

where "guard" and "f" can be statically evaluated at each
iteration. The code is then replaced by the while loop
fully unrolled.

The tactic does not terminate if the unrolling leads to
a infinite process.
1 parent 43fd7aa
Raw File
Tip revision: ba545a9c82d684be976cec846ab5359fabbcd4dd authored by Benjamin Grégoire on 12 June 2018, 05:31:11 UTC
New tactic for static unrolling of "for-loops"
Tip revision: ba545a9
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Inria
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Ecole Polytechnique
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcUtils
open EcLocation
open EcParsetree
open EcFol

open EcCoreGoal
open EcCoreGoal.FApi
open EcHiGoal

module TTC = EcProofTyping

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type caseoption = {
  cod_ambient : bool;

module CaseOptions = struct
  let default = { cod_ambient = false; }

  let merged1 opts (b, x) =
    match x with
    | `Ambient -> { opts with cod_ambient  = b; }

  let merge1 opts ((b, x) : bool * EcParsetree.pcaseoption) =
    match x with
    | `Ambient -> { opts with cod_ambient = b; }

  let merge opts (specs : EcParsetree.pcaseoptions) =
    List.fold_left merge1 opts specs

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec process1_debug (_ttenv : ttenv) (tc : tcenv1) =
  FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_by (ttenv : ttenv) (t : ptactic list option) (tc : tcenv1) =
  t_onall process_done (process1_seq ttenv (odfl [] t) tc)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_solve (_ttenv : ttenv) (i, t) (tc : tcenv1) =
  let bases = omap (fun t -> unloc t) t in
  process_solve ?bases ?depth:i tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_do (ttenv : ttenv) (b, n) (t : ptactic_core) (tc : tcenv1) =
  FApi.t_do b n (process1_core ttenv t) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_or (ttenv : ttenv) (t1 : ptactic) (t2 : ptactic) (tc : tcenv1) =
  let t1 = process1 ttenv t1 in
  let t2 = process1 ttenv t2 in
  t_or t1 t2 tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_try (ttenv : ttenv) (t : ptactic_core) (tc : tcenv1) =
  FApi.t_try (process1_core ttenv t) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_admit (_ : ttenv) (tc : tcenv1) =
  EcFortune.pick () |> oiter (EcEnv.notify (FApi.tc1_env tc) `Warning "%s");
  EcLowGoal.t_admit tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_idtac (_ : ttenv) (msg : string option) (tc : tcenv1) =
  msg |> oiter (EcEnv.notify (FApi.tc1_env tc) `Warning "%s");
  EcLowGoal.t_id tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_case (_ : ttenv) (doeq, opts, gp) (tc : tcenv1) =
  let opts = CaseOptions.merge CaseOptions.default opts in

  let form_of_gp () =
    match gp.pr_rev with
    | { pr_clear = []; pr_genp = [`Form (occ, pf)] }
        when List.is_empty gp.pr_view ->
       match occ with
       | None when not doeq -> pf
       | _ -> tc_error !!tc
          "cannot specify an occurence selector, nor eq. generation"

    | _ -> tc_error !!tc "must give exactly one boolean formula"
    match (FApi.tc1_goal tc).f_node with
    | FbdHoareS _ | FhoareS _ when not opts.cod_ambient ->
        let fp = TTC.tc1_process_Xhl_formula tc (form_of_gp ()) in
        EcPhlCase.t_hl_case fp tc

    | FequivS _ when not opts.cod_ambient ->
        let fp = TTC.tc1_process_prhl_formula tc (form_of_gp ()) in
        EcPhlCase.t_equiv_case fp tc

    | _ -> EcHiGoal.process_case ~doeq gp tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_progress (ttenv : ttenv) options t (tc : tcenv1) =
  let t = t |> omap (process1_core ttenv) |> odfl EcLowGoal.t_id in

  let options =
      options in

    (EcLowGoal.t_progress ~options t)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_seq (ttenv : ttenv) (ts : ptactic list) (tc : tcenv1) =
  let rec aux ts (tc : tcenv) : tcenv =
    match ts with
    | []      -> tc
    | t :: ts -> aux ts (process ttenv t tc)

  aux ts (tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_nstrict (ttenv : ttenv) (t : ptactic_core) (tc : tcenv1) =
  if ttenv.tt_smtmode <> `Strict then
    tc_error !!tc "try! can only be used in strict proof mode";
  let ttenv = { ttenv with tt_smtmode = `Standard } in
  process1_try ttenv t tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_logic (ttenv : ttenv) (t : logtactic located) (tc : tcenv1) =
  let engine = process1_core ttenv in

  let tx =
    match unloc t with
    | Preflexivity        -> process_reflexivity
    | Passumption         -> process_assumption
    | Psmt pi             -> process_smt ~loc:(loc t) ttenv pi
    | Psplit              -> process_split
    | Pfield st           -> process_algebra `Solve `Field st
    | Pring st            -> process_algebra `Solve `Ring  st
    | Palg_norm           -> EcStrongRing.t_alg_eq
    | Pexists fs          -> process_exists fs
    | Pleft               -> process_left
    | Pright              -> process_right
    | Pcongr              -> process_congr
    | Ptrivial            -> process_trivial
    | Pelim pe            -> process_elim pe
    | Papply pe           -> process_apply ~implicits:ttenv.tt_implicits pe
    | Pcut (m, ip, f, t)  -> process_cut ~mode:m engine ttenv (ip, f, t)
    | Pcutdef (ip, f)     -> process_cutdef ttenv (ip, f)
    | Pmove pr            -> process_move pr.pr_view pr.pr_rev
    | Pclear l            -> process_clear l
    | Prewrite (ri, x)    -> process_rewrite ttenv ?target:x ri
    | Psubst   ri         -> process_subst ri
    | Psimplify ri        -> process_simplify ri
    | Pchange pf          -> process_change pf
    | Ppose (x, xs, o, p) -> process_pose x xs o p
    | Pwlog (ids, f)      -> process_wlog ids f

    | _ -> assert false
    tx tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_conseqauto cm tc =
  let delta, tsolve = process_crushmode cm in
  EcPhlConseq.t_conseqauto ~delta ?tsolve tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_phl (_ : ttenv) (t : phltactic located) (tc : tcenv1) =
  let (tx : tcenv1 -> tcenv) =
    match unloc t with
    | Pfun `Def                 -> EcPhlFun.process_fun_def
    | Pfun (`Abs f)             -> EcPhlFun.process_fun_abs f
    | Pfun (`Upto info)         -> EcPhlFun.process_fun_upto info
    | Pfun `Code                -> EcPhlFun.process_fun_to_code
    | Pskip                     -> EcPhlSkip.t_skip
    | Papp info                 -> EcPhlApp.process_app info
    | Pwp wp                    -> EcPhlWp.t_wp wp
    | Psp sp                    -> EcPhlSp.t_sp sp
    | Prcond (side, b, i)       -> EcPhlRCond.t_rcond side b i
    | Pcond side                -> EcPhlCond.process_cond side
    | Pwhile (side, info)       -> EcPhlWhile.process_while side info
    | Pasyncwhile info          -> EcPhlWhile.process_async_while info
    | Pfission info             -> EcPhlLoopTx.process_fission info
    | Pfusion info              -> EcPhlLoopTx.process_fusion info
    | Punroll info              -> EcPhlLoopTx.process_unroll info
    | Psplitwhile info          -> EcPhlLoopTx.process_splitwhile info
    | Pcall (side, info)        -> EcPhlCall.process_call side info
    | Pswap sw                  -> EcPhlSwap.process_swap sw
    | Pinline info              -> EcPhlInline.process_inline info
    | Pcfold info               -> EcPhlCodeTx.process_cfold info
    | Pkill info                -> EcPhlCodeTx.process_kill info
    | Palias info               -> EcPhlCodeTx.process_alias info
    | Pset info                 -> EcPhlCodeTx.process_set info
    | Prnd (side, info)         -> EcPhlRnd.process_rnd side info
    | Pconseq (opt, info)       -> EcPhlConseq.process_conseq_opt opt info
    | Pconseqauto cm            -> process_conseqauto cm
    | Phrex_elim                -> EcPhlExists.t_hr_exists_elim
    | Phrex_intro fs            -> EcPhlExists.process_exists_intro fs
    | Pexfalso                  -> EcPhlAuto.t_exfalso
    | Pbydeno (mode, info)      -> EcPhlDeno.process_deno mode info
    | PPr pr                    -> EcPhlPr.process_ppr pr
    | Pfel (pos, info)          -> EcPhlFel.process_fel pos info
    | Phoare                    -> EcPhlBdHoare.t_hoare_bd_hoare
    | Pbdhoare_split i          -> EcPhlBdHoare.process_bdhoare_split i
    | Pprbounded                -> EcPhlPr.t_prbounded true
    | Psim info                 -> EcPhlEqobs.process_eqobs_in info
    | Ptrans_stmt info          -> EcPhlTrans.process_equiv_trans info
    | Psymmetry                 -> EcPhlSym.t_equiv_sym
    | Peager_seq infos          -> curry3 EcPhlEager.process_seq infos
    | Peager_if                 -> EcPhlEager.process_if
    | Peager_while info         -> EcPhlEager.process_while info
    | Peager_fun_def            -> EcPhlEager.process_fun_def
    | Peager_fun_abs infos      -> curry EcPhlEager.process_fun_abs infos
    | Peager_call info          -> EcPhlEager.process_call info
    | Peager infos              -> curry EcPhlEager.process_eager infos
    | Pbd_equiv (nm, f1, f2)    -> EcPhlConseq.process_bd_equiv nm (f1, f2)
    | Pauto                     -> EcPhlAuto.t_auto
    | Prepl_stmt infos          -> EcPhlTrans.process_equiv_trans infos

  try  tx tc
  with (* PHL Specific low errors *)
  | EcLowPhlGoal.InvalidSplit (i, lo, hi) ->
      tc_error_lazy !!tc (fun fmt ->
        Format.fprintf fmt
          "invalid split index: %d is not in the interval [%d..%d]"
          i lo hi)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_sub (ttenv : ttenv) tts tc =
  let count = FApi.tc_count tc in
  let ntacs = List.length tts in

  if count <> ntacs then
    tc_error !$tc "expecting %d tactic(s), got %d" count ntacs;
  FApi.t_sub ( (process1 ttenv) tts) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_fsub (ttenv : ttenv) (ts, t) tc =
  let ts = (fst_map (process_tfocus tc)) ts in
  let tx i =
      |> List.ofind (fun (p, _) -> p i)
      |> (function Some (_, t) -> Some t | _ -> t)
      |> omap (process1 ttenv)
  in FApi.t_onfsub tx tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_expect (ttenv : ttenv) ((t : pexpect), n) tc =
  if FApi.tc_count tc <> n then
    tc_error !$tc "expecting exactly %d subgoal(s), got %d" n (FApi.tc_count tc);

  match t with
  | `None     -> tc
  | `Tactic t -> FApi.t_onall (process1 ttenv t) tc
  | `Chain  t -> List.fold_left ((^~) (process_chain ttenv)) tc (unloc t)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_firsts (ttenv : ttenv) (t, i) tc =
  if i > FApi.tc_count tc then
    tc_error !$tc "expecting at least %d subgoal(s)" i;
  FApi.t_firsts (process1 ttenv t) i tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_lasts (ttenv : ttenv) (t, i) tc =
  let count = FApi.tc_count tc in

  if i > count then
    tc_error !$tc "expecting at least %d subgoal(s)" i;
  FApi.t_lasts (process1 ttenv t) i tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_rotate (_ttenv : ttenv) (d, i) tc =
  FApi.t_rotate d i tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_focus (ttenv : ttenv) (t, p) tc =
  let p = EcHiGoal.process_tfocus tc p in
  FApi.t_onselect p (process1 ttenv t) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_chain (ttenv : ttenv) (t : ptactic_chain) (tc : tcenv) =
  match t with
  | Psubtacs  tactics -> process_sub    ttenv tactics tc
  | Pfsubtacs (ts, t) -> process_fsub   ttenv (ts, t) tc
  | Pfirst    (t, i)  -> process_firsts ttenv (t, i)  tc
  | Plast     (t, i)  -> process_lasts  ttenv (t, i)  tc
  | Protate   (d, i)  -> process_rotate ttenv (d, i)  tc
  | Pexpect   (t, n)  -> process_expect ttenv (t, n)  tc
  | Pfocus    (t, p)  -> process_focus  ttenv (t, p)  tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process_core (ttenv : ttenv) ({ pl_loc = loc } as t : ptactic_core) (tc : tcenv) =
  let tactic =
    match unloc t with
    | Pidtac    msg         -> `One (process1_idtac    ttenv msg)
    | Padmit                -> `One (process1_admit    ttenv)
    | Plogic    t           -> `One (process1_logic    ttenv (mk_loc loc t))
    | PPhl      t           -> `One (process1_phl      ttenv (mk_loc loc t))
    | Pby       t           -> `One (process1_by       ttenv t)
    | Psolve    t           -> `One (process1_solve    ttenv t)
    | Pdo       ((b, n), t) -> `One (process1_do       ttenv (b, n) t)
    | Ptry      t           -> `One (process1_try      ttenv t)
    | Por       (t1, t2)    -> `One (process1_or       ttenv t1 t2)
    | Pseq      ts          -> `One (process1_seq      ttenv ts)
    | Pcase     es          -> `One (process1_case     ttenv es)
    | Pprogress (o, t)      -> `One (process1_progress ttenv o t)
    | Pdebug                -> `One (process1_debug    ttenv)
    | Psubgoal  tt          -> `All (process_chain     ttenv tt)
    | Pnstrict  t           -> `One (process1_nstrict  ttenv t)
  (match tactic with `One t -> t_onall t | `All t -> t) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process (ttenv : ttenv) (t : ptactic) (tc : tcenv) =
  let cf =
    match unloc t.pt_core with
    | Plogic (Pmove _)
    | Pidtac _ -> true
    | _ -> false

  let tc = process_core ttenv t.pt_core tc in
  let tc = EcHiGoal.process_mgenintros ~cf ttenv t.pt_intros tc in

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1_core (ttenv : ttenv) (t : ptactic_core) (tc : tcenv1) =
  process_core ttenv t (tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and process1 (ttenv : ttenv) (t : ptactic) (tc : tcenv1) =
  process ttenv t (tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process (ttenv : ttenv) (t : ptactic list) (pf : proof) =
  let tc  = tcenv1_of_proof pf in
  let hd  = FApi.tc1_handle tc in
  let tc  = process1_seq ttenv t tc in
  let hds = FApi.tc_opened tc in
  ((hd, hds), proof_of_tcenv tc)
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