Revision ba545a9c82d684be976cec846ab5359fabbcd4dd authored by Benjamin Grégoire on 12 June 2018, 05:31:11 UTC, committed by Pierre-Yves Strub on 12 June 2018, 05:34:41 UTC
The tactic statically unroll while loops of the form

  x <- int-constant
  while (guard) {
    body (does not write x);
    x <- f(x);

where "guard" and "f" can be statically evaluated at each
iteration. The code is then replaced by the while loop
fully unrolled.

The tactic does not terminate if the unrolling leads to
a infinite process.
1 parent 43fd7aa
Raw File
Tip revision: ba545a9c82d684be976cec846ab5359fabbcd4dd authored by Benjamin Grégoire on 12 June 2018, 05:31:11 UTC
New tactic for static unrolling of "for-loops"
Tip revision: ba545a9
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Inria
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Ecole Polytechnique
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcLocation
open EcSymbols
open EcParsetree
open EcTypes
open EcFol
open EcEnv
open EcMatching
open EcCoreGoal

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type apperror =
  | AE_WrongArgKind of (argkind * argkind)
  | AE_CannotInfer
  | AE_CannotInferMod
  | AE_NotFunctional
  | AE_InvalidArgForm     of invalid_arg_form
  | AE_InvalidArgMod
  | AE_InvalidArgProof    of (form * form)
  | AE_InvalidArgModRestr of EcTyping.restriction_error

and argkind = [`Form | `Mem | `Mod | `PTerm]

and invalid_arg_form =
  | IAF_Mismatch of (ty * ty)
  | IAF_TyError of env * EcTyping.tyerror

type pterror = (LDecl.hyps * EcUnify.unienv * mevmap) * apperror

exception ProofTermError of pterror

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type pt_env = {
  pte_pe : proofenv;         (* proofenv of this proof-term *)
  pte_hy : LDecl.hyps;       (* local context *)
  pte_ue : EcUnify.unienv;   (* unification env. *)
  pte_ev : mevmap ref;       (* metavar env. *)

type pt_ev = {
  ptev_env : pt_env;
  ptev_pt  : proofterm;
  ptev_ax  : form;

type pt_ev_arg = {
  ptea_env : pt_env;
  ptea_arg : pt_ev_arg_r;

and pt_ev_arg_r =
| PVAFormula of EcFol.form
| PVAMemory  of EcMemory.memory
| PVAModule  of (EcPath.mpath * EcModules.module_sig)
| PVASub     of pt_ev

(* Arguments typing *)
val trans_pterm_arg_value : pt_env -> ?name:symbol -> ppt_arg located -> pt_ev_arg
val trans_pterm_arg_mod   : pt_env -> ppt_arg located -> pt_ev_arg
val trans_pterm_arg_mem   : pt_env -> ?name:symbol -> ppt_arg located -> pt_ev_arg

(* Proof-terms typing *)
val process_pterm_cut
  : prcut:('a -> form) -> pt_env -> 'a ppt_head -> pt_ev
val process_pterm
  : pt_env -> (pformula option) ppt_head -> pt_ev
val process_pterm_arg
   : ?implicits:bool -> pt_ev  -> ppt_arg located -> pt_ev_arg
val process_pterm_args_app
  :  ?implicits:bool -> ?ip:(bool list) -> pt_ev  -> ppt_arg located list
  -> pt_ev * bool list
val process_full_pterm_cut
  : prcut:('a -> form) -> pt_env -> 'a gppterm -> pt_ev
val process_full_pterm
  : ?implicits:bool -> pt_env -> ppterm -> pt_ev
val process_full_closed_pterm_cut
  : prcut:('a -> form) -> pt_env -> 'a gppterm -> proofterm * form
val process_full_closed_pterm
  : pt_env -> ppterm -> proofterm * form

(* Proof-terms typing in backward tactics *)
val tc1_process_pterm_cut
 : prcut:('a -> form) -> tcenv1 -> 'a ppt_head -> pt_ev
val tc1_process_pterm
 : tcenv1 -> (pformula option) ppt_head -> pt_ev
val tc1_process_full_pterm_cut
 : prcut:('a -> form) -> tcenv1 -> 'a gppterm -> pt_ev
val tc1_process_full_pterm
 : ?implicits:bool -> tcenv1 -> ppterm -> pt_ev
val tc1_process_full_closed_pterm_cut
 : prcut:('a -> form) -> tcenv1 -> 'a gppterm -> proofterm * form
val tc1_process_full_closed_pterm
 : tcenv1 -> ppterm -> proofterm * form

(* Proof-terms manipulation *)
val check_pterm_arg :
  -> pt_env
  -> EcIdent.t * gty
  -> form
  -> pt_ev_arg_r
 -> form * pt_arg

val apply_pterm_to_arg   : ?loc:EcLocation.t -> pt_ev -> pt_ev_arg -> pt_ev
val apply_pterm_to_arg_r : ?loc:EcLocation.t -> pt_ev -> pt_ev_arg_r -> pt_ev
val apply_pterm_to_hole  : ?loc:EcLocation.t -> pt_ev -> pt_ev
val apply_pterm_to_holes : ?loc:EcLocation.t -> int -> pt_ev -> pt_ev

(* pattern matching - raise [MatchFailure] on failure. *)
val pf_form_match : pt_env -> ?mode:fmoptions -> ptn:form -> form -> unit
val pf_unify : pt_env -> ty -> ty -> unit

(* pattern matching - raise [FindOccFailure] on failure. *)
exception FindOccFailure of [`MatchFailure | `IncompleteMatch]

type keyed = [`Yes | `No | `Lazy]

val pf_find_occurence :
  pt_env -> ?keyed:keyed -> ptn:form -> form -> unit

val pf_find_occurence_lazy :
  pt_env -> ptn:form -> form -> bool

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val pattern_form :
     ?name:symbol -> LDecl.hyps -> ptn:form -> form
  -> EcIdent.t * form

(* Proof-terms concretization, i.e. evmap/unienv resolution *)
val can_concretize  : pt_env -> bool
val concretize_env  : pt_env -> cptenv
val concretize      : pt_ev  -> proofterm * form
val concretize_form : pt_env -> form -> form

val concretize_e_form : cptenv -> form -> form
val concretize_e_arg  : cptenv -> pt_arg -> pt_arg

(* PTEnv constructor *)
val ptenv_of_penv : LDecl.hyps -> proofenv -> pt_env

val ptenv : proofenv -> LDecl.hyps -> (EcUnify.unienv * mevmap) -> pt_env
val copy  : pt_env -> pt_env

(* Proof-terms construction from components *)
val pt_of_hyp    : proofenv -> LDecl.hyps -> EcIdent.t -> pt_ev
val pt_of_global : proofenv -> LDecl.hyps -> EcPath.path -> ty list -> pt_ev
val pt_of_uglobal: proofenv -> LDecl.hyps -> EcPath.path -> pt_ev

val pt_of_global_r : pt_env -> EcPath.path -> ty list -> pt_ev

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val ffpattern_of_genpattern : LDecl.hyps -> genpattern -> ppterm option

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type prept = [
  | `Hy   of EcIdent.t
  | `G    of EcPath.path * ty list
  | `UG   of EcPath.path
  | `HD   of handle
  | `App  of prept * prept_arg list

and prept_arg =  [
  | `F   of form
  | `Mem of EcMemory.memory
  | `Mod of (EcPath.mpath * EcModules.module_sig)
  | `Sub of prept
  | `H_

val pt_of_prept: tcenv1 -> prept -> pt_ev

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Prept : sig
  val (@)   : prept -> prept_arg list -> prept

  val hyp   : EcIdent.t -> prept
  val glob  : EcPath.path -> ty list -> prept
  val uglob : EcPath.path -> prept
  val hdl   : handle -> prept

  val aform : form -> prept_arg
  val amem  : EcMemory.memory -> prept_arg
  val amod  : EcPath.mpath -> EcModules.module_sig -> prept_arg
  val asub  : prept -> prept_arg
  val h_    : prept_arg
  val ahyp  : EcIdent.t -> prept_arg
  val ahdl  : handle -> prept_arg
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