Revision ba545a9c82d684be976cec846ab5359fabbcd4dd authored by Benjamin Grégoire on 12 June 2018, 05:31:11 UTC, committed by Pierre-Yves Strub on 12 June 2018, 05:34:41 UTC
The tactic statically unroll while loops of the form

  x <- int-constant
  while (guard) {
    body (does not write x);
    x <- f(x);

where "guard" and "f" can be statically evaluated at each
iteration. The code is then replaced by the while loop
fully unrolled.

The tactic does not terminate if the unrolling leads to
a infinite process.
1 parent 43fd7aa
Raw File
Tip revision: ba545a9c82d684be976cec846ab5359fabbcd4dd authored by Benjamin Grégoire on 12 June 2018, 05:31:11 UTC
New tactic for static unrolling of "for-loops"
Tip revision: ba545a9
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Inria
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Ecole Polytechnique
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcUtils
open EcIdent
open EcTypes
open EcFol
open EcEnv
open EcCoreGoal

module Msym = EcSymbols.Msym

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type ptnenv = ty Mid.t * EcUnify.unienv

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let unienv_of_hyps hyps =
   let tv = (LDecl.tohyps hyps).EcBaseLogic.h_tvar in
   EcUnify.UniEnv.create (Some tv)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let process_form_opt hyps pf oty =
    let ue  = unienv_of_hyps hyps in
    let ff  = EcTyping.trans_form_opt (LDecl.toenv hyps) ue pf oty in
    EcFol.Fsubst.uni (EcUnify.UniEnv.close ue) ff

  with EcUnify.UninstanciateUni ->
    EcTyping.tyerror pf.EcLocation.pl_loc
      (LDecl.toenv hyps) EcTyping.FreeTypeVariables

let process_form hyps pf ty =
  process_form_opt hyps pf (Some ty)

let process_formula hyps pf =
  process_form hyps pf tbool

let process_exp hyps mode oty e =
  let env = LDecl.toenv hyps in
  let ue  = unienv_of_hyps hyps in
  let e   =  EcTyping.transexpcast_opt env mode ue oty e in
    EcTypes.e_uni (EcUnify.UniEnv.close ue) e

let process_pattern hyps fp =
  let ps = ref Mid.empty in
  let ue = unienv_of_hyps hyps in
  let fp = EcTyping.trans_pattern (LDecl.toenv hyps) (ps, ue) fp in
  ((!ps, ue), fp)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let pf_process_form_opt pe hyps oty pf =
  Exn.recast_pe pe hyps (fun () -> process_form_opt hyps pf oty)

let pf_process_form pe hyps ty pf =
  Exn.recast_pe pe hyps (fun () -> process_form hyps pf ty)

let pf_process_formula pe hyps pf =
  Exn.recast_pe pe hyps (fun () -> process_formula hyps pf)

let pf_process_exp pe hyps mode oty e =
  Exn.recast_pe pe hyps (fun () -> process_exp hyps mode oty e)

let pf_process_pattern pe hyps fp =
  Exn.recast_pe pe hyps (fun () -> process_pattern hyps fp)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let tc1_process_form_opt tc oty pf =
  Exn.recast_tc1 tc (fun hyps -> process_form_opt hyps pf oty)

let tc1_process_form tc ty pf =
  Exn.recast_tc1 tc (fun hyps -> process_form hyps pf ty)

let tc1_process_formula tc pf =
  Exn.recast_tc1 tc (fun hyps -> process_formula hyps pf)

let tc1_process_exp tc mode oty e =
  Exn.recast_tc1 tc (fun hyps -> process_exp hyps mode oty e)

let tc1_process_pattern tc fp =
  Exn.recast_tc1 tc (fun hyps -> process_pattern hyps fp)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let tc1_process_prhl_form_opt tc oty pf =
  let hyps, concl = FApi.tc1_flat tc in
  let ml, mr =
    match concl.f_node with
    | FequivS es -> (es.es_ml, es.es_mr)
    | _ -> assert false

  let hyps = LDecl.push_all [ml; mr] hyps in
  pf_process_form_opt !!tc hyps oty pf

let tc1_process_prhl_form tc ty pf = tc1_process_prhl_form_opt tc (Some ty) pf

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let tc1_process_prhl_formula tc pf =
  tc1_process_prhl_form tc tbool pf

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let tc1_process_stmt  ?map tc mt c =
  let hyps = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in
  let hyps = LDecl.push_active (mhr,mt) hyps in
  let env  = LDecl.toenv hyps in
  let ue   = unienv_of_hyps hyps in
  let c    = Exn.recast_pe !!tc hyps (fun () -> EcTyping.transstmt ?map env ue c) in
  let esub = Exn.recast_pe !!tc hyps (fun () -> Tuni.offun (EcUnify.UniEnv.close ue)) in
  let esub = { e_subst_id with es_ty = esub; } in
  EcModules.s_subst esub c

let tc1_process_prhl_stmt ?map tc side c =
  let concl = FApi.tc1_goal tc in
  let es = match concl.f_node with FequivS es -> es | _ -> assert false in
  let mt   = snd (match side with `Left -> es.es_ml | `Right -> es.es_mr) in
  tc1_process_stmt tc mt ?map c

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let tc1_process_Xhl_exp tc side ty e =
  let hyps, concl = FApi.tc1_flat tc in
  let m = fst (EcFol.destr_programS side concl) in

  let hyps = LDecl.push_active m hyps in
  pf_process_exp !!tc hyps `InProc ty e

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let tc1_process_Xhl_form ?side tc ty pf =
  let hyps, concl = FApi.tc1_flat tc in

  let memory =
    match concl.f_node, side with
    | FhoareS   hs, None        -> hs.hs_m
    | FbdHoareS hs, None        -> hs.bhs_m
    | FequivS   es, Some `Left  -> (mhr, snd es.es_ml)
    | FequivS   es, Some `Right -> (mhr, snd es.es_mr)

    | _, _ -> raise (DestrError "destr_programS")

  let hyps = LDecl.push_active memory hyps in
  pf_process_form !!tc hyps ty pf

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let tc1_process_Xhl_formula ?side tc pf =
  tc1_process_Xhl_form ?side tc tbool pf

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* FIXME: factor out to typing module                                 *)
(* FIXME: TC HOOK - check parameter constraints                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let pf_check_tvi (pe : proofenv) typ tvi =
  match tvi with
  | None -> ()

  | Some (EcUnify.TVIunamed tyargs) ->
      if List.length tyargs <> List.length typ then
        tc_error pe
          "wrong number of type parameters (%d, expecting %d)"
          (List.length tyargs) (List.length typ)

  | Some (EcUnify.TVInamed tyargs) ->
      let typnames = ( |- fst) typ in
        (fun (x, _) ->
          if not (List.mem x typnames) then
            tc_error pe "unknown type variable: %s" x)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
exception NoMatch

type lazyred = [`Full | `NoDelta | `None]

let t_lazy_match ?(reduce = `Full) (tx : form -> FApi.backward) (tc : tcenv1) =
  let hyps, concl = FApi.tc1_flat tc in

  let rec do1 fp =
    try  tx fp tc
    | NoMatch -> begin
        let strategy =
          match reduce with
          | `None    -> raise InvalidGoalShape
          | `Full    -> EcReduction.full_red
          | `NoDelta -> EcReduction.nodelta in

        match EcReduction.h_red_opt strategy hyps fp with
        | None    -> raise InvalidGoalShape
        | Some fp -> do1 fp

  in do1 concl

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec lazy_destruct ?(reduce = true) hyps tx fp =
  try  Some (tx fp)
  | NoMatch when not reduce -> None
  | NoMatch ->
      match EcReduction.h_red_opt EcReduction.full_red hyps fp with
      | None    -> None
      | Some fp -> lazy_destruct ~reduce hyps tx fp

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type dproduct = [
  | `Imp    of form * form
  | `Forall of EcIdent.t * gty * form

let destruct_product ?(reduce = true) hyps fp : dproduct option =
  let doit fp =
    match EcFol.sform_of_form fp with
    | SFquant (Lforall, (x, t), lazy f) -> `Forall (x, t, f)
    | SFimp (f1, f2) -> `Imp (f1, f2)
    | _ -> raise NoMatch
    lazy_destruct ~reduce hyps doit fp

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type dexists = [
  | `Exists of EcIdent.t * gty * form

let destruct_exists ?(reduce = true) hyps fp : dexists option =
  let doit fp =
    match EcFol.sform_of_form fp with
    | SFquant (Lexists, (x, t), lazy f) -> `Exists (x, t, f)
    | _ -> raise NoMatch
    lazy_destruct ~reduce hyps doit fp
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