Revision ba545a9c82d684be976cec846ab5359fabbcd4dd authored by Benjamin Grégoire on 12 June 2018, 05:31:11 UTC, committed by Pierre-Yves Strub on 12 June 2018, 05:34:41 UTC
The tactic statically unroll while loops of the form

  x <- int-constant
  while (guard) {
    body (does not write x);
    x <- f(x);

where "guard" and "f" can be statically evaluated at each
iteration. The code is then replaced by the while loop
fully unrolled.

The tactic does not terminate if the unrolling leads to
a infinite process.
1 parent 43fd7aa
Raw File
Tip revision: ba545a9c82d684be976cec846ab5359fabbcd4dd authored by Benjamin Grégoire on 12 June 2018, 05:31:11 UTC
New tactic for static unrolling of "for-loops"
Tip revision: ba545a9
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Inria
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Ecole Polytechnique
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcUtils

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type split =
  | Text  of string
  | Delim of string

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module type CORE = sig
  type error
  type regexp
  type subst
  type match_

  exception Error of error

  val quote   : string -> string
  val regexp  : string -> regexp
  val subst   : string -> subst
  val exec    : ?pos:int -> regexp -> string -> match_ option
  val split   : ?pos:int -> regexp -> string -> split list
  val sub     : regexp -> subst -> string -> string
  val extract : regexp -> string -> (string option array) array

  module Match : sig
    val count  : match_ -> int
    val group  : match_ -> int -> string option
    val groups : match_ -> (string option) array
    val offset : match_ -> int -> (int * int) option

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module PcreCore : CORE = struct
  type regexp  = Pcre.regexp
  type subst   = Pcre.substitution
  type match_  = Pcre.substrings

  type error =
    | PCREError of Pcre.error
    | InvalidSubString of int
    | InvalidBackRef

  exception Error of error

  let wrap (f : 'a -> 'b) (x : 'a) =
    try  f x
    with Pcre.Error err -> raise (Error (PCREError err))

  let quote  (x : string) = (wrap Pcre.quote ) x
  let regexp (x : string) = (wrap Pcre.regexp) x
  let subst  (x : string) = (wrap Pcre.subst ) x

  let exec ?(pos = 0) (rex : regexp) (x : string) =
    try  Some (wrap (Pcre.exec ~pos ~rex) x)
    with Not_found -> None

  let split ?(pos = 0) (rex : regexp) (x : string) =
    let convert = function
      | Pcre.Text  s -> Some (Text  s)
      | Pcre.Delim s -> Some (Delim s)
      | _ -> None

    in List.pmap convert (wrap (Pcre.full_split ~pos ~rex) x)

  let sub (rex : regexp) (subst : subst) (x : string) =
    try  wrap (Pcre.replace ~rex ~itempl:subst) x
    with Failure _ -> raise (Error InvalidBackRef)

  let extract (rex : regexp) (x : string) =
    try  wrap (Pcre.extract_all_opt ~full_match:true ~rex) x
    with Not_found -> [||]

  module Match = struct
    let count (m : match_) : int =
      (wrap Pcre.num_of_subs) m

    let group (m : match_) (i : int) : string option =
      try  Some (wrap (Pcre.get_substring m) i)
      | Invalid_argument _ -> raise (Error (InvalidSubString i))
      | Not_found -> None

    let groups (m : match_) : (string option) array =
      wrap (Pcre.get_opt_substrings ~full_match:true) m

    let offset (m : match_) (i : int) : (int * int) option =
      try  Some (wrap (Pcre.get_substring_ofs m) i)
      | Invalid_argument _ -> raise (Error (InvalidSubString i))
      | Not_found -> None

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Core : CORE = PcreCore

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
include Core

type oregexp = [`C of regexp | `S of string]
type osubst  = [`C of subst  | `S of string]

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let oregexp (rex : oregexp) =
  match rex with
  | `C rex -> rex
  | `S rex -> Core.regexp rex

let osubst (subst : osubst) =
  match subst with
  | `C sst -> sst
  | `S sst -> Core.subst sst

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let exec ?(pos : int option) (rex : oregexp) (x : string) =
  exec ?pos (oregexp rex) x

let match_ ?(pos : int option) (rex : oregexp) (x : string) =
  is_some (exec ?pos rex x)

let split ?(pos : int option) (rex : oregexp) (x : string) =
  split ?pos (oregexp rex) x

let split0 ?(pos : int option) (rex : oregexp) (x : string) =
  let convert = function Text s -> Some s | Delim _ -> None in
  List.pmap convert (split ?pos rex x)

let sub (rex : oregexp) (sst : osubst) (x : string) =
  sub (oregexp rex) (osubst sst) x

let extract (rex : oregexp) (x : string) =
  extract (oregexp rex) x
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