Revision bb50181da1730e04b588f06bdf3be0d6993923f8 authored by Ian Bell on 02 August 2014, 10:40:01 UTC, committed by Ian Bell on 02 August 2014, 10:40:01 UTC
Signed-off-by: Ian Bell <>
1 parent ef7aaec
Raw File
 * CoolPropFluid.h
 *  Created on: 20 Dec 2013
 *      Author: jowr


#include "DataStructures.h"
#include "Helmholtz.h"
#include "Solvers.h"

#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <assert.h>
#include <iterator>

#include <Eigen/Core>
#include "PolyMath.h"
#include "MatrixMath.h"

namespace CoolProp {

struct IncompressibleData {
	enum IncompressibleTypeEnum {
	IncompressibleTypeEnum type;
	Eigen::MatrixXd coeffs; //TODO: Can we store the Eigen::Matrix objects more efficiently?
	//std::vector<std::vector<double> > coeffs;
	IncompressibleData() {

/// A property provider for incompressible solutions and pure fluids
This fluid instance is populated using an entry from a JSON file
class IncompressibleFluid{

	bool strict;

	std::string name;
	std::string description;
	std::string reference;

	double Tmin, Tmax;
	double xmin, xmax;
	composition_types xid;

	double TminPsat;
	double xref, Tref, pref;
	double href, sref;
	double uref, rhoref;
	double xbase, Tbase;

	/// These are the objects that hold the coefficients
	/** Note that all polynomials require a 2-dimensional array
	 *  of coefficients. This array may have only one row or
	 *  column, but the structure should be 2D. This behaviour is
	 *  hard-coded in the JSON file reader that resides inside
	 *  the IncompressibleLibrary.cpp
	 *  All other functions, also polyoffset, can only handle 1D
	 *  input and throw an error if you feed them other coefficients.

	/// Density coefficients
	/** If 2D, the rows are temperature and the columns are concentration.
	 *  If 1D, should be a column vector of temperature coefficients
	IncompressibleData density;
	/// Specific heat coefficients
	/** If 2D, the rows are temperature and the columns are concentration.
	 *  If 1D, should be a column vector of temperature coefficients
	 *  Fails for all other forms than polynomial due to the automatic
	 *  integration for internal energy and entropy.
	IncompressibleData specific_heat;
	/// Viscosity coefficients
	/** If 2D, the rows are temperature and the columns are concentration.
	 *  If 1D, should be a column vector of temperature coefficients
	IncompressibleData viscosity;
	/// Conductivity coefficients
	/** If 2D, the rows are temperature and the columns are concentration.
	 *  If 1D, should be a column vector of temperature coefficients
	IncompressibleData conductivity;
	/// Saturation pressure coefficients
	/** If 2D, the rows are temperature and the columns are concentration.
	 *  If 1D, should be a column vector of temperature coefficients
	IncompressibleData p_sat;
	/// Freezing temperature coefficients
	/** If 2D, the rows are concentration and the columns are pressure.
	 *  If 1D, should be a column vector of concentration coefficients
	IncompressibleData T_freeze;

	/// Mass fraction conversion coefficients
	/** If the fluid type is mass-based, it does not do anything. Otherwise,
	 *  it converts the mass fraction to the required input.
	IncompressibleData mass2input;
	/// Volume fraction conversion coefficients
	/** If the fluid type is volume-based, it does not do anything. Otherwise,
	 *  it converts the volume fraction to the required input.
	IncompressibleData volume2input;
	/// Mole fraction conversion coefficients
	/** If the fluid type is mole-based, it does not do anything. Otherwise,
	 *  it converts the mole fraction to the required input.
	IncompressibleData mole2input;

	Polynomial2DFrac poly;

	// Forward declaration of the some internal functions
	//double h_u(double T, double p, double x);
	//double u_h(double T, double p, double x);

	IncompressibleFluid(){strict = true; xid = IFRAC_UNDEFINED;};
	virtual ~IncompressibleFluid(){};

	std::string getName() const {return name;}
	std::string get_name() const {return getName();}// For backwards-compatibility.
	std::string getDescription() const {return description;}
	std::string getReference() const {return reference;}

	double getTmax() const {return Tmax;}
	double getTmin() const {return Tmin;}
	double getxmax() const {return xmax;}
	double getxmin() const {return xmin;}
	composition_types getxid() const {return xid;}
	double getTminPsat() const {return TminPsat;}
	double getTref() const {return Tref;}
	double getpref() const {return pref;}
	double getxref() const {return xref;}
	double gethref() const {return href;}
	double getsref() const {return sref;}
	double getTbase() const {return Tbase;}
	double getxbase() const {return xbase;}

	void setName(std::string name) {this->name = name;}
	void setDescription(std::string description) {this->description = description;}
	void setReference(std::string reference) {this->reference = reference;}
	void setTmax(double Tmax) {this->Tmax = Tmax;}
	void setTmin(double Tmin) {this->Tmin = Tmin;}
	void setxmax(double xmax) {this->xmax = xmax;}
	void setxmin(double xmin) {this->xmin = xmin;}
	void setxid(composition_types xid) {this->xid = xid;}
	void setTminPsat(double TminPsat) {this->TminPsat = TminPsat;}
	//void setTref(double Tref) {this->Tref = Tref;}
	//void setpref(double pref) {this->pref = pref;}
	//void setxref(double xref) {this->xref = xref;}
	void set_reference_state(double T0, double p0, double x0, double h0, double s0);
	void setTbase(double Tbase) {this->Tbase = Tbase;}
	void setxbase(double xbase) {this->xbase = xbase;}

	/// Setters for the coefficients
	void setDensity(IncompressibleData density){this->density = density;}
	void setSpecificHeat(IncompressibleData specific_heat){this->specific_heat = specific_heat;}
	void setViscosity(IncompressibleData viscosity){this->viscosity = viscosity;}
	void setConductivity(IncompressibleData conductivity){this->conductivity = conductivity;}
	void setPsat(IncompressibleData p_sat){this->p_sat = p_sat;}
	void setTfreeze(IncompressibleData T_freeze){this->T_freeze = T_freeze;}

	/// Setters for the concentration conversion coefficients
	void setMass2input(IncompressibleData mass2input){this->mass2input = mass2input;}
	void setVolume2input(IncompressibleData volume2input){this->volume2input = volume2input;}
	void setMole2input(IncompressibleData mole2input){this->mole2input = mole2input;}

	/// A function to check coefficients and equation types.
	void validate();
	/// A function to test the density coefficients for 1D or 2D
	bool is_pure();

	/// Base functions that handle the custom function types
	double baseExponential(IncompressibleData data, double y, double ybase);
	double baseLogexponential(IncompressibleData data, double y, double ybase);
	double baseExponentialOffset(IncompressibleData data, double y);
	double basePolyOffset(IncompressibleData data, double y, double z=0.0);

	/* All functions need T and p as input. Might not
	 * be necessary, but gives a clearer structure.
	/// Density as a function of temperature, pressure and composition.
	double rho (double T, double p, double x);
	/// Heat capacities as a function of temperature, pressure and composition.
	double c   (double T, double p, double x);
	double cp  (double T, double p, double x){return c(T,p,x);};
	double cv  (double T, double p, double x){return c(T,p,x);};
	/// Entropy as a function of temperature, pressure and composition.
	double s   (double T, double p, double x);
	/// Internal energy as a function of temperature, pressure and composition.
	double u   (double T, double p, double x);
	/// Enthalpy as a function of temperature, pressure and composition.
	double h   (double T, double p, double x);
	/// Viscosity as a function of temperature, pressure and composition.
	double visc(double T, double p, double x);
	/// Thermal conductivity as a function of temperature, pressure and composition.
	double cond(double T, double p, double x);
	/// Saturation pressure as a function of temperature and composition.
	double psat(double T,           double x);
	/// Freezing temperature as a function of pressure and composition.
	double Tfreeze(       double p, double x);

	/// Mass fraction conversion function
	/** If the fluid type is mass-based, it does not do anything. Otherwise,
	 *  it converts the mass fraction to the required input. */
	double inputFromMass (double T,     double x);
	/// Volume fraction conversion function
	/** If the fluid type is volume-based, it does not do anything. Otherwise,
	 *  it converts the volume fraction to the required input. */
	double inputFromVolume (double T,   double x);
	/// Mole fraction conversion function
	/** If the fluid type is mole-based, it does not do anything. Otherwise,
	 *  it converts the mole fraction to the required input. */
	double inputFromMole (double T,     double x);

	/* Some functions can be inverted directly, those are listed
	 * here. It is also possible to solve for other quantities, but
	 * that involves some more sophisticated processing and is not
	 * done here, but in the backend, T(h,p) for example.
	/// Temperature as a function of density, pressure and composition.
	double T_rho (double Dmass, double p, double x);
	/// Temperature as a function of heat capacities as a function of temperature, pressure and composition.
	double T_c   (double Cmass, double p, double x);
	/// Temperature as a function of entropy as a function of temperature, pressure and composition.
	double T_s   (double Smass, double p, double x);
	/// Temperature as a function of internal energy as a function of temperature, pressure and composition.
	double T_u   (double Umass, double p, double x);
	/// Temperature as a function of enthalpy, pressure and composition.
	double T_h   (double Hmass, double p, double x){throw NotImplementedError(format("%s (%d): T from enthalpy is not implemented in the fluid, use the backend.",__FILE__,__LINE__));}
	/// Viscosity as a function of temperature, pressure and composition.
	double T_visc(double  visc, double p, double x){throw NotImplementedError(format("%s (%d): T from viscosity is not implemented.",__FILE__,__LINE__));}
	/// Thermal conductivity as a function of temperature, pressure and composition.
	double T_cond(double  cond, double p, double x){throw NotImplementedError(format("%s (%d): T from conductivity is not implemented.",__FILE__,__LINE__));}
	/// Saturation pressure as a function of temperature and composition.
	double T_psat(double  psat,           double x){throw NotImplementedError(format("%s (%d): T from psat is not implemented.",__FILE__,__LINE__));}
	/// Composition as a function of freezing temperature and pressure.
	double x_Tfreeze(       double Tfreeze, double p){throw NotImplementedError(format("%s (%d): x from T_freeze is not implemented.",__FILE__,__LINE__));}


	/* Define internal energy and enthalpy as functions of the
	 * other properties to provide data in case there are no
	 * coefficients.
	/// Enthalpy from u, p and rho.
	/** Calculate enthalpy as a function of temperature and
	 *  pressure employing functions for internal energy and
	 *  density. Provides consistent formulations. */
	double h_u(double T, double p, double x) {
		return u(T,p,x)+p/rho(T,p,x)-href;

	/// Internal energy from h, p and rho.
	/** Calculate internal energy as a function of temperature
	 *  and pressure employing functions for enthalpy and
	 *  density. Provides consistent formulations. */
	double u_h(double T, double p, double x) {
		return h(T,p,x)-p/rho(T,p,x)+href;

	 * Some more functions to provide a single implementation
	 * of important routines.
	 * We start with the check functions that can validate input
	 * in terms of pressure p, temperature T and composition x.
	/// Check validity of temperature input.
	/** Compares the given temperature T to the result of a
	 *  freezing point calculation. This is not necessarily
	 *  defined for all fluids, default values do not cause errors. */
	bool checkT(double T, double p, double x);

	/// Check validity of pressure input.
	/** Compares the given pressure p to the saturation pressure at
	 *  temperature T and throws and exception if p is lower than
	 *  the saturation conditions.
	 *  The default value for psat is -1 yielding true if psat
	 *  is not redefined in the subclass.
	 *  */
	bool checkP(double T, double p, double x);

	/// Check validity of composition input.
	/** Compares the given composition x to a stored minimum and
	 *  maximum value. Enforces the redefinition of xmin and
	 *  xmax since the default values cause an error. */
	bool checkX(double x);

	/// Check validity of temperature, pressure and composition input.
	bool checkTPX(double T, double p, double x){
		return (checkT(T,p,x) && checkP(T,p,x) && checkX(x));

} /* namespace CoolProp */
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