Revision bc0bcec69b14ec0021b19ad659b7bfa4d5c60632 authored by Damien Rohmer on 14 April 2021, 04:49:54 UTC, committed by Damien Rohmer on 14 April 2021, 04:49:54 UTC
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# Velocity Skinning code replicability

## Compilation

### Linux

#### External dependencies

* A C++ compiler, cmake, libglfw3

* Command lines to set-up an Ubuntu system from scratch

# Basic development tools (g++, make, etc)
sudo apt-get install build-essential

# CMake 
sudo apt-get install cmake 

sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev

#### Compile and execute the code

__Ex. to compile the code in 01_fig_generic using the default Makefile (for standard system)__

* Open a command line in 01_fig_generic/ directory 


__Ex. to compile the code in 01_fig_generic using CMake (should work on more various systems)__

* Open a command line in 01_fig_generic/ directory

# Generate the directory build/
mkdir build 

# Go to the build/ directory
cd build

# Run CMake
cmake ..
# A file Makefile should be generated

# Compile
# Make sure the compilation succeed, a file pgm should be created

# Go back to the root directory
cd ..

# Run the executable from the root directory

### Windows

Method to compile with Visual Studio 2019 and CMake

#### Generate the Visual Studio project

* Start CMake (cmake-gui)
  *  Fill "Where is the source code" with the full path to the directory 01_fig_generic/
  * Fill "Where to build the binaries" with the full path to 01_fig_generic/build
* Click **Configure**
* Once the configuration is done, click on **Generate**

_If successfull, a build/ directory is created and contains the file **pgm.sln**_

#### Setup Visual Studio

* Start Visual Studio and open the project file `pgm.sln`

**In the solution explorer**

* Right click on Solution 'projectName' (Solution 'sample_code' in the sample code) and select **Properties**
* Change the value of `Single startup project` to `pgm` (this sets Visual Studio to compile the current project instead of a generic "All_BUILD" empty project).


**In the top toolbar**

* Change the build type from 'Debug' to '**RelWithDebInfo**' (this allows to have optimal runtime performance, while preserving debug information).


* In **Local Windows Debugger**, select 'projectName Debug Properties'.
* In the General properties (selected by default) change the value of **Output Directory** in removing the directory 'build\RelWithDebInfo\' from the path (the end of the pathname)
  * _(As a result, the executable `pgm.exe` will be generated in the root directory of the project instead of a build\RelWithDebInfo\ subdirectory)._



* In the **Debugging** property change the value of **Working Directory** from $(ProjectDir) to **$(TargetDir)**

* The project should now be ready to be compiled and run.
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