Revision bc7ba3d5c8b2dab1c0e19537739b67c2da902d11 authored by Keno Fischer on 20 March 2024, 06:35:46 UTC, committed by GitHub on 20 March 2024, 06:35:46 UTC
This passes slightly more information into this function (the full
`inst` rather than just the `stmt`) in order to allow external absint to
access additional fields (the flags and the info) if necessary to make
concrete evaluation decisions. It also splits out the actual concrete
evaluation from the part that just maps the `inst` to a CodeInstance.
1 parent e0bb95a
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

## Binary arithmetic operators ##

for f in (:+, :-)
    @eval function ($f)(A::AbstractArray, B::AbstractArray)
        promote_shape(A, B) # check size compatibility
        broadcast_preserving_zero_d($f, A, B)

function +(A::Array, Bs::Array...)
    for B in Bs
        promote_shape(A, B) # check size compatibility
    broadcast_preserving_zero_d(+, A, Bs...)

for f in (:/, :\, :*)
    if f !== :/
        @eval ($f)(A::Number, B::AbstractArray) = broadcast_preserving_zero_d($f, A, B)
    if f !== :\
        @eval ($f)(A::AbstractArray, B::Number) = broadcast_preserving_zero_d($f, A, B)

## data movement ##

    reverse(A; dims=:)

Reverse `A` along dimension `dims`, which can be an integer (a
single dimension), a tuple of integers (a tuple of dimensions)
or `:` (reverse along all the dimensions, the default).  See
also [`reverse!`](@ref) for in-place reversal.

# Examples
julia> b = Int64[1 2; 3 4]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2
 3  4

julia> reverse(b, dims=2)
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 2  1
 4  3

julia> reverse(b)
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 4  3
 2  1

!!! compat "Julia 1.6"
    Prior to Julia 1.6, only single-integer `dims` are supported in `reverse`.
reverse(A::AbstractArray; dims=:) = _reverse(A, dims)
_reverse(A, dims) = reverse!(copymutable(A); dims)

    reverse!(A; dims=:)

Like [`reverse`](@ref), but operates in-place in `A`.

!!! compat "Julia 1.6"
    Multidimensional `reverse!` requires Julia 1.6.
reverse!(A::AbstractArray; dims=:) = _reverse!(A, dims)
_reverse!(A::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, ::Colon) where {N} = _reverse!(A, ntuple(identity, Val{N}()))
_reverse!(A, dim::Integer) = _reverse!(A, (Int(dim),))
_reverse!(A, dims::NTuple{M,Integer}) where {M} = _reverse!(A, Int.(dims))
function _reverse!(A::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, dims::NTuple{M,Int}) where {N,M}
    dimrev = ntuple(k -> k in dims, Val{N}()) # boolean tuple indicating reversed dims

    if N < M || M != sum(dimrev)
        throw(ArgumentError("invalid dimensions $dims in reverse!"))
    M == 0 && return A # nothing to reverse

    # swapping loop only needs to traverse ≈half of the array
    halfsz = ntuple(k -> k == dims[1] ? size(A,k) ÷ 2 : size(A,k), Val{N}())

    last1 = ntuple(k -> lastindex(A,k)+firstindex(A,k), Val{N}()) # offset for reversed index
    for i in CartesianIndices(ntuple(k -> firstindex(A,k):firstindex(A,k)-1+@inbounds(halfsz[k]), Val{N}()))
        iₜ = Tuple(i)
        iᵣ = CartesianIndex(ifelse.(dimrev, last1 .- iₜ, iₜ))
        @inbounds A[iᵣ], A[i] = A[i], A[iᵣ]
    if M > 1 && isodd(size(A, dims[1]))
        # middle slice for odd dimensions must be recursively flipped
        mid = firstindex(A, dims[1]) + (size(A, dims[1]) ÷ 2)
        midslice = CartesianIndices(ntuple(k -> k == dims[1] ? (mid:mid) : (firstindex(A,k):lastindex(A,k)), Val{N}()))
        _reverse!(view(A, midslice), dims[2:end])
    return A
# fix ambiguity with array.jl:
_reverse!(A::AbstractVector, dim::Tuple{Int}) = _reverse!(A, first(dim))


Rotate matrix `A` left 90 degrees.

# Examples
julia> a = [1 2; 3 4]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2
 3  4

julia> rotl90(a)
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 2  4
 1  3
function rotl90(A::AbstractMatrix)
    ind1, ind2 = axes(A)
    B = similar(A, (ind2,ind1))
    n = first(ind2)+last(ind2)
    for i=axes(A,1), j=ind2
        B[n-j,i] = A[i,j]
    return B


Rotate matrix `A` right 90 degrees.

# Examples
julia> a = [1 2; 3 4]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2
 3  4

julia> rotr90(a)
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 3  1
 4  2
function rotr90(A::AbstractMatrix)
    ind1, ind2 = axes(A)
    B = similar(A, (ind2,ind1))
    m = first(ind1)+last(ind1)
    for i=ind1, j=axes(A,2)
        B[j,m-i] = A[i,j]
    return B

Rotate matrix `A` 180 degrees.

# Examples
julia> a = [1 2; 3 4]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2
 3  4

julia> rot180(a)
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 4  3
 2  1
function rot180(A::AbstractMatrix)
    B = similar(A)
    ind1, ind2 = axes(A,1), axes(A,2)
    m, n = first(ind1)+last(ind1), first(ind2)+last(ind2)
    for j=ind2, i=ind1
        B[m-i,n-j] = A[i,j]
    return B
    rotl90(A, k)

Left-rotate matrix `A` 90 degrees counterclockwise an integer `k` number of times.
If `k` is a multiple of four (including zero), this is equivalent to a `copy`.

# Examples
julia> a = [1 2; 3 4]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2
 3  4

julia> rotl90(a,1)
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 2  4
 1  3

julia> rotl90(a,2)
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 4  3
 2  1

julia> rotl90(a,3)
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 3  1
 4  2

julia> rotl90(a,4)
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2
 3  4
function rotl90(A::AbstractMatrix, k::Integer)
    k = mod(k, 4)
    k == 1 ? rotl90(A) :
    k == 2 ? rot180(A) :
    k == 3 ? rotr90(A) : copy(A)
    rotr90(A, k)

Right-rotate matrix `A` 90 degrees clockwise an integer `k` number of times.
If `k` is a multiple of four (including zero), this is equivalent to a `copy`.

# Examples
julia> a = [1 2; 3 4]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2
 3  4

julia> rotr90(a,1)
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 3  1
 4  2

julia> rotr90(a,2)
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 4  3
 2  1

julia> rotr90(a,3)
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 2  4
 1  3

julia> rotr90(a,4)
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2
 3  4
rotr90(A::AbstractMatrix, k::Integer) = rotl90(A,-k)
    rot180(A, k)

Rotate matrix `A` 180 degrees an integer `k` number of times.
If `k` is even, this is equivalent to a `copy`.

# Examples
julia> a = [1 2; 3 4]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2
 3  4

julia> rot180(a,1)
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 4  3
 2  1

julia> rot180(a,2)
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2
 3  4
rot180(A::AbstractMatrix, k::Integer) = mod(k, 2) == 1 ? rot180(A) : copy(A)
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