Revision bc7ba3d5c8b2dab1c0e19537739b67c2da902d11 authored by Keno Fischer on 20 March 2024, 06:35:46 UTC, committed by GitHub on 20 March 2024, 06:35:46 UTC
This passes slightly more information into this function (the full
`inst` rather than just the `stmt`) in order to allow external absint to
access additional fields (the flags and the info) if necessary to make
concrete evaluation decisions. It also splits out the actual concrete
evaluation from the part that just maps the `inst` to a CodeInstance.
1 parent e0bb95a
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

using Test, Base.Threads
using Core: ConcurrencyViolationError
import Base: copy

const ReplaceType = ccall(:jl_apply_cmpswap_type, Any, (Any,), T) where T

mutable struct ARefxy{T}
    @atomic x::T
    ARefxy(x::T, y::T) where {T} = new{T}(x, y)
    ARefxy{T}(x, y) where {T} = new{T}(x, y)
    ARefxy{T}() where {T} = new{T}()

mutable struct Refxy{T}
    Refxy(x::T, y::T) where {T} = new{T}(x, y)
    Refxy{T}(x, y) where {T} = new{T}(x, y)
    Refxy{T}() where {T} = new() # unused, but sets ninitialized to 0

modname = String(nameof(@__MODULE__))
@test_throws ErrorException("invalid redefinition of constant $modname.ARefxy") @eval mutable struct ARefxy{T}
    @atomic x::T
    @atomic y::T
@test_throws ErrorException("invalid redefinition of constant $modname.ARefxy") @eval mutable struct ARefxy{T}
@test_throws ErrorException("invalid redefinition of constant $modname.ARefxy") @eval mutable struct ARefxy{T}
    @atomic y::T
@test_throws ErrorException("invalid redefinition of constant $modname.Refxy") @eval mutable struct Refxy{T}
    @atomic y::T

copy(r::Union{Refxy,ARefxy}) = typeof(r)(r.x, r.y)
function add(x::T, y)::T where {T}; x + y; end
swap(x, y) = y

struct UndefComplex{T}
    UndefComplex{T}() where {T} = new{T}()
Base.convert(T::Type{<:UndefComplex}, S) = T()

let T1 = Refxy{NTuple{3,UInt8}},
    T2 = ARefxy{NTuple{3,UInt8}}
    @test sizeof(T1) == 6
    @test sizeof(T2) == 8
    @test fieldoffset(T1, 1) == 0
    @test fieldoffset(T2, 1) == 0
    @test fieldoffset(T1, 2) == 3
    @test fieldoffset(T2, 2) == 4
    @test !Base.datatype_haspadding(T1)
    @test Base.datatype_haspadding(T2)
    @test Base.datatype_alignment(T1) == 1
    @test Base.datatype_alignment(T2) == 4

# check that very large types are getting locks
let (x, y) = (Complex{Int128}(10, 30), Complex{Int128}(20, 40))
    r = Refxy(x, y)
    ar = ARefxy(x, y)
    mr = AtomicMemory{Pair{typeof(x),typeof(y)}}(undef, 20)
    @test 64 == sizeof(r) < sizeof(ar)
    @test sizeof(ar) == sizeof(r) + Int(fieldoffset(typeof(ar), 1))
    @test_broken Base.elsize(mr) == sizeof(ar)
    @test sizeof(mr) == length(mr) * (sizeof(r) + 16)

struct PadIntA <: Number # internal padding
    PadIntA(x) = new(82, x)
struct PadIntB <: Number # external padding
    PadIntB(x) = new(x & 0xff, (x >> 8) & 0xff, (x >> 16) & 0xff)
primitive type Int24 <: Signed 24 end # integral padding
Int24(x::Int) = Core.Intrinsics.trunc_int(Int24, x)
Base.Int(x::PadIntB) = x.a + (Int(x.b) << 8) + (Int(x.c) << 16)
Base.:(+)(x::PadIntA, b::Int) = PadIntA(x.b + b)
Base.:(+)(x::PadIntB, b::Int) = PadIntB(Int(x) + b)
Base.:(+)(x::Int24, b::Int) = Core.Intrinsics.add_int(x, Int24(b)), x::PadIntA) = print(io, "PadIntA(", x.b, ")"), x::PadIntB) = print(io, "PadIntB(", Int(x), ")"), x::Int24) = print(io, "Int24(", Core.Intrinsics.zext_int(Int, x), ")")

## Fields

@noinline function _test_field_operators(r)
    r = r[]
    TT = fieldtype(typeof(r), :x)
    T = typeof(getfield(r, :x))
    @test getfield(r, :x, :sequentially_consistent) === T(123_10)
    @test setfield!(r, :x, T(123_1), :sequentially_consistent) === T(123_1)
    @test getfield(r, :x, :sequentially_consistent) === T(123_1)
    @test replacefield!(r, :x, 123_1 % UInt, T(123_30), :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent) === ReplaceType{TT}((T(123_1), false))
    @test replacefield!(r, :x, T(123_1), T(123_30), :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent) === ReplaceType{TT}((T(123_1), true))
    @test getfield(r, :x, :sequentially_consistent) === T(123_30)
    @test replacefield!(r, :x, T(123_1), T(123_1), :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent) === ReplaceType{TT}((T(123_30), false))
    @test getfield(r, :x, :sequentially_consistent) === T(123_30)
    @test modifyfield!(r, :x, add, 1, :sequentially_consistent) === Pair{TT,TT}(T(123_30), T(123_31))
    @test modifyfield!(r, :x, add, 1, :sequentially_consistent) === Pair{TT,TT}(T(123_31), T(123_32))
    @test getfield(r, :x, :sequentially_consistent) === T(123_32)
    @test swapfield!(r, :x, T(123_1), :sequentially_consistent) === T(123_32)
    @test getfield(r, :x, :sequentially_consistent) === T(123_1)
@noinline function test_field_operators(r)
test_field_operators(ARefxy{Int}(123_10, 123_20))
test_field_operators(ARefxy{Any}(123_10, 123_20))
test_field_operators(ARefxy{Union{Nothing,Int}}(123_10, nothing))
test_field_operators(ARefxy{Complex{Int32}}(123_10, 123_20))
test_field_operators(ARefxy{Complex{Int128}}(123_10, 123_20))
test_field_operators(ARefxy{PadIntA}(123_10, 123_20))
test_field_operators(ARefxy{PadIntB}(123_10, 123_20))
#FIXME: test_field_operators(ARefxy{Int24}(123_10, 123_20))
test_field_operators(ARefxy{Float64}(123_10, 123_20))

@noinline function _test_field_orderings(r, x, y)
    @nospecialize x y
    r = r[]
    TT = fieldtype(typeof(r), :x)

    @test getfield(r, :x) === x
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") getfield(r, :x, :u)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("getfield: atomic field cannot be accessed non-atomically") getfield(r, :x, :not_atomic)
    @test getfield(r, :x, :unordered) === x
    @test getfield(r, :x, :monotonic) === x
    @test getfield(r, :x, :acquire) === x
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") getfield(r, :x, :release) === x
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") getfield(r, :x, :acquire_release) === x
    @test getfield(r, :x, :sequentially_consistent) === x
    @test isdefined(r, :x)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") isdefined(r, :x, :u)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("isdefined: atomic field cannot be accessed non-atomically") isdefined(r, :x, :not_atomic)
    @test isdefined(r, :x, :unordered)
    @test isdefined(r, :x, :monotonic)
    @test isdefined(r, :x, :acquire)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") isdefined(r, :x, :release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") isdefined(r, :x, :acquire_release)
    @test isdefined(r, :x, :sequentially_consistent)

    @test getfield(r, :y) === y
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") getfield(r, :y, :u)
    @test getfield(r, :y, :not_atomic) === y
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("getfield: non-atomic field cannot be accessed atomically") getfield(r, :y, :unordered)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("getfield: non-atomic field cannot be accessed atomically") getfield(r, :y, :monotonic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("getfield: non-atomic field cannot be accessed atomically") getfield(r, :y, :acquire)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") getfield(r, :y, :release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") getfield(r, :y, :acquire_release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("getfield: non-atomic field cannot be accessed atomically") getfield(r, :y, :sequentially_consistent)
    @test isdefined(r, :y)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") isdefined(r, :y, :u)
    @test isdefined(r, :y, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("isdefined: non-atomic field cannot be accessed atomically") isdefined(r, :y, :unordered)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("isdefined: non-atomic field cannot be accessed atomically") isdefined(r, :y, :monotonic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("isdefined: non-atomic field cannot be accessed atomically") isdefined(r, :y, :acquire)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") isdefined(r, :y, :release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") isdefined(r, :y, :acquire_release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("isdefined: non-atomic field cannot be accessed atomically") isdefined(r, :y, :sequentially_consistent)

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setfield!(r, :x, y, :u)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setfield!: atomic field cannot be written non-atomically") setfield!(r, :x, y)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setfield!: atomic field cannot be written non-atomically") setfield!(r, :x, y, :not_atomic)
    @test getfield(r, :x) === x
    @test setfield!(r, :x, y, :unordered) === y
    @test setfield!(r, :x, y, :monotonic) === y
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setfield!(r, :x, y, :acquire) === y
    @test setfield!(r, :x, y, :release) === y
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setfield!(r, :x, y, :acquire_release) === y
    @test setfield!(r, :x, y, :sequentially_consistent) === y
    @test getfield(r, :x) === y

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setfield!(r, :y, x, :u)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setfield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") setfield!(r, :y, x, :unordered)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setfield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") setfield!(r, :y, x, :monotonic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setfield!(r, :y, x, :acquire)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setfield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") setfield!(r, :y, x, :release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setfield!(r, :y, x, :acquire_release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setfield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") setfield!(r, :y, x, :sequentially_consistent)
    @test getfield(r, :y) === y
    @test setfield!(r, :y, x) === x
    @test setfield!(r, :y, x, :not_atomic) === x
    @test getfield(r, :y) === x

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") swapfield!(r, :y, y, :u)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") swapfield!(r, :y, y, :unordered)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("swapfield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") swapfield!(r, :y, y, :monotonic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("swapfield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") swapfield!(r, :y, y, :acquire)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("swapfield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") swapfield!(r, :y, y, :release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("swapfield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") swapfield!(r, :y, y, :acquire_release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("swapfield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") swapfield!(r, :y, y, :sequentially_consistent)
    @test swapfield!(r, :y, y, :not_atomic) === x

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") modifyfield!(r, :y, swap, y, :u)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") modifyfield!(r, :y, swap, y, :unordered)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("modifyfield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") modifyfield!(r, :y, swap, y, :monotonic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("modifyfield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") modifyfield!(r, :y, swap, y, :acquire)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("modifyfield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") modifyfield!(r, :y, swap, y, :release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("modifyfield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") modifyfield!(r, :y, swap, y, :acquire_release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("modifyfield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") modifyfield!(r, :y, swap, y, :sequentially_consistent)
    @test modifyfield!(r, :y, swap, x, :not_atomic) === Pair{TT,TT}(y, x)

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :y, y, y, :u, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :y, y, y, :unordered, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replacefield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") replacefield!(r, :y, y, y, :monotonic, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replacefield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") replacefield!(r, :y, y, y, :acquire, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replacefield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") replacefield!(r, :y, y, y, :release, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replacefield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") replacefield!(r, :y, y, y, :acquire_release, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replacefield!: non-atomic field cannot be written atomically") replacefield!(r, :y, y, y, :sequentially_consistent, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :y, y, y, :not_atomic, :u)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :y, y, y, :not_atomic, :unordered)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :y, y, y, :not_atomic, :monotonic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :y, y, y, :not_atomic, :acquire)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :y, y, y, :not_atomic, :release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :y, y, y, :not_atomic, :acquire_release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :y, y, y, :not_atomic, :sequentially_consistent)
    @test replacefield!(r, :y, x, y, :not_atomic, :not_atomic) === ReplaceType{TT}((x, true))
    @test replacefield!(r, :y, x, y, :not_atomic, :not_atomic) === ReplaceType{TT}((y, x === y))
    @test replacefield!(r, :y, y, y, :not_atomic) === ReplaceType{TT}((y, true))
    @test replacefield!(r, :y, y, y) === ReplaceType{TT}((y, true))

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") swapfield!(r, :x, x, :u)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("swapfield!: atomic field cannot be written non-atomically") swapfield!(r, :x, x, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("swapfield!: atomic field cannot be written non-atomically") swapfield!(r, :x, x)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") swapfield!(r, :x, x, :unordered) === y
    @test swapfield!(r, :x, x, :monotonic) === y
    @test swapfield!(r, :x, x, :acquire) === x
    @test swapfield!(r, :x, x, :release) === x
    @test swapfield!(r, :x, x, :acquire_release) === x
    @test swapfield!(r, :x, x, :sequentially_consistent) === x

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") modifyfield!(r, :x, swap, x, :u)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("modifyfield!: atomic field cannot be written non-atomically") modifyfield!(r, :x, swap, x, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("modifyfield!: atomic field cannot be written non-atomically") modifyfield!(r, :x, swap, x)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") modifyfield!(r, :x, swap, x, :unordered)
    @test modifyfield!(r, :x, swap, x, :monotonic) === Pair{TT,TT}(x, x)
    @test modifyfield!(r, :x, swap, x, :acquire) === Pair{TT,TT}(x, x)
    @test modifyfield!(r, :x, swap, x, :release) === Pair{TT,TT}(x, x)
    @test modifyfield!(r, :x, swap, x, :acquire_release) === Pair{TT,TT}(x, x)
    @test modifyfield!(r, :x, swap, x, :sequentially_consistent) === Pair{TT,TT}(x, x)

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :x, x, x, :u, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replacefield!: atomic field cannot be written non-atomically") replacefield!(r, :x, x, x)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replacefield!: atomic field cannot be written non-atomically") replacefield!(r, :x, y, x, :not_atomic, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :x, x, x, :unordered, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replacefield!: atomic field cannot be accessed non-atomically") replacefield!(r, :x, x, x, :monotonic, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replacefield!: atomic field cannot be accessed non-atomically") replacefield!(r, :x, x, x, :acquire, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replacefield!: atomic field cannot be accessed non-atomically") replacefield!(r, :x, x, x, :release, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replacefield!: atomic field cannot be accessed non-atomically") replacefield!(r, :x, x, x, :acquire_release, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replacefield!: atomic field cannot be accessed non-atomically") replacefield!(r, :x, x, x, :sequentially_consistent, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :x, x, x, :not_atomic, :u)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :x, x, x, :not_atomic, :unordered)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :x, x, x, :not_atomic, :monotonic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :x, x, x, :not_atomic, :acquire)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :x, x, x, :not_atomic, :release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :x, x, x, :not_atomic, :acquire_release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replacefield!(r, :x, x, x, :not_atomic, :sequentially_consistent)
    @test replacefield!(r, :x, x, y, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent) === ReplaceType{TT}((x, true))
    @test replacefield!(r, :x, x, y, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent) === ReplaceType{TT}((y, x === y))
    @test replacefield!(r, :x, y, x, :sequentially_consistent) === ReplaceType{TT}((y, true))

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setfieldonce!(r, :x, x, :u, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setfieldonce!: atomic field cannot be written non-atomically") setfieldonce!(r, :x, x)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setfieldonce!: atomic field cannot be written non-atomically") setfieldonce!(r, :x, y, :not_atomic, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setfieldonce!(r, :x,  x, :unordered, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setfieldonce!: atomic field cannot be accessed non-atomically") setfieldonce!(r, :x, x, :monotonic, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setfieldonce!: atomic field cannot be accessed non-atomically") setfieldonce!(r, :x, x, :acquire, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setfieldonce!: atomic field cannot be accessed non-atomically") setfieldonce!(r, :x, x, :release, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setfieldonce!: atomic field cannot be accessed non-atomically") setfieldonce!(r, :x, x, :acquire_release, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setfieldonce!: atomic field cannot be accessed non-atomically") setfieldonce!(r, :x, x, :sequentially_consistent, :not_atomic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setfieldonce!(r, :x, x, :not_atomic, :u)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setfieldonce!(r, :x, x, :not_atomic, :unordered)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setfieldonce!(r, :x, x, :not_atomic, :monotonic)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setfieldonce!(r, :x, x, :not_atomic, :acquire)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setfieldonce!(r, :x, x, :not_atomic, :release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setfieldonce!(r, :x, x, :not_atomic, :acquire_release)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setfieldonce!(r, :x, x, :not_atomic, :sequentially_consistent)
    @test setfieldonce!(r, :x, y, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent) === false
    @test setfieldonce!(r, :x, y, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent) === false
    @test setfieldonce!(r, :x, x, :sequentially_consistent) === false
@noinline function test_field_orderings(r, x, y)
    @testset "$r" begin
        _test_field_orderings(Ref(copy(r)), x, y)
        _test_field_orderings(Ref{Any}(copy(r)), x, y)
@noinline test_field_orderings(x, y) = (@nospecialize; test_field_orderings(ARefxy(x, y), x, y))
test_field_orderings(10, 20)
test_field_orderings(true, false)
test_field_orderings("hi", "bye")
test_field_orderings(:hi, :bye)
test_field_orderings(nothing, nothing)
test_field_orderings(ARefxy{Any}(123_10, 123_20), 123_10, 123_20)
test_field_orderings(ARefxy{Any}(true, false), true, false)
test_field_orderings(ARefxy{Union{Nothing,Missing}}(nothing, missing), nothing, missing)
test_field_orderings(ARefxy{Union{Nothing,Int}}(nothing, 123_1), nothing, 123_1)
test_field_orderings(Complex{Int128}(10, 30), Complex{Int128}(20, 40))
test_field_orderings(10.0, 20.0)
test_field_orderings(NaN, Inf)

@noinline function _test_field_undef(r)
    r = r[]
    TT = fieldtype(typeof(r), :x)
    x = convert(TT, 12345_10)
    @test_throws UndefRefError getfield(r, :x)
    @test_throws UndefRefError getfield(r, :x, :sequentially_consistent)
    @test_throws UndefRefError modifyfield!(r, :x, add, 1, :sequentially_consistent)
    @test_throws (TT === Any ? UndefRefError : TypeError) replacefield!(r, :x, 1, 1.0, :sequentially_consistent)
    @test_throws UndefRefError replacefield!(r, :x, 1, x, :sequentially_consistent)
    @test_throws UndefRefError getfield(r, :x, :sequentially_consistent)
    @test_throws UndefRefError swapfield!(r, :x, x, :sequentially_consistent)
    @test getfield(r, :x, :sequentially_consistent) === x === getfield(r, :x)
@noinline function test_field_undef(TT)

@noinline function _test_once_undef(r)
    r = r[]
    TT = fieldtype(typeof(r), :x)
    x = convert(TT, 12345_10)
    @test_throws UndefRefError getfield(r, :x)
    @test setfieldonce!(r, :x, x, :sequentially_consistent) === true
    @test getfield(r, :x, :sequentially_consistent) === x
    @test setfieldonce!(r, :x, convert(TT, 12345_20), :sequentially_consistent) === false

@noinline function test_once_undef(TT)


@test_throws ErrorException @macroexpand @atomic foo()
@test_throws ErrorException @macroexpand @atomic foo += bar
@test_throws ErrorException @macroexpand @atomic foo += bar
@test_throws ErrorException @macroexpand @atomic foo = bar
@test_throws ErrorException @macroexpand @atomic foo()
@test_throws ErrorException @macroexpand @atomic foo(bar)
@test_throws ErrorException @macroexpand @atomic foo(bar, baz)
@test_throws ErrorException @macroexpand @atomic foo(bar, baz, bax)
@test_throws ErrorException @macroexpand @atomicreplace foo bar

# test macroexpansions
let a = ARefxy(1, -1)
    @test 1 === @atomic a.x
    @test 2 === @atomic :sequentially_consistent a.x = 2
    @test 3 === @atomic :monotonic a.x = 3
    local four = 4
    @test 4 === @atomic :monotonic a.x = four
    @test 3 === @atomic :monotonic a.x = four - 1
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomic :not_atomic a.x = 2
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomic :not_atomic a.x
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomic :not_atomic a.x += 1

    @test 3 === @atomic :monotonic a.x
    @test 5 === @atomic a.x += 2
    @test 4 === @atomic :monotonic a.x -= 1
    @test 12 === @atomic :monotonic a.x *= 3

    @test 12 === @atomic a.x
    @test (12 => 13) === @atomic a.x + 1
    @test (13 => 15) === @atomic :monotonic a.x + 2
    @test (15 => 19) === @atomic a.x max 19
    @test (19 => 20) === @atomic :monotonic a.x max 20
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomic :not_atomic a.x + 1
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomic :not_atomic a.x max 30

    @test 20 === @atomic a.x
    @test 20 === @atomicswap a.x = 1
    @test 1 === @atomicswap :monotonic a.x = 2
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomicswap :not_atomic a.x = 1

    @test 2 === @atomic a.x
    @test ReplaceType{Int}((2, true)) === @atomicreplace a.x 2 => 1
    @test ReplaceType{Int}((1, false)) === @atomicreplace :monotonic a.x 2 => 1
    @test ReplaceType{Int}((1, false)) === @atomicreplace :monotonic :monotonic a.x 2 => 1
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomicreplace :not_atomic a.x 1 => 2
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomicreplace :monotonic :acquire a.x 1 => 2

    @test 1 === @atomic a.x
    xchg = 1 => 2
    @test ReplaceType{Int}((1, true)) === @atomicreplace a.x xchg
    @test ReplaceType{Int}((2, false)) === @atomicreplace :monotonic a.x xchg
    @test ReplaceType{Int}((2, false)) === @atomicreplace :acquire_release :monotonic a.x xchg
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomicreplace :not_atomic a.x xchg
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomicreplace :monotonic :acquire a.x xchg

let a = ARefxy{Union{Nothing,Integer}}()
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomiconce :not_atomic a.x = 2
    @test true === @atomiconce a.x = 1
    @test 1 === @atomic a.x
    @test false === @atomiconce a.x = 2

# atomic getfield with boundcheck
# via codegen
getx(a, boundcheck) = getfield(a, :x, :sequentially_consistent, boundcheck)
@test getx(ARefxy{Any}(42, 42), true) == 42
@test getx(ARefxy{Any}(42, 42), false) == 42
# via interpreter
ans = getfield(ARefxy{Any}(42, 42), :x, :sequentially_consistent, true)
@test ans == 42
ans = getfield(ARefxy{Any}(42, 42), :x, :sequentially_consistent, false)
@test ans == 42

## Globals

# the optimizer is terrible at handling PhiC nodes, so this must be a function
# generator with a custom inlining here of r, instead of being able to assume
# the inlining pass can inline a constant value correctly
function gen_test_global_operators(@nospecialize r)
    M = @__MODULE__
    return quote
        TT = Core.get_binding_type($M, $r)
        T = typeof(getglobal($M, $r))
        @test getglobal($M, $r, :sequentially_consistent) === T(123_10)
        @test setglobal!($M, $r, T(123_1), :sequentially_consistent) === T(123_1)
        @test getglobal($M, $r, :sequentially_consistent) === T(123_1)
        @test replaceglobal!($M, $r, 123_1 % UInt, T(123_30), :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent) === ReplaceType{TT}((T(123_1), false))
        @test replaceglobal!($M, $r, T(123_1), T(123_30), :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent) === ReplaceType{TT}((T(123_1), true))
        @test getglobal($M, $r, :sequentially_consistent) === T(123_30)
        @test replaceglobal!($M, $r, T(123_1), T(123_1), :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent) === ReplaceType{TT}((T(123_30), false))
        @test getglobal($M, $r, :sequentially_consistent) === T(123_30)
        @test modifyglobal!($M, $r, add, 1, :sequentially_consistent) === Pair{TT,TT}(T(123_30), T(123_31))
        @test modifyglobal!($M, $r, add, 1, :sequentially_consistent) === Pair{TT,TT}(T(123_31), T(123_32))
        @test getglobal($M, $r, :sequentially_consistent) === T(123_32)
        @test swapglobal!($M, $r, T(123_1), :sequentially_consistent) === T(123_32)
        @test getglobal($M, $r, :sequentially_consistent) === T(123_1)
@noinline function test_global_operators(T::Type)
    r = Symbol("g1_$T")
    @eval global $r::$T = 123_10
    invokelatest(@eval(() -> $(gen_test_global_operators(QuoteNode(r)))))
    r = Symbol("g2_$T")
    @eval global $r::$T = 123_10
    invokelatest(@eval(r -> $(gen_test_global_operators(:r))), r)
#FIXME: test_global_operators(Int24)

function gen_test_global_orderings(@nospecialize r)
    M = @__MODULE__
    return quote
        @nospecialize x y
        TT = Core.get_binding_type($M, $r)

        @test getglobal($M, $r) === x
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") getglobal($M, $r, :u)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("getglobal: module binding cannot be read non-atomically") getglobal($M, $r, :not_atomic)
        @test getglobal($M, $r, :unordered) === x
        @test getglobal($M, $r, :monotonic) === x
        @test getglobal($M, $r, :acquire) === x
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") getglobal($M, $r, :release) === x
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") getglobal($M, $r, :acquire_release) === x
        @test getglobal($M, $r, :sequentially_consistent) === x
        @test isdefined($M, $r)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") isdefined($M, $r, :u)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("isdefined: module binding cannot be accessed non-atomically") isdefined($M, $r, :not_atomic)
        @test isdefined($M, $r, :unordered)
        @test isdefined($M, $r, :monotonic)
        @test isdefined($M, $r, :acquire)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") isdefined($M, $r, :release)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") isdefined($M, $r, :acquire_release)
        @test isdefined($M, $r, :sequentially_consistent)

        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setglobal!($M, $r, y, :u)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setglobal!: module binding cannot be written non-atomically") setglobal!($M, $r, y, :not_atomic)
        @test getglobal($M, $r) === x
        @test setglobal!($M, $r, y) === y
        @test setglobal!($M, $r, y, :unordered) === y
        @test setglobal!($M, $r, y, :monotonic) === y
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setglobal!($M, $r, y, :acquire) === y
        @test setglobal!($M, $r, y, :release) === y
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setglobal!($M, $r, y, :acquire_release) === y
        @test setglobal!($M, $r, y, :sequentially_consistent) === y
        @test getglobal($M, $r) === y

        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") swapglobal!($M, $r, x, :u)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("swapglobal!: module binding cannot be written non-atomically") swapglobal!($M, $r, x, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") swapglobal!($M, $r, x, :unordered) === y
        @test swapglobal!($M, $r, x, :monotonic) === y
        @test swapglobal!($M, $r, x, :acquire) === x
        @test swapglobal!($M, $r, x, :release) === x
        @test swapglobal!($M, $r, x, :acquire_release) === x
        @test swapglobal!($M, $r, x, :sequentially_consistent) === x
        @test swapglobal!($M, $r, x) === x

        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") modifyglobal!($M, $r, swap, x, :u)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("modifyglobal!: module binding cannot be written non-atomically") modifyglobal!($M, $r, swap, x, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") modifyglobal!($M, $r, swap, x, :unordered)
        @test modifyglobal!($M, $r, swap, x, :monotonic) === Pair{TT,TT}(x, x)
        @test modifyglobal!($M, $r, swap, x, :acquire) === Pair{TT,TT}(x, x)
        @test modifyglobal!($M, $r, swap, x, :release) === Pair{TT,TT}(x, x)
        @test modifyglobal!($M, $r, swap, x, :acquire_release) === Pair{TT,TT}(x, x)
        @test modifyglobal!($M, $r, swap, x, :sequentially_consistent) === Pair{TT,TT}(x, x)
        @test modifyglobal!($M, $r, swap, x) === Pair{TT,TT}(x, x)

        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, x, :u, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replaceglobal!: module binding cannot be written non-atomically") replaceglobal!($M, $r, y, x, :not_atomic, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, x, :unordered, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replaceglobal!: module binding cannot be accessed non-atomically") replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, x, :monotonic, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replaceglobal!: module binding cannot be accessed non-atomically") replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, x, :acquire, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replaceglobal!: module binding cannot be accessed non-atomically") replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, x, :release, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replaceglobal!: module binding cannot be accessed non-atomically") replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, x, :acquire_release, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("replaceglobal!: module binding cannot be accessed non-atomically") replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, x, :sequentially_consistent, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, x, :not_atomic, :u)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, x, :not_atomic, :unordered)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, x, :not_atomic, :monotonic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, x, :not_atomic, :acquire)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, x, :not_atomic, :release)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, x, :not_atomic, :acquire_release)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, x, :not_atomic, :sequentially_consistent)
        @test replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, y, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent) === ReplaceType{TT}((x, true))
        @test replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, y, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent) === ReplaceType{TT}((y, x === y))
        @test replaceglobal!($M, $r, y, x, :sequentially_consistent) === ReplaceType{TT}((y, true))
        @test replaceglobal!($M, $r, x, x) === ReplaceType{TT}((x, true))

        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setglobalonce!($M, $r, x, :u, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setglobalonce!: module binding cannot be written non-atomically") setglobalonce!($M, $r, y, :not_atomic, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setglobalonce!($M, $r,  x, :unordered, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setglobalonce!: module binding cannot be accessed non-atomically") setglobalonce!($M, $r, x, :monotonic, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setglobalonce!: module binding cannot be accessed non-atomically") setglobalonce!($M, $r, x, :acquire, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setglobalonce!: module binding cannot be accessed non-atomically") setglobalonce!($M, $r, x, :release, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setglobalonce!: module binding cannot be accessed non-atomically") setglobalonce!($M, $r, x, :acquire_release, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("setglobalonce!: module binding cannot be accessed non-atomically") setglobalonce!($M, $r, x, :sequentially_consistent, :not_atomic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setglobalonce!($M, $r, x, :not_atomic, :u)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setglobalonce!($M, $r, x, :not_atomic, :unordered)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setglobalonce!($M, $r, x, :not_atomic, :monotonic)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setglobalonce!($M, $r, x, :not_atomic, :acquire)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setglobalonce!($M, $r, x, :not_atomic, :release)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setglobalonce!($M, $r, x, :not_atomic, :acquire_release)
        @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") setglobalonce!($M, $r, x, :not_atomic, :sequentially_consistent)
        @test setglobalonce!($M, $r, x) === false
        @test setglobalonce!($M, $r, y, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent) === false
        @test setglobalonce!($M, $r, y, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent) === false
        @test setglobalonce!($M, $r, x, :sequentially_consistent) === false
@noinline function test_global_orderings(T::Type, x, y)
    r = Symbol("h1_$T")
    @eval global $r::$T = $(QuoteNode(x))
    invokelatest(@eval((x, y) -> $(gen_test_global_orderings(QuoteNode(r)))), x, y)
    r = Symbol("h2_$T")
    @eval global $r::$T = $(QuoteNode(x))
    invokelatest(@eval((r, x, y) -> $(gen_test_global_orderings(:r))), r, x, y)
test_global_orderings(Int, 10, 20)
test_global_orderings(Bool, true, false)
test_global_orderings(String, "hi", "bye")
test_global_orderings(Symbol, :hi, :bye)
test_global_orderings(Nothing, nothing, nothing)
test_global_orderings(Any, 123_10, 123_20)
test_global_orderings(Any, true, false)
test_global_orderings(Union{Nothing,Missing}, nothing, missing)
test_global_orderings(Union{Nothing,Int}, nothing, 123_1)
test_global_orderings(Complex{Int128}, Complex{Int128}(10, 30), Complex{Int128}(20, 40))
test_global_orderings(Float64, 10.0, 20.0)
test_global_orderings(Float64, NaN, Inf)

function gen_test_global_undef(@nospecialize r)
    M = @__MODULE__
    return quote
        TT = Core.get_binding_type($M, $r)
        x = convert(TT, 12345_10)
        @test_throws UndefVarError getglobal($M, $r)
        @test_throws UndefVarError getglobal($M, $r, :sequentially_consistent)
        @test_throws UndefVarError modifyglobal!($M, $r, add, 1, :sequentially_consistent)
        @test_throws (TT === Any ? UndefVarError : Union{TypeError,ErrorException}) replaceglobal!($M, $r, 1, 1.0, :sequentially_consistent) # TODO: should this be TypeError or ErrorException
        @test_throws UndefVarError replaceglobal!($M, $r, 1, x, :sequentially_consistent)
        @test_throws UndefVarError getglobal($M, $r, :sequentially_consistent)
        @test_throws UndefVarError swapglobal!($M, $r, x, :sequentially_consistent)
        @test getglobal($M, $r, :sequentially_consistent) === x === getglobal($M, $r)
@noinline function test_global_undef(T)
    r = Symbol("u1_$T")
    @eval global $r::$T
    invokelatest(@eval(() -> $(gen_test_global_undef(QuoteNode(r)))))
    r = Symbol("u2_$T")
    @eval global $r::$T
    invokelatest(@eval(r -> $(gen_test_global_undef(:r))), r)

function gen_test_globalonce(@nospecialize r)
    M = @__MODULE__
    return quote
        TT = Core.get_binding_type($M, $r)
        x = convert(TT, 12345_10)
        @test_throws UndefVarError getglobal($M, $r)
        @test setglobalonce!($M, $r, x, :sequentially_consistent) === true
        @test getglobal($M, $r, :sequentially_consistent) === x
        @test setglobalonce!($M, $r, convert(TT, 12345_20), :sequentially_consistent) === false
@noinline function test_globalonce(T)
    r = Symbol("o1_$T")
    @eval global $r::$T
    invokelatest(@eval(() -> $(gen_test_globalonce(QuoteNode(r)))))
    r = Symbol("o2_$T")
    @eval global $r::$T
    invokelatest(@eval(r -> $(gen_test_globalonce(:r))), r)

# test macroexpansions
global x::Int
let a = @__MODULE__
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomiconce :not_atomic a.x = 2
    @test true === @atomiconce a.x = 1
    @test 1 === @atomic a.x
    @test false === @atomiconce a.x = 2
let a = @__MODULE__
    @test 1 === @atomic a.x
    @test 2 === @atomic :sequentially_consistent a.x = 2
    @test 3 === @atomic :monotonic a.x = 3
    local four = 4
    @test 4 === @atomic :monotonic a.x = four
    @test 3 === @atomic :monotonic a.x = four - 1
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomic :not_atomic a.x = 2
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomic :not_atomic a.x
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomic :not_atomic a.x += 1

    @test 3 === @atomic :monotonic a.x
    @test 5 === @atomic a.x += 2
    @test 4 === @atomic :monotonic a.x -= 1
    @test 12 === @atomic :monotonic a.x *= 3

    @test 12 === @atomic a.x
    @test (12 => 13) === @atomic a.x + 1
    @test (13 => 15) === @atomic :monotonic a.x + 2
    @test (15 => 19) === @atomic a.x max 19
    @test (19 => 20) === @atomic :monotonic a.x max 20
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomic :not_atomic a.x + 1
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomic :not_atomic a.x max 30

    @test 20 === @atomic a.x
    @test 20 === @atomicswap a.x = 1
    @test 1 === @atomicswap :monotonic a.x = 2
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomicswap :not_atomic a.x = 1

    @test 2 === @atomic a.x
    @test ReplaceType{Int}((2, true)) === @atomicreplace a.x 2 => 1
    @test ReplaceType{Int}((1, false)) === @atomicreplace :monotonic a.x 2 => 1
    @test ReplaceType{Int}((1, false)) === @atomicreplace :monotonic :monotonic a.x 2 => 1
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomicreplace :not_atomic a.x 1 => 2
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomicreplace :monotonic :acquire a.x 1 => 2

    @test 1 === @atomic a.x
    xchg = 1 => 2
    @test ReplaceType{Int}((1, true)) === @atomicreplace a.x xchg
    @test ReplaceType{Int}((2, false)) === @atomicreplace :monotonic a.x xchg
    @test ReplaceType{Int}((2, false)) === @atomicreplace :acquire_release :monotonic a.x xchg
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomicreplace :not_atomic a.x xchg
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError @atomicreplace :monotonic :acquire a.x xchg

## Memory

using InteractiveUtils
using Core: memoryrefget, memoryrefset!, memoryrefswap!, memoryrefreplace!, memoryrefmodify!, memoryrefsetonce!, memoryref_isassigned

@noinline function _test_memory_operators(r)
    r = r[]
    TT = eltype(r)
    T = typeof(r[])
    @test memoryrefget(r, :sequentially_consistent, true) === T(123_10)
    @test memoryrefset!(r, T(123_1), :sequentially_consistent, true) === T(123_1)
    @test memoryrefget(r, :sequentially_consistent, true) === T(123_1)
    @test memoryrefreplace!(r, 123_1 % UInt, T(123_30), :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent, true) === ReplaceType{TT}((T(123_1), false))
    @test memoryrefreplace!(r, T(123_1), T(123_30), :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent, true) === ReplaceType{TT}((T(123_1), true))
    @test memoryrefget(r, :sequentially_consistent, true) === T(123_30)
    @test memoryrefreplace!(r, T(123_1), T(123_1), :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent, true) === ReplaceType{TT}((T(123_30), false))
    @test memoryrefget(r, :sequentially_consistent, true) === T(123_30)
    @test memoryrefmodify!(r, add, 1, :sequentially_consistent, true) === Pair{TT,TT}(T(123_30), T(123_31))
    @test memoryrefmodify!(r, add, 1, :sequentially_consistent, true) === Pair{TT,TT}(T(123_31), T(123_32))
    @test memoryrefget(r, :sequentially_consistent, true) === T(123_32)
    @test memoryrefswap!(r, T(123_1), :sequentially_consistent, true) === T(123_32)
    @test memoryrefget(r, :sequentially_consistent, true) === T(123_1)
@noinline function test_memory_operators(T::Type)
    x = convert(T, 123_10)
    r = GenericMemoryRef(AtomicMemory{T}(undef, 1))
    memoryrefset!(r, x, :unordered, true) # @atomic r[] = x
    r = GenericMemoryRef(AtomicMemory{T}(undef, 1))
    memoryrefset!(r, x, :unordered, true) # @atomic r[] = x
#FIXME: test_memory_operators(Int24)

@noinline function _test_memory_orderings(xr, yr, x, y)
    @nospecialize x y
    xr = xr[]
    yr = yr[]
    TT = eltype(yr)
    @test TT == eltype(xr)

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefget(xr, :u, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefget: atomic memory cannot be accessed non-atomically") memoryrefget(xr, :not_atomic, true)
    @test memoryrefget(xr, :unordered, true) === x
    @test memoryrefget(xr, :monotonic, true) === x
    @test memoryrefget(xr, :acquire, true) === x
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefget(xr, :release, true) === x
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefget(xr, :acquire_release, true) === x
    @test memoryrefget(xr, :sequentially_consistent, true) === x
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryref_isassigned(xr, :u, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryref_isassigned: atomic memory cannot be accessed non-atomically") memoryref_isassigned(xr, :not_atomic, true)
    @test memoryref_isassigned(xr, :unordered, true)
    @test memoryref_isassigned(xr, :monotonic, true)
    @test memoryref_isassigned(xr, :acquire, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryref_isassigned(xr, :release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryref_isassigned(xr, :acquire_release, true)
    @test memoryref_isassigned(xr, :sequentially_consistent, true)

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefget(yr, :u, true)
    @test memoryrefget(yr, :not_atomic, true) === y
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefget: non-atomic memory cannot be accessed atomically") memoryrefget(yr, :unordered, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefget: non-atomic memory cannot be accessed atomically") memoryrefget(yr, :monotonic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefget: non-atomic memory cannot be accessed atomically") memoryrefget(yr, :acquire, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefget(yr, :release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefget(yr, :acquire_release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefget: non-atomic memory cannot be accessed atomically") memoryrefget(yr, :sequentially_consistent, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryref_isassigned(yr, :u, true)
    @test memoryref_isassigned(yr, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryref_isassigned: non-atomic memory cannot be accessed atomically") memoryref_isassigned(yr, :unordered, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryref_isassigned: non-atomic memory cannot be accessed atomically") memoryref_isassigned(yr, :monotonic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryref_isassigned: non-atomic memory cannot be accessed atomically") memoryref_isassigned(yr, :acquire, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryref_isassigned(yr, :release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryref_isassigned(yr, :acquire_release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryref_isassigned: non-atomic memory cannot be accessed atomically") memoryref_isassigned(yr, :sequentially_consistent, true)

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefset!(xr, y, :u, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefset!: atomic memory cannot be written non-atomically") memoryrefset!(xr, y, :not_atomic, true)
    @test memoryrefget(xr, :unordered, true) === x
    @test memoryrefset!(xr, y, :unordered, true) === y
    @test memoryrefset!(xr, y, :monotonic, true) === y
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefset!(xr, y, :acquire, true) === y
    @test memoryrefset!(xr, y, :release, true) === y
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefset!(xr, y, :acquire_release, true) === y
    @test memoryrefset!(xr, y, :sequentially_consistent, true) === y
    @test memoryrefget(xr, :unordered, true) === y

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefset!(yr, x, :u, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefset!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefset!(yr, x, :unordered, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefset!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefset!(yr, x, :monotonic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefset!(yr, x, :acquire, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefset!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefset!(yr, x, :release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefset!(yr, x, :acquire_release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefset!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefset!(yr, x, :sequentially_consistent, true)
    @test memoryrefget(yr, :not_atomic, true) === y
    @test memoryrefset!(yr, x, :not_atomic, true) === x
    @test memoryrefset!(yr, x, :not_atomic, true) === x
    @test memoryrefget(yr, :not_atomic, true) === x

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefswap!(yr, y, :u, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefswap!(yr, y, :unordered, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefswap!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefswap!(yr, y, :monotonic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefswap!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefswap!(yr, y, :acquire, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefswap!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefswap!(yr, y, :release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefswap!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefswap!(yr, y, :acquire_release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefswap!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefswap!(yr, y, :sequentially_consistent, true)
    @test memoryrefswap!(yr, y, :not_atomic, true) === x

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefmodify!(yr, swap, y, :u, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefmodify!(yr, swap, y, :unordered, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefmodify!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefmodify!(yr, swap, y, :monotonic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefmodify!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefmodify!(yr, swap, y, :acquire, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefmodify!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefmodify!(yr, swap, y, :release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefmodify!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefmodify!(yr, swap, y, :acquire_release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefmodify!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefmodify!(yr, swap, y, :sequentially_consistent, true)
    @test memoryrefmodify!(yr, swap, x, :not_atomic, true) === Pair{TT,TT}(y, x)

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(yr, y, y, :u, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(yr, y, y, :unordered, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefreplace!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefreplace!(yr, y, y, :monotonic, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefreplace!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefreplace!(yr, y, y, :acquire, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefreplace!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefreplace!(yr, y, y, :release, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefreplace!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefreplace!(yr, y, y, :acquire_release, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefreplace!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically") memoryrefreplace!(yr, y, y, :sequentially_consistent, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(yr, y, y, :not_atomic, :u, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(yr, y, y, :not_atomic, :unordered, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(yr, y, y, :not_atomic, :monotonic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(yr, y, y, :not_atomic, :acquire, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(yr, y, y, :not_atomic, :release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(yr, y, y, :not_atomic, :acquire_release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(yr, y, y, :not_atomic, :sequentially_consistent, true)
    @test memoryrefreplace!(yr, x, y, :not_atomic, :not_atomic, true) === ReplaceType{TT}((x, true))
    @test memoryrefreplace!(yr, x, y, :not_atomic, :not_atomic, true) === ReplaceType{TT}((y, x === y))
    @test memoryrefreplace!(yr, y, y, :not_atomic, :not_atomic, true) === ReplaceType{TT}((y, true))

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefswap!(xr, x, :u, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefswap!: atomic memory cannot be written non-atomically") memoryrefswap!(xr, x, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefswap!(xr, x, :unordered, true) === y
    @test memoryrefswap!(xr, x, :monotonic, true) === y
    @test memoryrefswap!(xr, x, :acquire, true) === x
    @test memoryrefswap!(xr, x, :release, true) === x
    @test memoryrefswap!(xr, x, :acquire_release, true) === x
    @test memoryrefswap!(xr, x, :sequentially_consistent, true) === x

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefmodify!(xr, swap, x, :u, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefmodify!: atomic memory cannot be written non-atomically") memoryrefmodify!(xr, swap, x, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefmodify!(xr, swap, x, :unordered, true)
    @test memoryrefmodify!(xr, swap, x, :monotonic, true) === Pair{TT,TT}(x, x)
    @test memoryrefmodify!(xr, swap, x, :acquire, true) === Pair{TT,TT}(x, x)
    @test memoryrefmodify!(xr, swap, x, :release, true) === Pair{TT,TT}(x, x)
    @test memoryrefmodify!(xr, swap, x, :acquire_release, true) === Pair{TT,TT}(x, x)
    @test memoryrefmodify!(xr, swap, x, :sequentially_consistent, true) === Pair{TT,TT}(x, x)

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(xr, x, x, :u, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefreplace!: atomic memory cannot be written non-atomically") memoryrefreplace!(xr, y, x, :not_atomic, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(xr, x, x, :unordered, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefreplace!: atomic memory cannot be accessed non-atomically") memoryrefreplace!(xr, x, x, :monotonic, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefreplace!: atomic memory cannot be accessed non-atomically") memoryrefreplace!(xr, x, x, :acquire, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefreplace!: atomic memory cannot be accessed non-atomically") memoryrefreplace!(xr, x, x, :release, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefreplace!: atomic memory cannot be accessed non-atomically") memoryrefreplace!(xr, x, x, :acquire_release, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefreplace!: atomic memory cannot be accessed non-atomically") memoryrefreplace!(xr, x, x, :sequentially_consistent, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(xr, x, x, :not_atomic, :u, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(xr, x, x, :not_atomic, :unordered, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(xr, x, x, :not_atomic, :monotonic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(xr, x, x, :not_atomic, :acquire, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(xr, x, x, :not_atomic, :release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(xr, x, x, :not_atomic, :acquire_release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefreplace!(xr, x, x, :not_atomic, :sequentially_consistent, true)
    @test memoryrefreplace!(xr, x, y, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent, true) === ReplaceType{TT}((x, true))
    @test memoryrefreplace!(xr, x, y, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent, true) === ReplaceType{TT}((y, x === y))
    @test memoryrefreplace!(xr, y, x, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent, true) === ReplaceType{TT}((y, true))

    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefsetonce!(xr, x, :u, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefsetonce!: atomic memory cannot be written non-atomically") memoryrefsetonce!(xr, y, :not_atomic, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefsetonce!(xr,  x, :unordered, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefsetonce!: atomic memory cannot be accessed non-atomically") memoryrefsetonce!(xr, x, :monotonic, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefsetonce!: atomic memory cannot be accessed non-atomically") memoryrefsetonce!(xr, x, :acquire, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefsetonce!: atomic memory cannot be accessed non-atomically") memoryrefsetonce!(xr, x, :release, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefsetonce!: atomic memory cannot be accessed non-atomically") memoryrefsetonce!(xr, x, :acquire_release, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("memoryrefsetonce!: atomic memory cannot be accessed non-atomically") memoryrefsetonce!(xr, x, :sequentially_consistent, :not_atomic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefsetonce!(xr, x, :not_atomic, :u, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefsetonce!(xr, x, :not_atomic, :unordered, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefsetonce!(xr, x, :not_atomic, :monotonic, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefsetonce!(xr, x, :not_atomic, :acquire, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefsetonce!(xr, x, :not_atomic, :release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefsetonce!(xr, x, :not_atomic, :acquire_release, true)
    @test_throws ConcurrencyViolationError("invalid atomic ordering") memoryrefsetonce!(xr, x, :not_atomic, :sequentially_consistent, true)
    @test memoryrefsetonce!(xr, y, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent, true) === false
    @test memoryrefsetonce!(xr, y, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent, true) === false
    @test memoryrefsetonce!(xr, x, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent, true) === false
@noinline function test_memory_orderings(T::Type, x, y)
    xr = GenericMemoryRef(AtomicMemory{T}(undef, 1))
    memoryrefset!(xr, x, :unordered, true) # @atomic xr[] = x
    yr = GenericMemoryRef(Memory{T}(undef, 1))
    yr[] = y
    _test_memory_orderings(Ref(xr), Ref(yr), x, y)
    xr = GenericMemoryRef(AtomicMemory{T}(undef, 1))
    memoryrefset!(xr, x, :unordered, true) # @atomic xr[] = x
    yr = GenericMemoryRef(Memory{T}(undef, 1))
    yr[] = y
    _test_memory_orderings(Ref{Any}(xr), Ref{Any}(yr), x, y)
@noinline test_memory_orderings(x, y) = (@nospecialize; test_memory_orderings(typeof(x), x, y))
test_memory_orderings(10, 20)
test_memory_orderings(true, false)
test_memory_orderings("hi", "bye")
test_memory_orderings(:hi, :bye)
test_memory_orderings(nothing, nothing)
test_memory_orderings(Any, 123_10, 123_20)
test_memory_orderings(Any, true, false)
test_memory_orderings(Union{Nothing,Missing}, nothing, missing)
test_memory_orderings(Union{Nothing,Int}, nothing, 123_1)
test_memory_orderings(Complex{Int128}(10, 30), Complex{Int128}(20, 40))
test_memory_orderings(10.0, 20.0)
test_memory_orderings(NaN, Inf)

@noinline function _test_memory_undef(r)
    r = r[]
    TT = eltype(r)
    x = convert(TT, 12345_10)
    @test_throws UndefRefError memoryrefget(r, :sequentially_consistent, true)
    @test_throws UndefRefError memoryrefmodify!(r, add, 1, :sequentially_consistent, true)
    @test_throws (TT === Any ? UndefRefError : TypeError) memoryrefreplace!(r, 1, 1.0, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent, true)
    @test_throws UndefRefError memoryrefreplace!(r, 1, x, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent, true)
    @test_throws UndefRefError memoryrefget(r, :sequentially_consistent, true)
    @test_throws UndefRefError memoryrefswap!(r, x, :sequentially_consistent, true)
    @test memoryrefget(r, :sequentially_consistent, true) === x
@noinline function test_memory_undef(T)
    r = GenericMemoryRef(AtomicMemory{T}(undef, 1))
    r = GenericMemoryRef(AtomicMemory{T}(undef, 1))

@noinline function _test_once_undef(r)
    r = r[]
    TT = eltype(r)
    x = convert(TT, 12345_10)
    @test_throws UndefRefError memoryrefget(r, :sequentially_consistent, true)
    @test memoryrefsetonce!(r, x, :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent, true) === true
    @test memoryrefget(r, :sequentially_consistent, true) === x
    @test memoryrefsetonce!(r, convert(TT, 12345_20), :sequentially_consistent, :sequentially_consistent, true) === false
@noinline function test_once_undef(T)
    r = GenericMemoryRef(AtomicMemory{T}(undef, 1))
    r = GenericMemoryRef(AtomicMemory{T}(undef, 1))
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