Revision bc7ba3d5c8b2dab1c0e19537739b67c2da902d11 authored by Keno Fischer on 20 March 2024, 06:35:46 UTC, committed by GitHub on 20 March 2024, 06:35:46 UTC
This passes slightly more information into this function (the full
`inst` rather than just the `stmt`) in order to allow external absint to
access additional fields (the flags and the info) if necessary to make
concrete evaluation decisions. It also splits out the actual concrete
evaluation from the part that just maps the `inst` to a CodeInstance.
1 parent e0bb95a
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

using Random, Serialization

a = parse(BigInt,"123456789012345678901234567890")
b = parse(BigInt,"123456789012345678901234567891")
c = parse(BigInt,"246913578024691357802469135780")
d = parse(BigInt,"-246913578024691357802469135780")
ee = typemax(Int64)
@testset "basics" begin
    @test BigInt <: Signed
    @test big(1) isa Signed

    if sizeof(Culong) >= 8
        @test_throws OutOfMemoryError big(96608869069402268615522366320733234710)^16374500563449903721
        @test_throws OutOfMemoryError 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555^55555555555555555

    let x = big(1)
        @test signed(x) === x
        @test convert(Signed, x) === x
        @test Signed(x) === x
        @test_throws MethodError convert(Unsigned, x) # could change in the future
    @test a+BigInt(1) == b
    @test typeof(a+1) == BigInt
    @test a+1 == b
    @test isequal(a+1, b)
    @test b == a+1
    @test !(b == a)
    @test b > a
    @test b >= a
    @test !(b < a)
    @test !(b <= a)

    @test typeof(a * 2) == BigInt
    @test a*2 == c
    @test c-a == a
    @test c == a + a
    @test c+1 == a+b

    @test typeof(d) == BigInt
    @test d == -c

    @test typeof(BigInt(ee)) == BigInt
    @test BigInt(ee)+1 == parse(BigInt,"9223372036854775808")
    @testset "printing" begin
        #Multiple calls for sanity check, since we're doing direct memory manipulation
        @test string(a) == "123456789012345678901234567890"
        @test string(b) == "123456789012345678901234567891"
        @test string(c) == "246913578024691357802469135780"
        @test string(d) == "-246913578024691357802469135780"
        @test string(a) == "123456789012345678901234567890"
    @testset "constructors" begin
        @test typeof(BigInt(typemax(Int8))) == BigInt
        @test typeof(BigInt(typemax(Int16))) == BigInt
        @test typeof(BigInt(typemax(Int32))) == BigInt
        @test typeof(BigInt(typemax(Int64))) == BigInt
        @test typeof(BigInt(typemax(Int128))) == BigInt

        @test typeof(BigInt(true)) == BigInt
        @test typeof(BigInt(typemax(UInt8))) == BigInt
        @test typeof(BigInt(typemax(UInt16))) == BigInt
        @test typeof(BigInt(typemax(UInt32))) == BigInt
        @test typeof(BigInt(typemax(UInt64))) == BigInt
        @test typeof(BigInt(typemax(UInt128))) == BigInt

        @test typeof(BigInt(BigInt(1))) == BigInt

        for x in (Int16(0), 1, 3//4, big(5//6), big(9))
            @test big(typeof(x)) == typeof(big(x))
            @test big(typeof(complex(x, x))) == typeof(big(complex(x, x)))
    @testset "division" begin
        oz = big(1 // 0)
        zo = big(0 // 1)

        @test_throws DivideError() oz / oz
        @test oz == oz / one(oz)
        @test -oz == oz / (-one(oz))
        @test zero(oz) == one(oz) / oz
        @test_throws DivideError() zo / zo
        @test one(zo) / zo == big(1//0)
        @test -one(zo) / zo == big(-1//0)
@testset "div, fld, mod, rem" begin
    for i = -10:10, j = [-10:-1; 1:10]
        @test div(BigInt(i), BigInt(j)) == div(i,j)
        @test fld(BigInt(i), BigInt(j)) == fld(i,j)
        @test mod(BigInt(i), BigInt(j)) == mod(i,j)
        @test rem(BigInt(i), BigInt(j)) == rem(i,j)
@testset "copysign / sign" begin
    x = BigInt(1)
    y = BigInt(-1)
    @test copysign(x, y) == y
    @test copysign(y, x) == x

    @test sign(BigInt(-3)) == -1
    @test sign(BigInt( 0)) == 0
    @test sign(BigInt( 3)) == 1

@testset "Signed addition" begin
    @test a+Int8(1) == b
    @test a+Int16(1) == b
    @test a+Int32(1) == b
    @test a+Int64(1) == b
    @test a+Int128(1) == b
    @test Int8(1)+ a == b
    @test Int16(1)+a == b
    @test Int32(1)+a == b
    @test Int64(1)+a == b
    @test b+Int8(-1) == a
    @test b+Int16(-1) == a
    @test b+Int32(-1) == a
    @test b+Int64(-1) == a
    @test Int8(-1)+ b == a
    @test Int16(-1)+b == a
    @test Int32(-1)+b == a
    @test Int64(-1)+b == a
@testset "Unsigned addition" begin
    @test a+true == b
    @test a+UInt8(1) == b
    @test a+UInt16(1) == b
    @test a+UInt32(1) == b
    @test a+UInt64(1) == b
    @test a+UInt128(1) == b
    @test true+a == b
    @test UInt8(1)+ a == b
    @test UInt16(1)+a == b
    @test UInt32(1)+a == b
    @test UInt64(1)+a == b
@testset "Signed subtraction" begin
    @test b-Int8(1) == a
    @test b-Int16(1) == a
    @test b-Int32(1) == a
    @test b-Int64(1) == a
    @test Int8(1)- b == -a
    @test Int16(1)-b == -a
    @test Int32(1)-b == -a
    @test Int64(1)-b == -a
    @test a-Int8(-1) == b
    @test a-Int16(-1) == b
    @test a-Int32(-1) == b
    @test a-Int64(-1) == b
    @test Int8(-1)- a == -b
    @test Int16(-1)-a == -b
    @test Int32(-1)-a == -b
    @test Int64(-1)-a == -b
@testset "Unsigned subtraction" begin
    @test b-true == a
    @test b-UInt8(1) == a
    @test b-UInt16(1) == a
    @test b-UInt32(1) == a
    @test b-UInt64(1) == a
    @test true-b == -a
    @test UInt8(1)- b == -a
    @test UInt16(1)-b == -a
    @test UInt32(1)-b == -a
    @test UInt64(1)-b == -a
@testset "Signed multiplication" begin
    @test a*Int8(1) == a
    @test a*Int16(1) == a
    @test a*Int32(1) == a
    @test a*Int64(1) == a
    @test Int8(1)* a == a
    @test Int16(1)*a == a
    @test Int32(1)*a == a
    @test Int64(1)*a == a
    @test a*Int8(-1) == -a
    @test a*Int16(-1) == -a
    @test a*Int32(-1) == -a
    @test a*Int64(-1) == -a
    @test Int8(-1)* a == -a
    @test Int16(-1)*a == -a
    @test Int32(-1)*a == -a
    @test Int64(-1)*a == -a
@testset "Unsigned multiplication" begin
    @test a*true == a
    @test a*UInt8(1) == a
    @test a*UInt16(1) == a
    @test a*UInt32(1) == a
    @test a*UInt64(1) == a
    @test true*a == a
    @test UInt8(1)* a == a
    @test UInt16(1)*a == a
    @test UInt32(1)*a == a
    @test UInt64(1)*a == a

@testset "bitshifts" begin
    @test BigInt(5) << 3 == 40
    @test BigInt(5) >> 1 == 2
    @test BigInt(-5) << 3 == -40
    @test BigInt(-5) >> 1 == -3
    @test BigInt(5) >> -3 == 40
    @test BigInt(5) << -1 == 2
    @test BigInt(-5) >> -3 == -40
    @test BigInt(-5) << -1 == -3
@testset "boolean ops" begin
    @test ~BigInt(123) == -124
    @test BigInt(123) & BigInt(234) == 106
    @test BigInt(123) | BigInt(234) == 251
    @test BigInt(123) ⊻ BigInt(234) == 145

    @test gcd(BigInt(48), BigInt(180)) == 12
    @test lcm(BigInt(48), BigInt(180)) == 720
@testset "combinatorics" begin
    @test factorial(BigInt(40)) == parse(BigInt,"815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000")
    @test_throws DomainError factorial(BigInt(-1))
    @test_throws DomainError factorial(BigInt(rand(-999:-2)))
    @test binomial(BigInt(1), -1) == BigInt(0)
    @test binomial(BigInt(1), 2)  == BigInt(0)
    @test binomial(BigInt(-53), 42) == parse(BigInt,"959509335087854414441273718")
    @test binomial(BigInt(113), BigInt(42)) == parse(BigInt,"18672199984318438125634054194360")
let a, b
    a = rand(1:100, 10000)
    b = map(BigInt, a)
    @test sum(a) == sum(b)
    @test 0 == sum(BigInt[]) isa BigInt
    @test prod(b) == foldl(*, b)
    @test 1 == prod(BigInt[]) isa BigInt
    @test prod(BigInt[0, 0, 0]) == 0 # issue #46665

@testset "Iterated arithmetic" begin
    local a, b, c, d, f, g
    a = parse(BigInt,"315135")
    b = parse(BigInt,"12412")
    c = parse(BigInt,"3426495623485904783478347")
    d = parse(BigInt,"-1398984130")
    f = parse(BigInt,"2413804710837418037418307081437315263635345357386985747464")
    g = parse(BigInt,"-1")

    @test +(a, b) == parse(BigInt,"327547")
    @test 327547 == sum((a, b)) isa BigInt
    @test +(a, b, c) == parse(BigInt,"3426495623485904783805894")
    @test 3426495623485904783805894 == sum((a, b, c)) isa BigInt
    @test +(a, b, c, d) == parse(BigInt,"3426495623485903384821764")
    @test 3426495623485903384821764 == sum((a, b, c, d)) isa BigInt
    @test +(a, b, c, d, f) == parse(BigInt,"2413804710837418037418307081437318690130968843290370569228")
    @test 2413804710837418037418307081437318690130968843290370569228 == sum((a, b, c, d, f)) isa BigInt
    @test +(a, b, c, d, f, g) == parse(BigInt,"2413804710837418037418307081437318690130968843290370569227")
    @test 2413804710837418037418307081437318690130968843290370569227 == sum((a, b, c, d, f, g)) isa BigInt

    @test *(a, b) == parse(BigInt,"3911455620")
    @test *(a, b, c) == parse(BigInt,"13402585563389346256121263521460140")
    @test *(a, b, c, d) == parse(BigInt,"-18750004504148804423388563022070650287578200")
    @test *(a, b, c, d, f) == parse(BigInt,"-45258849200337190631492857400003938881995610529251881450243326128168934937055005474972396281351684800")
    @test *(a, b, c, d, f, g) == parse(BigInt,"45258849200337190631492857400003938881995610529251881450243326128168934937055005474972396281351684800")

    @test xor(a, b) == parse(BigInt,"327299")
    @test xor(a, b, c) == parse(BigInt,"3426495623485904783798472")
    @test xor(a, b, c, d) == parse(BigInt,"-3426495623485906178489610")
    @test xor(a, b, c, d, f) == parse(BigInt,"-2413804710837418037418307081437316711364709261074607933698")
    @test xor(a, b, c, d, f, g) == parse(BigInt,"2413804710837418037418307081437316711364709261074607933697")

    @test nand(a, b) == parse(BigInt,"-125")
    @test ⊼(a, b) == parse(BigInt,"-125")

    @test nor(a, b) == parse(BigInt,"-327424")
    @test ⊽(a, b) == parse(BigInt,"-327424")

    @test (&)(a, b) == parse(BigInt,"124")
    @test (&)(a, b, c) == parse(BigInt,"72")
    @test (&)(a, b, c, d) == parse(BigInt,"8")
    @test (&)(a, b, c, d, f) == parse(BigInt,"8")
    @test (&)(a, b, c, d, f, g) == parse(BigInt,"8")

    @test (|)(a, b) == parse(BigInt,"327423")
    @test (|)(a, b, c) == parse(BigInt,"3426495623485904783802111")
    @test (|)(a, b, c, d) == parse(BigInt,"-1396834561")
    @test (|)(a, b, c, d, f) == parse(BigInt,"-1358954753")
    @test (|)(a, b, c, d, f, g) == parse(BigInt,"-1")

@testset "bit operations" begin
    for x in (315135, 12412, 3426495623485904783478347)
        @test trailing_ones(big(x)) == trailing_ones(x)
        @test trailing_zeros(big(x)) == trailing_zeros(x)
        @test count_ones(big(x)) == count_ones(x)
        @test count_zeros(-big(x)) == count_zeros(-x)

    @test_throws DomainError trailing_zeros(big(0))
    @test_throws DomainError trailing_ones(big(-1)) # -1 is all ones

    @test_throws DomainError count_zeros(big(0))
    @test_throws DomainError count_zeros(big(rand(UInt)))
    @test_throws DomainError count_ones(big(-1))
    @test_throws DomainError count_ones(-big(rand(UInt))-1)

# Large Fibonacci to exercise BigInt
# from Bill Hart,
function mul(a::Vector{BigInt}, b::Vector{BigInt})
   x = a[2]*b[2]
   c = Vector{BigInt}(undef, 3)
   c[1] = a[1]*b[1] + x
   c[2] = a[1]*b[2] + a[2]*b[3]
   c[3] = x + a[3]*b[3]
   return c

function bigfib(n)
    n == 0 && return BigInt(0)
    n -= 1
    r = [BigInt(1), BigInt(1), BigInt(0)]
    s = [BigInt(1), BigInt(0), BigInt(1)]
    while true
       (n & 1) == 1 && (s = mul(s,r))
       (n >>= 1) == 0 && return s[1]
       r = mul(r,r)
@test [bigfib(n) for n=0:10] == [0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55]

let s, n = bigfib(1000001)
    @test ndigits(n) == 208988
    @test mod(n,big(10)^15) == 359244926937501
    @test div(n,big(10)^208973) == 316047687386689

    s = string(n)
    @test length(s) == 208988
    @test endswith(s, "359244926937501")
    @test startswith(s, "316047687386689")

@testset "digits" begin
    n = Int64(2080310129088201558)
    N = big(n)
    for base in (2,7,10,11,16,30,50,62,64,100,128), pad in (0,1,10,100)
        @test digits(n; base, pad) == digits(N; base, pad) == digits(UInt8, N; base, pad)
        @test digits(-n; base, pad) == digits(-N; base, pad)
        @test digits!(Vector{Int}(undef, pad), n; base) == digits!(Vector{Int}(undef, pad), N; base)
    @test digits(UInt8, n; base=1<<8) == digits(UInt8, N; base=1<<8)
    @test digits(UInt16, n; base=1<<16) == digits(UInt16, N; base=1<<16)

# serialization (#5133)
let n = parse(BigInt, "359334085968622831041960188598043661065388726959079837"),
    b = IOBuffer()
    serialize(b, n)
    seek(b, 0)
    @test deserialize(b) == n

@testset "issue #5873" begin
    @test ndigits(big(90)) == 2
    @test ndigits(big(99)) == 2
    ndigits_mismatch(n) = ndigits(n) != ndigits(BigInt(n))
    @test !any(ndigits_mismatch, 8:9)
    @test !any(ndigits_mismatch, 64:99)
    @test !any(ndigits_mismatch, 512:999)
    @test !any(ndigits_mismatch, 8192:9999)
# The following should not crash (#16579)
ndigits(big(rand(Int)), base=rand(63:typemax(Int)))
ndigits(big(rand(Int)), base=big(2)^rand(2:999))

for x in big.([-20:20; rand(Int)])
    for _base in -1:1
        @test_throws DomainError ndigits(x, base=_base)

@test Base.ndigits0zpb(big(0), big(rand(2:100))) == 0

# digits with BigInt bases (#16844)
@test digits(big(2)^256, base = big(2)^128) == [0, 0, 1]

@testset "conversion from float" begin
    @test BigInt(2.0) == BigInt(2.0f0) == BigInt(big(2.0)) == 2
    @test_throws InexactError convert(BigInt, 2.1)
    @test_throws InexactError convert(BigInt, big(2.1))
@testset "truncation" begin
    # cf. issue #13367
    for T = (Float16, Float32, Float64)
        @test trunc(BigInt, T(2.1)) == 2
        @test unsafe_trunc(BigInt, T(2.1)) == 2
        @test round(BigInt, T(2.1)) == 2
        @test floor(BigInt, T(2.1)) == 2
        @test ceil(BigInt, T(2.1)) == 3

        @test_throws InexactError trunc(BigInt, T(Inf))
        @test_throws InexactError round(BigInt, T(Inf))
        @test_throws InexactError floor(BigInt, T(Inf))
        @test_throws InexactError ceil(BigInt, T(Inf))

@testset "string(::BigInt)" begin
    # cf. issue #18849"
    # bin, oct, dec, hex should not call sizeof on BigInts
    # when padding is desired
    padding = 4
    low = big(4)
    high = big(2^20)
    @test string(low, pad = padding, base = 2) == "0100"
    @test string(low, pad = padding, base = 8) == "0004"
    @test string(low, pad = padding, base = 10) == "0004"
    @test string(low, pad = padding, base = 16) == "0004"

    @test string(high, pad = padding, base = 2) == "100000000000000000000"
    @test string(high, pad = padding, base = 8) == "4000000"
    @test string(high, pad = padding, base = 10) == "1048576"
    @test string(high, pad = padding, base = 16) == "100000"

    @test string(-low, pad = padding, base = 2) == "-0100" # handle negative numbers correctly
    @test string(-low, pad = padding, base = 8) == "-0004"
    @test string(-low, pad = padding, base = 10) == "-0004"
    @test string(-low, pad = padding, base = 16) == "-0004"

    @test string(-high, pad = padding, base = 2) == "-100000000000000000000"
    @test string(-high, pad = padding, base = 8) == "-4000000"
    @test string(-high, pad = padding, base = 10) == "-1048576"
    @test string(-high, pad = padding, base = 16) == "-100000"

    # cf. issue #13367
    @test string(big(3), base = 2) == "11"
    @test string(big(9), base = 8) == "11"
    @test string(-big(9), base = 8) == "-11"
    @test string(big(12), base = 16) == "c"

    # respect 0-padding on big(0)
    for base in (2, 8, 10, 16)
        @test string(big(0), base=base, pad=0) == ""
    @test string(big(0), base = rand(2:62), pad = 0) == ""

@test isqrt(big(4)) == 2
@test isqrt(big(5)) == 2

@testset "Exponentiation operator" begin
    @test big(5)^true == big(5)
    @test big(5)^false == one(BigInt)
    testvals = Int8[-128:-126; -3:3; 125:127]
    @testset "BigInt and Int8 are consistent: $i^$j" for i in testvals, j in testvals
        int8_res = try
        catch e
        if int8_res isa Int8
            @test (big(i)^big(j)) % Int8 === int8_res
            # Test both have exception of the same type
            @test_throws typeof(int8_res) big(i)^big(j)

@testset "math ops returning BigFloat" begin
    # operations that when applied to Int64 give Float64, should give BigFloat
    @test typeof(exp(a)) == BigFloat
    @test typeof(exp2(a)) == BigFloat
    @test typeof(exp10(a)) == BigFloat
    @test typeof(expm1(a)) == BigFloat
    @test typeof(cosh(a)) == BigFloat
    @test typeof(sinh(a)) == BigFloat
    @test typeof(tanh(a)) == BigFloat
    @test typeof(sech(a)) == BigFloat
    @test typeof(csch(a)) == BigFloat
    @test typeof(coth(a)) == BigFloat
    @test typeof(cbrt(a)) == BigFloat
    @test typeof(tan(a)) == BigFloat
    @test typeof(cos(a)) == BigFloat
    @test typeof(sin(a)) == BigFloat

# Issue #24298
@test mod(BigInt(6), UInt(5)) == mod(6, 5)

@test iseven(zero(BigInt))
@test isodd(BigInt(typemax(UInt)))

@testset "cmp has values in [-1, 0, 1], issue #28780" begin
    # _rand produces values whose log2 is better distributed than rand
    _rand(::Type{BigInt}, n=1000) = let x = big(2)^rand(1:rand(1:n))
    _rand(F::Type{<:AbstractFloat}) = F(_rand(BigInt, round(Int, log2(floatmax(F))))) + rand(F)
    _rand(T) = rand(T)
    for T in (Base.BitInteger_types..., BigInt, Float64, Float32, Float16)
        @test cmp(big(2)^130, one(T)) === 1
        @test cmp(-big(2)^130, one(T)) === -1
        c = cmp(_rand(BigInt), _rand(T))
        @test c ∈ (-1, 0, 1)
        @test c isa Int
        (T <: Integer && T !== BigInt) || continue
        x = rand(T)
        @test cmp(big(2)^130, x) === cmp(x, -big(2)^130) === 1
        @test cmp(-big(2)^130, x) === cmp(x, big(2)^130) === -1
        @test cmp(big(x), x) === cmp(x, big(x)) === 0
    c = cmp(_rand(BigInt), _rand(BigInt))
    @test c ∈ (-1, 0, 1)
    @test c isa Int

@testset "generic conversion from Integer" begin
    x = rand(Int128)
    @test BigInt(x) % Int128 === x
    y = rand(UInt128)
    @test BigInt(y) % UInt128 === y

@testset "conversion from typemin(T)" begin
    @test big(Int8(-128)) == big"-128"
    @test big(Int16(-32768)) == big"-32768"
    @test big(Int32(-2147483648)) == big"-2147483648"
    @test big(Int64(-9223372036854775808)) == big"-9223372036854775808"
    @test big(Int128(-170141183460469231731687303715884105728)) == big"-170141183460469231731687303715884105728"

@testset "type conversion with Signed, Unsigned" begin
    x = BigInt(typemin(Int128)) - 1
    @test x % Signed === x
    @test_throws MethodError x % Unsigned
    y = BigInt(1)
    @test y % Signed === y
    @test_throws MethodError y % Unsigned

@testset "conversion to Float" begin
    x = big"2"^256 + big"2"^(256-53) + 1
    @test Float64(x) == reinterpret(Float64, 0x4ff0000000000001)
    @test Float64(-x) == -Float64(x)
    x = (x >> 1) + 1
    @test Float64(x) == reinterpret(Float64, 0x4fe0000000000001)
    @test Float64(-x) == -Float64(x)

    x = big"2"^64 + big"2"^(64-24) + 1
    @test Float32(x) == reinterpret(Float32, 0x5f800001)
    @test Float32(-x) == -Float32(x)
    x = (x >> 1) + 1
    @test Float32(x) == reinterpret(Float32, 0x5f000001)
    @test Float32(-x) == -Float32(x)

    x = big"2"^15 + big"2"^(15-11) + 1
    @test Float16(x) == reinterpret(Float16, 0x7801)
    @test Float16(-x) == -Float16(x)
    x = (x >> 1) + 1
    @test Float16(x) == reinterpret(Float16, 0x7401)
    @test Float16(-x) == -Float16(x)

    for T in (Float16, Float32, Float64)
        n = exponent(floatmax(T))
        @test T(big"2"^(n+1)) === T(Inf)
        @test T(big"2"^(n+1) - big"2"^(n-precision(T))) === T(Inf)
        @test T(big"2"^(n+1) - big"2"^(n-precision(T)) - 1) === floatmax(T)

a = Rational{BigInt}(12345678901234567890123456789, 987654321987654320)
b = Rational{BigInt}(12345678902222222212111111109, 987654321987654320)
c = Rational{BigInt}(24691357802469135780246913578, 987654321987654320)
d = Rational{BigInt}(- 12345678901234567890123456789, 493827160993827160)
e = Rational{BigInt}(12345678901234567890123456789, 12345678902222222212111111109)
@testset "big rational basics" begin
    @test a+BigInt(1) == b
    @test typeof(a+1) == Rational{BigInt}
    @test a+1 == b
    @test isequal(a+1, b)
    @test b == a+1
    @test !(b == a)
    @test b > a
    @test b >= a
    @test !(b < a)
    @test !(b <= a)

    @test typeof(a * 2) == Rational{BigInt}
    @test a*2 == c
    @test c-a == a
    @test c == a + a
    @test c+1 == a+b

    @test typeof(d) == Rational{BigInt}
    @test d == -c

    @test e == a // b

    @testset "gmp cmp" begin
        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.cmp(b, a) ==  1
        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.cmp(a, b) == -1
        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.cmp(a, a) ==  0

    @testset "division errors" begin
        oz = Rational{BigInt}(0, 1)
        zo = Rational{BigInt}(1, 0)

        @test oz + oz == 3 * oz == oz
        @test oz // zo == oz
        @test zo // oz == zo

        @test_throws DivideError() zo - zo
        @test_throws DivideError() zo + (-zo)
        @test_throws DivideError() zo * oz
        @test_throws DivideError() oz // oz
        @test_throws DivideError() zo // zo

    @testset "big infinities" begin
        oz   = Rational{BigInt}(1, 0)
        zo   = Rational{BigInt}(0, 1)
        o    = Rational{BigInt}(1, 1)

        @test oz + zo    == oz
        @test zo - oz    == -oz
        @test zo + (-oz) == -oz
        @test -oz + zo   == -oz

        @test (-oz) * (-oz) == oz
        @test (-oz) * oz    == -oz

        @test o // zo       == oz
        @test (-o) // zo    == -oz

        @test Rational{BigInt}(-1, 0) == -1//0
        @test Rational{BigInt}(1, 0) == 1//0

aa = 1//2
bb = -1//3
cc = 3//2
a = Rational{BigInt}(aa)
b = Rational{BigInt}(bb)
c = Rational{BigInt}(cc)
t = Rational{BigInt}(0, 1)
@testset "big rational inplace" begin
    @test Base.GMP.MPQ.add!(t, a, b) == 1//6
    @test t == 1//6
    @test Base.GMP.MPQ.add!(t, t) == 1//3
    @test t == 1//3

    @test iszero(Base.GMP.MPQ.sub!(t, t))
    @test iszero(t)
    @test Base.GMP.MPQ.sub!(t, b, c) == -11//6
    @test t == -11//6

    @test Base.GMP.MPQ.mul!(t, a, b) == -1//6
    @test t == -1//6
    @test Base.GMP.MPQ.mul!(t, t) == 1//36
    @test t == 1//36
    @test iszero(Base.GMP.MPQ.mul!(t, Rational{BigInt}(0)))

    @test Base.GMP.MPQ.div!(t, a, b) == -3//2
    @test t == -3//2
    @test Base.GMP.MPQ.div!(t, a) == -3//1
    @test t == -3//1

    @test aa == a && bb == b && cc == c

    @testset "set" begin
        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.set!(a, b) == b
        @test a == b == bb

        Base.GMP.MPQ.add!(a, b, c)
        @test b == bb

        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.set_z!(a, BigInt(0)) == 0
        @test iszero(a)
        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.set_z!(a, BigInt(3)) == 3
        @test a == BigInt(3)

        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.set_ui(1, 2)      == 1//2
        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.set_ui(0, 1)      == 0//1
        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.set_ui!(a, 1, 2)  == 1//2
        @test a == 1//2

        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.set_si(1, 2)      == 1//2
        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.set_si(-1, 2)     == -1//2
        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.set_si!(a, -1, 2) == -1//2
        @test a == -1//2

    @testset "infinities" begin
        oz   = Rational{BigInt}(1, 0)
        zo   = Rational{BigInt}(0, 1)
        oo   = Rational{BigInt}(1, 1)

        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.add!(zo, oz) == oz
        @test zo == oz
        zo = Rational{BigInt}(0, 1)

        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.sub!(zo, oz) == -oz
        @test zo == -oz
        zo = Rational{BigInt}(0, 1)

        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.add!(zo, -oz) == -oz
        @test zo == -oz
        zo = Rational{BigInt}(0, 1)

        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.sub!(zo, -oz) == oz
        @test zo == oz
        zo = Rational{BigInt}(0, 1)

        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.mul!(-oz, -oz) == oz
        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.mul!(-oz, oz)  == -oz
        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.mul!(oz, -oz)  == -1//0
        @test oz == -1//0
        oz = Rational{BigInt}(1, 0)

        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.div!(oo, zo) == oz
        @test oo == oz
        oo = Rational{BigInt}(1, 1)

        @test Base.GMP.MPQ.div!(-oo, zo) == -oz
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