Revision bc7ba3d5c8b2dab1c0e19537739b67c2da902d11 authored by Keno Fischer on 20 March 2024, 06:35:46 UTC, committed by GitHub on 20 March 2024, 06:35:46 UTC
This passes slightly more information into this function (the full
`inst` rather than just the `stmt`) in order to allow external absint to
access additional fields (the flags and the info) if necessary to make
concrete evaluation decisions. It also splits out the actual concrete
evaluation from the part that just maps the `inst` to a CodeInstance.
1 parent e0bb95a
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

## promote()

@test promote_type(Some{Int}, Some{Float64}) == Some
@test promote_type(Some{Int}, Some{Real}) == Some{Real}
@test promote_type(Some{Int}, Nothing) == Union{Some{Int},Nothing}

## convert()

# These conversions must fail to prevent ambiguities
# when a value to wrap is already a Some or a Nothing
@test_throws MethodError convert(Some, 1)
@test_throws MethodError convert(Union{Some, Nothing}, 1)
@test_throws MethodError convert(Some{Int}, 1)
@test_throws MethodError convert(Union{Some{Int}, Nothing}, 1)

@test convert(Some, Some(1)) === convert(Union{Some, Nothing}, Some(1)) === Some(1)
@test convert(Some{Int}, Some(1)) === convert(Union{Some{Int}, Nothing}, Some(1)) === Some(1)
@test convert(Some{Int}, Some(1.0)) === Some(1)
@test convert(Union{Some{Int}, Nothing}, Some(1.0)) === Some(1)

@test_throws MethodError convert(Some, nothing)
@test_throws MethodError convert(Some{Int}, nothing)

@test convert(Some, Some(nothing)) === Some(nothing)
@test convert(Some{Nothing}, Some(nothing)) === Some(nothing)

@test convert(Union{Some, Nothing}, nothing) === nothing
@test convert(Union{Some{Int}, Nothing}, nothing) === nothing

@test convert(Union{Int, Nothing}, nothing) === nothing
@test convert(Union{Int, Nothing}, 1) === 1
@test convert(Union{Int, Nothing}, 1.0) === 1
@test convert(Nothing, nothing) === nothing
@test_throws ErrorException("cannot convert a value to nothing for assignment") convert(Nothing, 1)

## show()

@test sprint(show, Some(1)) == "Some(1)"
@test sprint(show, Some(Some(1))) == "Some(Some(1))"
@test repr([Some(1)]) == "Some{$Int}[1]"
@test repr([Some(Some(1))]) == "Some{Some{$Int}}[Some(1)]"

##  == and isequal nothing

@test Some(1) != nothing
@test Some(nothing) != nothing
@test !isequal(Some(1), nothing)
@test !isequal(Some(nothing), nothing)

@testset "something" begin
    @test_throws ArgumentError something()
    @test something(1) === 1
    @test something(missing) === missing
    @test_throws ArgumentError something(nothing)
    @test something(nothing, 1) === 1
    @test something(1, nothing) === 1
    @test_throws ArgumentError something(nothing, nothing)
    @test something(nothing, 1, 2) === 1
    @test something(1, nothing, 2) === 1
    @test something(nothing, nothing, 2) === 2

    @test something(Some(1)) === 1
    @test something(Some(nothing)) === nothing
    @test something(Some(missing)) === missing
    @test something(Some(1), 0) === 1
    @test something(Some(nothing), 0) === nothing
    @test something(nothing, Some(nothing)) === nothing
    @test something(Some(1), nothing) === 1
    @test something(nothing, Some(1)) === 1
    @test something(nothing, Some(1), nothing) === 1
    @test something(nothing, Some(1), Some(2)) === 1
    @test something(Some(1), nothing, Some(2)) === 1

    @test something(nothing, missing) === missing
    @test something(missing, nothing) === missing
    @test something(nothing, missing, nothing) === missing
    @test something(missing, nothing, missing) === missing

@testset "@something" begin
    @test_throws ArgumentError @something()
    @test_throws ArgumentError @something(nothing)
    @test @something(1) === 1
    @test @something(Some(nothing)) === nothing

    @test @something(1, error("failed")) === 1
    @test_throws ErrorException @something(nothing, error("failed"))

    # Ensure that the internal variable doesn't conflict with a user defined variable
    @test let val = 1
    end == 1

# issue #26927
a = [missing, nothing, Some(nothing), Some(missing)]
@test a isa Vector{Union{Missing, Nothing, Some}}
@test a[1] === missing && a[2] === nothing && a[3] === Some(nothing) && a[4] === Some(missing)
b = [ "replacement", "replacement", nothing, missing ]
@test b isa Vector{Union{Missing, Nothing, String}}
# the original operation from the issue, though it was not the source of the problem
@test all(coalesce.(a, "replacement") .=== ["replacement", nothing, Some(nothing), Some(missing)])
@test all(something.(a, "replacement") .=== [missing, "replacement", nothing, missing])

# notnothing()

using Base: notnothing
@test notnothing(1) === 1
@test_throws ArgumentError notnothing(nothing)

# isnothing()
@test !isnothing(1)
@test isnothing(nothing)

# type stability
@test fieldtype(typeof(Some(Int)), 1) === Type{Int}
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