Revision bd0f46cc7c6441f34a77a193645fcfcb5741d583 authored by Diethelm Wuertz on 08 August 1977, 00:00:00 UTC, committed by Gabor Csardi on 08 August 1977, 00:00:00 UTC
0 parent
Raw File

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General 
# Public License along with this library; if not, write to the 
# Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, 
# MA  02111-1307  USA

# Copyrights (C) 
# this R-port: 
#   by Diethelm Wuertz <>
# for the code accessed (or partly included) from other R-ports:
#   R: see R's copyright and license file
#   evir: original S functions (EVIS) by Alexander McNeil <>
#     R port by Alec Stephenson <>
#   ismev: Original S functions by Stuart Coles <>
#     R port/documentation by Alec Stephenson <>
#   evd: Alec Stephenson <>

#  emdPlot			 Plots empirical distribution function
#  qqPlot			 Creates a quantile-quantile plot
#  qqbayesPlot		 Creates qq-Plot with 95 percent intervals
#  qPlot			 Creates exploratory QQ plot for EV analysis
#  mePlot			 Creates a sample mean excess plot
#   mxfPlot	          Plots the mean excess function
#   mrlPlot		      Returns a mean residual life plot with confidence levels
#  recordsPlot		 Plots records development
#   ssrecordsPlot	  Plots records development of data subsamples
#  msratioPlot		 Plots ratio of maximums and sums
#  xacfPlot			 Plots autocorrelations of exceedences
#  interactivePlot   Plots several graphs interactively
#  gridVector        Creates from two vectors rectangular grid points

emdPlot =
function(x, doplot = TRUE, plottype = c("", "x", "y", "xy"),
labels = TRUE, ...)
{	# A function imported from R-package evir

	# Description:
	#	Plots empirical distribution function
	# Arguments:
	#	plottype - which axes should be on a log scale: 
	#		"x" denotes x-axis only; "y" denotes y-axis only,
	#	    "xy" || "yx" both axes, "" denotes neither of the 
	#		axis

	# Settings:
	alog = plottype[1]
	# Convert x to a vector, if the input is a data.frame.
	if ( x = x[,1] 
	xs = x = sort(as.numeric(x))
	ys = y = 1 - ppoints(x)
	if (plottype == "x") {
		xs = x[x > 0]
		ys = y[x > 0] }
	if (plottype == "y") {
		xs = x[y > 0]
		ys = y[y > 0] }
	if (plottype == "xy") {
		xs = x[x > 0 & y > 0]
		ys = y[x > 0 & y > 0] }
	# Plot:
	if (doplot) {
		if (labels) {
		    xlab = "x"
		    ylab = "1-F(x)"
		    main = "Empirical Distribution" }
		else {
			xlab = ""
			ylab = ""
			main = "" }
		plot(xs, ys, log = alog, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, ...) 	
		if (labels) grid()
	# Result:
	result = data.frame(x, y)
	# Return Value:
	if (doplot) return(invisible(result)) else return(result)	

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

qqPlot =
function (x, doplot = TRUE, labels = TRUE, ...) 
{	# A function written by Diethelm Wuertz
	# Description:
	#	Creates Quantile-Quantile Plot
	# Convert x to a vector, if the input is a data.frame.
	if ( x = x[,1] 
	# Plot:
	if (doplot) {
		if (labels) {
		    xlab = "Normal Quantiles"
		    ylab = "Empirical Quantiles"
		    main = "Normal QQ-Plot" 
		    print(main) }
		else {
			xlab = ""
			ylab = ""
			main = "" }
		qqnorm(x, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, ...) 
		if (labels) grid() 
	# Return Value:
	if (doplot) return(invisible(x)) else return(x)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

qqbayesPlot = 
function(x, doplot = TRUE, labels = TRUE, ...) 
{ 	# A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

	# Description:
	#	Example of a Normal quantile plot of data x to provide a visual
	# 	assessment of its conformity with a normal (data is standardised 	
	#	first).

	# Details:
	#	The ordered data values are posterior point estimates of the 
	#	underlying quantile function. So, if you plot the ordered data 
	#	values (y-axis) against the exact theoretical quantiles (x-axis), 	
	#	you get a scatter that should be close to a straight line if the 
	#	data look like a random sample from the theoretical distribution. 
	#	This function chooses the normal as the theory, to provide a 
	#	graphical/visual assessment of how normal the data appear.
	#	To help with assessing the relevance of sampling variability on 
	#	just "how close" to the normal the data appears, we add (very) 
	#	approximate posterior 95% intervals for the uncertain quantile 
	#	function at each point (Based on approximate theory) .

	# Author:
	#	Prof. Mike West, 
	# Note:
	#	Source from

	# Settings:
	mydata = x
   	n = length(mydata) 
   	p = (1:n)/(n+1)
   	x = (mydata-mean(mydata))/sqrt(var(mydata))
   	x = sort(x)
   	z = qnorm(p)
   	# Plot:
   	if (doplot) {
   		if (labels) {
		    xlab = "Standard Normal Quantiles"
   		    ylab = "Ordered Data"
   		    main = "Normal QQ-Plot with 95% Intervals" }
		else {
			xlab = ""
			ylab = ""
			main = "" }
   		plot(z, x, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, ...)
   		abline(0, 1, col = "steelblue3")
   		if (labels) grid() 
   	# 95% Intervals:
   	s = 1.96*sqrt(p*(1-p)/n)
   	pl = p-s; i = pl<1&pl>0
   	lower = quantile(x, probs = pl[i])
   	if (doplot) lines(z[i], lower, col = 3)
   	pl = p+s; i = pl < 1 & pl > 0
   	upper = quantile(x, probs = pl[i])
   	if (doplot) lines(z[i], upper, col = 3)
   	# Result:
	result = data.frame(lower, upper)
	# Return Value:
   	if (doplot) return(invisible(result)) else return(result)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

qPlot =
function(x, xi = 0, trim = NA, threshold = NA, doplot = TRUE, 
labels = TRUE, ...)
{	# A function imported from R-package evir
	# Description:
	#	Creates an exploratory QQplot for Extreme Value Analysis.

	# Settings:
	line = TRUE
	# Convert x to a vector, if the input is a data.frame.
	if( x = x[,1] 
	x = as.numeric(x)
	if (! x = x[x >= threshold]
	if (! x = x[x < trim]
	if (xi == 0) {
		y = qexp(ppoints(x)) }
	if( xi != 0) {
		y = qgpd(ppoints(x), xi = xi) }
	# Plot:
	if (doplot) {
		if (labels) {
		    xlab = "Ordered Data"
			ylab = "Quantiles"
   		    if (xi == 0) {
				ylab = paste("Exponential", ylab) }
			if (xi != 0) {
				ylab = paste("GPD(xi=", xi, ") ",  ylab, sep = "") }
			main = "Exploratory QQ Plot" }
		else {
			xlab = ""
			ylab = ""
			main = "" }
		plot(sort(x), y, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, ...)
		if (line) abline(lsfit(sort(x), y)) 
		if (labels) grid()
	# Result:
	result = data.frame(x = sort(x), y)
	# Return Value:
	if (doplot) return(invisible(result)) else return(result)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

mxfPlot = 
function (x, tail = 0.05, doplot = TRUE, labels = TRUE, ...)     
{	# A function written by D. Wuertz
	# Description:
	#	Creates a simple mean excess function plot.
	# Convert x to a vector, if the input is a data.frame.
	if( x = x[,1] 
	u = rev(sort(x))
	n = length(x)
	u = u[1:floor(tail*n)]
	n = length(u)
	e = (cumsum(u)-(1:n)*u)/(1:n)
	# Plot
	if (doplot) {
		if (labels) {
		    xlab = "Threshold: u"
			ylab = "Mean Excess: e"
			main = "Mean Excess Function" }
		else {
			xlab = ""
			ylab = ""
			main = "" }
		plot (u, e, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, ...) 
		if (labels) grid()
	# Result:
	result = data.frame(threshold = u, excess = e)
	# Return Values:
	if (doplot) return(invisible(result)) else return(result)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

mrlPlot =
function(x, conf = 0.95, umin = NA, umax=NA, nint = 100, 
doplot = TRUE, plottype = c("autoscale", ""), labels = TRUE, ...)
{	# A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz
	# Description:
	#	Create a mean residual life plot with
	#	confidence intervals.
	# Note:
	#	"autoscale" added by DW.
	# References:
	#	A function originally written by S. Coles
	# Settings:
	plottype = plottype[1]
	if (plottype == "autoscale") {
		autoscale = TRUE }
	else {
		autoscale = FALSE }
	# Convert x to a vector, if the input is a data.frame.
	if ( x = x[,1] 
	if ( umin = mean(x)
	if ( umax = max(x)
	sx = xu = xl = rep(NA, nint)
	u = seq(umin, umax, length = nint)
	for(i in 1:nint) {
		x = x[x >= u[i]]
		sx[i] = mean(x - u[i])
		sdev = sqrt(var(x))
		n = length(x)
		xu[i] = sx[i] + (qnorm((1 + conf)/2) * sdev)/sqrt(n)
		xl[i] = sx[i] - (qnorm((1 + conf)/2) * sdev)/sqrt(n) }
	# Plot:
	if (doplot) {
		if (labels) {
		    xlab = "Threshold: u"
			ylab = "Mean Excess: e"
			main = "Mean Residual Live Plot" }
		else {
			xlab = ""
			ylab = ""
			main = "" }
		if (autoscale) {
			ylim = c(min(xl[!]), max(xu[!]))
			plot(u, sx, type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = xlab, 
				ylab = ylab, ylim = ylim, main = main, ...) }
		else {
			plot(u[!], sx[!], type = "l", 
				lwd = 2, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, ...) } 
		lines(u[!], xl[!], col = "steelblue3")
		lines(u[!], xu[!], col = "steelblue3")
		if (labels) grid() 
	# Result
	result = data.frame(threshold = u, mrl = sx)
	# Return Value:
	if (doplot) return(invisible(result)) else return(result)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

mePlot =
function(x, doplot = TRUE, labels = TRUE, ...)
{	# A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz
	# Description:
	#	Create a Mean Excess Plot
	# Reference:
	# 	A function imported from R-package evir
	# Settings:
	omit = 0
	# Internal Function:
	myrank = function(x, na.last = TRUE){
		ranks = sort.list(sort.list(x, na.last = na.last))
			x = x[!]
		for(i in unique(x[duplicated(x)])) {
			which = x == i & !
			ranks[which] = max(ranks[which]) }
		ranks }
	# Convert x to a vector, if the input is a data.frame.
	if( x = x[,1] 
	x = as.numeric(x)
	n = length(x)
	x = sort(x)
	n.excess = unique(floor(length(x) - myrank(x)))
	points = unique(x)
	nl = length(points)
	n.excess = n.excess[-nl]
	points = points[-nl]
	excess = cumsum(rev(x))[n.excess] - n.excess * points
	y = excess/n.excess
	xx = points[1:(nl-omit)] 
	yy = y[1:(nl-omit)]
	# Plot:
	if (doplot) {
		if (labels) {
		    xlab = "Threshold: u"
			ylab = "Mean Excess: e"
			main = "Mean Excess Plot" }
		else {
			xlab = ""
			ylab = ""
			main = "" }
		plot(xx, yy, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, ...) 
		if (labels) grid()
	# Results:
	result = data.frame(threshold = xx, me = yy)
	# Return Value:
	if (doplot) return(invisible(result)) else return(result)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

recordsPlot = 
function(x, conf = 0.95, doplot = TRUE, labels = TRUE, ...)
{	# A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz
	# Description:
	#	Creates a records plot.
	# Note:
	#	A function imported from R-package evir,
	#	original name in EVIR: records

	# Settings:
	conf.level = conf
	# Convert x to a vector, if the input is a data.frame.
	if ( x = x[,1] 
	# Records:
	record = cummax(x)
	expected = cumsum(1/(1:length(x)))
	se = sqrt(expected - cumsum(1/((1:length(x))^2)))
	trial = (1:length(x))[!duplicated(record)]
	record = unique(record)
	number = 1:length(record)
	expected = expected[trial]
	se = se[trial]
	# Plot:
	if (doplot) {
		if (labels) {
		    xlab = "Trials"
       		ylab = "Records"
       		main = "Plot of Record Development" }
		else {
			xlab = ""
			ylab = ""
			main = "" }		
        ci = qnorm(0.5 + conf.level/2)
       	upper = expected + ci * se
       	lower = expected - ci * se
       	lower[lower < 1] = 1
       	yr = range(upper, lower, number)	
       	plot(trial, number, log = "x", ylim = yr, 
				xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, ...) 
		lines(trial, expected)
		lines(trial, upper, lty = 2)
		lines(trial, lower, lty = 2) 
		if (labels) grid()
	# Result:
	result = data.frame(number, record, trial, expected, se)
	# Return Value:
	if (doplot) return(invisible(result)) else return(result)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ssrecordsPlot = 
function (x, subsamples = 10, doplot = TRUE, plottype = c("lin", "log"),
labels = TRUE,  ...)
{	# A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

	# Description:
	#	Creates a plot of records on subsamples.
	# note:
	#	Changes:
	#	2003/09/06 - argument list made consistent
	# Convert x to a vector, if the input is a data.frame.
	if( x = x[,1] 
	# Plot type:
	plottype = plottype[1]
	# Records:
	save = x 
	cluster = floor(length(save)/subsamples)
	records = c()
	for (i in 1:subsamples) {
		x = save[((i-1)*cluster+1):(i*cluster)]
		y = 1:length(x)
		u = x[1]
		v = x.records = 1
		while (! {
			u = x[x > u][1]
			v = y[x > u][1]
			if(! x.records = c(x.records, v) }	
		if (i == 1) {
			nc = 1:length(x)
			csmean = cumsum(1/nc)
			cssd = sqrt(cumsum(1/nc-1/(nc*nc)))
			ymax = csmean[length(x)]+2*cssd[length(x)]
			# Plot:
			if (doplot) {
				if (plottype == "log") nc = log(nc)
				if (labels) {
					if (plottype == "lin") xlab = "n"
					if (plottype == "log") xlab = "log(n)"
					ylab = "N(n)" }
					main = "Subsample Records Plot"
					plot (nc, csmean+cssd, type = "l", ylim = c(0, ymax),
						xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, ...) }
				else {
					plot (nc, csmean+cssd, type = "l", ylim = c(0, ymax),
					 	...) } 
				lines(nc, csmean)  
				lines(nc, csmean-cssd) } 
		y.records = 1:length(x.records)
		x.records = x.records[y.records < ymax]
		if (doplot) {
			if (plottype == "log") x.records = log(x.records)
			points(x.records, y.records[y.records<ymax], col=i) }
		records[i] = y.records[length(y.records)]}
	# Result:
	subsample = 1:subsamples
	result = data.frame(subsample, records)
	# Return Value:
	if (doplot) return(invisible(result)) else return(result)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

msratioPlot = 
function (x, p = 1:4, doplot = TRUE, plottype = c("autoscale", ""),
labels = TRUE, ...)
{	# A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz
	# Description:
	#	Creates a Plot of maximum and sum ratio.
	# Settings:
	plottype = plottype[1]
	if (plottype == "autoscale") {
		autoscale = TRUE }
	else {
		autoscale = FALSE }
	if (autoscale) ylim = c(0,1)
	# Convert x to a vector, if the input is a data.frame.
	if( x = x[,1] 
	# Plot:
	if (doplot) {
		if (labels) {
		    xlab = "Trials"
       		ylab = "Records"
       		main = "Plot of Record Development" }
		else {
			xlab = ""
			ylab = ""
			main = "" }				
		if (autoscale) {
			plot(c(0, length(x)), y = ylim, xlab = xlab, 
					ylab = ylab, main = main, type = "n", ...) }
		else {
			plot(c(0, length(x)), xlab = xlab, 
					ylab = ylab, main = main, type = "n", ...) }
		if (labels) grid()
	# Color numbering:
	i = 1
	# Suppress warnings for points outside the frame:
	ratios = matrix(rep(0, times=length(x)*length(p)), byrow=TRUE, 
	if (doplot) par(err=-1)
	# Loop over all exponents p:
  	for (q in p) {
    	rnp = cummax(abs(x)^q) / cumsum(abs(x)^q)
    	i = i + 1
		ratios[,q] = rnp
    	if (doplot) lines (rnp, col=i) }

	# Result:
	result = data.frame(ratios)
	# Return Value:
	if (doplot) return(invisible(result)) else return(result)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

xacfPlot =
function(x, threshold = 0.95, lag.max = 15, doplot = TRUE, ...)
{	# A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

	# Description:
	#	Creates plots of exceedences, one for the
	#	heights and one for the distances.
	# Settings:
	# Sorry, user specified labels not yet implemented.
	labels = TRUE
	if (labels) {
		xlab = c("Index", "Lag")
		ylab = c("Heights", "Distances", "ACF")
		main = c("Heights over Threshold", "Distances between Heights", 
			"Series Heights", "Series Distances") }
	# Convert x to a vector, if the input is a data.frame.
	if ( x = x[,1] 
	# Heights/Distances
    threshold = sort(x)[round(threshold*length(x))]
   	Heights = (x-threshold)[(x-threshold)>0]
   	Distances = diff((1:length(x))[(x-threshold)>0])
	# Plot:
   	if (doplot) {
		plot (Heights, type="h", xlab = xlab[1], ylab = ylab[1], 
			main = main[1], ...)
   		plot (Distances,type="h", xlab = xlab[1], ylab = ylab[2], 
			main = main[2], ...) }
	# Correlations:
	Heights = as.vector(acf(Heights, lag.max=lag.max, plot = doplot, 
		xlab = xlab[2], ylab = ylab[3], main = main[3], ...)$acf)
   	Distances = as.vector(acf(Distances, lag.max=lag.max, plot = doplot, 
   		xlab = xlab[2], ylab = ylab[3], main = main[4], ...)$acf)

	# Result:
	lag = as.vector(0:(lag.max))
	result = data.frame(lag, Heights, Distances)

	# Return Value:
	if (doplot) return(invisible(result)) else return(result)

# ******************************************************************************

interactivePlot =
function(x, choices = paste("Plot", 1:9), 
plotFUN = paste("plot.", 1:9, sep = ""), which = "all", ...)
{	# A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz

	# Description:
	#	Plot method for an object of class "template".
	# Arguments:
	#	x - an object to be plotted
	#	choices - the character string for the choice menu
	# 	plotFUN - the names of the plot functions
	#   which - plot selection, which graph should be 
	#	  displayed. If a character string named "ask" the 
	#     user is interactively asked which to plot, if
	#	  a logical vector of length N, those plots which
	#	  are set "TRUE" are displayed, if a character string
	#	  named "all" all plots are displayed.
	# Note:
	#	At maximum 9 plots are supported.

	# Some cecks:
	if (length(choices) != length(plotFUN)) 
		stop("Arguments choices and plotFUN must be of same length.")
	if (length(which) > length(choices)) 
		stop("Arguments which has incoorect length.")
	if (length(which) > length(plotFUN)) 
		stop("Arguments which has incorrect length.")
	if (length(choices) > 9)
		stop("Sorry, only 9 plots at max are supported.")
	# Internal "askPlot" Function:          	  
    multPlot = function (x, choices, ...) {
	    # Selective Plot:
		selectivePlot = function (x, choices, FUN, which){
			# Internal Function:
			askPlot = function (x, choices, FUN) {
				# Pick and Plot:
				pick = 1; n.plots = length(choices)
				while (pick > 0) { pick = menu (
					choices = paste("plot:", choices), 
					title = "\nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):")
				    if (pick > 0)[pick])(x) } }			        
			if (as.character(which[1]) == "ask") {
				askPlot(x, choices = choices, FUN = FUN, ...) }
			else { 
				for (i in 1:n.plots) if (which[i])[i])(x) }
			invisible() }  
		# match Functions, up to nine ...
		if (length(plotFUN) < 9) plotFUN = 
			c(plotFUN, rep(plotFUN[1], times = 9 - length(plotFUN)))
		plot.1 =[1]); plot.2 =[2]) 
		plot.3 =[3]); plot.4 =[4]) 
		plot.5 =[5]); plot.6 =[6]) 
		plot.7 =[7]); plot.8 =[8]) 
		plot.9 =[9])   	
		pick = 1
	    while (pick > 0) { pick = menu (
	        ### choices = paste("plot:", choices),
	        choices = paste(" ", choices), 
	        title = "\nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):")
	        # up to 9 plot functions ...
	        switch (pick, plot.1(x), plot.2(x), plot.3(x), plot.4(x), 
	        	plot.5(x), plot.6(x), plot.7(x), plot.8(x), plot.9(x) ) } }
	# Plot:
	if (which[1] == "all") which = rep(TRUE, times = length(choices))
	if (which[1] == "ask") {
		multPlot(x, choices, ...) }
	else {
		for ( i in 1:length(which) ) {
			FUN =[i])
			if (which[i]) FUN(x) } }
	# Return Value:

# ******************************************************************************

gridVector =
function(x, y)
{   # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz, GPL

    # Description:
    #   Creates from two vectors x and y all grid points
    # Details: 
    #   The two vectors x and y span a rectangular grid with nx=length(x) 
    #   times ny=length(y) points which are returned as a matrix of size
    #   (nx*ny) times 2.
    # Arguments:
    #   x, y - two numeric vectors of length m and n which span the 
    #   rectangular grid of size m times n.
    # Value:
    #   returns a list with two elements X and Y each of length m 
    #   times n
    # Example:
    #   > gridVector(1:3, 1:2)
    #             [,1] [,2]
    #       [1,]    1    1
    #       [2,]    2    1
    #       [3,]    3    1
    #       [4,]    1    2
    #       [5,]    2    2
    #       [6,]    3    2

    # FUNCTION: 
    # Prepare for Input:
    nx = length(x)
    ny = length(y)
    xoy = cbind(rep(x, ny), as.vector(matrix(y, nx, ny, byrow = TRUE)))
    X = matrix(xoy, nx * ny, 2, byrow = FALSE)
    # Return Value:
    list(X = X[,1], Y = X[,2])

# ******************************************************************************

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