Revision be26c4f22f52f4c488d8e9d586db50eea2428a10 authored by Jim Evans on 15 March 2018, 21:21:56 UTC, committed by Jim Evans on 15 March 2018, 21:21:56 UTC
For the domain attribute of a returned cookie, if the attribute value
conatains a domain with a single dot ('.'), some user agents prepend a
leading dot onto the beginning of the attribute value. This is consistent
with RFC 2965. Some user agents expressly omit the leading dot, which is
consistent with the later RFC 6265. This commit allows both values as the
returned value of the domain attribute.
1 parent 750cfaf
Raw File
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <title>Page Visibility API Operation While Minimizing Browser Window</title>
        <meta name="flags" content="interact" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="resources/pagevistestharness.js"></script>

        <p>This test validates that the page properly becomes hidden and visible due to minimizing, maximizing, and
           restoring the browser window.</p>

        <h1>Manual Test Steps:</h1>
                <li> Ensure this page is the foreground and click the "Start Test"</li>
                <li> Minimize the browser</li>
                <li> Restore or maximize the browser</li>
            Note: This test will automatically timeout and fail if not completed within 60 seconds.

        <button onclick="start_test();">Start Test</button>

        <div id="log"></div>

        <br />
        IFrame with default style:
        <br />
        <iframe id="childDocShown" src="resources/blank_page_green.html">
            iframes unsupported
        <hr />
        IFrame with "display:none" style:
        <br />
        <iframe id="childDocHidden" src="resources/blank_page_green.html" style="display:none">
            iframes unsupported

        <script type="text/javascript" >
            var child_doc_shown = null;
            var child_doc_hidden = null;
            var transition_mode;
            var manual_test = null;

            var expected_notification_count = 2;
            var notification_count = new Array();
            var page_docs = new Array();
            var notification_handlers = new Array();
            var two_notifications = false;

            var PAGE_HIDDEN_VAL = "hidden";
            var PAGE_VISIBLE_VAL = "visible";

            setup({ explicit_done: true });

            function test_transition_init()
                child_doc_shown = document.getElementById("childDocShown").contentDocument;
                child_doc_hidden = document.getElementById("childDocHidden").contentDocument;

                // fill in data for page documents
                page_docs.push([document, "document"]);
                page_docs.push([child_doc_shown, "document.getElementById(\"childDocShown\").contentDocument"]);
                page_docs.push([child_doc_hidden, "document.getElementById(\"childDocHidden\").contentDocument"]);

                notification_handlers[0] = function(){ VerifyNotification(0); };
                notification_handlers[1] = function(){ VerifyNotification(1); };
                notification_handlers[2] = function(){ VerifyNotification(2); };

                for (var i in page_docs)
                    notification_count[i] = 0;
                    page_docs[i][0].addEventListener("visibilitychange", notification_handlers[i]);

                test_true(!document.hidden, "Page is visible on load.");
                test_true((!child_doc_shown.hidden) && (!child_doc_hidden.hidden),
                          "All IFrame child documents are visible on load.");

                document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", notification_handlers[0]);
                document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", VerifyTwoNotifications);

                manual_test = AddManual("Browser minimization has occurred.");

            function VerifyNotification(doc_index)
                doc = page_docs[doc_index][0];
                docName = page_docs[doc_index][1];

                switch (notification_count[doc_index])
                    case 1:
                        // First step, check page visibility after tab deselection / minimization.
                        // hidden should change to true; visibilityState should change to "hidden"
                        test_true(doc.hidden, docName + ".hidden == true (after browser frame minimization)");
                        test_true(doc.visibilityState == PAGE_HIDDEN_VAL,
                                  docName + ".visibilityState == \"hidden\" (after browser frame minimization)");


                    case 2:
                        //Second step, check page visibility after tab reselection / maximization / restoration.
                        // hidden should change to false; visibilityState should change to "visible"
                                  docName + ".hidden == false (after browser frame maximization / restoration)");
                        test_true(doc.visibilityState == PAGE_VISIBLE_VAL,
                                  docName + ".visibilityState == \"visible\" (after browser frame maximization / " +

                        // perform tests specific to the main document
                        if (doc == document)
                            //Verify that a second registration to a different callback also occurred
                            test_true(two_notifications, "Two registrations (different callbacks) occurred.");

                            //Verify that a second registration to the same callback did not occur
                                        "Two registrations (same callback) did not occur.");

                            // pass the manual item associated with these tests
                            AddManualResult(manual_test, true);

                            document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", VerifyTwoNotifications);

                            // schedule the rollup
                            setTimeout(VerifyAllNotifications, 200);

                        //Remove all event listeners and verify that the event does not fire
                        doc.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", notification_handlers[doc_index]);
                    case 3:
                        //This step should not have occurred since the event handlers were cleared
                        test_true(false, "Event did not fire when event listener is removed.");

                        //On final step, schedule the rollup
                        setTimeout(done, 2000);


            function VerifyAllNotifications()
                //On final step, schedule the rollup
                setTimeout(done, 1000);

            function VerifyTwoNotifications()
                //This is a duplicate registration on visibilitychange and
                //should never get fired.  Check that duplicate_notification
                //is false to verify that this never occurred.
                two_notifications = true;

            // Manual Test helper functions
            function AddManual(test)
                // add asynchronous test for manual tests
                return async_test(test);

            function AddManualResult(oManualTest, passState)
                // add assertion to manual test for the pass state
                oManualTest.step(function() {assert_true(passState)});

                // end manual test

            function start_test()
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