Revision bf97c297435104ff8a3ed265757874e2f63268e9 authored by Shuhei Kadowaki on 21 December 2021, 17:05:57 UTC, committed by Shuhei Kadowaki on 08 January 2022, 04:57:06 UTC
This commit allows elimination of mutable φ-node (and its predecessor mutables allocations).
As an contrived example, it allows this `mutable_ϕ_elim(::String, ::Vector{String})`
to run without any allocations at all:
function mutable_ϕ_elim(x, xs)
    r = Ref(x)
    for x in xs
        r = Ref(x)
    return r[]

let xs = String[string(gensym()) for _ in 1:100]
    mutable_ϕ_elim("init", xs)
    @test @allocated(mutable_ϕ_elim("init", xs)) == 0

This mutable ϕ-node elimination is still limited though.
Most notably, the current implementation doesn't work if a mutable
allocation forms multiple ϕ-nodes, since we check allocation eliminability
(i.e. escapability) by counting usages counts and thus it's hard to
reason about multiple ϕ-nodes at a time.
For example, currently mutable allocations involved in cases like below
will still not be eliminated:
code_typed((Bool,String,String),) do cond, x, y
    if cond
        ϕ2 = ϕ1 = Ref(x)
        ϕ2 = ϕ1 = Ref(y)
    ϕ1[], ϕ2[]

\# more realistic example
mutable struct Point{T}
add(a::Point, b::Point) = Point(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
function compute(a::Point{ComplexF64}, b::Point{ComplexF64})
    for i in 0:(100000000-1)
        a = add(add(a, b), b)
    a.x, a.y

I'd say this limitation should be addressed by first introducing a better
abstraction for reasoning escape information. More specifically, I'd like
introduce EscapeAnalysis.jl into Julia base first, and then gradually
adapt it to improve our SROA pass, since EA will allow us to reason about
all escape information imposed on whatever object more easily and should
help us get rid of the complexities of our current SROA implementation.

For now, I'd like to get in this enhancement even though it has the
limitation elaborated above, as far as this commit doesn't introduce
latency problem (which is unlikely).
1 parent a9c6daf
Raw File
// This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

#ifndef JL_ATOMICS_H
#define JL_ATOMICS_H

#if defined(__i386__) && defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__SSE2__)
#  error Julia can only be built for architectures above Pentium 4. Pass -march=pentium4, or set MARCH=pentium4 and ensure that -march is not passed separately with an older architecture.

// Low-level atomic operations
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <atomic>
using std::memory_order_relaxed;
using std::memory_order_consume;
using std::memory_order_acquire;
using std::memory_order_release;
using std::memory_order_acq_rel;
using std::memory_order_seq_cst;
using std::atomic_thread_fence;
using std::atomic_signal_fence;
using std::atomic_load;
using std::atomic_load_explicit;
using std::atomic_store;
using std::atomic_store_explicit;
using std::atomic_fetch_add;
using std::atomic_fetch_add_explicit;
using std::atomic_fetch_and;
using std::atomic_fetch_and_explicit;
using std::atomic_fetch_or;
using std::atomic_fetch_or_explicit;
using std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong;
using std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit;
using std::atomic_exchange;
using std::atomic_exchange_explicit;
extern "C" {
#define _Atomic(T) std::atomic<T>
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include <signal.h> // for sig_atomic_t

#if defined(_CPU_X86_64_) || defined(_CPU_X86_)
#  include <immintrin.h>

enum jl_memory_order {
    jl_memory_order_unspecified = -2,
    jl_memory_order_invalid = -1,
    jl_memory_order_notatomic = 0,

 * Thread synchronization primitives:
 * These roughly follows the c11/c++11 memory model and the act as memory
 * barriers at both the compiler level and the hardware level.
 * The only exception is the GC safepoint and GC state transitions for which
 * we use only a compiler (signal) barrier and use the signal handler to do the
 * synchronization in order to lower the mutator overhead as much as possible.
 * We use the compiler intrinsics to implement a similar API to the c11/c++11
 * one instead of using it directly because, we need interoperability between
 * code written in different languages. The current c++ standard (c++14) does
 * not allow using c11 atomic functions or types and there's currently no
 * guarantee that the two types are compatible (although most of them probably
 * are). We also need to access these atomic variables from the LLVM JIT code
 * which is very hard unless the layout of the object is fully specified.
#define jl_fence() atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_seq_cst)
#define jl_fence_release() atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_release)
#define jl_signal_fence() atomic_signal_fence(memory_order_seq_cst)

#ifdef __cplusplus
// implicit conversion wasn't correctly specified 2017, so many compilers get
// this wrong thus we include the correct definitions here (with implicit
// conversion), instead of using the macro version
template<class T>
T jl_atomic_load(std::atomic<T> *ptr)
     return std::atomic_load<T>(ptr);
template<class T>
T jl_atomic_load_explicit(std::atomic<T> *ptr, std::memory_order order)
     return std::atomic_load_explicit<T>(ptr, order);
#define jl_atomic_load_relaxed(ptr) jl_atomic_load_explicit(ptr, memory_order_relaxed)
#define jl_atomic_load_acquire(ptr) jl_atomic_load_explicit(ptr, memory_order_acquire)
template<class T, class S>
void jl_atomic_store(std::atomic<T> *ptr, S desired)
     std::atomic_store<T>(ptr, desired);
template<class T, class S>
void jl_atomic_store_explicit(std::atomic<T> *ptr, S desired, std::memory_order order)
     std::atomic_store_explicit<T>(ptr, desired, order);
#define jl_atomic_store_relaxed(ptr, val) jl_atomic_store_explicit(ptr, val, memory_order_relaxed)
#define jl_atomic_store_release(ptr, val) jl_atomic_store_explicit(ptr, val, memory_order_release)
template<class T, class S>
T jl_atomic_fetch_add(std::atomic<T> *ptr, S val)
     return std::atomic_fetch_add<T>(ptr, val);
template<class T, class S>
T jl_atomic_fetch_add_explicit(std::atomic<T> *ptr, S val, std::memory_order order)
     return std::atomic_fetch_add_explicit<T>(ptr, val, order);
#define jl_atomic_fetch_add_relaxed(ptr, val) jl_atomic_fetch_add_explicit(ptr, val, memory_order_relaxed)
template<class T, class S>
T jl_atomic_fetch_and(std::atomic<T> *ptr, S val)
     return std::atomic_fetch_and<T>(ptr, val);
template<class T, class S>
T jl_atomic_fetch_and_explicit(std::atomic<T> *ptr, S val, std::memory_order order)
     return std::atomic_fetch_and_explicit<T>(ptr, val, order);
#define jl_atomic_fetch_and_relaxed(ptr, val) jl_atomic_fetch_and_explicit(ptr, val, memory_order_relaxed)
template<class T, class S>
T jl_atomic_fetch_or(std::atomic<T> *ptr, S val)
     return std::atomic_fetch_or<T>(ptr, val);
template<class T, class S>
T jl_atomic_fetch_or_explicit(std::atomic<T> *ptr, S val, std::memory_order order)
     return std::atomic_fetch_or_explicit<T>(ptr, val, order);
#define jl_atomic_fetch_or_relaxed(ptr, val) jl_atomic_fetch_or_explicit(ptr, val, memory_order_relaxed)
template<class T, class S>
bool jl_atomic_cmpswap(std::atomic<T> *ptr, T *expected, S val)
     return std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong<T>(ptr, expected, val);
template<class T, class S>
bool jl_atomic_cmpswap_explicit(std::atomic<T> *ptr, T *expected, S val, std::memory_order order)
     return std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit<T>(ptr, expected, val, order, order);
#define jl_atomic_cmpswap_relaxed(ptr, val) jl_atomic_cmpswap_explicit(ptr, val, memory_order_relaxed)
template<class T, class S>
T jl_atomic_exchange(std::atomic<T> *ptr, S desired)
     return std::atomic_exchange<T>(ptr, desired);
template<class T, class S>
T jl_atomic_exchange_explicit(std::atomic<T> *ptr, S desired, std::memory_order order)
     return std::atomic_exchange_explicit<T>(ptr, desired, order);
#define jl_atomic_exchange_relaxed(ptr, val) jl_atomic_exchange_explicit(ptr, val, memory_order_relaxed)
extern "C" {

#  define jl_atomic_fetch_add_relaxed(obj, arg)         \
    atomic_fetch_add_explicit(obj, arg, memory_order_relaxed)
#  define jl_atomic_fetch_add(obj, arg)                 \
    atomic_fetch_add(obj, arg)
#  define jl_atomic_fetch_and_relaxed(obj, arg)         \
    atomic_fetch_and_explicit(obj, arg, memory_order_relaxed)
#  define jl_atomic_fetch_and(obj, arg)                 \
    atomic_fetch_and(obj, arg)
#  define jl_atomic_fetch_or_relaxed(obj, arg)          \
    atomic_fetch_or_explicit(obj, arg, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
#  define jl_atomic_fetch_or(obj, arg)                  \
    atomic_fetch_or(obj, arg)
#  define jl_atomic_cmpswap(obj, expected, desired)     \
    atomic_compare_exchange_strong(obj, expected, desired)
#  define jl_atomic_cmpswap_relaxed(obj, expected, desired) \
    atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(obj, expected, desired, memory_order_relaxed, memory_order_relaxed)
// TODO: Maybe add jl_atomic_cmpswap_weak for spin lock
#  define jl_atomic_exchange(obj, desired)       \
    atomic_exchange(obj, desired)
#  define jl_atomic_exchange_relaxed(obj, desired)      \
    atomic_exchange_explicit(obj, desired, memory_order_relaxed)
#  define jl_atomic_store(obj, val)                     \
    atomic_store(obj, val)
#  define jl_atomic_store_relaxed(obj, val)             \
    atomic_store_explicit(obj, val, memory_order_relaxed)

#  if defined(__clang__) || !(defined(_CPU_X86_) || defined(_CPU_X86_64_))
// Clang doesn't have this bug...
#    define jl_atomic_store_release(obj, val)           \
    atomic_store_explicit(obj, val, memory_order_release)
#  else
// Workaround a GCC bug when using store with release order by using the
// stronger version instead.
// fixed in;h=d8c40eff56f69877b33c697ded756d50fde90c27
#    define jl_atomic_store_release(obj, val) do {      \
        jl_signal_fence();                              \
        atomic_store_explicit(obj, val, memory_order_release);   \
    } while (0)
#  endif
#  define jl_atomic_load(obj)                   \
#  define jl_atomic_load_acquire(obj)           \
    atomic_load_explicit(obj, memory_order_acquire)
// For the sake of tsan, call these loads consume ordering since they will act
// as such on the processors we support while normally, the compiler would
// upgrade this to acquire ordering, which is strong (and slower) than we want.
#  define jl_atomic_load_relaxed(obj)           \
    atomic_load_explicit(obj, memory_order_consume)
#  define jl_atomic_load_relaxed(obj)           \
    atomic_load_explicit(obj, memory_order_relaxed)

#ifdef __clang_gcanalyzer__
// for the purposes of the GC analyzer, we can turn these into non-atomic
// expressions with similar properties (for the sake of the analyzer, we don't
// care if it is an exact match for behavior)

#undef _Atomic
#define _Atomic(T) T

#undef jl_atomic_exchange
#undef jl_atomic_exchange_relaxed
#define jl_atomic_exchange(obj, desired) \
    (__extension__({ \
            __typeof__((obj)) p__analyzer__ = (obj); \
            __typeof__(*p__analyzer__) temp__analyzer__ = *p__analyzer__; \
            *p__analyzer__ = (desired); \
            temp__analyzer__; \
#define jl_atomic_exchange_relaxed jl_atomic_exchange

#undef jl_atomic_cmpswap
#undef jl_atomic_cmpswap_relaxed
#define jl_atomic_cmpswap(obj, expected, desired) \
    (__extension__({ \
            __typeof__((obj)) p__analyzer__ = (obj); \
            __typeof__(*p__analyzer__) temp__analyzer__ = *p__analyzer__; \
            __typeof__((expected)) x__analyzer__ = (expected); \
            int eq__analyzer__ = memcmp(&temp__analyzer__, x__analyzer__, sizeof(temp__analyzer__)) == 0; \
            if (eq__analyzer__) \
                *p__analyzer__ = (desired); \
            else \
                *x__analyzer__ = temp__analyzer__; \
            eq__analyzer__; \
#define jl_atomic_cmpswap_relaxed jl_atomic_cmpswap

#undef jl_atomic_store
#undef jl_atomic_store_release
#undef jl_atomic_store_relaxed
#define jl_atomic_store(obj, val)         (*(obj) = (val))
#define jl_atomic_store_release jl_atomic_store
#define jl_atomic_store_relaxed jl_atomic_store

#undef jl_atomic_load
#undef jl_atomic_load_acquire
#undef jl_atomic_load_relaxed
#define jl_atomic_load(obj)         (*(obj))
#define jl_atomic_load_acquire jl_atomic_load
#define jl_atomic_load_relaxed jl_atomic_load

#undef jl_atomic_fetch_add
#undef jl_atomic_fetch_and
#undef jl_atomic_fetch_or
#undef jl_atomic_fetch_add_relaxed
#undef jl_atomic_fetch_and_relaxed
#undef jl_atomic_fetch_or_relaxed
#define jl_atomic_fetch_add(obj, val) \
    (__extension__({ \
            __typeof__((obj)) p__analyzer__ = (obj); \
            __typeof__(*p__analyzer__) temp__analyzer__ = *p__analyzer__; \
            *(p__analyzer__) = temp__analyzer__ + (val); \
            temp__analyzer__; \
#define jl_atomic_fetch_and(obj, val) \
    (__extension__({ \
            __typeof__((obj)) p__analyzer__ = (obj); \
            __typeof__(*p__analyzer__) temp__analyzer__ = *p__analyzer__; \
            *(p__analyzer__) = temp__analyzer__ & (val); \
            temp__analyzer__; \
#define jl_atomic_fetch_or(obj, val) \
    (__extension__({ \
            __typeof__((obj)) p__analyzer__ = (obj); \
            __typeof__(*p__analyzer__) temp__analyzer__ = *p__analyzer__; \
            *(p__analyzer__) = temp__analyzer__ | (val); \
            temp__analyzer__; \
#define jl_atomic_fetch_add_relaxed jl_atomic_fetch_add
#define jl_atomic_fetch_and_relaxed jl_atomic_fetch_and
#define jl_atomic_fetch_or_relaxed jl_atomic_fetch_or


#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif // JL_ATOMICS_H
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