Revision c015a93558d88cf08d10e06d704b8bb8db084260 authored by nsubiron on 26 October 2018, 13:14:26 UTC, committed by nsubiron on 26 October 2018, 13:14:26 UTC
1 parent e978822
Raw File
<h1>CARLA Server</h1>


Some scripts are provided for building and testing CarlaServer on Linux

    $ ./
    $ make
    $ make check

The setup script downloads and compiles all the required dependencies. The
Makefile calls CMake to build CarlaServer and installs it under "Util/Install".


All the messages are prepended by a 32 bits unsigned integer (little-endian)
indicating the size of the coming message.

Three consecutive ports are used,

  * world-port (default 2000)
  * measurements-port = world-port + 1
  * control-port = world-port + 2

each of these ports has an associated thread that sends/reads data

<h4>World thread</h4>

Server reads one, writes one. Always protobuf messages.

    [client] RequestNewEpisode
    [server] SceneDescription
    [client] EpisodeStart
    [server] EpisodeReady

<h4>Measurements thread</h4>

Server only writes, first measurements message then the bulk of raw images.

    [server] Measurements
    [server] raw images

Every image is an array of

    [frame_number, width, height, type, FOV, color[0], color[1], ...]

of types

    [uint64, uint32, uint32, uint32, float32, uint32, uint32, ...]

where FOV is the horizontal field of view of the camera as float, each color is
an [FColor][fcolorlink] (BGRA) as stored in Unreal Engine, and the possible
types of images are

    type = 0  None                  (RGB without any post-processing)
    type = 1  SceneFinal            (RGB with post-processing present at the scene)
    type = 2  Depth                 (Depth Map)
    type = 3  SemanticSegmentation  (Semantic Segmentation)

The measurements message is explained in detail [here](

[fcolorlink]: "FColor API Documentation"

<h4>Control thread</h4>

Server only reads, client sends Control message every frame.

    [client] Control

In the synchronous mode, the server halts execution each frame until the Control
message is received.


The library is encapsulated behind a single include file in C,

This file contains the basic interface for reading and writing messages to the
client, hiding the networking and multi-threading part. Most of the functions
have a time-out parameter and block  until the corresponding asynchronous
operation is completed or the time-out is met. Set a time-out of 0 to get a
non-blocking call.

A CarlaServer instance is created with `carla_make_server()` and should be
destroyed after use with `carla_server_free(ptr)`.



The C API takes care of dispatching the request to the corresponding server.
There are three asynchronous servers each of them running on its own thread.

![CarlaServer design](img/carlaserver.svg)

Conceptually there are two servers, the _World Server_ and the _Agent Server_.
The _World Server_ controls the initialization of episodes. A new episode is
started every time it is requested to the World Server by a RequestNewEpisode
message. Once the episode is ready, the World Server launches the Agent Server.
The _Agent Server_ has two threads, one for sending the streaming of the
measurements and another for receiving the control. Both agent threads
communicate with the main thread through a lock-free double-buffer to speed up
the streaming of messages and images.

The encoding of the messages (protobuf) and the networking operations are
executed asynchronously.
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