Revision c0b509e9ee1c4d7065b7e300e789d34250d22333 authored by Bryna Hazelton on 26 June 2018, 22:00:14 UTC, committed by Bryna Hazelton on 11 July 2018, 19:54:59 UTC
1 parent 79839e7
Raw File
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Class for reading and writing casa measurement sets.
Requires casacore.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from astropy import constants as const
import astropy.time as time
import numpy as np
import os
import warnings
from pyuvdata import UVData
from . import parameter as uvp
import casacore.tables as tables
from . import telescopes
import re
from . import utils as uvutils

This dictionary defines the mapping between CASA polarization numbers and
AIPS polarization numbers
polDict = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: -1, 6: -3,
           7: -4, 8: -2, 9: -5, 10: -7, 11: -8, 12: -6}

# convert from casa polarization integers to pyuvdata

class MS(UVData):
    Defines a class for reading and writing casa measurement sets.
      ms_required_extra: Names of optional MSParameters that are required for casa ms
    ms_required_extra = ['datacolumn', 'antenna_positions']  # ,'casa_history']

    def _ms_hist_to_string(self, history_table):
        converts a CASA history table into a string that can be stored as the uvdata history parameter.
        Also stores messages column as a list for consitency with other uvdata types
        Args: history_table, a casa table object
        Returns: string containing only message column (consistent with other UVDATA history strings)
                 string enconding complete casa history table converted with \n denoting rows and ';' denoting column breaks
        message_str = ''  # string to store usual uvdata history
        # string to store special casa history
        app_params = history_table.getcol('APP_PARAMS')['array']
        cli_command = history_table.getcol('CLI_COMMAND')['array']
        application = history_table.getcol('APPLICATION')
        message = history_table.getcol('MESSAGE')
        obj_id = history_table.getcol('OBJECT_ID')
        obs_id = history_table.getcol('OBSERVATION_ID')
        origin = history_table.getcol('ORIGIN')
        priority = history_table.getcol('PRIORITY')
        times = history_table.getcol('TIME')
        # Now loop through columns and generate history string
        ntimes = len(times)
        for tbrow in range(ntimes):
            message_str += str(message[tbrow])
            newline = str(app_params[tbrow]) \
                + ';' + str(cli_command[tbrow]) \
                + ';' + str(application[tbrow]) \
                + ';' + str(message[tbrow]) \
                + ';' + str(obj_id[tbrow]) \
                + ';' + str(obs_id[tbrow]) \
                + ';' + str(origin[tbrow]) \
                + ';' + str(priority[tbrow]) \
                + ';' + str(times[tbrow]) + '\n'
            history_str += newline
            if tbrow < ntimes - 1:
                message_str += '\n'

        def is_not_ascii(s):
            return any(ord(c) >= 128 for c in s)

        def find_not_ascii(s):
            output = []
            for c in s:
                if ord(c) >= 128:
                    output += c
            return output
        return message_str, history_str

    # ms write functionality to be added later.
    def write_ms(self):
        writing ms is not yet supported

    def read_ms(self, filepath, run_check=True, check_extra=True,
                data_column='DATA', pol_order='AIPS'):
        read in a casa measurement set

            filepath: name of the measurement set folder
            run_check: Option to check for the existence and proper shapes of
                parameters after reading in the file. Default is True.
            check_extra: Option to check optional parameters as well as required
                ones. Default is True.
            run_check_acceptability: Option to check the values of parameters
                after reading in the file. Default is True.
            data_column: specify which CASA measurement set data column to read from (can be 'DATA','CORRECTED', or 'MODEL')
            pol_order: use 'AIPS' or 'CASA' ordering of polarizations?
        # make sure user requests a valid data_column
        if data_column != 'DATA' and data_column != 'CORRECTED_DATA' and data_column != 'MODEL':
            raise ValueError(
                'Invalid data_column value supplied. Use \'Data\',\'MODEL\' or \'CORRECTED_DATA\'')
        if not os.path.exists(filepath):
            raise IOError(filepath + ' not found')
        # set visibility units
        if(data_column == 'DATA'):
            self.vis_units = "UNCALIB"
        elif(data_column == 'CORRECTED_DATA'):
            self.vis_units = "JY"
        elif(data_column == 'MODEL'):
            self.vis_units = "JY"
        # limit length of extra_keywords keys to 8 characters to match uvfits & miriad
        self.extra_keywords['DATA_COL'] = data_column
        # get frequency information from spectral window table
        tb_spws = tables.table(filepath + '/SPECTRAL_WINDOW')
        freqs = tb_spws.getcol('CHAN_FREQ')
        self.freq_array = freqs
        self.Nfreqs = int(freqs.shape[1])
        self.channel_width = float(tb_spws.getcol('CHAN_WIDTH')[0, 0])
        self.Nspws = int(freqs.shape[0])
        if self.Nspws > 1:
            raise ValueError('Sorry.  Files with more than one spectral'
                             'window (spw) are not yet supported. A '
                             'great project for the interested student!')

        self.spw_array = np.arange(self.Nspws)
        # now get the data
        tb = tables.table(filepath)
        # check for multiple subarrays. importuvfits does not appear to preserve subarray information!
        subarray = np.unique(np.int32(tb.getcol('ARRAY_ID')) - 1)
        if len(set(subarray)) > 1:
            raise ValueError('This file appears to have multiple subarray '
                             'values; only files with one subarray are '
        times_unique = time.Time(
            np.unique(tb.getcol('TIME') / (3600. * 24.)), format='mjd').jd
        self.Ntimes = int(len(times_unique))
        # FITS uvw direction convention is opposite ours and Miriad's.
        # CASA's convention is unclear: the docs contradict themselves,
        # but empirically it appears to match uvfits
        # So conjugate the visibilities and flip the uvws:
        data_array = np.conj(tb.getcol(data_column))
        self.Nblts = int(data_array.shape[0])
        flag_array = tb.getcol('FLAG')
        # CASA stores data in complex array with dimension NbltsxNfreqsxNpols
        if(len(data_array.shape) == 3):
            data_array = np.expand_dims(data_array, axis=1)
            flag_array = np.expand_dims(flag_array, axis=1)
        self.data_array = data_array
        self.flag_array = flag_array
        self.Npols = int(data_array.shape[-1])
        # FITS uvw direction convention is opposite ours and Miriad's.
        # CASA's convention is unclear: the docs contradict themselves,
        # but empirically it appears to match uvfits
        # So conjugate the visibilities and flip the uvws:
        self.uvw_array = -1 * tb.getcol('UVW')
        self.ant_1_array = tb.getcol('ANTENNA1').astype(np.int32)
        self.ant_2_array = tb.getcol('ANTENNA2').astype(np.int32)
        self.Nants_data = len(np.unique(np.concatenate(
            (np.unique(self.ant_1_array), np.unique(self.ant_2_array)))))
        self.baseline_array = self.antnums_to_baseline(
            self.ant_1_array, self.ant_2_array)
        self.Nbls = len(np.unique(self.baseline_array))
        # Get times. MS from cotter are modified Julian dates in seconds (thanks to Danny Jacobs for figuring out the proper conversion)
        self.time_array = time.Time(
            tb.getcol('TIME') / (3600. * 24.), format='mjd').jd
        # Polarization array
        tbPol = tables.table(filepath + '/POLARIZATION')
        # list of lists, probably with each list corresponding to SPW.
        polList = tbPol.getcol('CORR_TYPE')[0]
        self.polarization_array = np.zeros(len(polList), dtype=np.int32)
        for polnum in range(len(polList)):
            self.polarization_array[polnum] = int(polDict[polList[polnum]])
        # Integration time
        # use first interval and assume rest are constant (though measurement set has all integration times for each Nblt )
        # self.integration_time=tb.getcol('INTERVAL')[0]
        # for some reason, interval ends up larger than the difference between times...
        if len(times_unique) == 1:
            self.integration_time = 1.0
            self.integration_time = float(
                times_unique[1] - times_unique[0]) * 3600. * 24.
        # open table with antenna location information
        tbAnt = tables.table(filepath + '/ANTENNA')
        tbObs = tables.table(filepath + '/OBSERVATION')
        self.telescope_name = tbObs.getcol('TELESCOPE_NAME')[0]
        self.instrument = tbObs.getcol('TELESCOPE_NAME')[0]
        # Use dictionary to set array position
        full_antenna_positions = tbAnt.getcol('POSITION')
        xyz_telescope_frame = tbAnt.getcolkeyword(
            'POSITION', 'MEASINFO')['Ref']
        antFlags = np.empty(len(full_antenna_positions), dtype=bool)
        antFlags[:] = False
        for antnum in range(len(antFlags)):
            antFlags[antnum] = np.all(full_antenna_positions[antnum, :] == 0)
        if(xyz_telescope_frame == 'ITRF'):
            self.telescope_location = np.array(
                np.mean(full_antenna_positions[np.invert(antFlags), :], axis=0))
        if self.telescope_location is None:
            except ValueError:
                warnings.warn('Telescope frame is not ITRF and telescope is not '
                              'in known_telescopes, so telescope_location is not set.')

        # antenna names
        ant_names = tbAnt.getcol('STATION')
        ant_diams = tbAnt.getcol('DISH_DIAMETER')

        self.antenna_diameters = ant_diams[ant_diams > 0]

        self.Nants_telescope = len(antFlags[np.invert(antFlags)])
        test_name = ant_names[0]
        names_same = True
        for antnum in range(len(ant_names)):
            if(not(ant_names[antnum] == test_name)):
                names_same = False
            # cotter measurement sets store antenna names in the NAMES column.
            self.antenna_names = ant_names
            # importuvfits measurement sets store antenna names in the STATION column.
            self.antenna_names = tbAnt.getcol('NAME')
        self.antenna_numbers = np.arange(len(self.antenna_names)).astype(int)
        nAntOrig = len(self.antenna_names)
        ant_names = []
        for antNum in range(len(self.antenna_names)):
            if not(antFlags[antNum]):
        self.antenna_names = ant_names
        self.antenna_numbers = self.antenna_numbers[np.invert(antFlags)]

        relative_positions = np.zeros_like(full_antenna_positions)
        relative_positions = full_antenna_positions - self.telescope_location.reshape(1, 3)
        self.antenna_positions = relative_positions[np.invert(antFlags), :]

        tbField = tables.table(filepath + '/FIELD')
        if(tbField.getcol('PHASE_DIR').shape[1] == 2):
            self.phase_type = 'drift'
        elif(tbField.getcol('PHASE_DIR').shape[1] == 1):
            self.phase_type = 'phased'
            # MSv2.0 appears to assume J2000. Not sure how to specifiy otherwise
            epoch_string = tb.getcolkeyword('UVW', 'MEASINFO')['Ref']
            # for measurement sets made with COTTER, this keyword is ITRF instead of the epoch
            if epoch_string == 'ITRF':
                self.phase_center_epoch = 2000.
                self.phase_center_epoch = float(
                    tb.getcolkeyword('UVW', 'MEASINFO')['Ref'][1:])
            self.phase_center_ra = float(tbField.getcol('PHASE_DIR')[0][0][0])
            self.phase_center_dec = float(tbField.getcol('PHASE_DIR')[0][0][1])
        # set LST array from times and itrf
        # set the history parameter
        _, self.history = self._ms_hist_to_string(tables.table(filepath + '/HISTORY'))
        # CASA weights column keeps track of number of data points averaged.

        if not uvutils.check_history_version(self.history, self.pyuvdata_version_str):
            self.history += self.pyuvdata_version_str
        self.nsample_array = tb.getcol('WEIGHT_SPECTRUM')
        if(len(self.nsample_array.shape) == 3):
            self.nsample_array = np.expand_dims(self.nsample_array, axis=1)
        self.object_name = tbField.getcol('NAME')[0]
        # order polarizations
        if run_check:
            self.check(check_extra=check_extra, run_check_acceptability=run_check_acceptability)
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