Revision c3861f5c7371fea2fc5d20404a7f77c927bbd61b authored by Shuhei Kadowaki on 14 August 2021, 12:49:21 UTC, committed by Shuhei Kadowaki on 23 August 2021, 15:09:13 UTC
Built on top of #41882, this PR sorts out the constant-prop' interface
yet more, particularly generalizes `force_const_prop` to `const_prop_config`
so that it can turn on and off each heuristic.

The main motivation here is, in #41882, we want to force const-prop' on
`setproperty` even when its return type is already `Const` for the sake
of succeeding inlining, by skipping all the `const_prop_xxx_heuristic` checks.
But I still found we want to apply `const_prop_entry_heuristic` to
`getproperty`, because if we already know very accurate result for a
`getproperty` call, usually there is really no motivation for constant-prop', e.g.:
struct FZero end
Base.getproperty(::FZero, ::Symbol) = 0.0
getproperty(FZero(), :val) # const-prop' doesn't need to happen here

Now `force_const_prop(...) -> force::Bool` is refactored to
`const_prop_config(...) -> config::UInt8`, which can turn on and off
each heuristic based on the value of `config`.

I also included another refactoring that inlines `const_prop_rettype_heuristic`
into `const_prop_argument_heuristic`, because they really seem tightly coupled.
1 parent e1e4986
Raw File
(load "./flisp/aliases.scm")
(load "./flisp/profile.scm")
(load "utils.scm")
(load "ast.scm")
(load "match.scm")
(load "macroexpand.scm")
(load "julia-parser.scm")
(load "julia-syntax.scm")

;; exception handler to turn known errors into special expressions,
;; to prevent throwing an exception past a C caller.
(define (error-wrap thk)
   (lambda (e)
     (if (and (pair? e) (memq (car e) '(error io-error)))
         (let ((msg (cadr e))
               (pfx "incomplete:"))
           (if (and (string? msg) (>= (string-length msg) (string-length pfx))
                    (equal? pfx
                            (substring msg 0 (string-length pfx))))
               `(incomplete ,msg)
               (cons 'error (cdr e))))
           ;;(display "unexpected error: ")
           ;;(prn e)
           ;;(print-stack-trace (stacktrace))
           '(error "malformed expression"))))

;; this is overwritten when we run in actual julia
(define (defined-julia-global v) #f)
(define (julia-current-file) 'none)
(define (julia-current-line) 0)

;; parser entry points

;; parse one expression (if greedy) or atom, returning end position
(define (jl-parse-one str filename pos0 greedy)
  (let ((inp (open-input-string str)))
    ( inp pos0)
    (with-bindings ((current-filename (symbol filename)))
     (let ((expr (error-wrap (lambda ()
                               (if greedy
                                   (julia-parse inp parse-stmts)
                                   (julia-parse inp parse-atom))))))
       (cons expr (io.pos inp))))))

(define (parse-all- io filename)
   (with-bindings ((current-filename (symbol filename)))
    (let ((stream (make-token-stream io)))
      (let loop ((exprs '()))
        (let ((lineno (error-wrap
                       (lambda ()
                         (skip-ws-and-comments io)
                         (input-port-line io)))))
          (if (pair? lineno)
              (cons 'toplevel
                    (reverse! (list* lineno
                                     `(line ,(input-port-line io) ,current-filename)
              (let ((expr (error-wrap
                           (lambda ()
                             (julia-parse stream)))))
                (if (eof-object? expr)
                    (cons 'toplevel (reverse! exprs))
                    (let* ((iserr  (and (pair? expr) (eq? (car expr) 'error)))
                           ;; for error, get most recent line number (#16720)
                           (lineno (if iserr (input-port-line io) lineno))
                           (next   (list* expr
                                          `(line ,lineno ,current-filename)
                      (if iserr
                          (cons 'toplevel (reverse! next))
                          (loop next))))))))))
   (io.close io)))

;; parse all expressions in a string, the same way files are parsed
(define (jl-parse-all str filename)
  (parse-all- (open-input-string str) filename))

(define (jl-parse-file filename)
   (parse-all- (open-input-file filename) filename)
   (lambda (e) #f)))

;; lowering entry points

;; return a lambda expression representing a thunk for a top-level expression
;; note: expansion of stuff inside module is delayed, so the contents obey
;; toplevel expansion order (don't expand until stuff before is evaluated).
(define (expand-toplevel-expr-- e file line)
  (let ((ex0 (julia-expand-macroscope e)))
    (if (toplevel-only-expr? ex0)
        (let* ((ex (julia-expand0 ex0 file line))
               (th (julia-expand1
                    `(lambda () ()
                              ,(blockify ex)))
                    file line)))
          (if (and (null? (cdadr (caddr th)))
                   (and (length= (lam:body th) 2)
                        ;; 1-element body might be `return` or `goto` (issue #33227)
                        (return? (cadr (lam:body th)))
                        (let ((retval (cadadr (lam:body th))))
                          (or (and (pair? retval) (eq? (car retval) 'lambda))
                              (simple-atom? retval)))))
              ;; generated functions use the pattern (body (return (lambda ...))), which
              ;; needs to be unwrapped to just the lambda (CodeInfo).
              (cadadr (lam:body th))
              `(thunk ,th))))))

(define (toplevel-only-expr? e)
  (and (pair? e)
       (or (memq (car e) '(toplevel line module import using export
                                    error incomplete))
           (and (memq (car e) '(global const)) (every symbol? (cdr e))))))

(define *in-expand* #f)

(define (expand-toplevel-expr e file line)
  (cond ((or (atom? e) (toplevel-only-expr? e))
         (if (underscore-symbol? e)
             (error "all-underscore identifier used as rvalue"))
         (let ((last *in-expand*))
           (if (not last)
               (begin (reset-gensyms)
                      (set! *in-expand* #t)))
           (begin0 (expand-toplevel-expr-- e file line)
                   (set! *in-expand* last))))))

;; used to collect warnings during lowering, which are usually discarded
;; unless logging is requested
(define lowering-warning (lambda lst (void)))

;; expand a piece of raw surface syntax to an executable thunk

(define (expand-to-thunk- expr file line)
  (error-wrap (lambda ()
                (expand-toplevel-expr expr file line))))

(define (expand-to-thunk-stmt- expr file line)
  (expand-to-thunk- (if (toplevel-only-expr? expr)
                        `(block ,expr (null)))
                    file line))

(define (jl-expand-to-thunk-warn expr file line stmt)
  (let ((warnings '()))
     ((lowering-warning (lambda lst (set! warnings (cons lst warnings)))))
      (if stmt
          (expand-to-thunk-stmt- expr file line)
          (expand-to-thunk- expr file line))
      (for-each (lambda (args) (apply julia-logmsg args))
                (reverse warnings))))))

(define (jl-expand-to-thunk expr file line)
  (expand-to-thunk- expr file line))

(define (jl-expand-to-thunk-stmt expr file line)
  (expand-to-thunk-stmt- expr file line))

(define (jl-expand-macroscope expr)
  (error-wrap (lambda ()
                (julia-expand-macroscope expr))))

;; construct default definitions of `eval` for non-bare modules
;; called by jl_eval_module_expr
(define (module-default-defs e)
   (let* ((name (caddr e))
          (body (cadddr e))
          (loc  (if (null? (cdr body)) () (cadr body)))
          (loc  (if (and (pair? loc) (eq? (car loc) 'line))
                    (list loc)
          (x    (if (eq? name 'x) 'y 'x))
          (mex  (if (eq? name 'mapexpr) 'map_expr 'mapexpr)))
       (= (call eval ,x)
           (call (core eval) ,name ,x)))
       (= (call include ,x)
           (call (core _call_latest) (top include) ,name ,x)))
       (= (call include (:: ,mex (top Function)) ,x)
           (call (core _call_latest) (top include) ,mex ,name ,x)))))
   'none 0))

; run whole frontend on a string. useful for testing.
(define (fe str)
  (expand-toplevel-expr (julia-parse str) 'none 0))

(define (profile-e s)
   (lambda (e)
           (prn e))
   (lambda () (profile s))))

; --- logging ---
; Utilities for logging messages from the frontend, in a way which can be
; controlled from julia code.

; Log a general deprecation message at line node location `lno`
(define (deprecation-message msg lno)
  (let* ((lf (extract-line-file lno)) (line (car lf)) (file (cadr lf)))
    (frontend-depwarn msg file line)))

; Log a syntax deprecation from line node location `lno`
(define (syntax-deprecation what instead lno)
  (let* ((lf (extract-line-file lno)) (line (car lf)) (file (cadr lf)))
    (deprecation-message (format-syntax-deprecation what instead file line #f) lno)))

; Extract line and file from a line number node, defaulting to (0, none)
; respectively if lno is absent (`#f`) or doesn't contain a file
(define (extract-line-file lno)
  (cond ((or (not lno) (null? lno)) '(0 none))
        ((not (eq? (car lno) 'line)) (error "lno is not a line number node"))
        ((length= lno 2) `(,(cadr lno) none))
        (else (cdr lno))))

(define (format-loc lno)
  (let* ((lf (extract-line-file lno)) (line (car lf)) (file (cadr lf)))
    (format-file-line file line #f)))

(define (format-file-line file line exactloc)
  (if (or (= line 0) (eq? file 'none))
      (string (if exactloc " at " " around ") file ":" line)))

(define (format-syntax-deprecation what instead file line exactloc)
  (string "Deprecated syntax `" what "`"
          (format-file-line file line exactloc)
          (if (equal? instead "") ""
              (string #\newline "Use `" instead "` instead."))))

(define *scopewarn-opt* 1)

; Corresponds to --depwarn 0="no", 1="yes", 2="error"
(define *depwarn-opt* 1)

; Emit deprecation warning via julia logging layer.
(define (frontend-depwarn msg file line)
  ; (display (string msg "; file = " file "; line = " line #\newline)))
  (case *depwarn-opt*
    (1 (julia-logmsg 1000 'depwarn (symbol (string file line)) file line msg))
    (2 (error msg))))
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