Revision c3873d851fdfb01efd8bb1f8a18f33acb06b6fc5 authored by jdaeth274 on 13 May 2021, 12:33:05 UTC, committed by jdaeth274 on 13 May 2021, 12:33:05 UTC
1 parent 0fa3af5
Raw File
## PBP recombination pmen results #############################################


graph_getter_pbp <- function(dir_to_files,graph_name){
  last_character <- base::substr(dir_to_files,
  if(last_character != "/"){
    dir_to_files <- paste(dir_to_files, "/", sep = "")
  summo_csv_file <- list.files(dir_to_files, pattern = "*species_compo*")
  summary_csv <- paste(dir_to_files, summo_csv_file,sep = "")
  summo_csv <- read.csv(summary_csv, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  blast_results <- list.files(dir_to_files, pattern = "*list*.csv")

  summo_csv <- summo_csv %>% mutate(pre_resistance = ifelse(pre_resistance == "reference","ref",pre_resistance)) %>%
    mutate(resistance = ifelse(resistance == "reference", "ref",resistance))
  summo_csv$insertion_point <- paste(summo_csv$pre_resistance, summo_csv$resistance, summo_csv$gene_name, sep = "-")
  counted_summo <- plyr::count(summo_csv$insertion_point)  
  ## Ok, so now we've got the summary_csv, lets go through each of the ########
  ## insertion sites, getting overall pneumo weight by bitscore, rank of top ##
  ## pneumo hit and then top hit bit / bit of top pneumo hit ##################
  for(k in 1:nrow(counted_summo)){
    current_insertion <- as.character(counted_summo[k, 1])
    subsetted_data <- summo_csv[summo_csv$insertion_point == current_insertion,]
    if(k == 1){
      results_df <- bitscore_res(subsetted_data, blast_results,
                                 current_insertion, dir_to_files)
      new_df <- bitscore_res(subsetted_data, blast_results,
                             current_insertion, dir_to_files)
      results_df <-, new_df)
  total_run_through <- bitscore_res(summo_csv, blast_results,
                                    "total", dir_to_files)
  total_hist_weighted <- ggplot(data = total_run_through) + geom_violin(aes(x = insertion_loci, 
                                                                             y = weighted_bit)) + 
    labs(title = paste(graph_name, "Weighted total"))
  total_hist_ranked <- ggplot(data = total_run_through) + geom_violin(aes(x = insertion_loci,
                                                                           y = ranked_pneumo)) +
    labs(title = paste(graph_name, "ranked pneumo"))
  total_bit_ranked <- ggplot(data = total_run_through) + geom_violin(aes(x = insertion_loci,
                                                                          y = bit_pneumo)) +
    labs(title = paste(graph_name, "bitscore pneumo"))
  arranged_plots <- ggarrange(total_hist_weighted, total_hist_ranked, total_bit_ranked,
                              ncol = 3, nrow = 1, align = "hv")
  hist_weighted <- ggplot(data = results_df) + geom_boxplot(aes(x = insertion_loci, 
                                                                y = weighted_bit)) + 
    labs(title = paste(graph_name, "Weighted total"))
  hist_ranked <- ggplot(data = results_df) + geom_boxplot(aes(x = insertion_loci,
                                                              y = ranked_pneumo)) +
    labs(title = paste(graph_name, "ranked pneumo"))
  bit_ranked <- ggplot(data = results_df) + geom_violin(aes(x = insertion_loci,
                                                             y = bit_pneumo)) +
    labs(title = paste(graph_name, "bitscore pneumo")) + geom_point(aes(x = insertion_loci,
                                                                        y = bit_pneumo, color = insertion_loci),
                                                                    position = position_jitter(width = 0.1, height = 0))
  return(list(by_insertion = results_df, total = total_run_through, total_plots = arranged_plots,
              weighted_hist = hist_weighted, ranked_hist = hist_ranked, ranked_bit = bit_ranked))

bitscore_res <- function(data_subset, blast_res_list, insertion_loci, dir_to_files){
  isolate_file <- paste(data_subset$isolate,"_",data_subset$gene_name, "_species_list.csv",sep = "")
  files_to_open <- blast_res_list[which(blast_res_list %in% isolate_file)]
  files_to_open <- paste(dir_to_files, files_to_open, sep = "")
  ## So now we've got the vector of files to open in files_to_open, we'll loop#
  ## through these and get the weight by bitscores, rank of top_pneumo, and ###
  ## bitscore of top pneumo/top hit for each of the files #####################
  output_data <- data.frame(data = matrix(NA, nrow = length(files_to_open),
                                          ncol = 5))
  colnames(output_data) <- c("isolate","insertion_loci","weighted_bit","ranked_pneumo",
  output_data$isolate <- data_subset$isolate
  output_data$insertion_loci <- rep(insertion_loci, nrow(output_data))
  for(k in 1:length(files_to_open)){
    current_file <- read.csv(files_to_open[k])
    current_file_ordered <- current_file[order(current_file$bitscore),]
    pneumo_rows <- pneumo_finder(current_file)
    if(length(pneumo_rows) == 0){
      output_data[k,3:5] <- 0
      ## weighted bitscores first ##
      bit_score_tot <- sum(current_file$bitscore)
      pneumo_bits <- sum(current_file$bitscore[pneumo_rows])
      output_data[k, 3] <- pneumo_bits / bit_score_tot
      ## ranked pneumo second ##
      ranking <- (nrow(current_file) - pneumo_rows[1] + 1) / nrow(current_file)
      output_data[k, 4] <- ranking
      ## bit_top_pnuemo ##
      rank_pneumo_bit <- current_file$bitscore[pneumo_rows[1]]
      top_bit <- current_file$bitscore[1] 
      output_data[k, 5] <- rank_pneumo_bit / top_bit

pneumo_finder <- function(data_set){
  ## This function finds the position of pneumo isolates in the blast results #
  pneumo_rows <- NULL
  for(k in 1:nrow(data_set)){
    pneumo_grep <- grepl("strep_pneumo", data_set[k,2])
    gpsc_grep <- grepl("GPSC", data_set[k, 2])
    if(pneumo_grep == TRUE | gpsc_grep == TRUE){
      pneumo_rows <- c(pneumo_rows, k)

pbps_only <- read.csv("~/Dropbox/phd/insertion_site_analysis/data/gps_run_data/pbp_res/gps_pbp_extraction/500_pbp_seqs_res/gps_pbp_species_compo_pbp.csv",
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
flanks_extracted <- read.csv("~/Dropbox/phd/insertion_site_analysis/data/gps_run_data/pbp_res/gps_pbp_extraction/gps_pbp_500_flanks_extracted.csv",
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

pbp_res <- graph_getter_pbp("~/Dropbox/phd/insertion_site_analysis/data/gps_run_data/pbp_res/gps_pbp_extraction/500_pbp_seqs_res/",
                        graph_name = "PBP genes")
pbp_pmen_res <- graph_getter_pbp("~/Dropbox/phd/insertion_site_analysis/data/pmen_run/pmen_pbps/500_pbp_seqs_res/",
                                 graph_name = "PBP genes")


results_df <- pbp_res$by_insertion %>% filter(insertion_loci %in% c("S-R-pbp1A","S-R-pbp2X","S-R-pbp2B")) %>% mutate(Gene = insertion_loci)
results_df_pbp <- pbp_pmen_res$by_insertion %>% filter(insertion_loci %in% c("S-R-pbp1A","S-R-pbp2X","S-R-pbp2B")) %>% mutate(Gene = insertion_loci)

bit_ranked <- ggplot(data = results_df) + geom_violin(aes(x = Gene,
                                                          y = bit_pneumo)) + geom_point(aes(x = insertion_loci,
                                                                      y = bit_pneumo),
                                                                  position = position_jitter(width = 0.1, height = 0)) +
  labs(y = "Score") + theme_bw() + 
  scale_x_discrete(name = "Gene", breaks = c("S-R-pbp1A","S-R-pbp2B","S-R-pbp2X"), 
                   labels = c(bquote(atop(italic("pbp1a"), "Sensitive to Resistant")),
                              bquote(atop(italic("pbp2b"), "Sensitive to Resistant")),
                              bquote(atop(italic("pbp2x"), "Sensitive to Resistant")))

png(filename = "~/Dropbox/phd/meetings/sanger_2021_presentation/pmen_pbps_scores.png",
    width = 7.43, height = 4.58, units = "in", res = 500)

bit_ranked_pbp <- ggplot(data = results_df_pbp) + geom_violin(aes(x = Gene,
                                                          y = bit_pneumo)) + geom_point(aes(x = insertion_loci,
                                                                                            y = bit_pneumo),
                                                                                        position = position_jitter(width = 0.1, height = 0)) +
  labs(y = "Score") + theme_bw() + 
  scale_x_discrete(name = "Gene", breaks = c("S-R-pbp1A","S-R-pbp2B","S-R-pbp2X"), 
                   labels = c(bquote(atop(italic("pbp1a"), "Sensitive to Resistant")),
                              bquote(atop(italic("pbp2b"), "Sensitive to Resistant")),
                              bquote(atop(italic("pbp2x"), "Sensitive to Resistant")))

gps_pbp_figshare <- results_df[,c(1,2,5,6)]
colnames(gps_pbp_figshare)[3] <- "gamma"

          file = "~/Dropbox/phd/elife_paper/figures_data/Figure5_penicillin_reconstruction/GPS_pbp_gamma_scores.csv",
          row.names = FALSE)

labels = c(expression(paste(italic("pbp1a"),"  ", "\nSensitive to Resistant")),
           expression(paste(italic("pbp2x"),"  ", "\nSensitive to Resistant")),
           expression(paste(italic("pbp2b"),"  ", "\nSensitive to Resistant")))
labels = c("pbp1a\nSensitive to Resistant",
           "pbp2b\nSensitive to Resistant",
           "pbp2x\nSensitive to Resistant")
labels = c(bquote(atop(italic("pbp1a"), "Sensitive to Resistant")),
           bquote(atop(italic("pbp2b"), "Sensitive to Resistant")),
           bquote(atop(italic("pbp2x"), "Sensitive to Resistant")))
## Work out the mean bit_pneumo scores for each of the genes 

bit_df <- results_df[,c(2,5)]

bit_df <- aggregate(bit_pneumo ~ insertion_loci, bit_df, FUN = median)

## Numbers of events with below 1 scores 

results_df_non_pneumo <- results_df %>% mutate(non_pneumo = ifelse(bit_pneumo < 1, "Yes","No"))
count(results_df_non_pneumo, Gene)

## Plot out the R-S changes too 

results_df <- pbp_res$by_insertion %>% filter(insertion_loci %in% c("R-S-pbp1A","R-S-pbp2X","R-S-pbp2B")) %>% mutate(Gene = insertion_loci)

bit_ranked <- ggplot(data = results_df) + geom_violin(aes(x = Gene,
                                                          y = bit_pneumo)) + geom_point(aes(x = insertion_loci,
                                                                                            y = bit_pneumo, color = Gene),
                                                                                        position = position_jitter(width = 0.1, height = 0)) +
  labs(y = "Score") 


## pbp resistance levels across the gps collection ############################

pbp_res_gps <- read.csv("~/Dropbox/phd/elife_paper/data/gps_pbp_profiles.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

pbp_in_reccies <- read.csv("~/Dropbox/phd/insertion_site_analysis/data/gps_run_data/pbp_res/gps_pbp_extraction/gps_pbp_reccy_hits.csv",
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% rename(isolate_id = isolate_example) %>% distinct() %>% mutate(reccy = 1)
pbp_out_reccies <- read.csv("~/Dropbox/phd/insertion_site_analysis/data/gps_run_data/pbp_res/gps_pbp_extraction/gps_pbp_non_reccy_hits.csv",
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% distinct() %>% mutate(reccy = 0)
gpsc1_micro <- read.csv("~/Dropbox/phd/insertion_site_analysis/data/gpsc.1_run_data/gpsc1_micro_csv.csv",
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
gpsc1_micro <- gpsc1_micro %>% left_join(pbp_res_gps, by = c("id" = "id")) %>% rename(pen__autocolour = penicillin_cat) %>%
  write.csv(file = "~/Dropbox/phd/insertion_site_analysis/data/gpsc.1_run_data/gpsc1_micro_csv.csv",
            row.names = FALSE)

pbp_total_changes <- bind_rows(pbp_in_reccies, pbp_out_reccies) %>% mutate(switcheroo = paste(previous_resistance, resistance, sep = "-"))

change_counts <- count(pbp_total_changes, switcheroo) %>% mutate(prop = (n/sum(n))*100)

## No that's the changes across 3 pbp genes, we need to group by insertion_node and cluster and switcheroo 

insertion_df <- pbp_total_changes[,c("isolate_id","insertion_node","switcheroo","cluster_name","reccy")]

insertions <- aggregate(reccy ~ insertion_node + switcheroo + cluster_name, insertion_df, sum)

change_counts <- count(insertions, switcheroo) %>% mutate(prop = (n/sum(n))*100)

reccy_counts <- count(insertions, reccy) %>% mutate(prop = (n/sum(n))*100)

## Looking into the trim_sulfa resistance levels in the collection ############

trim_res <- read.csv("~/Dropbox/phd/elife_paper/data/gps_trim_profiles.csv",
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% rename(trim = Resistance)
sulfa_res <- read.csv("~/Dropbox/phd/elife_paper/data/gps_sulfa_profiles.csv",
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% rename(sulfa = Resistance)
co_trim <- left_join(trim_res, sulfa_res, by = c("isolate_id" = "isolate_id","cluster_name" = "cluster_name")) %>%
  mutate(co_trim = paste(trim, sulfa, sep = "-")) %>% select(isolate_id, trim, sulfa, co_trim, cluster_name)

count(co_trim, co_trim)

count(co_trim, trim)
count(co_trim, sulfa)

## PMEN pbp changes ###########################################################

pmen_pbp_reccy <- read.csv("~/Dropbox/phd/insertion_site_analysis/data/pmen_run/pmen_pbps/pmen_pbp_no_stasis_reccy_hits.csv",
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% rename(isolate_id = isolate_example) %>%
  mutate(reccy = 1)

pmen_pbp_reccy_miss <- read.csv("~/Dropbox/phd/insertion_site_analysis/data/pmen_run/pmen_pbps/pmen_pbp_no_stasis_non_reccy_hits.csv",
                                stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
  mutate(reccy = 0)

pmen_pbp_tot <- bind_rows(pmen_pbp_reccy, pmen_pbp_reccy_miss) %>%
  mutate(switcheroo = paste(previous_resistance, resistance, sep = "-"))

insertion_df <- pmen_pbp_tot[,c("isolate_id","insertion_node","switcheroo","cluster_name","reccy")]

insertions <- aggregate(reccy ~ insertion_node + switcheroo + cluster_name, insertion_df, sum)

change_counts <- count(insertions, switcheroo) %>% mutate(prop = (n/sum(n))*100)

reccy_counts <- count(insertions, reccy) %>% mutate(prop = (n/sum(n))*100)

## reccy counts insertions 

pbps_only <- read.csv("~/Dropbox/phd/insertion_site_analysis/data/pmen_run/pmen_pbps/500_pbp_seqs_res/pmen_pbp_no_stasis_species_compo_pbp.csv",
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pbp_res <- graph_getter_pbp("~/Dropbox/phd/insertion_site_analysis/data/pmen_run/pmen_pbps/500_pbp_seqs_res/",
                            graph_name = "PBP genes")

results_df <- pbp_res$by_insertion %>% filter(insertion_loci %in% c("S-R-pbp1A","S-R-pbp2X","S-R-pbp2B")) %>% mutate(Gene = insertion_loci)

bit_ranked <- ggplot(data = results_df) + geom_violin(aes(x = Gene,
                                                          y = bit_pneumo)) + geom_point(aes(x = insertion_loci,
                                                                                            y = bit_pneumo, color = Gene),
                                                                                        position = position_jitter(width = 0.1, height = 0)) +
  labs(y = "Score") 


## Work out the mean bit_pneumo scores for each of the genes 

bit_df <- results_df[,c(2,5)]

bit_df <- aggregate(bit_pneumo ~ insertion_loci, bit_df, FUN = median)

## Numbers of events with below 1 scores 

results_df_non_pneumo <- results_df %>% mutate(non_pneumo = ifelse(bit_pneumo < 1, "Yes","No"))
count(results_df_non_pneumo, Gene)

## Plot out the R-S changes too 

results_df <- pbp_res$by_insertion %>% filter(insertion_loci %in% c("R-S-pbp1A","R-S-pbp2X","R-S-pbp2B")) %>% mutate(Gene = insertion_loci)

bit_ranked <- ggplot(data = results_df) + geom_violin(aes(x = Gene,
                                                          y = bit_pneumo)) + geom_point(aes(x = insertion_loci,
                                                                                            y = bit_pneumo, color = Gene),
                                                                                        position = position_jitter(width = 0.1, height = 0)) +
  labs(y = "Score") 

bit_df <- results_df[,c(2,5)]

bit_df <- aggregate(bit_pneumo ~ insertion_loci, bit_df, FUN = median)

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