Revision c5202ea49feb74c4595f269a1c2426bd0379ff39 authored by Konrad Werys on 04 November 2019, 09:10:47 UTC, committed by Konrad Werys on 04 November 2019, 09:10:47 UTC
1 parent ba44969
Raw File
TOMATO (Total Mapping Toolbox) is a C++ library for the calculation of parametric maps in cardiac magnetic resonance 
imaging (MRI). As an open source project, TOMATO allows transparent and standardized cardiac longitudinal relaxation 
time (T1) mapping in clinical applications. With C++ implementation, TOMATO can easily interface and translate between 
research software environments, and commercial vendors’ closed-source C++ environments on scanners as well as 
post-processing software. To complement the core library implementation, a ready-to-use command line tool has been provided.

It contains ShMOLLI implementation as in [this article](   

| System                                         |     Status                                            |
| :tomato: [Tutorial][toamto_docs_link] :tomato: | :tomato: [Tomato Docs][toamto_docs_link]   :tomato:   |
| [Code documentation][doxygen_link]             | [Doxygen][doxygen_link]                               |
| [DOI][zenodo_link]                             | [![DOI][zenodo_badge]][zenodo_link]                   |
| [OSX/Linux build - Travis][travis_link]        | [![Travis (.org)][travis_badge]][travis_link]         |
| [Windows build - AppVeyor][appveyor_link]      | [![AppVeyor][appveyor_badge]][appveyor_link]          |
| [Code quality - Codacy][codacy_link]           | [![Codacy Badge][codacy_badge]][codacy_link]          |
| [Test coverage - Codecov][codecov_link]        | [![codecov][codecov_badge]][codecov_link]             |
| [Downloads][downloads_link]                    | [![GitHub Releases][downloads_badge]][downloads_link] |

## TomatoOpenSource and TomatoFull

There are two `Tomato` version available: `TomatoOpenSource` compiled with publicly available code and `TomatoFull` containing additionally private code used for `AmoebaPrivateNr2` fitting algorithm using Nelder–Mead algorithm based on Numerical Recipes. Original ShMOLLI (and based on it Tomato) uses code based on Numerical Recipes book. Due to Numerical Recipes licence I cannot share this part of the code online. Please contact me if you would like to use this part of the code. To make up for this limitation we provide a number of alternative fitting procedures.

## Contributing and code of conduct

Please see []( and [](

## Troubleshooting

*   missing msvcp140.dll  
Download <> as suggested in <>

## Notes

*   **Continuous integration** was tested [in this repo](
*   **Gitmodules**: after `git clone` run `git submodule update --init --recursive` to get the submodules code.
*   It would be nice to follow [CppCoreGuidlines]( as far as C++98 allows.
*   Maybe I can write a script for github releases with [github releases REST api]( and [curl REST api](
*   LMFIT - somehow windows does not like the static library, so the dynamic is used


*   add acceptance test for 2param
*   maybe rename calculatormolli to calculator3param? 
*   maybe add calculator2param to produce different results?
*   update comments in configuration yaml files
*   re-organise start point calculation
*   output SNR maps
*   make sure SNR and nAmoebaCalls is the same as in Shmolli
*   fix downloadITK_linux_osx
*   separate projects for building tomato dependencies (done for lmfit)
*   possibly I could make all FunctionsT1 object static
*   write user-friendly build scripts (and use them in CI)

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