Revision c68875fa82a8ab2f45a32aa8adab059f3cb1ed01 authored by LEROY Christophe on 11 August 2015, 10:11:03 UTC, committed by David S. Miller on 11 August 2015, 19:05:34 UTC
We are not interested in interrupts for partially transmitted frames.
Unlike SCC and FCC, the FEC doesn't handle the I bit in buffer
descriptors, instead it defines two interrupt bits, TXB and TXF.

We have to mask TXB in order to only get interrupts once the
frame is fully transmitted.

Signed-off-by: Christophe Leroy <>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
1 parent 8961822
Raw File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Sign a module file using the given key.

my $USAGE =
"Usage: scripts/sign-file [-v] <hash algo> <key> <x509> <module> [<dest>]\n" .
"       scripts/sign-file [-v] -s <raw sig> <hash algo> <x509> <module> [<dest>]\n";

use strict;
use FileHandle;
use IPC::Open2;
use Getopt::Std;

my %opts;
getopts('vs:', \%opts) or die $USAGE;
my $verbose = $opts{'v'};
my $signature_file = $opts{'s'};

die $USAGE if ($#ARGV > 4);
die $USAGE if (!$signature_file && $#ARGV < 3 || $signature_file && $#ARGV < 2);

my $dgst = shift @ARGV;
my $private_key;
if (!$signature_file) {
	$private_key = shift @ARGV;
my $x509 = shift @ARGV;
my $module = shift @ARGV;
my ($dest, $keep_orig);
if (@ARGV) {
	$dest = $ARGV[0];
	$keep_orig = 1;
} else {
	$dest = $module . "~";

die "Can't read private key\n" if (!$signature_file && !-r $private_key);
die "Can't read signature file\n" if ($signature_file && !-r $signature_file);
die "Can't read X.509 certificate\n" unless (-r $x509);
die "Can't read module\n" unless (-r $module);

# Function to read the contents of a file into a variable.
sub read_file($)
    my ($file) = @_;
    my $contents;
    my $len;

    open(FD, "<$file") || die $file;
    binmode FD;
    my @st = stat(FD);
    die $file if (!@st);
    $len = read(FD, $contents, $st[7]) || die $file;
    close(FD) || die $file;
    die "$file: Wanted length ", $st[7], ", got ", $len, "\n"
	if ($len != $st[7]);
    return $contents;

# First of all, we have to parse the X.509 certificate to find certain details
# about it.
# We read the DER-encoded X509 certificate and parse it to extract the Subject
# name and Subject Key Identifier.  Theis provides the data we need to build
# the certificate identifier.
# The signer's name part of the identifier is fabricated from the commonName,
# the organizationName or the emailAddress components of the X.509 subject
# name.
# The subject key ID is used to select which of that signer's certificates
# we're intending to use to sign the module.
my $x509_certificate = read_file($x509);

my $UNIV = 0 << 6;
my $APPL = 1 << 6;
my $CONT = 2 << 6;
my $PRIV = 3 << 6;

my $CONS = 0x20;

my $BOOLEAN	= 0x01;
my $INTEGER	= 0x02;
my $BIT_STRING	= 0x03;
my $OCTET_STRING = 0x04;
my $NULL	= 0x05;
my $OBJ_ID	= 0x06;
my $UTF8String	= 0x0c;
my $SEQUENCE	= 0x10;
my $SET		= 0x11;
my $UTCTime	= 0x17;
my $GeneralizedTime = 0x18;

my %OIDs = (
    pack("CCC", 85, 4, 3)	=> "commonName",
    pack("CCC", 85, 4, 6)	=> "countryName",
    pack("CCC", 85, 4, 10)	=> "organizationName",
    pack("CCC", 85, 4, 11)	=> "organizationUnitName",
    pack("CCCCCCCCC", 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 1) => "rsaEncryption",
    pack("CCCCCCCCC", 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 5) => "sha1WithRSAEncryption",
    pack("CCCCCCCCC", 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 9, 1) => "emailAddress",
    pack("CCC", 85, 29, 35)	=> "authorityKeyIdentifier",
    pack("CCC", 85, 29, 14)	=> "subjectKeyIdentifier",
    pack("CCC", 85, 29, 19)	=> "basicConstraints"

# Extract an ASN.1 element from a string and return information about it.
sub asn1_extract($$@)
    my ($cursor, $expected_tag, $optional) = @_;

    return [ -1 ]
	if ($cursor->[1] == 0 && $optional);

    die $x509, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 data underrun (elem ", $cursor->[1], ")\n"
	if ($cursor->[1] < 2);

    my ($tag, $len) = unpack("CC", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0], 2));

    if ($expected_tag != -1 && $tag != $expected_tag) {
	return [ -1 ]
	    if ($optional);
	die $x509, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 unexpected tag (", $tag,
	" not ", $expected_tag, ")\n";

    $cursor->[0] += 2;
    $cursor->[1] -= 2;

    die $x509, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 long tag\n"
	if (($tag & 0x1f) == 0x1f);
    die $x509, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 indefinite length\n"
	if ($len == 0x80);

    if ($len > 0x80) {
	my $l = $len - 0x80;
	die $x509, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 data underrun (len len $l)\n"
	    if ($cursor->[1] < $l);

	if ($l == 0x1) {
	    $len = unpack("C", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0], 1));
	} elsif ($l == 0x2) {
	    $len = unpack("n", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0], 2));
	} elsif ($l == 0x3) {
	    $len = unpack("C", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0], 1)) << 16;
	    $len = unpack("n", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0] + 1, 2));
	} elsif ($l == 0x4) {
	    $len = unpack("N", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0], 4));
	} else {
	    die $x509, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 element too long (", $l, ")\n";

	$cursor->[0] += $l;
	$cursor->[1] -= $l;

    die $x509, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 data underrun (", $len, ")\n"
	if ($cursor->[1] < $len);

    my $ret = [ $tag, [ $cursor->[0], $len, $cursor->[2] ] ];
    $cursor->[0] += $len;
    $cursor->[1] -= $len;

    return $ret;

# Retrieve the data referred to by a cursor
sub asn1_retrieve($)
    my ($cursor) = @_;
    my ($offset, $len, $data) = @$cursor;
    return substr($$data, $offset, $len);

# Roughly parse the X.509 certificate
my $cursor = [ 0, length($x509_certificate), \$x509_certificate ];

my $cert = asn1_extract($cursor, $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $tbs = asn1_extract($cert->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $version = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $CONT | $CONS | 0, 1);
my $serial_number = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $INTEGER);
my $sig_type = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $issuer = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $validity = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $subject = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $key = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $issuer_uid = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $CONT | $CONS | 1, 1);
my $subject_uid = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $CONT | $CONS | 2, 1);
my $extension_list = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $CONT | $CONS | 3, 1);

my $subject_key_id = ();
my $authority_key_id = ();

# Parse the extension list
if ($extension_list->[0] != -1) {
    my $extensions = asn1_extract($extension_list->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);

    while ($extensions->[1]->[1] > 0) {
	my $ext = asn1_extract($extensions->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
	my $x_oid = asn1_extract($ext->[1], $UNIV | $OBJ_ID);
	my $x_crit = asn1_extract($ext->[1], $UNIV | $BOOLEAN, 1);
	my $x_val = asn1_extract($ext->[1], $UNIV | $OCTET_STRING);

	my $raw_oid = asn1_retrieve($x_oid->[1]);
	next if (!exists($OIDs{$raw_oid}));
	my $x_type = $OIDs{$raw_oid};

	my $raw_value = asn1_retrieve($x_val->[1]);

	if ($x_type eq "subjectKeyIdentifier") {
	    my $vcursor = [ 0, length($raw_value), \$raw_value ];

	    $subject_key_id = asn1_extract($vcursor, $UNIV | $OCTET_STRING);

# Determine what we're going to use as the signer's name.  In order of
# preference, take one of: commonName, organizationName or emailAddress.
my $org = "";
my $cn = "";
my $email = "";

while ($subject->[1]->[1] > 0) {
    my $rdn = asn1_extract($subject->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SET);
    my $attr = asn1_extract($rdn->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
    my $n_oid = asn1_extract($attr->[1], $UNIV | $OBJ_ID);
    my $n_val = asn1_extract($attr->[1], -1);

    my $raw_oid = asn1_retrieve($n_oid->[1]);
    next if (!exists($OIDs{$raw_oid}));
    my $n_type = $OIDs{$raw_oid};

    my $raw_value = asn1_retrieve($n_val->[1]);

    if ($n_type eq "organizationName") {
	$org = $raw_value;
    } elsif ($n_type eq "commonName") {
	$cn = $raw_value;
    } elsif ($n_type eq "emailAddress") {
	$email = $raw_value;

my $signers_name = $email;

if ($org && $cn) {
    # Don't use the organizationName if the commonName repeats it
    if (length($org) <= length($cn) &&
	substr($cn, 0, length($org)) eq $org) {
	$signers_name = $cn;
	goto got_id_name;

    # Or a signifcant chunk of it
    if (length($org) >= 7 &&
	length($cn) >= 7 &&
	substr($cn, 0, 7) eq substr($org, 0, 7)) {
	$signers_name = $cn;
	goto got_id_name;

    $signers_name = $org . ": " . $cn;
} elsif ($org) {
    $signers_name = $org;
} elsif ($cn) {
    $signers_name = $cn;


die $x509, ": ", "X.509: Couldn't find the Subject Key Identifier extension\n"
    if (!$subject_key_id);

my $key_identifier = asn1_retrieve($subject_key_id->[1]);

# Create and attach the module signature

# Signature parameters
my $algo = 1;		# Public-key crypto algorithm: RSA
my $hash = 0;		# Digest algorithm
my $id_type = 1;	# Identifier type: X.509

# Digest the data
my $prologue;
if ($dgst eq "sha1") {
    $prologue = pack("C*",
		     0x30, 0x21, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x05,
		     0x2B, 0x0E, 0x03, 0x02, 0x1A,
		     0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x14);
    $hash = 2;
} elsif ($dgst eq "sha224") {
    $prologue = pack("C*",
		     0x30, 0x2d, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09,
		     0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x04,
		     0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x1C);
    $hash = 7;
} elsif ($dgst eq "sha256") {
    $prologue = pack("C*",
		     0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09,
		     0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01,
		     0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x20);
    $hash = 4;
} elsif ($dgst eq "sha384") {
    $prologue = pack("C*",
		     0x30, 0x41, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09,
		     0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x02,
		     0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x30);
    $hash = 5;
} elsif ($dgst eq "sha512") {
    $prologue = pack("C*",
		     0x30, 0x51, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09,
		     0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x65, 0x03, 0x04, 0x02, 0x03,
		     0x05, 0x00, 0x04, 0x40);
    $hash = 6;
} else {
    die "Unknown hash algorithm: $dgst\n";

my $signature;
if ($signature_file) {
	$signature = read_file($signature_file);
} else {
	# Generate the digest and read from openssl's stdout
	my $digest;
	$digest = readpipe("openssl dgst -$dgst -binary $module") || die "openssl dgst";

	# Generate the binary signature, which will be just the integer that
	# comprises the signature with no metadata attached.
	my $pid;
	$pid = open2(*read_from, *write_to,
		     "openssl rsautl -sign -inkey $private_key -keyform PEM") ||
	    die "openssl rsautl";
	binmode write_to;
	print write_to $prologue . $digest || die "pipe to openssl rsautl";
	close(write_to) || die "pipe to openssl rsautl";

	binmode read_from;
	read(read_from, $signature, 4096) || die "pipe from openssl rsautl";
	close(read_from) || die "pipe from openssl rsautl";
	waitpid($pid, 0) || die;
	die "openssl rsautl died: $?" if ($? >> 8);
$signature = pack("n", length($signature)) . $signature,

# Build the signed binary
my $unsigned_module = read_file($module);

my $magic_number = "~Module signature appended~\n";

my $info = pack("CCCCCxxxN",
		$algo, $hash, $id_type,

if ($verbose) {
    print "Size of unsigned module: ", length($unsigned_module), "\n";
    print "Size of signer's name  : ", length($signers_name), "\n";
    print "Size of key identifier : ", length($key_identifier), "\n";
    print "Size of signature      : ", length($signature), "\n";
    print "Size of information    : ", length($info), "\n";
    print "Size of magic number   : ", length($magic_number), "\n";
    print "Signer's name          : '", $signers_name, "'\n";
    print "Digest                 : $dgst\n";

open(FD, ">$dest") || die $dest;
binmode FD;
print FD
close FD || die $dest;

if (!$keep_orig) {
    rename($dest, $module) || die $module;
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