Revision c68d71addb81bcd80823cc8c69f0d03962c0cbe8 authored by Thomas Quinn on 13 December 2015, 01:08:22 UTC, committed by Thomas Quinn on 13 December 2015, 01:08:22 UTC
Change-Id: I81318c3a414129aee0df10475c76d63784ccc870
1 parent 5a980e7
Raw File
#include "MapStructures.h"
#include "ScaledORBMapBG.h"

#include "ParallelGravity.h"

void ScaledORBMapBG::assign(int *from, int *clusterWeights, CkVec<int> &to, int numobjs, int count){
        int i;

	// Get number of clusters
        nClusters = count;
	clusterArray = new Cluster[nClusters];
        float *clusterRadius = new float[nClusters];    // radii
        for(i = 0; i < count; i++){
          clusterRadius[i] = 0.0;
	// Get cluster centroids and cluster counts by going through 'from'
	// from[i] gives the cluster of treepiece i
	Vector3D<float> vec;
        int j;
	for(i = 0; i < numobjs; i++)	{
          j = (int)tpCentroids[i].tag; 
          clusterArray[from[j]].centroid[0] += tpCentroids[j].vec.x;
          clusterArray[from[j]].centroid[1] += tpCentroids[j].vec.y;
          clusterArray[from[j]].centroid[2] += tpCentroids[j].vec.z;

    	for(i = 0; i < nClusters; i++)
            for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
	      clusterArray[i].centroid[k] /= clusterArray[i].count;
	// we have the centers of mass of the clusters at this point
#define abs(x) (x > 0 ? x : -1*x)
	manager = new BGLTorusManager;
	xsize = manager->getDimNX();
	ysize = manager->getDimNY();
	zsize = manager->getDimNZ();
	isVnodeMode = false;
	xsize = 2; 
	ysize = 2; 
	zsize = 2; 
	// we now have the torus dimensions
        int l[3] = {0,0,0};
        int g[3] = {xsize-1,ysize-1,zsize-1};
        Volume<int> entireProcSpace(l,g);       
        // all clusters are assigned to the entire 
        // processor space to begin with
        // the idea is to recursively refine this 
        // assignment to successively smaller 
        // partitions of processors, till each 
        // cluster has just one processor

        // construct initial simulation space
        float lesser[3] = {-.5,-.5,-.5};
        float greater[3] = {.5,.5,.5};
        Volume<float> clusterVol(lesser, greater);
        // create initial array section - 
        // entire array of clusters
        ClusterSection section(0,nClusters-1);
#if COSMO_MCLB > 1 
        CkPrintf("Map \n{");
        for(i = 0; i < nClusters; i++)
          CkPrintf("(%f,%f,%f), ", clusterArray[i].centroid[0],clusterArray[i].centroid[1],clusterArray[i].centroid[2]);
        map(section, entireProcSpace, nClusters);
	// write out the assignments in the 'to' array
        for(i = 0; i < numobjs; i++){
          to[i] = clusterArray[from[i]].proc;
#if COSMO_MCLB > 1 
          CkPrintf("ScaledORBMapBG.C: TP %d to proc. %d\n", i, to[i]);
          if (to[i] == -1)
            CmiAbort("ScaledORBMapBG.C: assignment out of range\n");
        delete [] clusterRadius;
        delete [] clusterArray;

void ScaledORBMapBG::map(ClusterSection &section, Volume <int> &procVol, int totalClusters){
  int i;

#if COSMO_MCLB > 1 
  CkPrintf("map: (%d %d) %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", section.beg, section.end, procVol.lesser[0],procVol.lesser[1],procVol.lesser[2],procVol.greater[0],procVol.greater[1],procVol.greater[2]);
  if(totalClusters == 1){      
    CmiAssert(section.end == section.beg);
    CmiAssert(procVol.lesser[0] == procVol.greater[0]);
    CmiAssert(procVol.lesser[1] == procVol.greater[1]);
    CmiAssert(procVol.lesser[2] == procVol.greater[2]);
    clusterArray[section.beg].proc = manager->coordinatesToRank(procVol.lesser[0], procVol.lesser[1], procVol.lesser[2]);
    clusterArray[section.beg].proc = procVol.lesser[0] + xsize*procVol.lesser[1]+ xsize*ysize*procVol.lesser[2];
  // decide which axis to split on based on partition dimensions
  int axis = procVol.decideSplitAxis();
  /* split the processor space along the same dimension
    FIXME - tacit assumption that number of processors (and therefore the number of clusters) is power of two. This might not happen, 
    and so, to avoid load imbalance, we must divide the processors in the ratio determined by the loads
    induced by the corresponding partitions of clusters, and not down the middle. Need to have sheared partitions - do later.
    Also, currently, we split the simulation space into partitions based on the number of clusters (half to each,) and not the
    actual load induced by the two sets of clusters  
  Volume <int> newProcVol;
  procVol.halve(axis, newProcVol);

  // sort cluster section on centroids along appropriate axis
#if COSMO_MCLB > 1 
  CkPrintf("(ScaledORBMapBG::map) Calling sortOnAxis(%d, %d, %d)\n", axis, section.beg, section.end);
  sortOnAxis(axis, section);

  // this step decides the processor partition to which each set of clusters is assigned
  int clusters = totalClusters/2;

  ClusterSection cs1 = ClusterSection(section.beg, section.beg+clusters-1);
  ClusterSection cs2 = ClusterSection(section.beg+clusters, section.end);

  CmiAssert(2*clusters == totalClusters);

  map(cs1, procVol, clusters);
  map(cs2, newProcVol, totalClusters-clusters);

void ScaledORBMapBG::sortOnAxis(int axis, ClusterSection section){
  q_sort(axis, section.beg, section.end);
#if COSMO_MCLB > 1 
  CkPrintf("(%d:%d) - \n", section.beg, section.end);
  for(int i = section.beg; i <= section.end; i++)
    CkPrintf("%f, ", clusterArray[i].centroid[axis]);

void ScaledORBMapBG::q_sort(int axis, int left, int right)
  Cluster pivot;
  int pivotPosition;
  int l_hold, r_hold;

  l_hold = left;
  r_hold = right;
  pivot = clusterArray[left];
  while (left < right)
    while ((clusterArray[right].centroid[axis] >= pivot.centroid[axis]) && (left < right))
    if (left != right)
      clusterArray[left] = clusterArray[right];
    while ((clusterArray[left].centroid[axis] <= pivot.centroid[axis]) && (left < right))
    if (left != right)
      clusterArray[right] = clusterArray[left];
  clusterArray[left] = pivot;
  pivotPosition = left;
  left = l_hold;
  right = r_hold;
  if (left < pivotPosition)
    q_sort(axis, left, pivotPosition-1);
  if (right > pivotPosition)
    q_sort(axis, pivotPosition+1, right);

#define push(a,b,c) q.push_back(manager->coordinatesToRank(a,b,c))
#define push(a,b,c) q.push_back(a + xsize*b+ xsize*ysize*c)

#define prev(a,x) (a ==0? x##size-1:a -1)

void ScaledORBMapBG::enqueueNeighbors(int x, int y, int z, deque<int> &q, int dist){
        // In Coprocessor mode, each proc. has 6 neighbors, with 
	// node coordinates matching processor coordinates
          if((manager->getProcsPerNode() == 1)){

		push(prev(x,x), y, z);
		push(x, prev(y,y), z);
		push(x, y, prev(z,z));
		push((x+1)%xsize, y, z);
		push(x, (y+1)%ysize, z);
		push(x, y, (z+1)%zsize);
	// VN mode - each processor has 13 neighbors,
	// enqueue them all. Each node holds two processors,
	// and processor coordinates needn't correspond to node
	// coordinates
		push(x, (y+1)%ysize, z);
		push(x, (y+2)%ysize, z);
		push(x, prev(y,y), z);
		push(x, prev(prev(y,y),y), z);
		push(x, y, (z+1)%zsize);
		push(x, y, (z+2)%zsize);
		push(x, y, prev(z,z));
		push(x, y, prev(prev(z,z),z));
		push((x+1)%xsize, y, z);
		push((x+2)%xsize, y, z);
		push(prev(x,x), y, z);
		push(prev(prev(x, x),x), y, z);
		if(manager->coordinatesToRank(x,y,z)%2 == 0){
		if((x + y * xsize + z * xsize * ysize)%2 == 0){
			push((x+3)%xsize, y, z);
			push(prev(prev(prev(x,x),x),x), y, z);

bool ScaledORBMapBG::isNeighborOf(int p1, int p2){
  deque<int> neighbors;
  int x,y,z;

  int i;

  manager->rankToCoordinates(p1, x, y, z);
  x = p1 % xsize;
  y = (p1 % (xsize * ysize)) / xsize;
  z = p1 / (xsize * ysize);    
  enqueueNeighbors(x, y, z, neighbors, 1);
  for(i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); i++)
    if(neighbors[i] == p2)
      return true;
  return false;


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