Revision c76da3dae3d7241a93fa88fb728b49687a3edae5 authored by Piotr Esden-Tempski on 12 November 2013, 03:39:03 UTC, committed by Felix Ruess on 18 November 2013, 23:27:54 UTC
We are now checking if the input channel is empty when receiving the IN
callback. If that is the case we assume that the child process exitted,
ond call the close process callback that normally is treggered by the
HUP callback.

Some background: On OS X glib is using it's own implementation of poll
that does not generate the HUP signal. (It would be possible to add this
functionality modelled after the SSH implementation of bsd_poll) The
glib implementation does generate IN signal when the pipe get's closed.
So we can just check if the input channel is empty and if that is the
case infer that the pipe got closed.
1 parent e180f58
Raw File
#!/usr/bin/ocamlrun /usr/bin/ocaml
#load "unix.cma";;
#directory "+xml-light";;
#load "xml-light.cma";;

open Printf;;
open Scanf;;

let ask = fun text ->
  printf "%s: " text;
  flush stdout;
  input_line stdin;;

type optional = Optional | Mandatory;;

let rec ask_param = fun text opt ->
  match opt with
  | Optional ->
      printf " - %s (optional): " text; flush stdout;
      input_line stdin;
  | Mandatory ->
      printf " - %s (mandatory): " text; flush stdout;
      let res = input_line stdin in
      if res = "" then ask_param text opt else res;

let quit_with_error = fun text err ->
  printf "%s\n" text;
  exit err;;

printf "       ##########################\n";;
printf "       ##    Module Creator    ##\n";;
printf "       ##########################\n\n";;
printf "This program will help you to create a new module for Paparazzi\n";;
printf "All option are not accessible from this program,\n";
printf "see for more information.\n";
(*printf "Please follow the instruction or pass a module xml file as intput\n\n";;*)
printf "Please follow the instruction\n\n";;
let name = ask "Enter your module name";;
if name = "" then quit_with_error "module name must not be empty. Leaving." 1;;
let dir = ask "Enter a module directory or leave blank if same as name";;
let desc = ask "Enter a short description of your module";;

let init_list = ref [];;
let periodic_list = ref [];;
let event_list = ref [];;
let datalink_list = ref [];;

let add_to_list = fun l a ->
  l := !l @ [a];;

let ask_init = fun () ->
  printf "Parameters for initialization function:\n";
  let name = ask " - function name (mandatory)" in
  add_to_list init_list name;

let ask_periodic = fun () ->
  printf "Parameters for a periodic function:\n";
  let name = ask_param "function name" Mandatory in
  let freq = ask_param "call frequency" Mandatory in
  let start = ask_param "start function" Optional in
  let stop = ask_param "stop function" Optional in
  let auto = ask_param "autorun flag [TRUE, FALSE, LOCK (default)]" Optional in
  add_to_list periodic_list (name, freq, start, stop, auto);

let ask_event = fun () ->
  printf "Parameters for an event function:\n";
  let name = ask_param "function name" Mandatory in
  add_to_list event_list name;

let ask_datalink = fun () ->
  printf "Parameters for a datalink event callback:\n";
  let msg = ask_param "message name" Mandatory in
  let name = ask_param "callback function name" Mandatory in
  add_to_list datalink_list (msg, name);

let show_module = fun () ->
  printf "\nModule name: %s\n" name;
  if dir <> "" then printf "Module directory: %s\n" dir;
  if desc <> "" then printf "Module description: %s\n" desc;
  List.iter (fun n -> printf "Init function: %s\n" n) !init_list;
  List.iter (fun (n, f, start, stop, auto) ->
    let _start = if start <> "" then " [ Start: "^start^" ] " else "" in
    let _stop = if stop <> "" then " [ Stop: "^stop^" ] " else "" in
    let _auto = if auto <> "" then " [ Auto: "^auto^" ] " else "" in
    printf "Periodic function: %s at %s Hz%s%s%s\n" n f _start _stop _auto;
  ) !periodic_list;
  List.iter (fun n -> printf "Event function: %s\n" n) !event_list;
  List.iter (fun (m, n) -> printf "Datalink event: %s on message %s\n" n m) !datalink_list;
  flush stdout;

let choices = [
  ("Initialization function", ask_init);
  ("Periodic function", ask_periodic);
  ("Event function", ask_event);
  ("Datalink event function", ask_datalink);
  ("Display the current state of your module", show_module);
  ("End process and create module", (fun () -> false));
  ("Cancel and leave program", (fun () -> quit_with_error "Cancel by operator. Leaving." 2))

let ask_choice = fun choices ->
  printf "\nPlease select the type of function to add to your module:\n";
  let rec display = fun i c ->
    match c with
    | (text, _) :: cl ->
        printf "%d - %s\n" i text;
        display (i+1) cl;
    | [] -> ()
  display 1 choices;
  printf "Type number [1-%d]: " (List.length choices);
  flush stdout;
    let r = int_of_string (input_line stdin) in
    let (_, f) = (Array.of_list choices).(r-1) in
    f ()
  with _ -> printf "Invalid entry\n"; true

while ask_choice choices do () done;;

let xml_of_name = fun n d ->
  if d <> "" then [("name", n); ("dir", d)]
  else [("name", n)];;

let header_file = name^".h";;
let code_file = name^".c";;

let xml_header_of_name = fun n ->
  [Xml.Element ("header", [], [
    Xml.Element ("file", [("file", n)], [])

let xml_of_description = fun d ->
  let desc = Xml.Element ("description", [], [Xml.PCData d]) in
  [Xml.Element ("doc", [], [desc])];;

let xml_of_init = fun l -> (fun n -> Xml.Element ("init", [("fun", n)], [])) l;;

let xml_of_peridic = fun l -> (fun (n, f, start, stop, auto) ->
    let _start = if start <> "" then [("start", start)] else [] in
    let _stop = if stop <> "" then [("stop", stop)] else [] in
    let _auto = if auto <> "" then [("autorun", auto)] else [] in
    Xml.Element ("periodic", List.flatten [
      [("fun", n)]; [("freq", f)]; _start; _stop; _auto],
  ) l;;

let xml_of_event = fun l -> (fun n -> Xml.Element ("event", [("fun", n)], [])) l;;

let xml_of_datalink = fun l -> (fun (m, n) -> Xml.Element ("init", [("message", m); ("fun", n)], [])) l;;

let xml_makefile_of_name = fun n ->
  [Xml.Element ("makefile", [], [
    Xml.Element ("file", [("name", n)], [])

let module_xml = Xml.Element ("module", xml_of_name name dir, List.flatten [
  xml_of_description desc;
  xml_header_of_name header_file;
  xml_of_init !init_list;
  xml_of_peridic !periodic_list;
  xml_of_event !event_list;
  xml_of_datalink !datalink_list;
  xml_makefile_of_name code_file]);;

let (//) = Filename.concat;;

let dir_name = if dir = "" then name else dir;;
let xml_name = "conf/modules" // name^".xml";;
let header_name = "sw/airborne/modules"// dir_name // name^".h";;
let code_name = "sw/airborne/modules" // dir_name // name^".c";;

let test_filename = fun () ->
  let ask_confirm = ref false in
  let disp_msg = fun f c -> 
    printf "File %s already exists\n" f;
    c := true;
  if Sys.file_exists xml_name then disp_msg xml_name ask_confirm;
  if Sys.file_exists header_name then disp_msg header_name ask_confirm;
  if Sys.file_exists code_name then disp_msg code_name ask_confirm;
  if !ask_confirm then begin
    if String.lowercase (ask "Confirm erasing files ? [y,N]") <> "y" 
    then quit_with_error "Not erasing existing files. Leaving" 1

let write_module_xml = fun out ->
  fprintf out "<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM \"module.dtd\">\n\n";
  fprintf out "%s\n\n" (Xml.to_string_fmt module_xml);;

let write_license = fun out ->
  fprintf out " * paparazzi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n";
  fprintf out " * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n";
  fprintf out " * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)\n";
  fprintf out " * any later version.\n";
  fprintf out " *\n";
  fprintf out " * paparazzi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n";
  fprintf out " * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n";
  fprintf out " * GNU General Public License for more details.\n";
  fprintf out " *\n";
  fprintf out " * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n";
  fprintf out " * along with paparazzi; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to\n";
  fprintf out " * the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,\n";
  fprintf out " * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n";;

let write_copyright = fun out author gpl ->
  fprintf out "/*\n";
  fprintf out " * Copyright (C) %s\n" author;
  fprintf out " *\n";
  fprintf out " * This file is part of paparazzi\n\n";
  if gpl then write_license out;
  fprintf out " *\n";
  fprintf out " */\n";;

let write_header = fun out author gpl ->
  write_copyright out author gpl;
  fprintf out "\n#ifndef %s_H" (String.uppercase name);
  fprintf out "\n#define %s_H\n\n" (String.uppercase name);
  List.iter (fun f -> fprintf out "// extern void %s;\n" f) !init_list;
  List.iter (fun (f,_,_,_,_) -> fprintf out "// extern void %s;\n" f) !periodic_list;
  List.iter (fun f -> fprintf out "// extern void %s;\n" f) !event_list;
  List.iter (fun (_,f) -> fprintf out "// extern void %s;\n" f) !datalink_list;
  fprintf out "\n#endif\n\n";;

let write_code = fun out author gpl ->
  write_copyright out author gpl;
  fprintf out "\n#include \"modules/%s/%s.h\"\n\n" dir_name name;
  List.iter (fun f -> fprintf out "// void %s {}\n" f) !init_list;
  List.iter (fun (f,_,_,_,_) -> fprintf out "// void %s {}\n" f) !periodic_list;
  List.iter (fun f -> fprintf out "// void %s {}\n" f) !event_list;
  List.iter (fun (_,f) -> fprintf out "// void %s {}\n" f) !datalink_list;
  fprintf out "\n\n";;

print_newline ();;
test_filename ();;

print_newline ();;
let author = ask "Author name";;
let gpl = ask "Do you want to use GPLv2 license ? [Y,n]";;
let gpl = String.lowercase (gpl) = "y" || gpl = "";;

printf "Creating file %s ... " xml_name;;
  let xml_out = open_out xml_name in
  write_module_xml xml_out;
  close_out xml_out;
  printf "[done]\n";
with _ -> printf "[fail]\n";
flush stdout;;

Sys.command (sprintf "mkdir -p %s" ("sw/airborne/modules" // dir_name));;

printf "Creating file %s ... " header_name;;
  let h_out = open_out header_name in
  write_header h_out author gpl;
  close_out h_out;
  printf "[done]\n";
with _ -> printf "[fail]\n";
flush stdout;;

printf "Creating file %s ... " code_name;;
  let c_out = open_out code_name in
  write_code c_out author gpl;
  close_out c_out;
  printf "[done]\n";
with _ -> printf "[fail]\n";
flush stdout;;

printf "\nModule %s created\n" name;;
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