Revision c76da3dae3d7241a93fa88fb728b49687a3edae5 authored by Piotr Esden-Tempski on 12 November 2013, 03:39:03 UTC, committed by Felix Ruess on 18 November 2013, 23:27:54 UTC
We are now checking if the input channel is empty when receiving the IN
callback. If that is the case we assume that the child process exitted,
ond call the close process callback that normally is treggered by the
HUP callback.

Some background: On OS X glib is using it's own implementation of poll
that does not generate the HUP signal. (It would be possible to add this
functionality modelled after the SSH implementation of bsd_poll) The
glib implementation does generate IN signal when the pipe get's closed.
So we can just check if the input channel is empty and if that is the
case infer that the pipe got closed.
1 parent e180f58
Raw File

while [ $choice -ne 4 ]


echo ""; echo ""; echo "";
echo "##################### GIT ##################################################"
echo "# What do you want to do?                                                  #"
echo "#                                                                          #"
echo "# 1) Configure this machine (username, color, mergetools, ...              #"
echo "# 2) I want to make a backup of what I have now                            #"
echo "# 3) I want to try to add some code changes but I'm not sure if it will    #"
echo "#    be good and might take a while                                        #"
echo "# 4) I want to Remeber this particular version or restore a saved version  #"
echo "# 5) Quit                                                                  #"
echo "#                                                                          #"
echo "############################################################################"

echo ""
echo -n "                Choice: "
read choice

case "$choice" in
 1 ) 
	echo -n "User Name: "; 
	read name;
	echo -n "Email: ";
	read email; 
	echo $name $email;
	git config --global core.autocrlf input
	git config --global "$name" 
	git config --global $email
	git config --global color.ui auto     # colors for all
	git config --global status   # make `git st` work
	git config --global checkout # make `git co` work
	git config --global commit   # make `git ci` work
	git config --global branch   # make `git br` work
	git config --global alias.up "pull --rebase"   # make `git up` work similar to svn up
	sudo apt-get update	
	sudo apt-get install kdiff3
	# git configure mergetool kdiff3
	echo ""; echo -e "\033[1mHere are the results\033[0m:";
	git config --list
 2 )  
	echo "";echo "This is the list of all the branches you have with a * next to the active"; echo "---------------";
	git branch -v
	echo ""; echo -e "\033[1mgit branch -v\033[0m: Remember which branch you are working on! If you are on a branch then you need to push to that branch at the end (enter to continue)"
	read test
	echo "";echo "This is the list of all your remotes"; echo "---------------";
	git remote -v
	echo ""; echo -e "\033[1mgit remote -v\033[0m: This is the list of configured remote servers with their URL. Remember to which server you want to push. If the server is called \033[1morigin\033[0m then you can simply push with no arguments (enter to continue)"
	read test
	echo "";
	git status
	echo ""; echo -e "\033[1mgit status\033[0m: What has changed? Are there new files? If yes you need to 'git add FILENAME' them first (enter to continue)"
	read test 
	echo ""; 
	echo "Make a Backup: "; echo "---------------------------------" 
	echo -e "-Add untracked files or select just a few of the many modified files: \033[1mgit add FILENAME\033[0m"
	echo -e "-Remove the files that you so not need: \033[1mgit rm FILENAME\033[0m ( or \033[1mrm FILENAME\033[0m if they were never added to git)"
	echo -e "-Read all the code changes that you are about to backup: \033[1mgit diff\033[0m (use 'q' to quit)"
	echo -e "-Final check all is OK: \033[1mgit status\033[0m"
	echo -e "-Make a LOCAL backup: \033[1mgit commit -m \"Message for the LogFile\"\033[0m "
	echo -e "-Make a LOCAL backup of all modified files without needing to add them: \033[1mgit commit -a -m \"Message for the LogFile\"\033[0m "
	echo "Send to github server: "; echo "---------------------------------" 
	echo -e "-Send to github for real backup: \033[1mgit push REMOTENAME BRANCHNAME\033[0m (if REMOTENAME=origin and BRANCH=master then you can simply do \033[1mgit push\033[0m])"
	echo "Cleanup: "; echo "---------------------------------" 
	echo -e "-Clean up all local uncommitted files after you committed everything you wanted to save: \033[1mgit clean -f \033[0m[warning: this steps actually deletes stuff forever: check with git status and git diff that you really want to loose all the changes]"
	echo -e "-Revert all modified files to the version of your last commit: \033[1mgit checkout . \033[0m[warning: this steps actually deletes stuff forever: check with git status and git diff that you really want to loose all the changes]"
	# echo "Warning: following files will be deleted while no backup exists: this means you loose these forever"
 3 )
	echo ""; echo -n "Please enter a name of a branch to try your new fancy idea: "; read branch;
	echo ""; echo "Next steps: "; 
	echo -e "-make a branch to safely try new code that is VERY easy to integrate back in your main code: \033[1mgit checkout -b $branch\033[0m"
	echo -e "-change your mind and detele it again?: \033[1mgit checkout master; git branch -d $branch\033[0m"
	echo -e "-use the master code again?: \033[1mgit checkout master\033[0m   (check how fast git does this!)"
	echo -e "-continue the work on the branch again?: \033[1mgit checkout $branch\033[0m"
	echo -e "-I want to see the list of changes compared to my master: \033[1mgit diff master $branch\033[0m (use 'q' to exit)"
	echo -e "-Ok, this code is good. I want it in my master now: \033[1mgit checkout master; git merge $branch; $git branch -d $branch\033[0m"
 4 ) 	
	echo ""; echo -e "Here is the list of all saved versions [\033[1mgit tag\033[0m]: \033[1m"; git tag;
	echo -e "\033[0m"; 
	echo -e "-Make a new TAG: \033[1mgit tag -f TAGNAME\033[0m (=save an easy link to this revision) (-f = overwrite existing with given name)"
	echo -e "-Send it to github: \033[1mgit push REMOTE_NAME --tags\033[0m (find your available REMOTE_NAMEs using  \033[1mgit remote\033[0m )"
	echo -e "-Download all tags from github: \033[1mgit fetch REMOTE_NAME\033[0m "
	echo -e "-Now use one of your tags: \033[1mgit checkout TAG_NAME\033[0m (find the available TAG_NAMEs using  \033[1mgit tag\033[0m ) (note that after this command you will be in detached head state which means that you are using a older revision and you can not commit changes here. If you want to make changes you have to make a branch from your tag)"
 5 ) clear; exit 1 ;;



# echo "0) Download paparazzi code (otherwise you do not have this file)"
# download paparazzi:
# git clone

echo "2) I want to connect my local github directory to a new directory"

# do you already have the URL of this server?
# = Write access = read only
git remote -v
# add it to your list of servers
git remote paparazzi URL
# try the code on this server
git checkout paparazzi dev

echo "3) I want to download and use (=merge) all the updates from paparazzi master"

# Make sure your tree is clean and all is committed
git status
# Clean ? Download + Merge
git pull paparazzi master
# Or manually download + merge without commit to try first
  git fetch paparazzi
  git merge paparazzi master -n
# If things are not OK:
git mergetool
git commit -m "Merged XXX into YYY"

git tag "v1.3"
git push --tags

echo "6) I want to undo the changes I made to a file and get the version as it was during the last commit"

echo "WARNING: LOOSE ALL CHANGES (irriversable)"
# 1 file
git checkout FILE
# all changes?
git checkout .

echo "7) I just made a commit that I didn't want"

echo "WARNING: This is very bad: you will erase an existing commit = remove any evidence this commit was ever made: Are you SURE that you are not better off reverting the changes instead of removing a commit on the server?"

git reset hard

echo "8) My working tree is a mess... revert all to the last commit"

git rm -r --cached .'

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