Revision c773da9f5b81c15a00fec29ca0499e58441671de authored by Rene Brun on 09 October 2006, 06:31:09 UTC, committed by Rene Brun on 09 October 2006, 06:31:09 UTC
ixes in GetStats() for taking into account underflow/overflow when TH1::StatOverflows is set and the modifications in TH2::ProjectionX and TH2::ProjectionY to use TH1::SetBinContent
instead of TH1::Fill in oder to have correct statistics in the projected histogram in case of weights. This fixes the bug 19628.
The number of entries in the projected histogram is set now to the number of effective entries.

git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
1 parent 73d8d11
Raw File
// @(#)root/pyroot:$Name:  $:$Id: TPyReturn.cxx,v 1.6 2005/06/25 04:25:46 brun Exp $
// Author: Wim Lavrijsen, May 2004

// Bindings
#include "PyROOT.h"
#include "TPyReturn.h"
#include "ObjectProxy.h"

#include "TObject.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"

// Standard
#include <stdexcept>

//                        Python expression eval result
//                        =============================
// Transport class for bringing objects from python (dynamically typed) to CINT
// (statically typed). It is best to immediately cast a TPyReturn to the real
// type, either implicitly (for builtin types) or explicitly (through a void*
// cast for pointers to ROOT objects).
// Examples:
//  root [0] TBrowser* b = (void*)TPython::Eval( "ROOT.TBrowser()" );
//  root [1] int i = TPython::Eval( "1+1" );
//  root [2] i
//  (int)2
//  root [3] double d = TPython::Eval( "1+3.1415" );
//  root [4] d
//  (double)4.14150000000000063e+00

//- data ---------------------------------------------------------------------

//- constructors/destructor --------------------------------------------------
// Construct a TPyReturn object from Py_None.
   Py_INCREF( Py_None );
   fPyObject = Py_None;

TPyReturn::TPyReturn( PyObject* pyobject )
// Construct a TPyReturn from a python object. The python object may represent
// a ROOT object. Steals reference to given python object.
   if ( ! pyobject ) {
      Py_INCREF( Py_None );
      fPyObject = Py_None;
   } else
      fPyObject = pyobject;

TPyReturn::TPyReturn( const TPyReturn& other )
// Copy constructor. Applies python object reference counting.
   Py_INCREF( other.fPyObject );
   fPyObject = other.fPyObject;

TPyReturn& TPyReturn::operator=( const TPyReturn& other )
// Assignment operator. Applies python object reference counting.
   if ( this != & other ) {
      Py_INCREF( other.fPyObject );
      fPyObject = other.fPyObject;
   return *this;

// Destructor. Reference counting for the held python object is in effect.
   Py_DECREF( fPyObject );

//- public members -----------------------------------------------------------
TPyReturn::operator const char*() const
// Cast python return value to C-style string (may fail).
   const char* s = PyString_AsString( fPyObject );

   if ( PyErr_Occurred() ) {
      return "";                   // returning 0 may be better?

   return s;

TPyReturn::operator Char_t() const
// Cast python return value to C++ char (may fail).
   std::string s = operator const char*();
   if ( s.size() )
      return s[0];

   return '\0';

TPyReturn::operator Long_t() const
// Cast python return value to C++ long (may fail).
   Long_t l = PyLong_AsLong( fPyObject );

   if ( PyErr_Occurred() )

   return l;

TPyReturn::operator ULong_t() const
// Cast python return value to C++ unsigned long (may fail).
   ULong_t ul = PyLong_AsUnsignedLong( fPyObject );

   if ( PyErr_Occurred() )

   return ul;

TPyReturn::operator Double_t() const
// Cast python return value to to C++ double (may fail).
   Double_t d = PyFloat_AsDouble( fPyObject );

   if ( PyErr_Occurred() )

   return d;

TPyReturn::operator void*() const
// Cast python return value to ROOT object with dictionary (may fail; note that
// you have to use the void* converter, as CINT will not call any other).
   if ( fPyObject == Py_None )
      return 0;

   Py_INCREF( fPyObject );
   if ( PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Check( fPyObject ) )
      return ((PyROOT::ObjectProxy*)fPyObject)->GetObject();
      return fPyObject;
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