Revision c773da9f5b81c15a00fec29ca0499e58441671de authored by Rene Brun on 09 October 2006, 06:31:09 UTC, committed by Rene Brun on 09 October 2006, 06:31:09 UTC
ixes in GetStats() for taking into account underflow/overflow when TH1::StatOverflows is set and the modifications in TH2::ProjectionX and TH2::ProjectionY to use TH1::SetBinContent
instead of TH1::Fill in oder to have correct statistics in the projected histogram in case of weights. This fixes the bug 19628.
The number of entries in the projected histogram is set now to the number of effective entries.

git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
1 parent 73d8d11
Raw File
// @(#)root/pyroot:$Name:  $:$Id: TPython.cxx,v 1.16 2006/06/16 18:18:04 brun Exp $
// Author: Wim Lavrijsen, Apr 2004

// Bindings
#include "PyROOT.h"
#include "TPython.h"
#include "ObjectProxy.h"
#include "RootWrapper.h"
#include "TPyClassGenerator.h"

#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TObject.h"

// Standard
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Riostream.h>
#include <string>

//                          Python interpreter access
//                          =========================
// The TPython class allows for access to python objects from CINT. The current
// functionality is only basic: ROOT objects and builtin types can freely cross
// the boundary between the two interpreters, python objects can be instantiated
// and their methods can be called. All other cross-coding is based on strings
// that are run on the python interpreter.
// Examples:
//  $ cat
//  print 'creating class MyPyClass ... '
//  class MyPyClass:
//     def __init__( self ):
//        print 'in MyPyClass.__init__'
//     def gime( self, what ):
//        return what
//  $ root -l
//  // Execute a string of python code.
//  root [0] TPython::Exec( "print \'Hello World!\'" );
//  Hello World!
//  // Create a TBrowser on the python side, and transfer it back and forth.
//  // Note the required explicit (void*) cast!
//  root [1] TBrowser* b = (void*)TPython::Eval( "ROOT.TBrowser()" );
//  root [2] TPython::Bind( b, "b" );
//  root [3] b == (void*) TPython::Eval( "b" )
//  (int)1
//  // Builtin variables can cross-over by using implicit casts.
//  root [4] int i = TPython::Eval( "1 + 1" );
//  root [5] i
//  (int)2
//  // Load a python module with a class definition, and use it.
//  root [6] TPython::LoadMacro( "" );
//  creating class MyPyClass ...
//  root [7] MyPyClass m;
//  in MyPyClass.__init__
//  root [8] char* s = m.gime( "aap" );
//  root [9] s
//  (char* 0x41ee7754)"aap"
// It is possible to switch between interpreters by calling "TPython::Prompt()"
// on the CINT side, while returning with ^D (EOF). State is preserved between
// successive switches.

//- data ---------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace {

   PyObject* gMainDict = 0;

   PyObject* gClassString  = 0;
   PyObject* gNameString   = 0;
   PyObject* gModuleString = 0;

} // unnamed namespace

//- static public members ----------------------------------------------------
Bool_t TPython::Initialize()
// Private initialization method: setup the python interpreter and load the
// ROOT module.

   static Bool_t isInitialized = kFALSE;
   if ( isInitialized )
      return kTRUE;

   if ( ! Py_IsInitialized() ) {
   // this happens if CINT comes in first

   // try again
      if ( ! Py_IsInitialized() ) {
      // give up ...
         std::cerr << "Error: python has not been intialized; returning." << std::endl;           
         return kFALSE;

   // set argv
      char* argv[] = { const_cast< char* >( "root" ) };
      PySys_SetArgv( sizeof(argv)/sizeof(argv[0]), argv );

   // force loading of ROOT
      PyRun_SimpleString( const_cast< char* >( "import ROOT" ) );

   if ( ! gMainDict ) {
   // initialize some handy strings
      gClassString  = PyString_FromString( "__class__" );
      gNameString   = PyString_FromString( "__name__" );
      gModuleString = PyString_FromString( "__module__" );

   // retrieve the main dictionary
      gMainDict = PyModule_GetDict(
         PyImport_AddModule( const_cast< char* >( "__main__" ) ) );
      Py_INCREF( gMainDict );

// python side class construction, managed by ROOT
   gROOT->AddClassGenerator( new TPyClassGenerator );

// declare success ...
   isInitialized = kTRUE;
   return kTRUE;

void TPython::LoadMacro( const char* name )
// Execute the give python script as if it were a macro (effectively an
// execfile in __main__), and create CINT equivalents for any newly available
// python classes.

// setup
   if ( ! Initialize() )

// obtain a reference to look for new classes later
   PyObject* old = PyDict_Values( gMainDict );

// actual execution
   Exec( (std::string( "execfile(\"" ) + name + "\")").c_str() );

// obtain new __main__ contents
   PyObject* current = PyDict_Values( gMainDict );

// create CINT classes for all new python classes
   for ( int i = 0; i < PyList_GET_SIZE( current ); ++i ) {
      PyObject* value = PyList_GET_ITEM( current, i );
      Py_INCREF( value );

      if ( ! PySequence_Contains( old, value ) ) {
      // collect classes
         if ( PyClass_Check( value ) || PyObject_HasAttrString( value, (char*)"__bases__" ) ) {
         // get full class name (including module)
            PyObject* pyModName = PyObject_GetAttrString( value, (char*)"__module__" );
            PyObject* pyClName  = PyObject_GetAttrString( value, (char*)"__name__" );

            if ( PyErr_Occurred() )

            if ( pyModName && pyClName &&\
                 PyString_Check( pyModName ) && PyString_Check( pyClName ) ) {
            // build full, qualified name
               std::string fullname = PyString_AS_STRING( pyModName );
               fullname += '.';
               fullname += PyString_AS_STRING( pyClName );

            // force class creation
               gROOT->GetClass( fullname.c_str() );

            Py_XDECREF( pyClName );
            Py_XDECREF( pyModName );

      Py_DECREF( value );

   Py_DECREF( current );
   Py_DECREF( old );

void TPython::ExecScript( const char* name, int argc, const char** argv )
// Execute a python stand-alone script, with argv CLI arguments.
// example of use:
//    const char* argv[] = { "1", "2", "3" };
//    TPython::ExecScript( "", sizeof(argv)/sizeof(argv[0]), argv );

// setup
   if ( ! Initialize() )

// verify arguments
   if ( ! name ) {
      std::cerr << "Error: no file name specified." << std::endl;

   FILE* fp = fopen( name, "r" );
   if ( ! fp ) {
      std::cerr << "Error: could not open file \"" << name << "\"." << std::endl;

// setup command line part
   PyObject* oldargv = PySys_GetObject( const_cast< char* >( "argv" ) );
   if ( ! oldargv )                               // e.g. apache
   else {
      PyObject* l = PyList_New( PyList_GET_SIZE( oldargv ) );
      for ( int i = 1; i < PyList_GET_SIZE( oldargv ); ++i ) {
         PyObject* item = PyList_GET_ITEM( oldargv, i );
         Py_INCREF( item );
         PyList_SET_ITEM( l, i, item );           // steals ref
      oldargv = l;

   argc += 1;
   const char** argv2 = new const char*[ argc ];
   for ( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) argv2[ i ] = argv[ i-1 ];
   argv2[ 0 ] = Py_GetProgramName();
   PySys_SetArgv( argc, const_cast< char** >( argv2 ) );
   delete argv2;

// actual script execution
   PyObject* gbl = PyDict_Copy( gMainDict );
   PyObject* result =   // PyRun_FileEx closes fp (b/c of last argument "1")
      PyRun_FileEx( fp, const_cast< char* >( name ), Py_file_input, gbl, gbl, 1 );
   if ( ! result )
   Py_XDECREF( result );
   Py_DECREF( gbl );

// restore original command line
   PySys_SetObject( const_cast< char* >( "argv" ), oldargv );
   Py_XDECREF( oldargv );

void TPython::Exec( const char* cmd )
// Execute a python statement (e.g. "import ROOT").

// setup
   if ( ! Initialize() )

// execute the command
   PyObject* result =
      PyRun_String( const_cast< char* >( cmd ), Py_file_input, gMainDict, gMainDict );

// test for error
   if ( result )
      Py_DECREF( result );

const TPyReturn TPython::Eval( const char* expr )
// Evaluate a python expression (e.g. "ROOT.TBrowser()").
// Caution: do not hold on to the return value: either store it in a builtin
// type (implicit casting will work), or in a pointer to a ROOT object (explicit
// casting to a void* is required).

// setup
   if ( ! Initialize() )
      return TPyReturn();

// evaluate the expression
   PyObject* result =
      PyRun_String( const_cast< char* >( expr ), Py_eval_input, gMainDict, gMainDict );

// report errors as appropriate; return void
   if ( ! result ) {
      return TPyReturn();

// results that require no converion
   if ( result == Py_None || PyROOT::ObjectProxy_Check( result ) )
      return TPyReturn( result );

// explicit conversion for python type required
   PyObject* pyclass = PyObject_GetAttr( result, gClassString );
   if ( pyclass != 0 ) {
   // retrieve class name and the module in which it resides
      PyObject* name = PyObject_GetAttr( pyclass, gNameString );
      PyObject* module = PyObject_GetAttr( pyclass, gModuleString );

   // concat name
      std::string qname =
         std::string( PyString_AS_STRING( module ) ) + '.' + PyString_AS_STRING( name );
      Py_DECREF( module );
      Py_DECREF( name );
      Py_DECREF( pyclass );

   // locate ROOT style class with this name
      TClass* klass = gROOT->GetClass( qname.c_str() );

   // construct general ROOT python object that pretents to be of class 'klass'
      if ( klass != 0 )
         return TPyReturn( result );
   } else

// no conversion, return null pointer object
   Py_DECREF( result );
   return TPyReturn();

Bool_t TPython::Bind( TObject* object, const char* label )
// Bind a ROOT object with, at the python side, the name "label".

// check given address and setup
   if ( ! ( object && Initialize() ) )
      return kFALSE;

// bind object in the main namespace
   TClass* klass = object->IsA();
   if ( klass != 0 ) {
      PyObject* bound = PyROOT::BindRootObject( (void*)object, klass );

      if ( bound ) {
         Bool_t bOk = PyDict_SetItemString( gMainDict, const_cast< char* >( label ), bound ) == 0;
         Py_DECREF( bound );

         return bOk;

   return kFALSE;

void TPython::Prompt() {
// Enter an interactive python session (exit with ^D). State is preserved
// between successive calls.

// setup
   if ( ! Initialize() ) {

// enter i/o interactive mode
   PyRun_InteractiveLoop( stdin, const_cast< char* >( "\0" ) );
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