Revision c773da9f5b81c15a00fec29ca0499e58441671de authored by Rene Brun on 09 October 2006, 06:31:09 UTC, committed by Rene Brun on 09 October 2006, 06:31:09 UTC
ixes in GetStats() for taking into account underflow/overflow when TH1::StatOverflows is set and the modifications in TH2::ProjectionX and TH2::ProjectionY to use TH1::SetBinContent
instead of TH1::Fill in oder to have correct statistics in the projected histogram in case of weights. This fixes the bug 19628.
The number of entries in the projected histogram is set now to the number of effective entries.

git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
1 parent 73d8d11
Raw File
// .........................macro dirs.C............................
// This macro illustrates how to create a hierarchy of directories
// in a Root file.
// 10 directories called plane0, plane1, plane9 are created.
// Each plane directory contains 200 histograms.
// Run this macro (Note that the macro delete the TFile object at the end!)
// Connect the file again in read mode:
//   Root > TFile *top = new TFile("top.root");
// The hierarchy can be browsed by the Root browser as shown below
//   Root > TBrowser b;
//    click on the left pane on one of the plane directories.
//    this shows the list of all histograms in this directory.
//    Double click on one histogram to draw it (left mouse button).
//    Select different options with the right mouse button.
//  You can see the begin_html <a href="gif/dirs.gif" >picture of the browser </a> end_html
//    Instead of using the browser, you can also do:
//   Root > tof->cd();
//   Root > plane3->cd();
//   Root > h3_90N->Draw();


    // create a new Root file
   TFile *top = new TFile("top.root","recreate");

   // create a subdirectory "tof" in this file
   TDirectory *cdtof = top->mkdir("tof");
   cdtof->cd();    // make the "tof" directory the current directory

   // create a new subdirectory for each plane
   const Int_t nplanes = 10;
   const Int_t ncounters = 100;
   char dirname[50];
   char hname[20];
   char htitle[80];
   Int_t i,j,k;
   TDirectory *cdplane[nplanes];
   TH1F *hn[nplanes][ncounters];
   TH1F *hs[nplanes][ncounters];
   for (i=0;i<nplanes;i++) {
      cdplane[i] = cdtof->mkdir(dirname);
      // create counter histograms
      for (j=0;j<ncounters;j++) {
         sprintf(htitle,"hist for counter:%d in plane:%d North",j,i);
         hn[i][j] = new TH1F(hname,htitle,100,0,100);
         sprintf(htitle,"hist for counter:%d in plane:%d South",j,i);
         hs[i][j] = new TH1F(hname,htitle,100,0,100);
      cdtof->cd();    // change current directory to top

     // .. fill histograms
   TRandom r;
   for (i=0;i<nplanes;i++) {
      for (j=0;j<ncounters;j++) {
         for (k=0;k<100;k++) {

     // save histogram hierarchy in the file
   delete top;

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