Revision c773da9f5b81c15a00fec29ca0499e58441671de authored by Rene Brun on 09 October 2006, 06:31:09 UTC, committed by Rene Brun on 09 October 2006, 06:31:09 UTC
ixes in GetStats() for taking into account underflow/overflow when TH1::StatOverflows is set and the modifications in TH2::ProjectionX and TH2::ProjectionY to use TH1::SetBinContent
instead of TH1::Fill in oder to have correct statistics in the projected histogram in case of weights. This fixes the bug 19628.
The number of entries in the projected histogram is set now to the number of effective entries.

git-svn-id: 27541ba8-7e3a-0410-8455-c3a389f83636
1 parent 73d8d11
Raw File
// Example to read and parse any xml file, supported by TXMLEngine class
// The input file, produced by xmlnewfile.C macro is used
// If you need full xml syntax support, use TXMLParser instead

#include "TXMLEngine.h"

void DisplayNode(TXMLEngine* xml, XMLNodePointer_t node, Int_t level);

void xmlreadfile(const char* filename = "example.xml")
   // First create engine
   TXMLEngine* xml = new TXMLEngine;
   // Now try to parse xml file
   // Only file with restricted xml syntax are supported
   XMLDocPointer_t xmldoc = xml->ParseFile(filename);
   if (xmldoc==0) {
      delete xml;

   // take access to main node   
   XMLNodePointer_t mainnode = xml->DocGetRootElement(xmldoc);
   // display recursively all nodes and subnodes
   DisplayNode(xml, mainnode, 1);
   // Release memory before exit
   delete xml;

void DisplayNode(TXMLEngine* xml, XMLNodePointer_t node, Int_t level) 
   // this function display all accessible information about xml node and its childs
   printf("%*c node: %s\n",level,' ', xml->GetNodeName(node));
   // display namespace
   XMLNsPointer_t ns = xml->GetNS(node);
   if (ns!=0)
      printf("%*c namespace: %s refer: %s\n",level+2,' ', xml->GetNSName(ns), xml->GetNSReference(ns));
   // display attributes
   XMLAttrPointer_t attr = xml->GetFirstAttr(node);
   while (attr!=0) {
       printf("%*c attr: %s value: %s\n",level+2,' ', xml->GetAttrName(attr), xml->GetAttrValue(attr));
       attr = xml->GetNextAttr(attr);  
   // display content (if exists)
   const char* content = xml->GetNodeContent(node);
   if (content!=0) 
      printf("%*c cont: %s\n",level+2,' ', content);
   // display all child nodes   
   XMLNodePointer_t child = xml->GetChild(node);
   while (child!=0) {
      DisplayNode(xml, child, level+2); 
      child = xml->GetNext(child);

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