Revision ca55eb09bc94977ef711d13e1622b0dea0777fc3 authored by neworderofjamie on 14 January 2020, 10:33:43 UTC, committed by neworderofjamie on 16 February 2020, 19:17:36 UTC
# Conflicts:
#	include/genn/genn/code_generator/generateInit.h
#	include/genn/genn/code_generator/generateNeuronUpdate.h
#	include/genn/genn/code_generator/generateSynapseUpdate.h
#	src/genn/genn/code_generator/
#	src/genn/genn/code_generator/
#	src/genn/genn/code_generator/
#	src/genn/genn/code_generator/
#	src/genn/genn/code_generator/
1 parent 11bd42a
Raw File

This module provides GeNNModel class to simplify working with pygenn module and
helper functions to derive custom model classes.

``GeNNModel`` can be (and should be) used to configure a model, build, load and
finally run it. Recording is done manually by pulling from the population of
interest and then copying the values from ``Variable.view`` attribute. Each
simulation step must be triggered manually by calling ``stepTime`` function.

    The following example shows in a (very) simplified manner how to build and
    run a simulation using GeNNModel::

        import GeNNModel
        gm = GeNNModel.GeNNModel()

        # add populations
        neuron_pop = gm.add_neuron_population(_parameters_truncated_)
        syn_pop = gm.add_synapse_population(_parameters_truncated_)

        # build and load model

        Vs = numpy.empty((simulation_length, population_size))
        # Variable.view provides a view into a raw C array
        # here a Variable call V (voltage) will be recorded
        v_view = neuron_pop.vars["V"].view

        # run a simulation for 1000 steps
        for i in range 1000:
            # manually trigger one simulation step
            # when you pull state from device, views of all variables
            # are updated and show current simulated values
            # finally, record voltage by copying form view into array.
            Vs[i,:] = v_view
# python imports
from collections import OrderedDict
from importlib import import_module
from os import path
from platform import system
from subprocess import check_call  # to call make
from textwrap import dedent

# 3rd party imports
import numpy as np
from six import iteritems, itervalues

# pygenn imports
from . import genn_wrapper
from .genn_wrapper import SharedLibraryModelNumpy as slm
from .genn_wrapper.Models import (Var, VarInit, VarVector)
from .genn_wrapper.InitSparseConnectivitySnippet import Init
from .genn_wrapper.Snippet import (make_dpf, EGP, ParamVal, DerivedParam,
                                   EGPVector, ParamValVector,
from .genn_wrapper.InitSparseConnectivitySnippet import make_cmlf
from .genn_wrapper.StlContainers import StringVector
from .genn_wrapper import VarLocation_HOST_DEVICE
from .genn_groups import NeuronGroup, SynapseGroup, CurrentSource
from .model_preprocessor import prepare_snippet

# Loop through backends in preferential order
backend_modules = OrderedDict()
for b in ["CUDA", "SingleThreadedCPU"]:
    # Try and import
        m = import_module(".genn_wrapper." + b + "Backend", "pygenn")
    # Ignore failed imports - likely due to non-supported backends
    except ImportError as ex:
    # Raise any other errors
    # Otherwise add to (ordered) dictionary
        backend_modules[b] = m

class GeNNModel(object):
    """GeNNModel class
    This class helps to define, build and run a GeNN model from python

    def __init__(self, precision=None, model_name="GeNNModel",
                 enable_debug=False, backend=None, selected_gpu=None):
        """Init GeNNModel
        Keyword args:
        precision       --  string precision as string ("float", "double"
                            or "long double"). defaults to float.
        model_name      --  string name of the model. Defaults to "GeNNModel".
        enable_debug    --  boolean enable debug mode. Disabled by default.
        backend         --  string specifying name of backend module to use
                            Defaults to None to pick 'best' backend for your system
        selected_gpu    --  integer specifying the id of the gpu in which the
                            simulator wil run; None will select automatically
        precision = "float" if precision is not None else precision
        self._scalar = precision
        if precision == "float":
            genn_float_type = "GENN_FLOAT"
            self._slm = slm.SharedLibraryModelNumpy_f()
            self._np_type = np.float32
        elif precision == "double":
            genn_float_type = "GENN_DOUBLE"
            self._slm = slm.SharedLibraryModelNumpy_d()
            self._np_type = np.float64
            raise ValueError(
                "Supported precisions are float and double, "
                "but '{1}' was given".format(precision))

        self._built = False
        self._loaded = False
        self.use_backend = backend
        self.selected_gpu = selected_gpu
        self._model = genn_wrapper.ModelSpecInternal()
        self._model.set_precision(getattr(genn_wrapper, genn_float_type))

        self.default_var_location = genn_wrapper.VarLocation_HOST_DEVICE
        self.model_name = model_name
        self.neuron_populations = {}
        self.synapse_populations = {}
        self.current_sources = {}
        self.dT = 0.1

    def selected_gpu(self):
        return self._selected_gpu

    def selected_gpu(self, v):
        if self.use_backend == "CUDA":
            self._selected_gpu = v
        elif v is not None:
            raise Exception("Selecting a GPU is only compatible with the CUDA backend "
                            "but the {} backend was chosen.".format(self.use_backend))

    def use_backend(self):
        return self._backend_name

    def use_backend(self, backend):
        # If no backend is specified
        if backend is None:
            # Check we have managed to import any bagenn_wrapperckends
            assert len(backend_modules) > 0

            # Set name to first (i.e. best) backend and lookup module from dictionary
            self._backend_name = next(iter(backend_modules))
            self._backend_module = backend_modules[self._backend_name]
            self._backend_name = backend
            self._backend_module = backend_modules[backend]

    def default_var_location(self):
        """Default variable location - defines
        where state variables are initialised"""
        assert False
        # return self._model.get_default

    def default_var_location(self, location):
        if self._built:
            raise Exception("GeNN model already built")


    def default_sparse_connectivity_location(location):
        """Default sparse connectivity mode - where
        connectivity is initialised"""
        assert False
        # return genn_wrapper.GeNNPreferences.cvar.defaultSparseConnectivityMode

    def default_sparse_connectivity_location(self, location):
        if self._built:
            raise Exception("GeNN model already built")


    def model_name(self):
        """Name of the model"""
        return self._model.get_name()

    def model_name(self, model_name):
        if self._built:
            raise Exception("GeNN model already built")

    def t(self):
        """Simulation time in ms"""
        return self._slm.get_time()

    def t(self, t):

    def timestep(self):
        """Simulation time step"""
        return self._slm.get_timestep()

    def timestep(self, timestep):

    def dT(self):
        """Step size"""
        return self._model.get_dt()

    def dT(self, dt):
        if self._built:
            raise Exception("GeNN model already built")

    def add_neuron_population(self, pop_name, num_neurons, neuron,
                              param_space, var_space):
        """Add a neuron population to the GeNN model

        pop_name    --  name of the new population
        num_neurons --  number of neurons in the new population
        neuron      --  type of the NeuronModels class as string or instance of
                        neuron class derived from
                        ``pygenn.genn_wrapper.NeuronModels.Custom`` (see also
        param_space --  dict with param values for the NeuronModels class
        var_space   --  dict with initial variable values for the
                        NeuronModels class
        if self._built:
            raise Exception("GeNN model already built")
        if pop_name in self.neuron_populations:
            raise ValueError("Neuron population '{0}'"
                             "already exists".format(pop_name))

        n_group = NeuronGroup(pop_name)
        n_group.set_neuron(neuron, param_space, var_space)
        n_group.add_to(self._model, int(num_neurons))

        self.neuron_populations[pop_name] = n_group

        return n_group

    def add_synapse_population(self, pop_name, matrix_type, delay_steps,
                               source, target, w_update_model, wu_param_space,
                               wu_var_space, wu_pre_var_space,
                               wu_post_var_space, postsyn_model,
                               ps_param_space, ps_var_space,
        """Add a synapse population to the GeNN model

        pop_name                    --  name of the new population
        matrix_type                 --  type of the matrix as string
        delay_steps                 --  delay in number of steps
        source                      --  source neuron group
        target                      --  target neuron group
        w_update_model              --  type of the WeightUpdateModels class
                                        as string or instance of weight update
                                        model class derived from
                                        ``pygenn.genn_wrapper.WeightUpdateModels.Custom`` (see also
        wu_param_space              --  dict with param values for the
                                        WeightUpdateModels class
        wu_var_space                --  dict with initial values for
                                        WeightUpdateModels state variables
        wu_pre_var_space            --  dict with initial values for
                                        WeightUpdateModels presynaptic variables
        wu_post_var_space           --  dict with initial values for
                                        WeightUpdateModels postsynaptic variables
        postsyn_model               --  type of the PostsynapticModels class
                                        as string or instance of postsynaptic
                                        model class derived from
                                        ``pygenn.genn_wrapper.PostsynapticModels.Custom`` (see also
        ps_param_space              --  dict with param values for the
                                        PostsynapticModels class
        ps_var_space                --  dict with initial variable values for
                                        the PostsynapticModels class
        connectivity_initialiser    --  InitSparseConnectivitySnippet::Init
                                        for connectivity
        if self._built:
            raise Exception("GeNN model already built")

        if pop_name in self.synapse_populations:
            raise ValueError("synapse population '{0}' "
                             "already exists".format(pop_name))

        if not isinstance(source, NeuronGroup):
            raise ValueError("'source' myst be a NeuronGroup")

        if not isinstance(target, NeuronGroup):
            raise ValueError("'target' myst be a NeuronGroup")

        s_group = SynapseGroup(pop_name)
        s_group.matrix_type = matrix_type
        s_group.set_connected_populations(source, target)
        s_group.set_weight_update(w_update_model, wu_param_space, wu_var_space,
                                  wu_pre_var_space, wu_post_var_space)
        s_group.set_post_syn(postsyn_model, ps_param_space, ps_var_space)
        s_group.connectivity_initialiser = connectivity_initialiser
        s_group.add_to(self._model, delay_steps)

        self.synapse_populations[pop_name] = s_group

        return s_group

    def add_current_source(self, cs_name, current_source_model, pop_name,
                           param_space, var_space):
        """Add a current source to the GeNN model

        cs_name                 --  name of the new current source
        current_source_model    --  type of the CurrentSourceModels class as
                                    string or instance of CurrentSourceModels
                                    class derived from
                                    ``pygenn.genn_wrapper.CurrentSourceModels.Custom`` (see also
        pop_name                --  name of the population into which the
                                    current source should be injected
        param_space             --  dict with param values for the
                                    CurrentSourceModels class
        var_space               --  dict with initial variable values for the
                                    CurrentSourceModels class
        if self._built:
            raise Exception("GeNN model already built")
        if pop_name not in self.neuron_populations:
            raise ValueError("neuron population '{0}' "
                             "does not exist".format(pop_name))
        if cs_name in self.current_sources:
            raise ValueError("current source '{0}' "
                             "already exists".format(cs_name))

        c_source = CurrentSource(cs_name)
                                          param_space, var_space)
        c_source.add_to(self._model, self.neuron_populations[pop_name])

        self.current_sources[cs_name] = c_source

        return c_source

    def build(self, path_to_model="./"):
        """Finalize and build a GeNN model

        Keyword args:
        path_to_model   --  path where to place the generated model code.
                            Defaults to the local directory.

        if self._built:
            raise Exception("GeNN model already built")
        self._path_to_model = path_to_model

        # Create output path
        output_path = path.join(path_to_model, self.model_name + "_CODE")

        # Finalize model

        # Create suitable preferences object for backend
        preferences = self._backend_module.Preferences()

        if self.selected_gpu is not None:
            preferences.deviceSelectMethod = self._backend_module.DeviceSelect_MANUAL

            preferences.manualDeviceID = self.selected_gpu

        # Create backend
        backend = self._backend_module.create_backend(self._model, output_path, 0, preferences);

        # Generate code
        genn_wrapper.generate_code(self._model, backend, output_path, 0)

        # **YUCK** SWIG doesn't handle return objects returned by value very well so delete manually

        # Build code
        if system() == "Windows":
            check_call(["msbuild", "/p:Configuration=Release",
                        path.join(output_path, "runner.vcxproj")])
            check_call(["make", "-C", output_path])

        self._built = True

    def load(self):
        """import the model as shared library and initialize it"""
        if not self._built:
            raise Exception("GeNN model has to be built before running")

        if self._loaded:
            raise Exception("GeNN model already loaded"), self.model_name)


        # Loop through neuron populations
        for pop_data in itervalues(self.neuron_populations):
            pop_data.load(self._slm, self._scalar)

        # Loop through synapse populations
        for pop_data in itervalues(self.synapse_populations):
            pop_data.load(self._slm, self._scalar)

        # Loop through current sources
        for src_data in itervalues(self.current_sources):
            src_data.load(self._slm, self._scalar)

        # Now everything is set up call the sparse initialisation function

        # Set loaded flag
        self._loaded = True

    def reinitialise(self):
        """reinitialise model to its original state without re-loading"""
        if not self._loaded:
            raise Exception("GeNN model has to be loaded before reinitialising")

        # Initialise dense and neuron variables

        # Loop through neuron populations
        for pop_data in itervalues(self.neuron_populations):
            pop_data.reinitialise(self._slm, self._scalar)

        # Loop through synapse populations
        for pop_data in itervalues(self.synapse_populations):
            pop_data.reinitialise(self._slm, self._scalar)

        # Loop through current sources
        for src_data in itervalues(self.current_sources):
            src_data.reinitialise(self._slm, self._scalar)

        # Initialise any sparse variables

    def step_time(self):
        if not self._loaded:
            raise Exception("GeNN model has to be loaded before stepping")

        """Make one simulation step"""

    def pull_state_from_device(self, pop_name):
        """Pull state from the device for a given population"""
        if not self._loaded:
            raise Exception("GeNN model has to be loaded before pulling")


    def pull_spikes_from_device(self, pop_name):
        """Pull spikes from the device for a given population"""
        if not self._loaded:
            raise Exception("GeNN model has to be loaded before pulling")


    def pull_current_spikes_from_device(self, pop_name):
        """Pull spikes from the device for a given population"""
        if not self._loaded:
            raise Exception("GeNN model has to be loaded before pulling")


    def pull_connectivity_from_device(self, pop_name):
        """Pull connectivity from the device for a given population"""
        if not self._loaded:
            raise Exception("GeNN model has to be loaded before pulling")


    def pull_var_from_device(self, pop_name, var_name):
        """Pull variable from the device for a given population"""
        if not self._loaded:
            raise Exception("GeNN model has to be loaded before pulling")

        self._slm.pull_var_from_device(pop_name, var_name)

    def push_state_to_device(self, pop_name):
        """Push state to the device for a given population"""
        if not self._loaded:
            raise Exception("GeNN model has to be loaded before pushing")


    def push_spikes_to_device(self, pop_name):
        """Push spikes to the device for a given population"""
        if not self._loaded:
            raise Exception("GeNN model has to be loaded before pushing")


    def push_current_spikes_to_device(self, pop_name):
        """Push current spikes to the device for a given population"""
        if not self._loaded:
            raise Exception("GeNN model has to be loaded before pushing")


    def push_connectivity_to_device(self, pop_name):
        """Push connectivity to the device for a given population"""
        if not self._loaded:
            raise Exception("GeNN model has to be loaded before pushing")


    def push_var_to_device(self, pop_name, var_name):
        """Push variable to the device for a given population"""
        if not self._loaded:
            raise Exception("GeNN model has to be loaded before pulling")

        self._slm.push_var_to_device(pop_name, var_name)

    def end(self):
        """Free memory"""
        for group in [self.neuron_populations, self.current_sources]:
            for g_name, g_dat in iteritems(group):
                for egp_name, egp_dat in iteritems(g_dat.extra_global_params):
                    # if auto allocation is not enabled, let the user care
                    # about freeing of the EGP
                    if egp_dat.needsAllocation:
                        self._slm.free_extra_global_param(g_name, egp_name)
        # "normal" variables are freed when SharedLibraryModel is destoyed

def init_var(init_var_snippet, param_space):
    """This helper function creates a VarInit object
    to easily initialise a variable using a snippet.

    init_var_snippet    --  type of the InitVarSnippet class as string or
                            instance of class derived from
                            InitVarSnippet::Custom class.
    param_space         --  dict with param values for the InitVarSnippet class
    # Prepare snippet
    (s_instance, s_type, param_names, params) = \
        prepare_snippet(init_var_snippet, param_space,

    # Use add function to create suitable VarInit
    return VarInit(s_instance, params)

def init_connectivity(init_sparse_connect_snippet, param_space):
    """This helper function creates a InitSparseConnectivitySnippet::Init
    object to easily initialise connectivity using a snippet.

    init_sparse_connect_snippet --  type of the InitSparseConnectivitySnippet
                                    class as string or instance of class
                                    derived from
    param_space                 --  dict with param values for the
                                    InitSparseConnectivitySnippet class
    # Prepare snippet
    (s_instance, s_type, param_names, params) = \
        prepare_snippet(init_sparse_connect_snippet, param_space,

    # Use add function to create suitable VarInit
    return Init(s_instance, params)

def create_custom_neuron_class(class_name, param_names=None,
                               var_name_types=None, derived_params=None,
                               sim_code=None, threshold_condition_code=None,
                               reset_code=None, support_code=None,
    """This helper function creates a custom NeuronModel class.
    See also:

    class_name                  --  name of the new class

    Keyword args:
    param_names                 --  list of strings with param names
                                    of the model
    var_name_types              --  list of pairs of strings with varible names
                                    and types of the model
    derived_params              --  list of pairs, where the first member
                                    is string with name of the derived
                                    parameter and the second MUST be an
                                    instance of a class which inherits from
    sim_code                    --  string with the simulation code
    threshold_condition_code    --  string with the threshold condition code
    reset_code                  --  string with the reset code
    support_code                --  string with the support code
    extra_global_params         --  list of pairs of strings with names and
                                    types of additional parameters
    additional_input_vars       --  list of tuples with names and types as
                                    strings and initial values of additional
                                    local input variables
    is_auto_refractory_required --  does this model require auto-refractory
                                    logic to be generated?
    custom_body                 --  dictionary with additional attributes and
                                    methods of the new class
    if not isinstance(custom_body, dict) and custom_body is not None:
        raise ValueError("custom_body must be an isinstance of dict or None")

    body = {}

    if sim_code is not None:
        body["get_sim_code"] = lambda self: dedent(sim_code)

    if threshold_condition_code is not None:
        body["get_threshold_condition_code"] = \
            lambda self: dedent(threshold_condition_code)

    if reset_code is not None:
        body["get_reset_code"] = lambda self: dedent(reset_code)

    if support_code is not None:
        body["get_support_code"] = lambda self: dedent(support_code)

    if extra_global_params is not None:
        body["get_extra_global_params"] = \
            lambda self: EGPVector([EGP(egp[0], egp[1])
                                    for egp in extra_global_params])

    if additional_input_vars:
        body["get_additional_input_vars"] = \
            lambda self: ParamValVector([ParamVal(a[0], a[1], a[2])
                                         for a in additional_input_vars])

    if is_auto_refractory_required is not None:
        body["is_auto_refractory_required"] = \
            lambda self: is_auto_refractory_required

    if custom_body is not None:

    return create_custom_model_class(
        class_name, genn_wrapper.NeuronModels.Custom, param_names,
        var_name_types, derived_params, body)

def create_custom_postsynaptic_class(class_name, param_names=None,
                                     var_name_types=None, derived_params=None,
                                     decay_code=None, apply_input_code=None,
                                     support_code=None, custom_body=None):
    """This helper function creates a custom PostsynapticModel class.
    See also:

    class_name          --  name of the new class

    Keyword args:
    param_names         --  list of strings with param names of the model
    var_name_types      --  list of pairs of strings with varible names and
                            types of the model
    derived_params      --  list of pairs, where the first member is string
                            with name of the derived parameter and the second
                            MUST be an instance of a class which inherits
                            from ``pygenn.genn_wrapper.DerivedParamFunc``
    decay_code          --  string with the decay code
    apply_input_code    --  string with the apply input code
    support_code        --  string with the support code
    custom_body         --  dictionary with additional attributes and methods
                            of the new class
    if not isinstance(custom_body, dict) and custom_body is not None:
        raise ValueError()

    body = {}

    if decay_code is not None:
        body["get_decay_code"] = lambda self: dedent(decay_code)

    if apply_input_code is not None:
        body["get_apply_input_code"] = lambda self: dedent(apply_input_code)

    if support_code is not None:
        body["get_support_code"] = lambda self: dedent(support_code)

    if custom_body is not None:

    return create_custom_model_class(
        class_name, genn_wrapper.PostsynapticModels.Custom, param_names,
        var_name_types, derived_params, body)

def create_custom_weight_update_class(class_name, param_names=None,
                                      derived_params=None, sim_code=None,
                                      event_code=None, learn_post_code=None,
    """This helper function creates a custom WeightUpdateModel class.
    See also:

    class_name                      --  name of the new class

    Keyword args:
    param_names                     --  list of strings with param names of
                                        the model
    var_name_types                  --  list of pairs of strings with variable
                                        names and types of the model
    pre_var_name_types              --  list of pairs of strings with
                                        presynaptic variable names and
                                        types of the model
    post_var_name_types             --  list of pairs of strings with
                                        postsynaptic variable names and
                                        types of the model
    derived_params                  --  list of pairs, where the first member
                                        is string with name of the derived
                                        parameter and the second MUST be an
                                        instance of a class which inherits from
    sim_code                        --  string with the simulation code
    event_code                      --  string with the event code
    learn_post_code                 --  string with the code to include in
                                        learn_synapse_post kernel/function
    synapse_dynamics_code           --  string with the synapse dynamics code
    event_threshold_condition_code  --  string with the event threshold
                                        condition code
    pre_spike_code                  --  string with the code run once per
                                        spiking presynaptic neuron
    post_spike_code                 --  string with the code run once per
                                        spiking postsynaptic neuron
    sim_support_code                --  string with simulation support code
    learn_post_support_code         --  string with support code for
                                        learn_synapse_post kernel/function
    synapse_dynamics_suppport_code  --  string with synapse dynamics
                                        support code
    extra_global_params             --  list of pairs of strings with names and
                                        types of additional parameters
    is_pre_spike_time_required      --  boolean, is presynaptic spike time
                                        required in any weight update kernels?
    is_post_spike_time_required     --  boolean, is postsynaptic spike time
                                        required in any weight update kernels?
    custom_body                     --  dictionary with additional attributes
                                        and methods of the new class
    if not isinstance(custom_body, dict) and custom_body is not None:
        raise ValueError("custom_body must be an instance of dict or None")

    body = {}

    if sim_code is not None:
        body["get_sim_code"] = lambda self: dedent(sim_code)

    if event_code is not None:
        body["get_event_code"] = lambda self: dedent(event_code)

    if learn_post_code is not None:
        body["get_learn_post_code"] = lambda self: dedent(learn_post_code)

    if synapse_dynamics_code is not None:
        body["get_synapse_dynamics_code"] = lambda self: dedent(synapse_dynamics_code)

    if event_threshold_condition_code is not None:
        body["get_event_threshold_condition_code"] = \
            lambda self: dedent(event_threshold_condition_code)

    if pre_spike_code is not None:
        body["get_pre_spike_code"] = lambda self: dedent(pre_spike_code)

    if post_spike_code is not None:
        body["get_post_spike_code"] = lambda self: dedent(post_spike_code)

    if sim_support_code is not None:
        body["get_sim_support_code"] = lambda self: dedent(sim_support_code)

    if learn_post_support_code is not None:
        body["get_learn_post_support_code"] = \
            lambda self: dedent(learn_post_support_code)

    if synapse_dynamics_suppport_code is not None:
        body["get_synapse_dynamics_suppport_code"] = \
            lambda self: dedent(synapse_dynamics_suppport_code)

    if extra_global_params is not None:
        body["get_extra_global_params"] = \
            lambda self: EGPVector([EGP(egp[0], egp[1])
                                    for egp in extra_global_params])

    if pre_var_name_types is not None:
        body["get_pre_vars"] = \
            lambda self: VarVector([Var(*vn)
                                    for vn in pre_var_name_types])

    if post_var_name_types is not None:
        body["get_post_vars"] = \
            lambda self: VarVector([Var(*vn)
                                    for vn in post_var_name_types])

    if is_pre_spike_time_required is not None:
        body["is_pre_spike_time_required"] = \
            lambda self: is_pre_spike_time_required

    if is_post_spike_time_required is not None:
        body["is_post_spike_time_required"] = \
            lambda self: is_post_spike_time_required

    if custom_body is not None:

    return create_custom_model_class(
        class_name, genn_wrapper.WeightUpdateModels.Custom, param_names,
        var_name_types, derived_params, body)

def create_custom_current_source_class(class_name, param_names=None,
    """This helper function creates a custom NeuronModel class.
    See also:

    class_name          --  name of the new class

    Keyword args:
    param_names         --  list of strings with param names of the model
    var_name_types      --  list of pairs of strings with varible names and
                            types of the model
    derived_params      --  list of pairs, where the first member is string
                            with name of the derived parameter and the second
                            MUST be an instance of the class which inherits
                            from  ``pygenn.genn_wrapper.DerivedParamFunc``
    injection_code      --  string with the current injection code
    extra_global_params --  list of pairs of strings with names and types of
                            additional parameters
    custom_body         --  dictionary with additional attributes and methods
                            of the new class
    if not isinstance(custom_body, dict) and custom_body is not None:
        raise ValueError("custom_body must be an instance of dict or None")

    body = {}

    if injection_code is not None:
        body["get_injection_code"] = lambda self: dedent(injection_code)

    if extra_global_params is not None:
        body["get_extra_global_params"] = \
            lambda self: EGPVector([EGP(egp[0], egp[1])
                                    for egp in extra_global_params])

    if custom_body is not None:

    return create_custom_model_class(
        class_name, genn_wrapper.CurrentSourceModels.Custom, param_names,
        var_name_types, derived_params, body)

def create_custom_model_class(class_name, base, param_names, var_name_types,
                              derived_params, custom_body):
    """This helper function completes a custom model class creation.

    This part is common for all model classes and is nearly useless on its own
    unless you specify custom_body.
    See also:

    class_name      --  name of the new class
    base            --  base class
    param_names     --  list of strings with param names of the model
    var_name_types  --  list of pairs of strings with varible names and
                        types of the model
    derived_params  --  list of pairs, where the first member is string with
                        name of the derived parameter and the second MUST be
                        an instance of the class which inherits from the
                        ``pygenn.genn_wrapper.DerivedParamFunc`` class
    custom_body     --  dictionary with attributes and methods of the new class

    def ctor(self):

    body = {
        "__init__": ctor,

    if param_names is not None:
        body["get_param_names"] = lambda self: StringVector(param_names)

    if var_name_types is not None:
        body["get_vars"] = \
            lambda self: VarVector([Var(*vn)
                                    for vn in var_name_types])

    if derived_params is not None:
        body["get_derived_params"] = \
            lambda self: DerivedParamVector([DerivedParam(dp[0], make_dpf(dp[1]))
                                             for dp in derived_params])

    if custom_body is not None:

    return type(class_name, (base,), body)()

def create_dpf_class(dp_func):
    """Helper function to create derived parameter function class

    dp_func --  a function which computes the derived parameter and takes
                two args "pars" (vector of double) and "dt" (double)
    dpf = genn_wrapper.Snippet.DerivedParamFunc

    def ctor(self):

    def call(self, pars, dt):
        return dp_func(pars, dt)

    return type("", (dpf,), {"__init__": ctor, "__call__": call})

def create_cmlf_class(cml_func):
    """Helper function to create function class for calculating sizes of
    matrices initialised with sparse connectivity initialisation snippet

    cml_func -- a function which computes the length and takes
                three args "num_pre" (unsigned int), "num_post" (unsigned int)
                and "pars" (vector of double)
    cmlf = genn_wrapper.InitSparseConnectivitySnippet.CalcMaxLengthFunc

    def ctor(self):

    def call(self, num_pre, num_post, pars):
        return cml_func(numPre, num_post, pars, dt)

    return type("", (cmlf,), {"__init__": ctor, "__call__": call})

def create_custom_init_var_snippet_class(class_name, param_names=None,
                                         var_init_code=None, custom_body=None):
    """This helper function creates a custom InitVarSnippet class.
    See also:

    class_name      --  name of the new class

    Keyword args:
    param_names     --  list of strings with param names of the model
    derived_params  --  list of pairs, where the first member is string with
                        name of the derived parameter and the second MUST be
                        an instance of the `pygenn.genn_wrapper.DerivedParamFunc`` class
    var_init_code   --  string with the variable initialization code
    custom_body     --  dictionary with additional attributes and methods of
                        the new class

    if not isinstance(custom_body, dict) and custom_body is not None:
        raise ValueError("custom_body must be an instance of dict or None")

    body = {}

    if var_init_code is not None:
        body["get_code"] = lambda self: dedent(var_init_code)

    if custom_body is not None:

    return create_custom_model_class(
        class_name, genn_wrapper.InitVarSnippet.Custom, param_names,
        None, derived_params, body)

def create_custom_sparse_connect_init_snippet_class(class_name,
    """This helper function creates a custom
    InitSparseConnectivitySnippet class.
    See also:

    class_name              --  name of the new class

    Keyword args:
    param_names             --  list of strings with param names of the model
    derived_params          --  list of pairs, where the first member is string
                                with name of the derived parameter and the
                                second MUST be an instance of the class which
                                inherits from ``pygenn.genn_wrapper.DerivedParamFunc``
    row_build_code          --  string with row building initialization code
    row_build_state_vars    --  list of tuples of state variables, their types
                                and their initial values to use across
                                row building loop
    calc_max_row_len_func   --  instance of class inheriting from
                                CalcMaxLengthFunc used to calculate maximum
                                row length of synaptic matrix
    calc_max_col_len_func   --  instance of class inheriting from
                                CalcMaxLengthFunc used to calculate maximum
                                col length of synaptic matrix
    extra_global_params     --  list of pairs of strings with names and
                                types of additional parameters
    custom_body             --  dictionary with additional attributes and
                                methods of the new class

    if not isinstance(custom_body, dict) and custom_body is not None:
        raise ValueError("custom_body must be an instance of dict or None")

    body = {}

    if row_build_code is not None:
        body["get_row_build_code"] = lambda self: dedent(row_build_code)

    if row_build_state_vars is not None:
        body["get_row_build_state_vars"] = \
            lambda self: ParamValVector([ParamVal(r[0], r[1], r[2])
                                         for r in row_build_state_vars])

    if calc_max_row_len_func is not None:
        body["get_calc_max_row_length_func"] = \
            lambda self: make_cmlf(calc_max_row_len_func)

    if calc_max_col_len_func is not None:
        body["get_calc_max_col_length_func"] = \
            lambda self: make_cmlf(calc_max_col_len_func)

    if extra_global_params is not None:
        body["get_extra_global_params"] = \
            lambda self: EGPVector([EGP(egp[0], egp[1])
                                    for egp in extra_global_params])

    if custom_body is not None:

    return create_custom_model_class(
        class_name, genn_wrapper.InitSparseConnectivitySnippet.Custom, param_names,
        None, derived_params, body)
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