Revision cadc1adffa447f02eb65bd848cf26c13142a74bb authored by sdong on 13 June 2014, 22:54:19 UTC, committed by sdong on 16 June 2014, 23:10:52 UTC
We added multiple fields to FileMetaData recently and are planning to add more.
This refactoring separate the minimum information for accessing the file. This object is copyable (FileMetaData is not copyable since the ref counter). I hope this refactoring can enable further improvements:

(1) use it to design a more efficient data structure to speed up read queries.
(2) in the future, when we add information of storage level, we can easily do the encoding, instead of enlarge this structure, which might expand memory work set for file meta data.

The definition is same as current EncodedFileMetaData used in two level iterator, so now the logic in two level iterator is easier to understand.

Test Plan: make all check

Reviewers: haobo, igor, ljin

Reviewed By: ljin

Subscribers: leveldb, dhruba, yhchiang

Differential Revision:
1 parent 4d913cf
Raw File
//  Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc.  All rights reserved.
//  This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
//  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
//  of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include "util/testharness.h"
#include "util/auto_roll_logger.h"
#include "rocksdb/db.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>

using namespace std;

namespace rocksdb {

class AutoRollLoggerTest {
  static void InitTestDb() {
    string deleteCmd = "rm -rf " + kTestDir;
    ASSERT_TRUE(system(deleteCmd.c_str()) == 0);

  void RollLogFileBySizeTest(AutoRollLogger* logger,
                             size_t log_max_size,
                             const string& log_message);
  uint64_t RollLogFileByTimeTest(AutoRollLogger* logger,
                                 size_t time,
                                 const string& log_message);

  static const string kSampleMessage;
  static const string kTestDir;
  static const string kLogFile;
  static Env* env;

const string AutoRollLoggerTest::kSampleMessage(
    "this is the message to be written to the log file!!");
const string AutoRollLoggerTest::kTestDir(test::TmpDir() + "/db_log_test");
const string AutoRollLoggerTest::kLogFile(test::TmpDir() + "/db_log_test/LOG");
Env* AutoRollLoggerTest::env = Env::Default();

// In this test we only want to Log some simple log message with
// no format. LogMessage() provides such a simple interface and
// avoids the [format-security] warning which occurs when you
// call Log(logger, log_message) directly.
namespace {
void LogMessage(Logger* logger, const char* message) {
  Log(logger, "%s", message);

void LogMessage(const InfoLogLevel log_level, Logger* logger,
                const char* message) {
  Log(log_level, logger, "%s", message);
}  // namespace

namespace {
void GetFileCreateTime(const std::string& fname, uint64_t* file_ctime) {
  struct stat s;
  if (stat(fname.c_str(), &s) != 0) {
    *file_ctime = (uint64_t)0;
  *file_ctime = static_cast<uint64_t>(s.st_ctime);
}  // namespace

void AutoRollLoggerTest::RollLogFileBySizeTest(AutoRollLogger* logger,
                                               size_t log_max_size,
                                               const string& log_message) {
  // measure the size of each message, which is supposed
  // to be equal or greater than log_message.size()
  LogMessage(logger, log_message.c_str());
  size_t message_size = logger->GetLogFileSize();
  size_t current_log_size = message_size;

  // Test the cases when the log file will not be rolled.
  while (current_log_size + message_size < log_max_size) {
    LogMessage(logger, log_message.c_str());
    current_log_size += message_size;
    ASSERT_EQ(current_log_size, logger->GetLogFileSize());

  // Now the log file will be rolled
  LogMessage(logger, log_message.c_str());
  // Since rotation is checked before actual logging, we need to
  // trigger the rotation by logging another message.
  LogMessage(logger, log_message.c_str());

  ASSERT_TRUE(message_size == logger->GetLogFileSize());

uint64_t AutoRollLoggerTest::RollLogFileByTimeTest(
    AutoRollLogger* logger, size_t time, const string& log_message) {
  uint64_t expected_create_time;
  uint64_t actual_create_time;
  uint64_t total_log_size;
  ASSERT_OK(env->GetFileSize(kLogFile, &total_log_size));
  GetFileCreateTime(kLogFile, &expected_create_time);

  // -- Write to the log for several times, which is supposed
  // to be finished before time.
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
     LogMessage(logger, log_message.c_str());
     // Make sure we always write to the same log file (by
     // checking the create time);
     GetFileCreateTime(kLogFile, &actual_create_time);

     // Also make sure the log size is increasing.
     ASSERT_EQ(expected_create_time, actual_create_time);
     ASSERT_GT(logger->GetLogFileSize(), total_log_size);
     total_log_size = logger->GetLogFileSize();

  // -- Make the log file expire
  LogMessage(logger, log_message.c_str());

  // At this time, the new log file should be created.
  GetFileCreateTime(kLogFile, &actual_create_time);
  ASSERT_GT(actual_create_time, expected_create_time);
  ASSERT_LT(logger->GetLogFileSize(), total_log_size);
  expected_create_time = actual_create_time;

  return expected_create_time;

TEST(AutoRollLoggerTest, RollLogFileBySize) {
    size_t log_max_size = 1024 * 5;

    AutoRollLogger logger(Env::Default(), kTestDir, "", log_max_size, 0);

    RollLogFileBySizeTest(&logger, log_max_size,
                          kSampleMessage + ":RollLogFileBySize");

TEST(AutoRollLoggerTest, RollLogFileByTime) {
    size_t time = 1;
    size_t log_size = 1024 * 5;

    // -- Test the existence of file during the server restart.
    AutoRollLogger logger(Env::Default(), kTestDir, "", log_size, 1);

    RollLogFileByTimeTest(&logger, time, kSampleMessage + ":RollLogFileByTime");

     OpenLogFilesMultipleTimesWithOptionLog_max_size) {
  // If only 'log_max_size' options is specified, then every time
  // when rocksdb is restarted, a new empty log file will be created.
  // avoid complier's complaint of "comparison between signed
  // and unsigned integer expressions" because literal 0 is
  // treated as "singed".
  size_t kZero = 0;
  size_t log_size = 1024;

  AutoRollLogger* logger = new AutoRollLogger(
    Env::Default(), kTestDir, "", log_size, 0);

  LogMessage(logger, kSampleMessage.c_str());
  ASSERT_GT(logger->GetLogFileSize(), kZero);
  delete logger;

  // reopens the log file and an empty log file will be created.
  logger = new AutoRollLogger(
    Env::Default(), kTestDir, "", log_size, 0);
  ASSERT_EQ(logger->GetLogFileSize(), kZero);
  delete logger;

TEST(AutoRollLoggerTest, CompositeRollByTimeAndSizeLogger) {
  size_t time = 1, log_max_size = 1024 * 5;


  AutoRollLogger logger(Env::Default(), kTestDir, "", log_max_size, time);

  // Test the ability to roll by size
      &logger, log_max_size,
      kSampleMessage + ":CompositeRollByTimeAndSizeLogger");

  // Test the ability to roll by Time
  RollLogFileByTimeTest( &logger, time,
      kSampleMessage + ":CompositeRollByTimeAndSizeLogger");

TEST(AutoRollLoggerTest, CreateLoggerFromOptions) {
  DBOptions options;
  shared_ptr<Logger> logger;

  // Normal logger
  ASSERT_OK(CreateLoggerFromOptions(kTestDir, "", env, options, &logger));

  // Only roll by size
  options.max_log_file_size = 1024;
  ASSERT_OK(CreateLoggerFromOptions(kTestDir, "", env, options, &logger));
  AutoRollLogger* auto_roll_logger =
      auto_roll_logger, options.max_log_file_size,
      kSampleMessage + ":CreateLoggerFromOptions - size");

  // Only roll by Time
  options.max_log_file_size = 0;
  options.log_file_time_to_roll = 1;
  ASSERT_OK(CreateLoggerFromOptions(kTestDir, "", env, options, &logger));
  auto_roll_logger =
      auto_roll_logger, options.log_file_time_to_roll,
      kSampleMessage + ":CreateLoggerFromOptions - time");

  // roll by both Time and size
  options.max_log_file_size = 1024 * 5;
  options.log_file_time_to_roll = 1;
  ASSERT_OK(CreateLoggerFromOptions(kTestDir, "", env, options, &logger));
  auto_roll_logger =
      auto_roll_logger, options.max_log_file_size,
      kSampleMessage + ":CreateLoggerFromOptions - both");
      auto_roll_logger, options.log_file_time_to_roll,
      kSampleMessage + ":CreateLoggerFromOptions - both");

TEST(AutoRollLoggerTest, InfoLogLevel) {

  size_t log_size = 8192;
  size_t log_lines = 0;
  // an extra-scope to force the AutoRollLogger to flush the log file when it
  // becomes out of scope.
    AutoRollLogger logger(Env::Default(), kTestDir, "", log_size, 0);
    for (int log_level = InfoLogLevel::FATAL_LEVEL;
         log_level >= InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL; log_level--) {
      for (int log_type = InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL;
           log_type <= InfoLogLevel::FATAL_LEVEL; log_type++) {
        // log messages with log level smaller than log_level will not be
        // logged.
        LogMessage((InfoLogLevel)log_type, &logger, kSampleMessage.c_str());
      log_lines += InfoLogLevel::FATAL_LEVEL - log_level + 1;
    for (int log_level = InfoLogLevel::FATAL_LEVEL;
         log_level >= InfoLogLevel::DEBUG_LEVEL; log_level--) {

      // again, messages with level smaller than log_level will not be logged.
      Debug(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
      Info(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
      Warn(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
      Error(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
      Fatal(&logger, "%s", kSampleMessage.c_str());
      log_lines += InfoLogLevel::FATAL_LEVEL - log_level + 1;
  std::ifstream inFile(AutoRollLoggerTest::kLogFile.c_str());
  size_t lines = std::count(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(inFile),
                         std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), '\n');
  ASSERT_EQ(log_lines, lines);

TEST(AutoRollLoggerTest, LogFileExistence) {
  rocksdb::DB* db;
  rocksdb::Options options;
  string deleteCmd = "rm -rf " + kTestDir;
  ASSERT_EQ(system(deleteCmd.c_str()), 0);
  options.max_log_file_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024;
  options.create_if_missing = true;
  ASSERT_OK(rocksdb::DB::Open(options, kTestDir, &db));
  delete db;

}  // namespace rocksdb

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  return rocksdb::test::RunAllTests();
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