Revision cb7be2dad25ce8a3b9340104c005cd9e1fd0a12c authored by Alec Jacobson on 06 June 2018, 22:59:18 UTC, committed by Alec Jacobson on 06 June 2018, 22:59:18 UTC
1 parent 2acebd0
Get started with
git clone --recursive
Build the example with
cd neil-triangle-example
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
Run the example with
./fastwinding ../hotdog.ply ../hotdog-Q.dmat ../hotdog-W.dmat
This should create a [.dmat](
file `../hot:og-W.dmat' containing the generalized winding number for each query
point in `../hotdog-Q.dmat`.
Computing file changes ...