Revision cba29dfbf1a823f21f866437ee96e8a2735c1708 authored by Roger Koenker on 13 February 2016, 00:52:06 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 13 February 2016, 00:52:06 UTC
1 parent a137ab8
"anova.rq" <-
function (object, ..., test = "Wald", joint = TRUE,
score = "tau", se = "nid", R = 200, trim = NULL)
if (length(list(object, ...)) > 1) {
objects <- list(object, ...)
return(anova.rqlist(objects, ..., test = test, joint = joint,
score = score, se = se, R = R, trim = trim))
stop("Anova is only defined (yet) for lists of rq objects")
anova.rqs <- function(object, ..., se = "nid", joint = TRUE){
class(object) <- "rq"
m <- length(object$tau)
z <- rep(list(object), m)
for(i in 1:m){
z[[i]]$coefficients <- object$coefficients[,i]
z[[i]]$tau <- object$tau[i]
z[[i]]$rho <- object$rho[i]
return(anova.rqlist(z, ..., se = se, joint = joint))
"anova.rqlist" <-
function (object, ..., test = "Wald", joint = TRUE,
score = "tau", se = "nid", R = 200, trim = NULL)
objects <- object
responses <- as.character(lapply(objects, function(x) formula(x)[[2]]))
sameresp <- responses == responses[1]
if (!all(sameresp))
stop("Models don't all have the same response variable")
n <- length(objects[[1]]$y)
models <- as.character(lapply(objects, function(x) formula(x)))
nobjects <- length(objects)
dimp <- lapply(objects, function(x) length(coef(x)))
objects <- objects[order(-unlist(dimp))]
mf <- model.frame(objects[[1]])
models <- as.character(lapply(objects, function(x) formula(x)))
taus <- unlist(lapply(objects, function(x) x$tau))
names <- lapply(objects, function(x) dimnames(coef(x))[[1]])
names <- lapply(objects, function(x) names(coef(x)))
if (test == "Wald")
objects <- lapply(objects, function(x) summary(x,se=se,covariance = TRUE))
sametaus <- taus == taus[[1]]
if (all(sametaus)) {
Tn <- rep(0, nobjects - 1)
ndf <- Tn
ddf <- Tn
pvalue <- Tn
topnote <- paste("Model ", format(1:nobjects), ": ",
models, sep = "", collapse = "\n")
if (test == "anowar") {
X1 <- model.matrix(objects[[1]],mf,contrasts=objects[[1]]$contrasts)
y <- model.response(mf)
weights <- as.vector(model.weights(mf))
tau <- taus[[1]]
for (i in 2:nobjects) {
if (!all(names[[i]] %in% names[[1]]))
stop("Models aren't nested")
mf <- model.frame(objects[[i]])
X0 <- model.matrix(objects[[i]], mf,contrasts=objects[[i]]$contrasts)
Htest <- rq.test.anowar(X0, X1, y, tau = tau, R = R)
ndf[i - 1] <- Htest$ndf
Tn[i - 1] <- Htest$Tn
ddf[i - 1] <- Htest$ddf
pvalue[i - 1] <- Htest$pvalue
table <- data.frame(ndf, ddf, Tn, pvalue)
else if (test == "rank") {
x1 <- model.matrix(objects[[1]],mf,contrasts=objects[[1]]$contrasts)
y <- model.response(mf)
weights <- as.vector(model.weights(mf))
for (i in 2:nobjects) {
if (!all(names[[i]] %in% names[[1]]))
stop("Models aren't nested")
nullH <-[[1]], names[[i]]))
X1 <- as.matrix(x1[, nullH])
mf <- model.frame(objects[[i]])
X0 <- model.matrix(objects[[i]], mf,contrasts=objects[[i]]$contrasts)
if(score == "tau") tau <- taus[[1]]
Htest <- rq.test.rank(X0, X1, y, score = score, weights = weights,
tau = tau, trim = trim)
ndf[i - 1] <- Htest$ndf
Tn[i - 1] <- Htest$Tn
ddf[i - 1] <- Htest$ddf
pvalue[i - 1] <- Htest$pvalue
table <- data.frame(ndf, ddf, Tn, pvalue)
else if (test == "Wald") {
V <- lapply(objects, function(x) x$cov)
coef <- lapply(objects, function(x) coef(x)[,1])
for (i in 2:nobjects) {
if (!all(names[[i]] %in% names[[1]]))
stop("Models aren't nested")
nullH <-[[1]], names[[i]]))
ndf[i - 1] <- sum(nullH)
Tn[i - 1] <- t((coef[[1]])[nullH]) %*% solve((V[[1]])[nullH,
nullH], (coef[[1]])[nullH])/ndf[i - 1]
ddf[i - 1] <- n - length(names[[1]])
pvalue[i - 1] <- 1 - pf(Tn[i - 1], ndf[i - 1],
ddf[i - 1])
table <- data.frame(ndf, ddf, Tn, pvalue)
else stop("test only defined for anowar, Wald and rank")
else {
m <- length(taus)
n <- NROW(objects[[1]]$residuals)
for (i in 2:m) {
if (!setequal(names[[i]], names[[1]]))
stop("Models with common tau don't have same X")
if (names[[1]][1] != "(Intercept)")
stop("Intercept required in common tau testing")
Omega <- outer(taus, taus, pmin) - outer(taus, taus)
J <- objects[[1]]$J
p <- dim(J)[1]
H <- array(unlist(lapply(objects, function(x) x$Hinv)),
c(p, p, m))
H <- matrix(aperm(H, c(1, 3, 2)), p * m, p) %*% t(chol(J))
W <- (H %*% t(H)) * (kronecker(Omega, outer(rep(1, p),
rep(1, p))))
coef <- unlist(lapply(objects, function(x) coef(x)[,1]))
D <- kronecker(diff(diag(m)), cbind(0, diag(p - 1)))
ndf <- (p - 1) * (m - 1)
Tn <- t(D %*% coef) %*% solve(D %*% W %*% t(D), D %*% coef)/ndf
ddf <- n * m - (p-1) * (m - 1)
pvalue <- 1 - pf(Tn, ndf, ddf)
nobjects <- 1
tnote1 <- paste("Model: ", models[[1]], "\n", sep = "")
tnote2 <- paste("Joint Test of Equality of Slopes: tau in { ",
paste(taus, collapse = " "), " }\n")
topnote <- paste(tnote1, tnote2, sep = "")
table <- data.frame(ndf, ddf, Tn, pvalue)
Tn <- pvalue <- rep(0,p-1)
ndf <- m-1
ddf <- n*m - (m-1)
for(i in 2:p){
E <- matrix(0, 1, p)
E[1,i] <- 1
D <- kronecker(diff(diag(m)),E)
Tn[i-1] <- t(D %*% coef) %*% solve(D %*% W %*% t(D), D %*% coef)/ndf
pvalue[i-1] <- 1 - pf(Tn[i-1], ndf, ddf)
tnote1 <- paste("Model: ", models[[1]], "\n", sep = "")
tnote2 <- paste("Tests of Equality of Distinct Slopes: tau in { ",
paste(taus, collapse = " "), " }\n")
topnote <- paste(tnote1, tnote2, sep = "")
table <- data.frame(ndf, ddf, Tn, pvalue)
dimnames(table)[[1]] <- names[[1]][2:p]
x <- list(table=table,topnote=topnote)
class(x) <- "anova.rq"
"print.anova.rq" <-
table <- x$table
topnote <- x$topnote
dimnames(table)[[2]] <- c("Df", "Resid Df", "F value", "Pr(>F)")
title <- "Quantile Regression Analysis of Deviance Table\n"
a <- structure(table, heading = c(title, topnote), class = c("anova",
rq.test.anowar <- function(x0,x1,y,tau,R){
if(!requireNamespace("logspline", quietly = TRUE))
stop("anowar test requires logspline package")
n <- length(y)
f0 <- rq(y ~ x0 - 1, tau = tau)
f1 <- rq(y ~ x1 - 1, tau = tau)
Rho <- function(u,tau) u * (tau - (u < 0))
Mn <- sum(Rho(f0$resid,tau)) - sum(Rho(f1$resid,tau))
if(!hasArg(R)) R <- 200
W <- matrix(rexp(n*R,1),n,R)
B1 <- t(boot.rq.wxy(x1,y,W,tau))
B0 <- t(boot.rq.wxy(x0,y,W,tau))
R0 <- Rho(y - x0 %*% B0,tau)
R1 <- Rho(y - x1 %*% B1,tau)
W0 <- apply(R0*W, 2, sum) - apply(W * Rho(f0$resid,tau), 2, sum)
W1 <- apply(R1*W, 2, sum) - apply(W * Rho(f1$resid,tau), 2, sum)
RefDistn <- logspline::logspline(W0 - W1)
pvalue <- 1 - logspline::plogspline(Mn,RefDistn)
ndf <- ncol(x1) - ncol(x0)
ddf <- n - ncol(x1)
list(Tn = Mn, ndf=ndf, ddf=ddf, pvalue=pvalue)
"rq.test.rank" <-
function (x0, x1, y, v = NULL, score = "wilcoxon", weights = NULL,
tau = 0.5, iid = TRUE, delta0 = rep(0, NCOL(x1)), omega = 1, trim = NULL,
pvalue = "F")
if (length(weights) > 0) {
y <- weights * y
x0 <- weights * x0
x1 <- weights * x1
n <- length(y)
if (!length(v) > 0)
if(score == "tau"){
r <-,y,tau = tau)$dual - (1 - tau)
r <- list(ranks = r, A2 = tau * (1 - tau))
v <- rq(y ~ x0 - 1, tau = -1)
r <- ranks(v, score, tau, trim)
r <- ranks(v, score, tau, trim)
if(iid == FALSE && score == "tau"){
h <- bandwidth.rq(tau, n, hs = TRUE)
bhi <-, y, tau + h, ci = FALSE)
bhi <- coefficients(bhi)
blo <-, y, tau - h, ci = FALSE)
blo <- coefficients(blo)
dyhat <- x0 %*% (bhi - blo)
if(any(dyhat <= 0)) {
pfis <- (100 * sum(dyhat <= 0))/n
warning(paste(pfis, "percent fis <=0"))
eps <- .Machine$double.eps^(2/3)
f <- pmax(eps, (2 * h)/(dyhat - eps))
x1hat <- resid(lm.wfit(x0, x1, w = f))
x1hat <- as.matrix(qr.resid(qr(x0), x1))
Tn <- as.matrix(t(x1hat) %*% r$ranks)
Tn <- t(Tn) %*% solve(crossprod(x1hat)) %*% Tn/r$A2
ncp <- (omega^2) * t(delta0) %*% (crossprod(x1hat)/n) %*%
ndf <- NCOL(x1)
Tn <- Tn/ndf
ddf <- length(y) - NCOL(x0) - NCOL(x1)
if (pvalue == "F")
pvalue <- 1 - pf(Tn, ndf, ddf, ncp)
pvalue <- 1 - pchisq(Tn*ndf, ndf, ncp)
list(Tn = Tn, ndf = ndf, ddf = ddf, pvalue = pvalue)
"ranks" <-
function (v, score = "wilcoxon", tau = 0.5, trim = NULL)
A2 <- 1
if(length(trim) & !(score == "wilcoxon"))
stop("trimming is only permitted with the wilcoxon score functions")
if (score == "wilcoxon") {
phibar <- 1/2
A2 <- 1/12
u <- v$sol[1,]
J <- length(u)
d <- v$dsol
if(length(trim) == 1) trim <- c(trim, 1 - trim)
else if(length(trim) > 2) stop("Only 2 trimming proportions allowed")
else {
if(any(trim < 0) || any(trim > 1)) stop("trim must lie in [0,1]")
trim <- sort(trim)
klo <- findInterval(trim[1],u)
khi <- findInterval(trim[2],u)
wlo <- (trim[1] - u[klo])/(u[klo+1] - u[klo])
dlo <- wlo * d[,klo] + (1-wlo) * d[,klo + 1]
s <- (klo+1):khi
s <- (klo+1):khi
if(khi < J) {
whi <- (trim[2] - u[khi])/(u[khi+1] - u[khi])
dhi <- whi * d[,khi] + (1-whi) * d[,khi + 1]
u <- c(trim[1], u[s], trim[2])
d <- cbind(dlo, d[,s], dhi)
else {
u <- c(trim[1],u[s])
d <- cbind(dlo, d[,s])
a <- trim[1]; b <- trim[2]
phibar <- c <- ( a^2 + 2*b - b^2)/2
A2 <- (2/3) *(a^3 - b^3) - c * a^2 - 2 * b * c + c^2 + (1+c) * b^2
D <- v$dsol
J <- length(u)
ranks <- c((0.5 * (d[, 2:J] + d[, 1:(J - 1)]) %*% diff(u)) - phibar)
return(list(ranks = ranks, A2 = A2))
else if (score == "normal") {
J <- ncol(v$sol)
dt <- v$sol[1, 2:J] - v$sol[1, 1:(J - 1)]
dphi <- c(0, dnorm(qnorm(v$sol[1, 2:(J - 1)])), 0)
dphi <- diff(dphi)
ranks <- as.vector((((v$dsol[, 2:J] - v$dsol[, 1:(J -
1)]))) %*% (dphi/dt))
return(list(ranks = ranks, A2 = A2))
else if (score == "sign") {
j.5 <- sum(v$sol[1, ] < 0.5)
w <- (0.5 - v$sol[1, j.5])/(v$sol[1, j.5 + 1] - v$sol[1,
r <- w * v$dsol[, j.5 + 1] + (1 - w) * v$dsol[, j.5]
ranks <- 2 * r - 1
return(list(ranks = ranks, A2 = A2))
else if (score == "tau") {
j.tau <- sum(v$sol[1, ] < tau)
w <- (tau - v$sol[1, j.tau])/(v$sol[1, j.tau + 1] - v$sol[1,
r <- w * v$dsol[, j.tau + 1] + (1 - w) * v$dsol[, j.tau]
ranks <- r - (1 - tau)
A2 <- tau * (1 - tau)
return(list(ranks = ranks, A2 = A2))
else if (score == "normalscale") {
J <- ncol(v$sol)
taus <- v$sol[1,]
dt <- taus[2:J] - taus[1:(J - 1)]
Qt <- qnorm(taus[2:(J-1)])
phi <- c(0, -dnorm(Qt)*Qt, 0)
dphi <- diff(phi)
ranks <- as.vector((((v$dsol[, 2:J] - v$dsol[, 1:(J -
1)]))) %*% (dphi/dt))
return(list(ranks = ranks, A2 = 2))
else if (score == "halfnormalscale") {
J <- ncol(v$sol)
taus <- v$sol[1,]
dt <- taus[2:J] - taus[1:(J - 1)]
Qt <- qnorm(taus[2:(J-1)])
phi <- c(0, (taus[2:(J-1)] - dnorm(Qt)*Qt)*(taus[2:(J-1)] > .5), 1)
dphi <- diff(phi)
dphi[dphi > .5] <- 0 #Kludge to zap jump point.
ranks <- (((v$dsol[, 2:J] - v$dsol[, 1:(J-1)])))
ranks <- as.vector(ranks %*% (dphi/dt))
return(list(ranks = ranks, A2 = 1.25))
else if(score == "lehmann"){
J <- ncol(v$sol)
taus <- v$sol[1,]
dt <- taus[2:J] - taus[1:(J - 1)]
taus <- taus[2:(J-1)]
phi <- c(0, -(taus -1)*log(1-taus),0)
dphi <- diff(phi)
ranks <- (((v$dsol[, 2:J] - v$dsol[, 1:(J-1)])))
ranks <- as.vector(ranks %*% (dphi/dt))
return(list(ranks = ranks, A2 = 1))
else if (score == "interquartile") {
j.25 <- sum(v$sol[1, ] < 0.25)
w <- (0.25 - v$sol[1, j.25])/(v$sol[1, j.25 + 1] - v$sol[1,
r.25 <- w * v$dsol[, j.25 + 1] + (1 - w) * v$dsol[, j.25]
j.75 <- sum(v$sol[1, ] < 0.75)
w <- (0.75 - v$sol[1, j.75])/(v$sol[1, j.75 + 1] - v$sol[1,
r.75 <- w * v$dsol[, j.75 + 1] + (1 - w) * v$dsol[, j.75]
ranks <- 0.5 + r.75 - r.25
A2 <- 1/4
return(list(ranks = ranks, A2 = A2))
else stop("invalid score function")
Computing file changes ...