Revision cd11b5a49b4dbd8cde21d187c518d6aab11e6843 authored by juan.calderonbustillo on 11 April 2017, 13:57:25 UTC, committed by Ian Harry on 19 September 2017, 12:50:07 UTC
1 parent a09371a
Raw File
""" Plot search sensitivity as a function of significance.
import argparse, h5py, numpy, logging, matplotlib, sys
from matplotlib.pyplot import cm
import pylab, pycbc.pnutils, pycbc.results, pycbc, pycbc.version
from pycbc import sensitivity

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=pycbc.version.git_verbose_msg)
parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='count')
parser.add_argument('--injection-file', required=True,
                    help="Required. HDF format injection result file.")
parser.add_argument('--output-file', required=True,
                    help='Destination file for the plot')
parser.add_argument('--bin-type', choices=['spin', 'mchirp', 'total_mass',
                                           'max_mass', 'eta',
                    help="Parameter used to bin injections. Default 'mchirp'")
# FIXME: Make bins options properly optional, if no bins are specified then
# plot everything together
parser.add_argument('--bins', nargs='+',
                    help="Required. Parameter bin boundaries, ex. 1.3 2.6 4.1")
parser.add_argument('--sig-type', choices=['ifar', 'fap', 'stat'],
                    help="x-axis significance measure. Default 'ifar'")
parser.add_argument('--sig-bins', nargs='*',
                   help="Boundaries of x-axis significance bins. If not given"
                        ", hard-coded defaults will be used"),
parser.add_argument('--dist-type', choices=['distance', 'volume', 'vt'],
                    help="y-axis sensitivity measure. Default 'distance'")
parser.add_argument('--log-dist', action='store_true', 
                    help='Plot the sensitivity axis in log scale')
parser.add_argument('--min-dist', type=float,
                    help="Lower y-axis limit for sensitive distance")
parser.add_argument('--max-dist', type=float,
                    help="Upper y-axis limit for sensitive distance")
parser.add_argument('--integration-method', choices=['pylal', 'shell', 'mc'],
                    help="Sensitive volume estimation method. Default 'pylal'")
parser.add_argument('--dist-bins', type=int, default=100,
                    help="Number of distance bins for 'pylal' volume "
                         "estimation. Default 100")
parser.add_argument('--distance-param', choices=['distance', 'chirp_distance'],
                    help="Parameter D used to generate injection distribution "
                         "over distance, required for 'mc' volume estimation")
                    choices=['log', 'uniform', 'distancesquared', 'volume'],
                    help="Form of distribution over D, required by 'mc' method")
parser.add_argument('--limits-param', choices=['distance', 'chirp_distance'],
                    help="Parameter Dlim specifying limits of injection "
                         "distribution, used by 'mc' method. If not given, "
                         "will be set equal to --distance-param")
parser.add_argument('--max-param', type=float,
                    help="Maximum value of Dlim, used by 'mc' method. If not "
                         "given, the maximum injected value will be used")
parser.add_argument('--min-param', type=float,
                    help="Minimum value of Dlim, used by 'mc' method with log "
                         "distribution. If not given, min injected value will "
                         "be used")
parser.add_argument('--spin-frame', choices=['line-of-sight', 'orbit'],
                    default='orbit', help='Frame convention used by injections '
                    'for specifying spin vectors. LAL versions after summer '
                    '2015 should use the orbit convention, which is the '
                    'default choice here.')
parser.add_argument('--hdf-out', help='HDF file to save curve data')
parser.add_argument('--f-lower', default=20, type=float, help='Low frequency '
                    'cutoff for calculating template durations')

args = parser.parse_args()

if len(args.bins) < 2:
    raise RuntimeError("At least 2 injection bin boundaries are required!")

if args.integration_method == 'mc' and (args.distance_param is None or \
                                        args.distribution is None):
    raise RuntimeError("The 'mc' method requires --distance-param and "
                       "--distribution !")
if args.integration_method == 'mc' and args.limits_param is None:
    args.limits_param = args.distance_param

if args.verbose:
    log_level = logging.INFO
    logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(message)s', level=log_level)'Read in the data')
f = h5py.File(args.injection_file, 'r')

time = f['injections/end_time'][:]

# Get the found (at any FAR)/missed injection indices
found = f['found_after_vetoes/injection_index'][:]
missed = f['missed/after_vetoes'][:]

# retrieve injection parameters so we can bin based on them
dist = f['injections/distance'][:]
m1, m2 = f['injections/mass1'][:], f['injections/mass2'][:]
s1z, s2z = f['injections/spin1z'][:], f['injections/spin2z'][:]
s1x, s2x = f['injections/spin1x'][:], f['injections/spin2x'][:]
s1y, s2y = f['injections/spin1y'][:], f['injections/spin2y'][:]
inc = f['injections/inclination'][:]
mchirp, eta = pycbc.pnutils.mass1_mass2_to_mchirp_eta(m1, m2)
if args.bin_type == 'template_duration':
    duration = pycbc.pnutils.get_imr_duration(m1, m2, s1z, s2z, f_low=args.f_lower)
    duration = None

# Dict to hold possible bin types
values = {}
values['mchirp'] = mchirp
values['eta'] = eta
values['total_mass'] = m1 + m2
values['max_mass'] = numpy.maximum(m1, m2)
values['template_duration'] = duration

if args.spin_frame == 'line-of-sight':
    s1 = s1x * numpy.sin(inc) + s1z * numpy.cos(inc)
    s2 = s2x * numpy.sin(inc) + s2z * numpy.cos(inc)
elif args.spin_frame == 'orbit':
    s1, s2 = s1z, s2z
values['spin'] = (m1 * s1 + m2 * s2) / (m1 + m2)

# Legend labels for the binning
labels = {}
labels['mchirp'] = "$ M_{\\rm chirp} \in [%5.2f, %5.2f] M_\odot $"
labels['total_mass'] = "$ M_{\\rm total} \in [%5.2f, %5.2f] M_\odot $"
labels['max_mass'] = "$ {\\rm max}(m_1, m_2) \in [%5.2f, %5.2f] M_\odot $"
labels['spin'] = "$\\chi^{\\parallel}_{\\rm eff} \in [%5.2f, %5.2f] $"
labels['template_duration'] = "$t_{\\rm template} \in [%5.2f, %5.2f] s$"

ylabel = xlabel = ""

if args.sig_type == 'stat':
    sig = f['found_after_vetoes/stat'][:]
    sig_exc = None
    xlabel = 'Ranking Statistic Value'
    if args.sig_bins:
        x_values = [float(v) for v in args.sig_bins]
        x_values = numpy.arange(9, 14, .05)
elif args.sig_type == 'ifar':
    sig = f['found_after_vetoes/ifar'][:]
    sig_exc = f['found_after_vetoes/ifar_exc'][:]
    xlabel = 'Inverse False Alarm Rate (years)'
    if args.sig_bins:
        x_values = [float(v) for v in args.sig_bins]
        x_values = 10 ** (numpy.arange(0, 4, .05))
elif args.sig_type == 'fap':
    sig = f['found_after_vetoes/fap'][:]
    sig_exc = f['found_after_vetoes/fap_exc'][:]
    xlabel = 'False Alarm Probability'
    if args.sig_bins:
        x_values = [float(v) for v in args.sig_bins]
        x_values = 10.0 ** -numpy.arange(1, 7)

color=iter(cm.rainbow(numpy.linspace(0, 1, len(args.bins)-1)))
fvalues = [sig, sig_exc]
do_labels = [True, False]
alphas = [.8, .3]

if args.hdf_out:
    plotdict = {}
    plotdict['xvals'] = x_values

fig = pylab.figure()
# Plot each injection parameter bin
for j in range(len(args.bins)-1):
    c = next(color)

    # Plot both the inclusive and exclusive significance
    for sig_val, do_label, alpha in zip(fvalues, do_labels, alphas):
        if sig_val is None:

        left  = float(args.bins[j])
        right = float(args.bins[j+1])
        binval = values[args.bin_type]

        # Get distance of missed injections within parameter bin
        mbm = numpy.logical_and(binval[missed] > left, binval[missed] < right)
        m_dist = dist[missed][mbm]

        #Abort if the bin has too few triggers to calculate
        if len(m_dist) < 2:

        vols, vol_errors = [], []

        # Calculate each sensitive distance at a given significance threshold
        for x_val in x_values:
            if args.sig_type == 'ifar' or args.sig_type == 'stat':
                foundg = found[sig_val >= x_val]
                foundm = found[sig_val < x_val]
            elif args.sig_type == 'fap':
                foundg = found[sig_val <= x_val]
                foundm = found[sig_val > x_val]

            # get distances that are found within the bin and above the threshold
            mbf = numpy.logical_and(binval[foundg] > left, binval[foundg] < right)
            f_dist = dist[foundg][mbf]

            # get the distances of inj that are below the threshold
            mbfm = numpy.logical_and(binval[foundm] > left, binval[foundm] < right)
            f_distm = dist[foundm][mbfm]

            # add distances of found injections to the missed list
            m_dist_full = numpy.append(m_dist, f_distm)

            # Choose the volume estimation method
            if args.integration_method == 'shell':
                vol, vol_err = sensitivity.volume_shell(f_dist, m_dist_full)
            elif args.integration_method == 'pylal':
                vol, vol_err = sensitivity.volume_binned_pylal(f_dist,
                                             m_dist_full, bins=args.dist_bins)
            elif args.integration_method == 'mc':
                found_mchirp = mchirp[foundg][mbf]
                missed_mchirp = numpy.append(mchirp[missed][mbm], mchirp[foundm][mbfm])

                vol, vol_err = sensitivity.volume_montecarlo(f_dist, m_dist_full,
                      found_mchirp, missed_mchirp, args.distance_param,
                      args.distribution, args.limits_param,
                      args.min_param, args.max_param)


        vols = numpy.array(vols)
        vol_errors = numpy.array(vol_errors)

        if args.dist_type == 'distance':
            ylabel = 'Sensitive Distance (Mpc)'
            reach, ehigh, elow = sensitivity.volume_to_distance_with_errors(vols, vol_errors)
        elif args.dist_type == 'volume':
            ylabel = "Sensitive Volume (Mpc$^3$)"
            reach, ehigh, elow = vols, vol_errors, vol_errors
        elif args.dist_type == 'vt':
            ylabel = "Volume $\\times$ Time (yr Mpc$^3$)"
            pylab.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0))
            # Hard-coded Julian Year
            t = f.attrs['foreground_time_exc'] / (365.25 * 24 * 3600)
            reach, ehigh, elow = vols * t, vol_errors * t, vol_errors * t

        label = labels[args.bin_type] % (left, right) if do_label else None
        pylab.plot(x_values, reach, label=label, c=c)
        pylab.plot(x_values, reach, alpha=alpha, c='black')
        pylab.fill_between(x_values, reach - elow, reach + ehigh,
                           facecolor=c, edgecolor=c, alpha=alpha)
        if label and args.hdf_out:
            plotdict['data/%s' % label] = reach
            plotdict['errorhigh/%s' % label] = ehigh
            plotdict['errorlow/%s' % label] = elow

if args.hdf_out:
    outfile = h5py.File(args.hdf_out,'w')
    for key in plotdict.keys():

ax = pylab.gca()

if args.log_dist:

if args.sig_type != 'stat':

if args.sig_type == 'fap':

if args.min_dist is not None:
if args.max_dist is not None:


pylab.legend(loc='lower left')

pycbc.results.save_fig_with_metadata(fig, args.output_file,
     title="Sensitive %s vs %s: binned by %s using %s method"
            % (args.dist_type.title(), args.sig_type.upper(), 
               args.bin_type, args.integration_method),
     caption="Sensitive %s as a function of Significance:"
             "Lighter lines represent the significance without"
             " including injections in their own background,"
             " while darker lines include each injection"
             " individually in the background. The integration"
             " method used is based on %s." 
             % (args.dist_type.title(), args.integration_method),
     cmd=' '.join(sys.argv))

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