Revision cd641350094f77dc617a1a111b1b1ec024d35d34 authored by Eric Sanford on 01 August 2019, 20:44:54 UTC, committed by Eric Sanford on 01 August 2019, 20:44:54 UTC
1 parent 8328ab7
Tip revision: cd641350094f77dc617a1a111b1b1ec024d35d34 authored by Eric Sanford on 01 August 2019, 20:44:54 UTC
changed left join function from dplyr to plyr package to avoid duplicating ensemble gene rows when there are multiple biomaRt HGNC symbol matches
changed left join function from dplyr to plyr package to avoid duplicating ensemble gene rows when there are multiple biomaRt HGNC symbol matches
Tip revision: cd64135
File | Mode | Size |
geneSymbolConversionTables | ||
.here | -rw-r--r-- | 1 byte |
normalizeMeltedCountsAndAddGeneSymbol.R | -rw-r--r-- | 4.2 KB |
Computing file changes ...