Revision cde00f7757a8867076799593c4e2c5a4d21169e1 authored by Maxime Gimeno on 14 February 2018, 09:38:10 UTC, committed by Sébastien Loriot on 19 February 2018, 17:04:54 UTC
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namespace CGAL {

\mainpage User Manual 
\anchor Chapter_3D_Surface_mesh
\anchor chapterSurface_mesh

\author Mario Botsch, Daniel Sieger, Philipp Moeller and Andreas Fabri

\image html clown_fish.jpg

The class `Surface_mesh` is an implementation of a halfedge data structure 
and can be used to represent a polyhedral surface. 
It is an alternative to the \cgal packages \ref PkgHDSSummary
and \ref PkgPolyhedronSummary.
The main difference is that it is indexed based and not pointer based.
Additionally, the mechanism for adding information to vertices, halfedges,
edges, and faces is much simpler and is done at runtime and not at compile time.

Because the data structure uses integer indices as descriptors for vertices, halfedges,
edges and faces
it has a lower memory footprint than a 64-bit pointer based version.
As the indices are contiguous, they can be used as index into vectors
which store properties.

When elements are removed, they are only marked as removed, and a garbage
collection function must be called to really remove them. 

The class `Surface_mesh` can be used through its class member functions 
as well as through the BGL API as described in the package \ref PkgBGLSummary,
as it is a model of the concepts `MutableFaceGraph` and `FaceListGraph`.
Therefore it is possible to apply the algorithms of the packages 
\ref  PkgSurfaceMeshSimplificationSummary,
\ref PkgSurfaceSegmentationSummary, and \ref PkgSurfaceMeshDeformationSummary  on a surface mesh.

\section sectionSurfaceMeshUsage Usage

The main class `Surface_mesh` provides four nested classes that
represent the basic elements of the halfedge data structure:

- `Surface_mesh::Vertex_index`
- `Surface_mesh::Halfedge_index`
- `Surface_mesh::Face_index`
- `Surface_mesh::Edge_index`

These types are just wrappers for an integer and their
main purpose is to guarantee type safety.  
They are default constructible, which yields an *invalid* element. New
elements can be added and removed to the `Surface_mesh` through a
set of low-level functions which do not maintain connectivity. One
exception is `Surface_mesh::add_face()` which tries to add a new
face to the mesh (defined by a sequence of vertices), and fails, if the
operation is not topologically valid.

typedef Surface_mesh<Point> Mesh;
Mesh m;
Mesh::Vertex_index u = m.add_vertex(Point(0,1,0));
Mesh::Vertex_index v = m.add_vertex(Point(0,0,0));
Mesh::Vertex_index w = m.add_vertex(Point(1,0,0));
m.add_face(u, v, w);

As `Surface_mesh` is index-based `Vertex_index`, `Face_index`, 
`Halfedge_index` and `Edge_index`
don't have member functions to access connectivity or properties.
The functions of the `Surface_mesh` instance they were
created from must be used to obtain that information.

\section sectionSurfaceMeshConnectivity Connectivity 

A surface mesh is an edge-centered data structure capable of
maintaining incidence information of vertices, edges, and faces.  Each
edge is represented by two halfedges with opposite orientation. Each
halfedge stores a reference to an incident face and to an incident
vertex. Additionally, it stores a reference to the next and previous
halfedge incident to its incident face. For each face and each vertex
an incident halfedge is stored. Halfedges do not store the index of
the opposite halfedge, as `Surface_mesh` stores opposite halfedges consecutively
in memory.

The following figure illustrates the functions which allow to navigate 
in a surface mesh:  `Surface_mesh::opposite()`, `Surface_mesh::next()`, 
`Surface_mesh::prev()`, `Surface_mesh::target()`, and 
`Surface_mesh::face()`.  Additionally, the
functions `Surface_mesh::halfedge()` allows to obtain the halfedge
associated to a vertex and to a face.
Alternatively, one may use the free functions with the same names
defined in the package \ref PkgBGLSummary.

Connectivity of halfedges and vertices in a surface mesh seen from outside.
\anchor  SurfaceMeshOrientation
The halfedges incident to a face form a cycle. Depending on from
which side we look at the surface, the sequence of
halfedges appears to be oriented *clockwise* or *counterclockwise*.
When in this manual we speak about the orientation of a traversal
then we look at the surface such that the halfedges around a
face are oriented counterclockwise, as illustrated in

The connectivity does not allow to represent faces with holes.

\section sectionSurfaceMesh_iterators Ranges and Iterators

`Surface_mesh` provides iterator ranges to enumerate all vertices,
halfedges, edges, and faces. It provides member functions
returning ranges of elements which are compatible with the
<a href="">Boost.Range</a>

\subsection iterators_example Example

The following example shows how to obtain the iterator type from 
a range, alternatives for obtaining the begin and end iterator,
and alternatives for range-based loops.


\section sectionSurfaceMesh_circulators Circulators

Circulators around faces and around vertices are provided as class templates 
in the package \ref PkgBGLSummary.

Circulators around faces basically call `Surface_mesh::next()`
in order to go from halfedge to halfedge counterclockwise around the face, and 
when dereferenced return the halfedge or the incident vertex or the opposite face.

- `CGAL::Halfedge_around_face_circulator<Mesh>`
- `CGAL::Vertex_around_face_circulator<Mesh>`
- `CGAL::Face_around_face_circulator<Mesh>`

Circulators around the target vertex of an edge basically
call `Surface_mesh::opposite(Surface_mesh::next())` in order
to go from halfedge to halfedge clockwise around the same target vertex.

- `CGAL::Halfedge_around_target_circulator<Mesh>`
- `CGAL::Vertex_around_target_circulator<Mesh>`
- `CGAL::Face_around_target_circulator<Mesh>`

All circulators model `BidirectionalCirculator`. In addition to that
they also support a conversion to `bool` for more convenient checking
of emptiness.

\subsection circulators_example Example

The following example shows how to enumerate the vertices around the
target of a given halfedge.   The second loop shows that each of 
these circulator types comes with an equivalent iterator and a free
function to create an iterator range.


\section sectionSurfaceMesh_properties Properties

`Surface_mesh` provides a mechanism to specify new properties for
vertices, halfedges, edges, and faces at run-time. Each property is
identified by a string and its key type. All the values of a given property are stored as
consecutive blocks of memory. References to properties are invalidated
whenever new elements of the key type are added to the data-structure
or when the function `Surface_mesh::collect_garbage()` is performed. Properties of
an element will continue to exist after the element has been deleted. Trying to access a property through an invalidated element
will result in undefined behavior.

One property is maintained by default, namely \c "v:point". The value of
this property has to be supplied when adding a new point to the data
structure via `Surface_mesh::add_vertex()`. The property can be
directly accessed using `Surface_mesh::points()` or
`Surface_mesh::point(Surface_mesh::Vertex_index v)`.

When an element is removed, it is only marked as removed, and
it gets really removed when `Surface_mesh::collect_garbage()` is called.
Garbage collection will also really remove the properties
of these elements. 

The connectivity is also stored in properties, namely the properties named 
"v:connectivity", "h:connectivity", and "f:connectivity".
It is quite similar for the marker of deleted element, where we have
"v:removed", "e:removed", and "f:removed". 

\subsection properties_example Example

This example shows how to use the most common features of the property system. 


\section sectionSurfaceMesh_borders Borders

A halfedge stores a reference to a face, its incident face. 
A halfedge `h` is on the border, if it has no incident face, that is if
`sm.face(h) == Surface_mesh::null_face()`.  An edge is on the border,
if any of its halfedges is on the border.  A vertex is on the border,
if any of its incident halfedges is on the border. 

A vertex has only one associated halfedge. If the user takes care that the
associated halfedge is a border halfedge, in case the vertex is on the
border, there is no need to look at all incident halfedges in the
`is_border()` function for vertices. 
In order to only check if the associated halfedge is on the border
the function
`Surface_mesh::is_border(Vertex_index v, bool check_all_incident_halfedges = true)`
must be called with `check_all_incident_halfedges = false`. 

The user is in charge to correctly set the halfedge
associated to a vertex after having applied an operation that might invalidate 
this property.
The functions `Surface_mesh::set_vertex_halfedge_to_border_halfedge(Vertex_index v)`,
`Surface_mesh::set_vertex_halfedge_to_border_halfedge(Halfedge_index h)`, and 
 `Surface_mesh::set_vertex_halfedge_to_border_halfedge()` enable to set the border 
halfedge for a single vertex `v`, for all vertices on the boundary of the
face of `h`, and for all vertices of the surface mesh, respectively.

\section sectionSurfaceMesh_BGL Surface Mesh and the BGL API

The class `Surface_mesh` is a model of the concept 
defined in the Boost Graph Library.  This enables to apply algorithms such
[Dijkstra shortest path](, or
[Kruskal minimum spanning tree](
directly on a surface mesh.

The types and free functions of the BGL API have each a similar type or member function,
for example
| BGL   | %Surface_mesh | Remark |
| :---- | :----        | :---   |
| `boost::graph_traits<G>::%vertex_descriptor` | `Surface_mesh::Vertex_index` | |
| `boost::graph_traits<G>::%edge_descriptor` | `Surface_mesh::Edge_index` | |
| `vertices(const G& g)` | `sm.vertices()` | |
| `edges(const G& g)` | `sm.edges()` | |
| `vd = source(ed,g)` | `vd = sm.source(ed)` | |
| na  | `n = sm.number_of_vertices()` | counts non-deleted vertices and has no BGL equivalent |
| `n = num_vertices(g)`  | `n = sm.number_of_vertices() +  sm.number_of_removed_vertices()` | counts used and deleted vertices in order to have an upper bound on the largest vertex index used|

It would be nicer to return the number of vertices without
taking removed vertices into account, but this would interact badly with
the underlying vertex/edge index mappings. The index mapping would no longer 
fall in the range `[0,num_vertices(g))`  which is assumed in many
of the algorithms.

The class `Surface_mesh` is also a model of the concept `MutableFaceGraph` defined
in the package \ref PkgBGLSummary. This and similar concepts like `HalfedgeGraph`
refine the graph concepts of the BGL by introducing the notion of halfedges and faces,
as well as cycles of halfedges around faces and around vertices.
Again, there are similar types and functions, for example:

| BGL   | %Surface_mesh |
| :---- | :----        |
| `boost::graph_traits<G>::%halfedge_descriptor` | `Surface_mesh::Halfedge_index` |
| `boost::graph_traits<G>::%face_descriptor` | `Surface_mesh::Face_index` | 
| `halfedges(const G& g)` | `sm.halfedges()` | 
| `faces(const G& g)` | `sm.faces()` | 
| `hd = next(hd, g)` | `hd =` |
| `hd = prev(hd, g)` | `hd = sm.prev(hd)` |
| `hd = opposite(hd,g)` | `hd = sm.opposite(hd)` |
| `hd = halfedge(vd,g)` | `hd = sm.halfedge(vd)` |
| etc. | |

The BGL API described
in the package \ref PkgBGLSummary enables us to write geometric algorithms operating
on surface meshes, that work for any model of `FaceGraph`, or
`MutableFaceGraph`. That is surface mesh simplification, deformation,
or segmentation algorithms work for `Surface_mesh` and `Polyhedron_3`.

BGL algorithms use property maps in order to associate information
to vertices and edges. One important property is the index, an integer
between `0` and `num_vertices(g)` for the vertices of a graph `g`.
This allows algorithms to create a vector of the approriate size
in order to store per vertex information. For example a Boolean
for storing if a vertex has already been visited during a graph traversal.

The BGL way of retrieving the vertex index property map of a graph `g` is
`vipm = get(boost::vertex_index, g)`, and `get(vipm, vd)` in order then
to retrieve the index for a vertex descriptor `vd`, and it is  
`get(vertex_index, g, vd)` to obtain the vertex index directly.

\subsection SubsectionSurfaceMeshBglExample Example

The first example shows that we can apply Kruskal's 
minimum spanning tree algorithm directly on a surface mesh.


The second example shows how we can use property maps for 
algorithms such as Prim's minimum spanning tree.
The algorithm internally also uses a <em>vertex index property map</em>
calling `get(boost::vertex_index_t,sm)`.  For the class `Surface_mesh`
this boils down to an identity function as vertices \em are indices.


\section sectionSurfaceMesh_memory Memory Managment

Memory management is semi-automatic. Memory grows as more elements are
added to the structure but does not shrink when elements are

When you add elements and the capacity of the underlying vector
is exhausted, the vector reallocates memory. As descriptors are
basically indices, they refer to the same element after a reallocation.

When you remove an element it is only marked as removed.
Internally it is put in a free list, and when you add elements to 
the surface mesh, they are taken from the free list in case it is 
not empty. 

For all elements we offer a function to obtain the number of 
used elements, as well as the number of used and removed elements.
For vertices the functions are `Surface_mesh::number_of_vertices()`
and `Surface_mesh::number_of_removed_vertices()`, respectively. 
The first function is slightly different from the free function 
`num_vertices(const G&)` of the BGL package. 
As BGL style algorithms use the indices of elements
to access data in temporary vectors of size `num_vertices()`
this function must return a number larger than the largest index of 
the elements.

Iterators like the `Surface_mesh::Vertex_iterator` only enumerate
elements that are not marked as deleted. 

To really shrink the used memory, `Surface_mesh::collect_garbage()`
must be called.  Garbage collection also compacts the properties
associated with the surface mesh.

Note however that by garbage collecting elements get new indices.
In case you keep vertex descriptors they are most probably no longer 
refering to the right vertices. 

\subsection SubsectionSurfaceMeshMemoryManagementExample Example

\section sectionSurfaceMeshImplementation Implementation Details

As integer type for the indices we have chosen `boost::uint32_t`. On 64 bit operating systems they
take only half the size of a pointer. They still allow to have meshes with 2 billion elements.

We use `std::vector` for storing properties. So by accessing the adress 
of the 0th element of a property map you can access the underlying 
raw array. This may be useful, for example for passing an array
of points to OpenGL.

We use a \em freelist for removed elements. This mean when a vertex gets removed
and later `add_vertex` is called, the memory of the removed element is reused.
This especially means that the n'th inserted element has not necessarily the index `n-1`,
and when iterating over elements they will not be enumerated in the insertion order.

\section sectionSurfaceMeshHistory Implementation History

This package is derived from an early version of Daniel Sieger and Mario Botsch package 
<a href=""><em>%Surface_mesh</em></a>
which is inspired from the design of <a href="">OpenMesh</a> and the \cgal package 
\ref PkgPolyhedronSummary.

Philipp Moeller and Andreas Fabri worked on the code so that iterators
fulfill the requirements of the \stl iterator concepts, and
changed the API so that it becomes a model of the concepts `MutableFaceGraph`
and `FaceListGraph` of the package \ref PkgBGLSummary.


} /* namespace CGAL */
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