Revision ce767b8efdf56a4a1796e7742fc1ba7b7710a30a authored by Dmitri Gribenko on 21 January 2016, 22:29:30 UTC, committed by Dmitri Gribenko on 21 January 2016, 22:30:05 UTC
1 parent 4a74e2e
Raw File
//===--- Lexer.cpp - Swift Language Lexer ---------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
//  This file implements the Lexer and Token interfaces.

#include "swift/Parse/Lexer.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsParse.h"
#include "swift/AST/Identifier.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Fallthrough.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LangOptions.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
// FIXME: Figure out if this can be migrated to LLVM.
#include "clang/Basic/CharInfo.h"

using namespace swift;

// clang::isIdentifierHead and clang::isIdentifierBody are deliberately not in
// this list as a reminder that they are using C rules for identifiers.
// (Admittedly these are the same as Swift's right now.)
using clang::isAlphanumeric;
using clang::isDigit;
using clang::isHexDigit;
using clang::isHorizontalWhitespace;
using clang::isPrintable;
using clang::isWhitespace;

// UTF8 Validation/Encoding/Decoding helper functions

/// EncodeToUTF8 - Encode the specified code point into a UTF8 stream.  Return
/// true if it is an erroneous code point.
static bool EncodeToUTF8(unsigned CharValue,
                         SmallVectorImpl<char> &Result) {
  assert(CharValue >= 0x80 && "Single-byte encoding should be already handled");
  // Number of bits in the value, ignoring leading zeros.
  unsigned NumBits = 32-llvm::countLeadingZeros(CharValue);

  // Handle the leading byte, based on the number of bits in the value.
  unsigned NumTrailingBytes;
  if (NumBits <= 5+6) {
    // Encoding is 0x110aaaaa 10bbbbbb
    Result.push_back(char(0xC0 | (CharValue >> 6)));
    NumTrailingBytes = 1;
  } else if (NumBits <= 4+6+6) {
    // Encoding is 0x1110aaaa 10bbbbbb 10cccccc
    Result.push_back(char(0xE0 | (CharValue >> (6+6))));
    NumTrailingBytes = 2;

    // UTF-16 surrogate pair values are not valid code points.
    if (CharValue >= 0xD800 && CharValue <= 0xDFFF)
      return true;
    // U+FDD0...U+FDEF are also reserved
    if (CharValue >= 0xFDD0 && CharValue <= 0xFDEF)
      return true;
  } else if (NumBits <= 3+6+6+6) {
    // Encoding is 0x11110aaa 10bbbbbb 10cccccc 10dddddd
    Result.push_back(char(0xF0 | (CharValue >> (6+6+6))));
    NumTrailingBytes = 3;
    // Reject over-large code points.  These cannot be encoded as UTF-16
    // surrogate pairs, so UTF-32 doesn't allow them.
    if (CharValue > 0x10FFFF)
      return true;
  } else {
    return true;  // UTF8 can encode these, but they aren't valid code points.
  // Emit all of the trailing bytes.
  while (NumTrailingBytes--)
    Result.push_back(char(0x80 | (0x3F & (CharValue >> (NumTrailingBytes*6)))));
  return false;

/// CLO8 - Return the number of leading ones in the specified 8-bit value.
static unsigned CLO8(unsigned char C) {
  return llvm::countLeadingOnes(uint32_t(C) << 24);

/// isStartOfUTF8Character - Return true if this isn't a UTF8 continuation
/// character, which will be of the form 0b10XXXXXX
static bool isStartOfUTF8Character(unsigned char C) {
  return (signed char)C >= 0 || C >= 0xC0;  // C0 = 0b11000000

/// validateUTF8CharacterAndAdvance - Given a pointer to the starting byte of a
/// UTF8 character, validate it and advance the lexer past it.  This returns the
/// encoded character or ~0U if the encoding is invalid.
static uint32_t validateUTF8CharacterAndAdvance(const char *&Ptr,
                                                const char *End) {
  if (Ptr >= End)
    return ~0U;
  unsigned char CurByte = *Ptr++;
  if (CurByte < 0x80)
    return CurByte;
  // Read the number of high bits set, which indicates the number of bytes in
  // the character.
  unsigned EncodedBytes = CLO8(CurByte);
  // If this is 0b10XXXXXX, then it is a continuation character.
  if (EncodedBytes == 1 ||
      // If the number of encoded bytes is > 4, then this is an invalid
      // character in the range of 0xF5 and above.  These would start an
      // encoding for something that couldn't be represented with UTF16
      // digraphs, so Unicode rejects them.
      EncodedBytes > 4) {
    // Skip until we get the start of another character.  This is guaranteed to
    // at least stop at the nul at the end of the buffer.
    while (Ptr < End && !isStartOfUTF8Character(*Ptr))
    return ~0U;
  // Drop the high bits indicating the # bytes of the result.
  unsigned CharValue = (unsigned char)(CurByte << EncodedBytes) >> EncodedBytes;
  // Read and validate the continuation bytes.
  for (unsigned i = 1; i != EncodedBytes; ++i) {
    if (Ptr >= End)
      return ~0U;
    CurByte = *Ptr;
    // If the high bit isn't set or the second bit isn't clear, then this is not
    // a continuation byte!
    if (CurByte < 0x80 || CurByte >= 0xC0) return ~0U;
    // Accumulate our result.
    CharValue <<= 6;
    CharValue |= CurByte & 0x3F;
  // UTF-16 surrogate pair values are not valid code points.
  if (CharValue >= 0xD800 && CharValue <= 0xDFFF)
    return ~0U;
  // If we got here, we read the appropriate number of accumulated bytes.
  // Verify that the encoding was actually minimal.
  // Number of bits in the value, ignoring leading zeros.
  unsigned NumBits = 32-llvm::countLeadingZeros(CharValue);
  if (NumBits <= 5+6)
    return EncodedBytes == 2 ? CharValue : ~0U;
  if (NumBits <= 4+6+6)
    return EncodedBytes == 3 ? CharValue : ~0U;
  return EncodedBytes == 4 ? CharValue : ~0U;

// Setup and Helper Methods

Lexer::Lexer(const LangOptions &Options,
             const SourceManager &SM, DiagnosticEngine *Diags,
             unsigned BufferID, bool InSILMode,
             CommentRetentionMode RetainComments)
    : LangOpts(Options), SourceMgr(SM), Diags(Diags), BufferID(BufferID),
      InSILMode(InSILMode), RetainComments(RetainComments) {
  // Initialize buffer pointers.
  StringRef contents = SM.extractText(SM.getRangeForBuffer(BufferID));
  BufferStart =;
  BufferEnd = + contents.size();
  CurPtr = BufferStart;

  // Initialize code completion.
  if (BufferID == SM.getCodeCompletionBufferID()) {
    const char *Ptr = BufferStart + SM.getCodeCompletionOffset();
    if (Ptr >= BufferStart && Ptr <= BufferEnd)
      CodeCompletionPtr = Ptr;

void Lexer::primeLexer() {
  assert((NextToken.isAtStartOfLine() || CurPtr != BufferStart) &&
         "The token should be at the beginning of the line, "
         "or we should be lexing from the middle of the buffer");

void Lexer::initSubLexer(Lexer &Parent, State BeginState, State EndState) {
  assert(BufferID == SourceMgr.findBufferContainingLoc(BeginState.Loc) &&
         "state for the wrong buffer");
  assert(BufferID == SourceMgr.findBufferContainingLoc(EndState.Loc) &&
         "state for the wrong buffer");

  // If the parent lexer should stop prematurely, and the ArtificialEOF
  // position is in this subrange, then we should stop at that point, too.
  const char *BeginStatePtr = getBufferPtrForSourceLoc(BeginState.Loc);
  const char *EndStatePtr = getBufferPtrForSourceLoc(EndState.Loc);
  if (Parent.ArtificialEOF &&
      Parent.ArtificialEOF >= BeginStatePtr &&
      Parent.ArtificialEOF <= EndStatePtr) {
    ArtificialEOF = Parent.ArtificialEOF;
  } else
    ArtificialEOF = EndStatePtr;


InFlightDiagnostic Lexer::diagnose(const char *Loc, Diagnostic Diag) {
  if (Diags)
    return Diags->diagnose(getSourceLoc(Loc), Diag);
  return InFlightDiagnostic();

Token Lexer::getTokenAt(SourceLoc Loc) {
  assert(BufferID == static_cast<unsigned>(
                         SourceMgr.findBufferContainingLoc(Loc)) &&
         "location from the wrong buffer");

  Lexer L(LangOpts, SourceMgr, BufferID, Diags, InSILMode,
  Token Result;
  return Result;

void Lexer::formToken(tok Kind, const char *TokStart) {
  assert(CurPtr >= BufferStart &&
         CurPtr <= BufferEnd && "Current pointer out of range!");

  // When we are lexing a subrange from the middle of a file buffer, we will
  // run past the end of the range, but will stay within the file.  Check if
  // we are past the imaginary EOF, and synthesize a tok::eof in this case.
  if (Kind != tok::eof && ArtificialEOF && TokStart >= ArtificialEOF) {
    Kind = tok::eof;
  unsigned CommentLength = 0;
  if (RetainComments == CommentRetentionMode::AttachToNextToken && SeenComment)
    CommentLength = TokStart - LastCommentBlockStart;

  NextToken.setToken(Kind, StringRef(TokStart, CurPtr-TokStart),

Lexer::State Lexer::getStateForBeginningOfTokenLoc(SourceLoc Loc) const {
  const char *Ptr = getBufferPtrForSourceLoc(Loc);
  // Skip whitespace backwards until we hit a newline.  This is needed to
  // correctly lex the token if it is at the beginning of the line.
  while (Ptr >= BufferStart + 1) {
    char C = Ptr[-1];
    if (C == ' ' || C == '\t') {
    if (C == 0) {
      // A NUL character can be either whitespace we diagnose or a code
      // completion token.
      if (Ptr - 1 == CodeCompletionPtr)
    if (C == '\n' || C == '\r') {
  return State(SourceLoc(llvm::SMLoc::getFromPointer(Ptr)));

// Lexer Subroutines

static void diagnoseEmbeddedNul(DiagnosticEngine *Diags, const char *Ptr) {
  assert(Ptr && "invalid source location");
  assert(*Ptr == '\0' && "not an embedded null");

  if (!Diags)

  SourceLoc NulLoc = Lexer::getSourceLoc(Ptr);
  SourceLoc NulEndLoc = Lexer::getSourceLoc(Ptr+1);
  Diags->diagnose(NulLoc, diag::lex_nul_character)
      .fixItRemoveChars(NulLoc, NulEndLoc);

void Lexer::skipToEndOfLine() {
  while (1) {
    switch (*CurPtr++) {
    case '\n':
    case '\r':
      return;  // If we found the end of the line, return.
      // If this is a "high" UTF-8 character, validate it.
      if ((signed char)(CurPtr[-1]) < 0) {
        const char *CharStart = CurPtr;
        if (validateUTF8CharacterAndAdvance(CurPtr, BufferEnd) == ~0U)
          diagnose(CharStart, diag::lex_invalid_utf8);
      break;   // Otherwise, eat other characters.
    case 0:
      // If this is a random nul character in the middle of a buffer, skip it as
      // whitespace.
      if (CurPtr-1 != BufferEnd) {
        diagnoseEmbeddedNul(Diags, CurPtr-1);

      // Otherwise, the last line of the file does not have a newline.

void Lexer::skipSlashSlashComment() {
  assert(CurPtr[-1] == '/' && CurPtr[0] == '/' && "Not a // comment");

void Lexer::skipHashbang() {
  assert(CurPtr == BufferStart && CurPtr[0] == '#' && CurPtr[1] == '!' &&
         "Not a hashbang");

/// skipSlashStarComment - /**/ comments are skipped (treated as whitespace).
/// Note that (unlike in C) block comments can be nested.
void Lexer::skipSlashStarComment() {
  const char *StartPtr = CurPtr-1;
  assert(CurPtr[-1] == '/' && CurPtr[0] == '*' && "Not a /* comment");
  // Make sure to advance over the * so that we don't incorrectly handle /*/ as
  // the beginning and end of the comment.
  // /**/ comments can be nested, keep track of how deep we've gone.
  unsigned Depth = 1;
  while (1) {
    switch (*CurPtr++) {
    case '*':
      // Check for a '*/'
      if (*CurPtr == '/') {
        if (--Depth == 0)
    case '/':
      // Check for a '/*'
      if (*CurPtr == '*') {

    case '\n':
    case '\r':

      // If this is a "high" UTF-8 character, validate it.
      if ((signed char)(CurPtr[-1]) < 0) {
        const char *CharStart = CurPtr;
        if (validateUTF8CharacterAndAdvance(CurPtr, BufferEnd) == ~0U)
          diagnose(CharStart, diag::lex_invalid_utf8);

      break;   // Otherwise, eat other characters.
    case 0:
      // If this is a random nul character in the middle of a buffer, skip it as
      // whitespace.
      if (CurPtr-1 != BufferEnd) {
        diagnoseEmbeddedNul(Diags, CurPtr-1);
      // Otherwise, we have an unterminated /* comment.

      // Count how many levels deep we are.
      llvm::SmallString<8> Terminator("*/");
      while (--Depth != 0)
        Terminator += "*/";

      const char *EOL = (CurPtr[-1] == '\n') ? (CurPtr - 1) : CurPtr;
      diagnose(EOL, diag::lex_unterminated_block_comment)
        .fixItInsert(getSourceLoc(EOL), Terminator);
      diagnose(StartPtr, diag::lex_comment_start);

static bool isValidIdentifierContinuationCodePoint(uint32_t c) {
  if (c < 0x80)
    return clang::isIdentifierBody(c, /*dollar*/true);
  // N1518: Recommendations for extended identifier characters for C and C++
  // Proposed Annex X.1: Ranges of characters allowed
  return c == 0x00A8 || c == 0x00AA || c == 0x00AD || c == 0x00AF
    || (c >= 0x00B2 && c <= 0x00B5) || (c >= 0x00B7 && c <= 0x00BA)
    || (c >= 0x00BC && c <= 0x00BE) || (c >= 0x00C0 && c <= 0x00D6)
    || (c >= 0x00D8 && c <= 0x00F6) || (c >= 0x00F8 && c <= 0x00FF)
    || (c >= 0x0100 && c <= 0x167F)
    || (c >= 0x1681 && c <= 0x180D)
    || (c >= 0x180F && c <= 0x1FFF)
    || (c >= 0x200B && c <= 0x200D)
    || (c >= 0x202A && c <= 0x202E)
    || (c >= 0x203F && c <= 0x2040)
    || c == 0x2054
    || (c >= 0x2060 && c <= 0x206F)
    || (c >= 0x2070 && c <= 0x218F)
    || (c >= 0x2460 && c <= 0x24FF)
    || (c >= 0x2776 && c <= 0x2793)
    || (c >= 0x2C00 && c <= 0x2DFF)
    || (c >= 0x2E80 && c <= 0x2FFF)
    || (c >= 0x3004 && c <= 0x3007)
    || (c >= 0x3021 && c <= 0x302F)
    || (c >= 0x3031 && c <= 0x303F)
    || (c >= 0x3040 && c <= 0xD7FF)
    || (c >= 0xF900 && c <= 0xFD3D)
    || (c >= 0xFD40 && c <= 0xFDCF)
    || (c >= 0xFDF0 && c <= 0xFE44)
    || (c >= 0xFE47 && c <= 0xFFF8)
    || (c >= 0x10000 && c <= 0x1FFFD)
    || (c >= 0x20000 && c <= 0x2FFFD)
    || (c >= 0x30000 && c <= 0x3FFFD)
    || (c >= 0x40000 && c <= 0x4FFFD)
    || (c >= 0x50000 && c <= 0x5FFFD)
    || (c >= 0x60000 && c <= 0x6FFFD)
    || (c >= 0x70000 && c <= 0x7FFFD)
    || (c >= 0x80000 && c <= 0x8FFFD)
    || (c >= 0x90000 && c <= 0x9FFFD)
    || (c >= 0xA0000 && c <= 0xAFFFD)
    || (c >= 0xB0000 && c <= 0xBFFFD)
    || (c >= 0xC0000 && c <= 0xCFFFD)
    || (c >= 0xD0000 && c <= 0xDFFFD)
    || (c >= 0xE0000 && c <= 0xEFFFD);
static bool isValidIdentifierStartCodePoint(uint32_t c) {
  if (!isValidIdentifierContinuationCodePoint(c))
    return false;
  if (c < 0x80 && (isDigit(c) || c == '$'))
    return false;

  // N1518: Recommendations for extended identifier characters for C and C++
  // Proposed Annex X.2: Ranges of characters disallowed initially
  if ((c >= 0x0300 && c <= 0x036F) ||
      (c >= 0x1DC0 && c <= 0x1DFF) ||
      (c >= 0x20D0 && c <= 0x20FF) ||
      (c >= 0xFE20 && c <= 0xFE2F))
    return false;
  return true;

static bool advanceIf(char const *&ptr, char const *end,
                      bool (*predicate)(uint32_t)) {
  char const *next = ptr;
  uint32_t c = validateUTF8CharacterAndAdvance(next, end);
  if (c == ~0U)
    return false;
  if (predicate(c)) {
    ptr = next;
    return true;
  return false;


static bool advanceIfValidStartOfIdentifier(char const *&ptr,
                                            char const *end) {
  return advanceIf(ptr, end, isValidIdentifierStartCodePoint);

static bool advanceIfValidContinuationOfIdentifier(char const *&ptr,
                                                   char const *end) {
  return advanceIf(ptr, end, isValidIdentifierContinuationCodePoint);

static bool advanceIfValidStartOfOperator(char const *&ptr,
                                          char const *end) {
  return advanceIf(ptr, end, Identifier::isOperatorStartCodePoint);

static bool advanceIfValidContinuationOfOperator(char const *&ptr,
                                                 char const *end) {
  return advanceIf(ptr, end, Identifier::isOperatorContinuationCodePoint);

bool Lexer::isIdentifier(StringRef string) {
  if (string.empty()) return false;
  char const *p =, *end = string.end();
  if (!advanceIfValidStartOfIdentifier(p, end))
    return false;
  while (p < end && advanceIfValidContinuationOfIdentifier(p, end));
  return p == end;

/// \brief Determines if the given string is a valid operator identifier,
/// without escaping characters.
bool Lexer::isOperator(StringRef string) {
  if (string.empty()) return false;
  char const *p =, *end = string.end();
  if (!advanceIfValidStartOfOperator(p, end))
    return false;
  while (p < end && advanceIfValidContinuationOfOperator(p, end));
  return p == end;

tok Lexer::kindOfIdentifier(StringRef Str, bool InSILMode) {
  tok Kind = llvm::StringSwitch<tok>(Str)
#define KEYWORD(kw) \
    .Case(#kw, tok::kw_##kw)
#include "swift/Parse/Tokens.def"

  // These keywords are only active in SIL mode.
  if ((Kind == tok::kw_sil || Kind == tok::kw_sil_stage ||
       Kind == tok::kw_sil_vtable || Kind == tok::kw_sil_global ||
       Kind == tok::kw_sil_witness_table || Kind == tok::kw_sil_coverage_map ||
       Kind == tok::kw_undef) &&
    Kind = tok::identifier;
  return Kind;

/// lexIdentifier - Match [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*
void Lexer::lexIdentifier() {
  const char *TokStart = CurPtr-1;
  CurPtr = TokStart;
  bool didStart = advanceIfValidStartOfIdentifier(CurPtr, BufferEnd);
  assert(didStart && "Unexpected start");
  (void) didStart;

  // Lex [a-zA-Z_$0-9[[:XID_Continue:]]]*
  while (advanceIfValidContinuationOfIdentifier(CurPtr, BufferEnd));

  tok Kind = kindOfIdentifier(StringRef(TokStart, CurPtr-TokStart), InSILMode);
  return formToken(Kind, TokStart);

/// Is the operator beginning at the given character "left-bound"?
static bool isLeftBound(const char *tokBegin, const char *bufferBegin) {
  // The first character in the file is not left-bound.
  if (tokBegin == bufferBegin) return false;

  switch (tokBegin[-1]) {
  case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case '\t': // whitespace
  case '(': case '[': case '{':              // opening delimiters
  case ',': case ';': case ':':              // expression separators
  case '\0':                                 // whitespace / last char in file
    return false;

    return true;

/// Is the operator ending at the given character (actually one past the end)
/// "right-bound"?
static bool isRightBound(const char *tokEnd, bool isLeftBound) {
  switch (*tokEnd) {
  case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case '\t': // whitespace
  case ')': case ']': case '}':              // closing delimiters
  case ',': case ';': case ':':              // expression separators
  case '\0':                                 // whitespace / last char in file
    return false;

  case '.':
    // Prefer the '^' in "x^.y" to be a postfix op, not binary, but the '^' in
    // "^.y" to be a prefix op, not binary.
    return !isLeftBound;

    return true;

/// lexOperatorIdentifier - Match identifiers formed out of punctuation.
void Lexer::lexOperatorIdentifier() {
  const char *TokStart = CurPtr-1;
  CurPtr = TokStart;
  bool didStart = advanceIfValidStartOfOperator(CurPtr, BufferEnd);
  assert(didStart && "unexpected operator start");
  (void) didStart;
  do {
    if (CurPtr != BufferEnd && InSILBody &&
        (*CurPtr == '!' || *CurPtr == '?'))
      // When parsing SIL body, '!' and '?' are special token and can't be
      // in the middle of an operator.

    // '.' cannot appear in the middle of an operator unless the operator
    // started with a '.'.
    if (*CurPtr == '.' && *TokStart != '.')
  } while (advanceIfValidContinuationOfOperator(CurPtr, BufferEnd));

  // Decide between the binary, prefix, and postfix cases.
  // It's binary if either both sides are bound or both sides are not bound.
  // Otherwise, it's postfix if left-bound and prefix if right-bound.
  bool leftBound = isLeftBound(TokStart, BufferStart);
  bool rightBound = isRightBound(CurPtr, leftBound);

  // Match various reserved words.
  if (CurPtr-TokStart == 1) {
    switch (TokStart[0]) {
    case '=':
      if (leftBound != rightBound) {
        auto d = diagnose(TokStart, diag::lex_unary_equal);
        if (leftBound)
          d.fixItInsert(getSourceLoc(TokStart), " ");
          d.fixItInsert(getSourceLoc(TokStart+1), " ");
      // always emit 'tok::equal' to avoid trickle down parse errors
      return formToken(tok::equal, TokStart);
    case '&':
      if (leftBound == rightBound || leftBound)
      return formToken(tok::amp_prefix, TokStart);
    case '.': {
      if (leftBound == rightBound)
        return formToken(tok::period, TokStart);
      if (rightBound)
        return formToken(tok::period_prefix, TokStart);
      // If left bound but not right bound, handle some likely situations.
      // If there is just some horizontal whitespace before the next token, its
      // addition is probably incorrect.
      const char *AfterHorzWhitespace = CurPtr;
      while (*AfterHorzWhitespace == ' ' || *AfterHorzWhitespace == '\t')
      // First, when we are code completing "x.<ESC>", then make sure to return
      // a tok::period, since that is what the user is wanting to know about.
      // FIXME: isRightBound should consider this to be right bound.
      if (*AfterHorzWhitespace == '\0' &&
          AfterHorzWhitespace == CodeCompletionPtr) {
        diagnose(TokStart, diag::expected_member_name);
        return formToken(tok::period, TokStart);
      if (isRightBound(AfterHorzWhitespace, leftBound) &&
          // Don't consider comments to be this.  A leading slash is probably
          // either // or /* and most likely occurs just in our testsuite for
          // expected-error lines.
          *AfterHorzWhitespace != '/') {
        diagnose(TokStart, diag::extra_whitespace_period)
        return formToken(tok::period, TokStart);

      // Otherwise, it is probably a missing member.
      diagnose(TokStart, diag::expected_member_name);
      //return formToken(tok::unknown, TokStart);
      return lexImpl();
    case '?':
      if (leftBound)
        return formToken(tok::question_postfix, TokStart);
      return formToken(tok::question_infix, TokStart);
  } else if (CurPtr-TokStart == 2) {
    switch ((TokStart[0] << 8) | TokStart[1]) {
    case ('-' << 8) | '>': // ->
      return formToken(tok::arrow, TokStart);
    case ('*' << 8) | '/': // */
      diagnose(TokStart, diag::lex_unexpected_block_comment_end);
      return formToken(tok::unknown, TokStart);
  } else {
    // If there is a "//" in the middle of an identifier token, it starts
    // a single-line comment.
    auto Pos = StringRef(TokStart, CurPtr-TokStart).find("//");
    if (Pos != StringRef::npos)
      CurPtr = TokStart+Pos;

    // If there is a "/*" in the middle of an identifier token, it starts
    // a multi-line comment.
    Pos = StringRef(TokStart, CurPtr-TokStart).find("/*");
    if (Pos != StringRef::npos)
      CurPtr = TokStart+Pos;

    // Verify there is no "*/" in the middle of the identifier token, we reject
    // it as potentially ending a block comment.
    Pos = StringRef(TokStart, CurPtr-TokStart).find("*/");
    if (Pos != StringRef::npos) {
      diagnose(TokStart+Pos, diag::lex_unexpected_block_comment_end);
      return formToken(tok::unknown, TokStart);

  if (leftBound == rightBound)
    return formToken(leftBound ? tok::oper_binary_unspaced :
                                 tok::oper_binary_spaced, TokStart);

  return formToken(leftBound ? tok::oper_postfix : tok::oper_prefix, TokStart);

/// lexDollarIdent - Match $[0-9a-zA-Z_$]*
void Lexer::lexDollarIdent() {
  const char *tokStart = CurPtr-1;
  assert(*tokStart == '$');

  // In a SIL function body, '$' is a token by itself.
  if (InSILBody)
    return formToken(tok::sil_dollar, tokStart);

  bool isAllDigits = true;
  for (;; ++CurPtr) {
    if (isDigit(*CurPtr)) {
      // continue
    } else if (clang::isIdentifierHead(*CurPtr, /*dollar*/true)) {
      isAllDigits = false;
      // continue
    } else {

  // It's always an error to see a standalone $, and we reserve
  // $nonNumeric for persistent bindings in the debugger.
  if (CurPtr == tokStart + 1 || !isAllDigits) {
    if (!isAllDigits && !LangOpts.EnableDollarIdentifiers)
      diagnose(tokStart, diag::expected_dollar_numeric);

    // Even if we diagnose, we go ahead and form an identifier token,
    // in part to ensure that the basic behavior of the lexer is
    // independent of language mode.
    return formToken(tok::identifier, tokStart);
  } else {
    return formToken(tok::dollarident, tokStart);

void Lexer::lexHexNumber() {
  // We assume we're starting from the 'x' in a '0x...' floating-point literal.
  assert(*CurPtr == 'x' && "not a hex literal");
  const char *TokStart = CurPtr-1;
  assert(*TokStart == '0' && "not a hex literal");

  // 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*
  if (!isHexDigit(*CurPtr)) {
    diagnose(CurPtr, diag::lex_expected_digit_in_int_literal);
    while (advanceIfValidContinuationOfIdentifier(CurPtr, BufferEnd));
    return formToken(tok::unknown, TokStart);
  while (isHexDigit(*CurPtr) || *CurPtr == '_')
  if (CurPtr - TokStart == 2) {
    diagnose(CurPtr, diag::lex_expected_digit_in_int_literal);
    while (advanceIfValidContinuationOfIdentifier(CurPtr, BufferEnd));
    return formToken(tok::unknown, TokStart);
  if (*CurPtr != '.' && *CurPtr != 'p' && *CurPtr != 'P')
    return formToken(tok::integer_literal, TokStart);
  // (\.[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f_]*)?
  if (*CurPtr == '.') {
    // If the character after the '.' is not a digit, assume we have an int
    // literal followed by a dot expression.
    if (!isHexDigit(*CurPtr)) {
      return formToken(tok::integer_literal, TokStart);
    while (isHexDigit(*CurPtr) || *CurPtr == '_')
    if (*CurPtr != 'p' && *CurPtr != 'P') {
      diagnose(CurPtr, diag::lex_expected_binary_exponent_in_hex_float_literal);
      return formToken(tok::unknown, TokStart);
  // [pP][+-]?[0-9][0-9_]*
  assert(*CurPtr == 'p' || *CurPtr == 'P' && "not at a hex float exponent?!");
  if (*CurPtr == '+' || *CurPtr == '-')
    ++CurPtr;  // Eat the sign.

  if (!isDigit(*CurPtr)) {
    diagnose(CurPtr, diag::lex_expected_digit_in_fp_exponent);
    return formToken(tok::unknown, TokStart);
  while (isDigit(*CurPtr) || *CurPtr == '_')

  return formToken(tok::floating_literal, TokStart);

/// lexNumber:
///   integer_literal  ::= [0-9][0-9_]*
///   integer_literal  ::= 0x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*
///   integer_literal  ::= 0o[0-7][0-7_]*
///   integer_literal  ::= 0b[01][01_]*
///   floating_literal ::= [0-9][0-9]_*\.[0-9][0-9_]*
///   floating_literal ::= [0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9_]*[eE][+-]?[0-9][0-9_]*
///   floating_literal ::= [0-9][0-9_]*[eE][+-]?[0-9][0-9_]*
///   floating_literal ::= 0x[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f_]*
///                          (\.[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f_]*)?[pP][+-]?[0-9][0-9_]*
void Lexer::lexNumber() {
  const char *TokStart = CurPtr-1;
  assert((isDigit(*TokStart) || *TokStart == '.') && "Unexpected start");
  auto expected_digit = [&](const char *loc, Diag<> msg) {
    diagnose(loc, msg);
    while (advanceIfValidContinuationOfIdentifier(CurPtr, BufferEnd));
    return formToken(tok::unknown, TokStart);

  if (*TokStart == '0' && *CurPtr == 'x')
    return lexHexNumber();
  if (*TokStart == '0' && *CurPtr == 'o') {
    // 0o[0-7][0-7_]*
    if (*CurPtr < '0' || *CurPtr > '7')
      return expected_digit(CurPtr, diag::lex_expected_digit_in_int_literal);
    while ((*CurPtr >= '0' && *CurPtr <= '7') || *CurPtr == '_')
    if (CurPtr - TokStart == 2)
      return expected_digit(CurPtr, diag::lex_expected_digit_in_int_literal);
    return formToken(tok::integer_literal, TokStart);
  if (*TokStart == '0' && *CurPtr == 'b') {
    // 0b[01][01_]*
    if (*CurPtr != '0' && *CurPtr != '1')
      return expected_digit(CurPtr, diag::lex_expected_digit_in_int_literal);
    while (*CurPtr == '0' || *CurPtr == '1' || *CurPtr == '_')
    if (CurPtr - TokStart == 2)
      return expected_digit(CurPtr, diag::lex_expected_digit_in_int_literal);
    return formToken(tok::integer_literal, TokStart);

  // Handle a leading [0-9]+, lexing an integer or falling through if we have a
  // floating point value.
  while (isDigit(*CurPtr) || *CurPtr == '_')

  // Lex things like 4.x as '4' followed by a tok::period.
  if (*CurPtr == '.') {
    // NextToken is the soon to be previous token
    // Therefore: x.0.1 is sub-tuple access, not x.float_literal
    if (!isDigit(CurPtr[1]) ||
      return formToken(tok::integer_literal, TokStart);
  } else {
    // Floating literals must have '.', 'e', or 'E' after digits.  If it is
    // something else, then this is the end of the token.
    if (*CurPtr != 'e' && *CurPtr != 'E') {
      char const *tmp = CurPtr;
      if (advanceIfValidContinuationOfIdentifier(CurPtr, BufferEnd))
        return expected_digit(tmp, diag::lex_expected_digit_in_int_literal);

      return formToken(tok::integer_literal, TokStart);

  // Lex decimal point.
  if (*CurPtr == '.') {
    // Lex any digits after the decimal point.
    while (isDigit(*CurPtr) || *CurPtr == '_')
  // Lex exponent.
  if (*CurPtr == 'e' || *CurPtr == 'E') {
    ++CurPtr;  // Eat the 'e'
    if (*CurPtr == '+' || *CurPtr == '-')
      ++CurPtr;  // Eat the sign.
    if (!isDigit(*CurPtr))
      return expected_digit(CurPtr, diag::lex_expected_digit_in_fp_exponent);
    while (isDigit(*CurPtr) || *CurPtr == '_')
  return formToken(tok::floating_literal, TokStart);

///   unicode_character_escape ::= [\]u{hex+}
///   hex                      ::= [0-9a-fA-F]
unsigned Lexer::lexUnicodeEscape(const char *&CurPtr, Lexer *Diags) {
  assert(CurPtr[0] == '{' && "Invalid unicode escape");

  const char *DigitStart = CurPtr;

  unsigned NumDigits = 0;
  for (; isHexDigit(CurPtr[0]); ++NumDigits)

  if (CurPtr[0] != '}') {
    if (Diags)
      Diags->diagnose(CurPtr, diag::lex_invalid_u_escape_rbrace);
    return ~1U;

  if (NumDigits < 1 || NumDigits > 8) {
    if (Diags)
      Diags->diagnose(CurPtr, diag::lex_invalid_u_escape);
    return ~1U;

  unsigned CharValue = 0;
  StringRef(DigitStart, NumDigits).getAsInteger(16, CharValue);
  return CharValue;

/// lexCharacter - Read a character and return its UTF32 code.  If this is the
/// end of enclosing string/character sequence (i.e. the character is equal to
/// 'StopQuote'), this returns ~0U and leaves 'CurPtr' pointing to the terminal
/// quote.  If this is a malformed character sequence, it emits a diagnostic
/// (when EmitDiagnostics is true) and returns ~1U.
///   character_escape  ::= [\][\] | [\]t | [\]n | [\]r | [\]" | [\]' | [\]0
///   character_escape  ::= unicode_character_escape
unsigned Lexer::lexCharacter(const char *&CurPtr, char StopQuote,
                             bool EmitDiagnostics) {
  const char *CharStart = CurPtr;

  switch (*CurPtr++) {
  default: {// Normal characters are part of the string.
    // If this is a "high" UTF-8 character, validate it.
    if ((signed char)(CurPtr[-1]) >= 0) {
      if (isPrintable(CurPtr[-1]) == 0)
        if (EmitDiagnostics)
          diagnose(CharStart, diag::lex_unprintable_ascii_character);
      return CurPtr[-1];
    unsigned CharValue = validateUTF8CharacterAndAdvance(CurPtr, BufferEnd);
    if (CharValue != ~0U) return CharValue;
    if (EmitDiagnostics)
      diagnose(CharStart, diag::lex_invalid_utf8);
    return ~1U;
  case '"':
  case '\'':
    // If we found a closing quote character, we're done.
    if (CurPtr[-1] == StopQuote) {
      return ~0U;
    // Otherwise, this is just a character.
    return CurPtr[-1];
  case 0:
    if (CurPtr-1 != BufferEnd) {
      if (EmitDiagnostics)
        diagnose(CurPtr-1, diag::lex_nul_character);
      return CurPtr[-1];
    // Move the pointer back to EOF.
  case '\n':  // String literals cannot have \n or \r in them.
  case '\r':
    if (EmitDiagnostics)
      diagnose(CurPtr-1, diag::lex_unterminated_string);
    return ~1U;
  case '\\':  // Escapes.
  unsigned CharValue = 0;
  // Escape processing.  We already ate the "\".
  switch (*CurPtr) {
  default:  // Invalid escape.
    if (EmitDiagnostics)
      diagnose(CurPtr, diag::lex_invalid_escape);
    // If this looks like a plausible escape character, recover as though this
    // is an invalid escape.
    if (isAlphanumeric(*CurPtr)) ++CurPtr;
    return ~1U;
  // Simple single-character escapes.
  case '0': ++CurPtr; return '\0';
  case 'n': ++CurPtr; return '\n';
  case 'r': ++CurPtr; return '\r';
  case 't': ++CurPtr; return '\t';
  case '"': ++CurPtr; return '"';
  case '\'': ++CurPtr; return '\'';
  case '\\': ++CurPtr; return '\\';
  case 'u': {  //  \u HEX HEX HEX HEX
    if (*CurPtr != '{') {
      if (EmitDiagnostics)
        diagnose(CurPtr-1, diag::lex_unicode_escape_braces);
      return ~1U;

    CharValue = lexUnicodeEscape(CurPtr, EmitDiagnostics ? this : nullptr);
    if (CharValue == ~1U) return ~1U;

  // Check to see if the encoding is valid.
  llvm::SmallString<64> TempString;
  if (CharValue >= 0x80 && EncodeToUTF8(CharValue, TempString)) {
    if (EmitDiagnostics)
      diagnose(CharStart, diag::lex_invalid_unicode_scalar);
    return ~1U;
  return CharValue;

/// skipToEndOfInterpolatedExpression - Given the first character after a \(
/// sequence in a string literal (the start of an interpolated expression),
/// scan forward to the end of the interpolated expression and return the end.
/// On success, the returned pointer will point to the ')' at the end of the
/// interpolated expression.  On failure, it will point to the first character
/// that cannot be lexed as part of the interpolated expression; this character
/// will never be ')'.
/// This function performs brace and quote matching, keeping a stack of
/// outstanding delimiters as it scans the string.
static const char *skipToEndOfInterpolatedExpression(const char *CurPtr,
                                                     const char *EndPtr,
                                                     DiagnosticEngine *Diags) {
  llvm::SmallVector<char, 4> OpenDelimiters;
  auto inStringLiteral = [&]() {
    return !OpenDelimiters.empty() &&
           (OpenDelimiters.back() == '"' || OpenDelimiters.back() == '\'');
  while (true) {
    // This is a simple scanner, capable of recognizing nested parentheses and
    // string literals but not much else.  The implications of this include not
    // being able to break an expression over multiple lines in an interpolated
    // string.  This limitation allows us to recover from common errors though.
    // On success scanning the expression body, the real lexer will be used to
    // relex the body when parsing the expressions.  We let it diagnose any
    // issues with malformed tokens or other problems.
    switch (*CurPtr++) {
    // String literals in general cannot be split across multiple lines;
    // interpolated ones are no exception.
    case '\n':
    case '\r':
      // Will be diagnosed as an unterminated string literal.
      return CurPtr-1;

    case '"':
    case '\'':
      if (inStringLiteral()) {
        // Is it the closing quote?
        if (OpenDelimiters.back() == CurPtr[-1]) {
        // Otherwise it's an ordinary character; treat it normally.
      } else {
    case '\\':
      if (inStringLiteral()) {
        char escapedChar = *CurPtr++;
        switch (escapedChar) {
        case '(':
          // Entering a recursive interpolated expression
        case '\n': case '\r': case 0:
          // Don't jump over newline/EOF due to preceding backslash!
          return CurPtr-1;
    case 0:
      // If we hit EOF, we fail.
      if (CurPtr-1 == EndPtr) {
        if (Diags)
        return CurPtr-1;
    // Paren nesting deeper to support "foo = \((a+b)-(c*d)) bar".
    case '(':
      if (!inStringLiteral()) {
    case ')':
      if (OpenDelimiters.empty()) {
        // No outstanding open delimiters; we're done.
        return CurPtr-1;
      } else if (OpenDelimiters.back() == '(') {
        // Pop the matching bracket and keep going.
      } else {
        // It's a right parenthesis in a string literal.
      // Normal token character.

/// lexStringLiteral:
///   string_literal ::= ["]([^"\\\n\r]|character_escape)*["]
void Lexer::lexStringLiteral() {
  const char *TokStart = CurPtr-1;
  assert((*TokStart == '"' || *TokStart == '\'') && "Unexpected start");
  // NOTE: We only allow single-quote string literals so we can emit useful
  // diagnostics about changing them to double quotes.

  bool wasErroneous = false;
  while (true) {
    if (*CurPtr == '\\' && *(CurPtr + 1) == '(') {
      // Consume tokens until we hit the corresponding ')'.
      CurPtr += 2;
      const char *EndPtr =
          skipToEndOfInterpolatedExpression(CurPtr, BufferEnd, Diags);
      if (*EndPtr == ')') {
        // Successfully scanned the body of the expression literal.
        CurPtr = EndPtr+1;
      } else {
        CurPtr = EndPtr;
        wasErroneous = true;

    // String literals cannot have \n or \r in them.
    if (*CurPtr == '\r' || *CurPtr == '\n' || CurPtr == BufferEnd) {
      diagnose(TokStart, diag::lex_unterminated_string);
      return formToken(tok::unknown, TokStart);
    unsigned CharValue = lexCharacter(CurPtr, *TokStart, true);
    wasErroneous |= CharValue == ~1U;

    // If this is the end of string, we are done.  If it is a normal character
    // or an already-diagnosed error, just munch it.
    if (CharValue == ~0U) {
      if (wasErroneous)
        return formToken(tok::unknown, TokStart);

      if (*TokStart == '\'') {
        // Complain about single-quote string and suggest replacement with
        // double-quoted equivalent.
        StringRef orig(TokStart, CurPtr - TokStart);
        llvm::SmallString<32> replacement;
        replacement += '"';
        std::string str = orig.slice(1, orig.size() - 1).str();
        std::string quot = "\"";
        size_t pos = 0;
        while (pos != str.length()) {
          if ( == '\\') {
            if ( + 1) == '\'') {
                // Un-escape escaped single quotes.
                str.replace(pos, 2, "'");
            } else {
                // Skip over escaped characters.
                pos += 2;
          } else if ( == '"') {
            str.replace(pos, 1, "\\\"");
            // Advance past the newly added ["\""].
            pos += 2;
          } else {
        replacement += StringRef(str);
        replacement += '"';
        diagnose(TokStart, diag::lex_single_quote_string)
          .fixItReplaceChars(getSourceLoc(TokStart), getSourceLoc(CurPtr),
      return formToken(tok::string_literal, TokStart);

/// We found an opening curly quote in the source file.  Scan ahead until we
/// find and end-curly-quote (or straight one).  If we find what looks to be a
/// string literal, diagnose the problem and return a pointer to the end of the
/// entire string literal.  This helps us avoid parsing the body of the string
/// as program tokens, which will only lead to massive confusion.
const char *Lexer::findEndOfCurlyQuoteStringLiteral(const char *Body) {
  while (true) {
    // Don't bother with string interpolations.
    if (*Body == '\\' && *(Body + 1) == '(')
      return nullptr;

    // We didn't find the end of the string literal if we ran to end of line.
    if (*Body == '\r' || *Body == '\n' || Body == BufferEnd)
      return nullptr;

    // Get the next character.
    const char *CharStart = Body;
    unsigned CharValue = lexCharacter(Body, '\0', false);
    // If the character was incorrectly encoded, give up.
    if (CharValue == ~1U) return nullptr;
    // If we found a straight-quote, then we're done.  Just return the spot
    // to continue.
    if (CharValue == '"')
      return Body;
    // If we found an ending curly quote (common since this thing started with
    // an opening curly quote) diagnose it with a fixit and then return.
    if (CharValue == 0x0000201D) {
      diagnose(CharStart, diag::lex_invalid_curly_quote)
        .fixItReplaceChars(getSourceLoc(CharStart), getSourceLoc(Body), "\"");
      return Body;
    // Otherwise, keep scanning.

/// lexEscapedIdentifier:
///   identifier ::= '`' identifier '`'
/// If it doesn't match this production, the leading ` is a punctuator.
void Lexer::lexEscapedIdentifier() {
  assert(CurPtr[-1] == '`' && "Unexpected start of escaped identifier");
  const char *Quote = CurPtr-1;

  // Check whether we have an identifier followed by another backtick, in which
  // case this is an escaped identifier.
  const char *IdentifierStart = CurPtr;
  if (advanceIfValidStartOfIdentifier(CurPtr, BufferEnd)) {
    // Keep continuing the identifier.
    while (advanceIfValidContinuationOfIdentifier(CurPtr, BufferEnd));

    // If we have the terminating "`", it's an escaped identifier.
    if (*CurPtr == '`') {
      formToken(tok::identifier, Quote);

  // The backtick is punctuation.
  CurPtr = IdentifierStart;
  formToken(tok::backtick, Quote);

void Lexer::tryLexEditorPlaceholder() {
  assert(CurPtr[-1] == '<' && CurPtr[0] == '#');
  const char *TokStart = CurPtr-1;
  for (const char *Ptr = CurPtr+1; Ptr < BufferEnd-1; ++Ptr) {
    if (*Ptr == '\n')
    if (Ptr[0] == '<' && Ptr[1] == '#')
    if (Ptr[0] == '#' && Ptr[1] == '>') {
      // Found it. Flag it as error (or warning, if in playground mode) for the
      // rest of the compiler pipeline and lex it as an identifier.
      if (LangOpts.Playground) {
        diagnose(TokStart, diag::lex_editor_placeholder_in_playground);
      } else {
        diagnose(TokStart, diag::lex_editor_placeholder);
      CurPtr = Ptr+2;
      formToken(tok::identifier, TokStart);

  // Not a well-formed placeholder.

StringRef Lexer::getEncodedStringSegment(StringRef Bytes,
                                         SmallVectorImpl<char> &TempString) {
  // Note that it is always safe to read one over the end of "Bytes" because
  // we know that there is a terminating " character.  Use BytesPtr to avoid a
  // range check subscripting on the StringRef.
  const char *BytesPtr = Bytes.begin();
  while (BytesPtr != Bytes.end()) {
    char CurChar = *BytesPtr++;
    if (CurChar != '\\') {
    // Invalid escapes are accepted by the lexer but diagnosed as an error.  We
    // just ignore them here.
    unsigned CharValue = 0; // Unicode character value for \x, \u, \U.
    switch (*BytesPtr++) {
      continue;   // Invalid escape, ignore it.
      // Simple single-character escapes.
    case '0': TempString.push_back('\0'); continue;
    case 'n': TempString.push_back('\n'); continue;
    case 'r': TempString.push_back('\r'); continue;
    case 't': TempString.push_back('\t'); continue;
    case '"': TempString.push_back('"'); continue;
    case '\'': TempString.push_back('\''); continue;
    case '\\': TempString.push_back('\\'); continue;
    // String interpolation.
    case '(':
      llvm_unreachable("string contained interpolated segments");
      // Unicode escapes of various lengths.
    case 'u':  //  \u HEX HEX HEX HEX
      if (BytesPtr[0] != '{')
        continue;       // Ignore invalid escapes.

      CharValue = lexUnicodeEscape(BytesPtr, /*no diagnostics*/nullptr);
      // Ignore invalid escapes.
      if (CharValue == ~1U) continue;
    if (CharValue < 0x80) 
      EncodeToUTF8(CharValue, TempString);
  // If we didn't escape or reprocess anything, then we don't need to use the
  // temporary string, just point to the original one. We know that this
  // is safe because unescaped strings are always shorter than their escaped
  // forms (in a valid string).
  if (TempString.size() == Bytes.size()) {
    return Bytes;
  return StringRef(TempString.begin(), TempString.size());

void Lexer::getStringLiteralSegments(
              const Token &Str,
              SmallVectorImpl<StringSegment> &Segments,
              DiagnosticEngine *Diags) {
  // Get the bytes behind the string literal, dropping the double quotes.
  StringRef Bytes = Str.getText().drop_front().drop_back();

  // Note that it is always safe to read one over the end of "Bytes" because
  // we know that there is a terminating " character.  Use BytesPtr to avoid a
  // range check subscripting on the StringRef.
  const char *SegmentStartPtr = Bytes.begin();
  const char *BytesPtr = SegmentStartPtr;
  // FIXME: Use SSE to scan for '\'.
  while (BytesPtr != Bytes.end()) {
    char CurChar = *BytesPtr++;
    if (CurChar != '\\')

    if (*BytesPtr++ != '(')

    // String interpolation.

    // Push the current segment.

    // Find the closing ')'.
    const char *End = skipToEndOfInterpolatedExpression(BytesPtr,
    assert(*End == ')' && "invalid string literal interpolations should"
           " not be returned as string literals");

    // Add an expression segment.
        StringSegment::getExpr(getSourceLoc(BytesPtr-1), End-BytesPtr+1));

    // Reset the beginning of the segment to the string that remains to be
    // consumed.
    SegmentStartPtr = BytesPtr = End;


// Main Lexer Loop

void Lexer::lexImpl() {
  assert(CurPtr >= BufferStart &&
         CurPtr <= BufferEnd && "Current pointer out of range!");

  NextToken.setAtStartOfLine(CurPtr == BufferStart);

  // Remember where we started so that we can find the comment range.
  LastCommentBlockStart = CurPtr;
  SeenComment = false;

  // Remember the start of the token so we can form the text range.
  const char *TokStart = CurPtr;
  switch (*CurPtr++) {
  default: {
    char const *tmp = CurPtr-1;
    if (advanceIfValidStartOfIdentifier(tmp, BufferEnd))
      return lexIdentifier();
    if (advanceIfValidStartOfOperator(tmp, BufferEnd))
      return lexOperatorIdentifier();
    if (advanceIfValidContinuationOfIdentifier(tmp, BufferEnd)) {
      // If this is a valid identifier continuation, but not a valid identifier
      // start, attempt to recover by eating more continuation characters.
      diagnose(CurPtr-1, diag::lex_invalid_identifier_start_character);
      while (advanceIfValidContinuationOfIdentifier(tmp, BufferEnd));
    } else {
      // This character isn't allowed in Swift source.
      uint32_t codepoint = validateUTF8CharacterAndAdvance(tmp, BufferEnd);
      if (codepoint == ~0U) {
        diagnose(CurPtr-1, diag::lex_invalid_utf8)
          .fixItReplaceChars(getSourceLoc(CurPtr-1), getSourceLoc(tmp), " ");
        CurPtr = tmp;
        goto Restart;  // Skip presumed whitespace.
      } else if (codepoint == 0x0000201D) {
        // If this is an end curly quote, just diagnose it with a fixit hint.
        diagnose(CurPtr-1, diag::lex_invalid_curly_quote)
          .fixItReplaceChars(getSourceLoc(CurPtr-1), getSourceLoc(tmp), "\"");
      } else if (codepoint == 0x0000201C) {
        auto endPtr = tmp;
        // If this is a start curly quote, do a fuzzy match of a string literal
        // to improve recovery.
        if (auto tmp2 = findEndOfCurlyQuoteStringLiteral(tmp))
          tmp = tmp2;

        // Note, we intentionally diagnose the end quote before the start quote,
        // so that the IDE suggests fixing the end quote before the start quote.
        // This, in turn, works better with our error recovery because we won't
        // diagnose an end curly quote in the middle of a straight quoted
        // literal.
        diagnose(CurPtr-1, diag::lex_invalid_curly_quote)
          .fixItReplaceChars(getSourceLoc(CurPtr-1), getSourceLoc(endPtr),"\"");

      } else {
        diagnose(CurPtr-1, diag::lex_invalid_character)
          .fixItReplaceChars(getSourceLoc(CurPtr-1), getSourceLoc(tmp), " ");
        CurPtr = tmp;
        goto Restart;  // Skip presumed whitespace.

    CurPtr = tmp;
    return formToken(tok::unknown, TokStart);

  case '\n':
  case '\r':
    goto Restart;  // Skip whitespace.

  case ' ':
  case '\t':
  case '\f':
  case '\v':
    goto Restart;  // Skip whitespace.

  case -1:
  case -2:
    diagnose(CurPtr-1, diag::lex_utf16_bom_marker);
    CurPtr = BufferEnd;
    return formToken(tok::unknown, TokStart);

  case 0:
    if (CurPtr-1 == CodeCompletionPtr)
      return formToken(tok::code_complete, TokStart);

    // If this is a random nul character in the middle of a buffer, skip it as
    // whitespace.
    if (CurPtr-1 != BufferEnd) {
      diagnoseEmbeddedNul(Diags, CurPtr-1);
      goto Restart;

    // Otherwise, this is the real end of the buffer.  Put CurPtr back into
    // buffer bounds.
    // Return EOF.
    return formToken(tok::eof, TokStart);

  case '@': return formToken(tok::at_sign, TokStart);
  case '{': return formToken(tok::l_brace, TokStart);
  case '[': {
    if (*CurPtr == '#') { // [#
      return formToken(tok::l_square_lit, TokStart);
    return formToken(tok::l_square, TokStart);
  case '(': return formToken(tok::l_paren, TokStart);
  case '}': return formToken(tok::r_brace,  TokStart);
  case ']': return formToken(tok::r_square, TokStart);
  case ')':
    return formToken(tok::r_paren,  TokStart);

  case ',': return formToken(tok::comma,    TokStart);
  case ';': return formToken(tok::semi,     TokStart);
  case ':': return formToken(tok::colon,    TokStart);

  case '#': {
    if (*CurPtr == ']') { // #]
      return formToken(tok::r_square_lit, TokStart);

    if (getSubstring(TokStart + 1, 2).equals("if") &&
        isWhitespace(CurPtr[2])) {
      CurPtr += 2;
      return formToken(tok::pound_if, TokStart);
    if (getSubstring(TokStart + 1, 4).equals("else") &&
        isWhitespace(CurPtr[4])) {
      CurPtr += 4;
      return formToken(tok::pound_else, TokStart);
    if (getSubstring(TokStart + 1, 6).equals("elseif") &&
        isWhitespace(CurPtr[6])) {
      CurPtr += 6;
      return formToken(tok::pound_elseif, TokStart);

    if (getSubstring(TokStart + 1, 5).equals("endif") &&
        (isWhitespace(CurPtr[5]) || CurPtr[5] == '\0')) {
      CurPtr += 5;
      return formToken(tok::pound_endif, TokStart);

    if (getSubstring(TokStart + 1, 4).equals("line") &&
        isWhitespace(CurPtr[4])) {
      CurPtr += 4;
      return formToken(tok::pound_line, TokStart);
    if (getSubstring(TokStart + 1, 9).equals("available")) {
      CurPtr += 9;
      return formToken(tok::pound_available, TokStart);

    // Allow a hashbang #! line at the beginning of the file.
    if (CurPtr - 1 == BufferStart && *CurPtr == '!') {
      if (BufferID != SourceMgr.getHashbangBufferID())
        diagnose(CurPtr, diag::lex_hashbang_not_allowed);
      goto Restart;

    return formToken(tok::pound, TokStart);

  // Operator characters.
  case '/':
    if (CurPtr[0] == '/') {  // "//"
      SeenComment = true;
      if (isKeepingComments())
        return formToken(tok::comment, TokStart);
      goto Restart;
    if (CurPtr[0] == '*') { // "/*"
      SeenComment = true;
      if (isKeepingComments())
        return formToken(tok::comment, TokStart);
      goto Restart;
    return lexOperatorIdentifier();
  case '%':
    // Lex %[0-9a-zA-Z_]+ as a local SIL value
    if (InSILBody && clang::isIdentifierBody(CurPtr[0])) {
      do {
      } while (clang::isIdentifierBody(CurPtr[0]));
      return formToken(tok::sil_local_name, TokStart);
    return lexOperatorIdentifier();

  case '!':
    if (InSILBody)
      return formToken(tok::sil_exclamation, TokStart);
    if (isLeftBound(TokStart, BufferStart))
      return formToken(tok::exclaim_postfix, TokStart);
    return lexOperatorIdentifier();
  case '?':
    if (isLeftBound(TokStart, BufferStart))
      return formToken(tok::question_postfix, TokStart);
    return lexOperatorIdentifier();

  case '<':
    if (CurPtr[0] == '#')
      return tryLexEditorPlaceholder();

  case '=': case '-': case '+': case '*': case '>':
  case '&': case '|': case '^': case '~': case '.':
    return lexOperatorIdentifier();

  case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G':
  case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N':
  case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U':
  case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z':
  case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g':
  case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n':
  case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u':
  case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z':
  case '_':
    return lexIdentifier();

  case '$':
    return lexDollarIdent();

  case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
  case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
    return lexNumber();

  case '"':
  case '\'':
    return lexStringLiteral();
  case '`':
    return lexEscapedIdentifier();

Token Lexer::getTokenAtLocation(const SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc) {
  // Don't try to do anything with an invalid location.
  if (!Loc.isValid())
    return Token();

  // Figure out which buffer contains this location.
  int BufferID = SM.findBufferContainingLoc(Loc);
  if (BufferID < 0)
    return Token();
  // Use fake language options; language options only affect validity
  // and the exact token produced.
  LangOptions FakeLangOpts;

  // Here we return comments as tokens because either the caller skipped
  // comments and normally we won't be at the beginning of a comment token
  // (making this option irrelevant), or the caller lexed comments and
  // we need to lex just the comment token.
  Lexer L(FakeLangOpts, SM, BufferID, nullptr, /*InSILMode=*/ false,
  return L.peekNextToken();

SourceLoc Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(const SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc) {
  return Loc.getAdvancedLocOrInvalid(getTokenAtLocation(SM, Loc).getLength());

static SourceLoc getLocForStartOfTokenInBuf(SourceManager &SM,
                                            unsigned BufferID,
                                            unsigned Offset,
                                            unsigned BufferStart,
                                            unsigned BufferEnd,
                                            bool InInterpolatedString) {
  // Use fake language options; language options only affect validity
  // and the exact token produced.
  LangOptions FakeLangOptions;

  Lexer L(FakeLangOptions, SM, BufferID, nullptr, /*InSILMode=*/false,
          CommentRetentionMode::None, BufferStart, BufferEnd);

  // Lex tokens until we find the token that contains the source location.
  Token Tok;
  do {

    unsigned TokOffs = SM.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Tok.getLoc(), BufferID);
    if (TokOffs > Offset) {
      // We ended up skipping over the source location entirely, which means
      // that it points into whitespace. We are done here.

    if (Offset < TokOffs+Tok.getLength()) {
      // Current token encompasses our source location.

      if ( {
        SmallVector<Lexer::StringSegment, 4> Segments;
        Lexer::getStringLiteralSegments(Tok, Segments, /*Diags=*/0);
        for (auto &Seg : Segments) {
          unsigned SegOffs = SM.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Seg.Loc, BufferID);
          unsigned SegEnd = SegOffs+Seg.Length;
          if (SegOffs > Offset)

          // If the offset is inside an interpolated expr segment, re-lex.
          if (Seg.Kind == Lexer::StringSegment::Expr && Offset < SegEnd)
            return getLocForStartOfTokenInBuf(SM, BufferID, Offset,

      return Tok.getLoc();
  } while (Tok.isNot(tok::eof));

  // We've passed our source location; just return the original source location.
  return SM.getLocForOffset(BufferID, Offset);

// Find the start of the given line.
static const char *findStartOfLine(const char *bufStart, const char *current) {
  while (current != bufStart) {
    if (current[0] == '\n' || current[0] == '\r') {


  return current;

SourceLoc Lexer::getLocForStartOfToken(SourceManager &SM, unsigned BufferID,
                                       unsigned Offset) {
  CharSourceRange entireRange = SM.getRangeForBuffer(BufferID);
  StringRef Buffer = SM.extractText(entireRange);

  const char *BufStart =;
  if (Offset > Buffer.size())
    return SourceLoc();

  const char *StrData = BufStart+Offset;
  // If it points to whitespace return the SourceLoc for it.
  if (StrData[0] == '\n' || StrData[0] == '\r' ||
      StrData[0] == ' ' || StrData[0] == '\t')
    return SM.getLocForOffset(BufferID, Offset);

  // Back up from the current location until we hit the beginning of a line
  // (or the buffer). We'll relex from that point.
  const char *LexStart = findStartOfLine(BufStart, StrData);

  return getLocForStartOfTokenInBuf(SM, BufferID, Offset,

SourceLoc Lexer::getLocForStartOfLine(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc) {
  // Don't try to do anything with an invalid location.
  if (Loc.isInvalid())
    return Loc;

  // Figure out which buffer contains this location.
  int BufferID = SM.findBufferContainingLoc(Loc);
  if (BufferID < 0)
    return SourceLoc();

  CharSourceRange entireRange = SM.getRangeForBuffer(BufferID);
  StringRef Buffer = SM.extractText(entireRange);

  const char *BufStart =;
  unsigned Offset = SM.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Loc, BufferID);

  const char *StartOfLine = findStartOfLine(BufStart, BufStart + Offset);
  return getSourceLoc(StartOfLine);

SourceLoc Lexer::getLocForEndOfLine(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc) {
  // Don't try to do anything with an invalid location.
  if (Loc.isInvalid())
    return Loc;

  // Figure out which buffer contains this location.
  int BufferID = SM.findBufferContainingLoc(Loc);
  if (BufferID < 0)
    return SourceLoc();

  // Use fake language options; language options only affect validity
  // and the exact token produced.
  LangOptions FakeLangOpts;

  // Here we return comments as tokens because either the caller skipped
  // comments and normally we won't be at the beginning of a comment token
  // (making this option irrelevant), or the caller lexed comments and
  // we need to lex just the comment token.
  Lexer L(FakeLangOpts, SM, BufferID, nullptr, /*InSILMode=*/ false,
  return getSourceLoc(L.CurPtr);

StringRef Lexer::getIndentationForLine(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc) {
  // Don't try to do anything with an invalid location.
  if (Loc.isInvalid())
    return "";

  // Figure out which buffer contains this location.
  int BufferID = SM.findBufferContainingLoc(Loc);
  if (BufferID < 0)
    return "";

  CharSourceRange entireRange = SM.getRangeForBuffer(BufferID);
  StringRef Buffer = SM.extractText(entireRange);

  const char *BufStart =;
  unsigned Offset = SM.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Loc, BufferID);

  const char *StartOfLine = findStartOfLine(BufStart, BufStart + Offset);
  const char *EndOfIndentation = StartOfLine;
  while (*EndOfIndentation && isHorizontalWhitespace(*EndOfIndentation))

  return StringRef(StartOfLine, EndOfIndentation - StartOfLine);

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