Revision ce9380db2fcee68ae3b4a24970561a25fb105d4f authored by Benjamin Gregoire on 14 October 2019, 06:41:25 UTC, committed by Pierre-Yves Strub on 14 October 2019, 06:42:35 UTC
1 parent 3b9667b
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Tip revision: ce9380db2fcee68ae3b4a24970561a25fb105d4f authored by Benjamin Gregoire on 14 October 2019, 06:41:25 UTC
Add transitivity * (transivity with generation of VC)
Tip revision: ce9380d
require import Distr DProd SmtMap.
require (****) PROM.

type a, b, t_in.

type d_input, d_output.

op da : a distr.
axiom da_ll : is_lossless da.

op db : b distr.
axiom db_ll : is_lossless db.

op dab : (a * b) distr = da `*` db.

module type Oracles = {
  proc init() : unit
  proc f (_: t_in) : a * b
  proc fa (_: t_in) : a
  proc fb (_: t_in) : b

module type Distinguisher (O : Oracles) = {
  proc distinguish (_: d_input) : d_output

module Game (D : Distinguisher) (O : Oracles) = {
  proc main (i: d_input) : d_output = {
    var r;
    r <@ D(O).distinguish(i);
    return r;

clone PROM.GenEager as ROa with
  type from <- t_in,
  type to   <- a,
  type input <- d_input,
  type output <- d_output,
  op sampleto <- fun _ => da
proof * by smt(da_ll).

clone PROM.GenEager as ROb with
  type from <- t_in,
  type to   <- b,
  type input <- d_input,
  type output <- d_output,
  op sampleto <- fun _ => db
proof * by smt(db_ll).

clone PROM.GenEager as ROab with
  type from <- t_in,
  type to   <- a * b,
  type input <- d_input,
  type output <- d_output,
  op sampleto <- fun _ => dab
proof * by smt(weight_dprod da_ll db_ll). 

module O1 (O : ROab.RO) : Oracles = {
  proc init () = {
  proc f = O.get
  proc fa (m : t_in) = {
    var xa;
    xa <@ f(m);
    return xa.`1;
  proc fb (m : t_in) = {
    var xb;
    xb <@ f(m);
    return xb.`2;

module O2 (Oa : ROa.RO) (Ob : ROb.RO) = {
  proc init () = {
  proc f (m : t_in) = {
    var xa, xb;
    xa <@ Oa.get(m);
    xb <@ Ob.get(m);
    return (xa,xb);
  proc fa = Oa.get
  proc fb = Ob.get

declare module D : 
  Distinguisher { ROa.RO, ROa.FRO, ROb.RO, ROb.FRO, ROab.RO, ROab.FRO }.

local module O3 (Oa : ROa.RO) (Ob : ROb.RO) = {
  proc init () = {
  proc f (m : t_in) = {
    var xa, xb;
    xa <@ Oa.get(m);
    xb <@ Ob.get(m);
    return (xa,xb);
  proc fa (m : t_in) = {
    var xa;
    xa <@ Oa.get(m);
    return xa;
  proc fb (m : t_in) = {
    var xb;
    xb <@ Ob.get(m);
    return xb;

op map_prod (m : (t_in, a * b) fmap) (ma : (t_in, a) fmap) (mb : (t_in, b) fmap) =
  fdom m = fdom ma && fdom m = fdom mb &&
  forall x, x \in m => exists a b, m.[x] = Some (a,b) /\ ma.[x] = Some a /\ mb.[x] = Some b.

local clone import DProd.ProdSampling as PS with
  type t1 <- a,
  type t2 <- b
proof *.

local equiv eq_1 :
  Game(D,O1(ROab.RO)).main ~ Game(D,O3(ROa.RO,ROb.RO)).main :
  ={arg, glob D} ==>
  ={res, glob D} /\ map_prod ROab.RO.m{1} ROa.RO.m{2} ROb.RO.m{2}.
proc; inline*.
call(: map_prod ROab.RO.m{1} ROa.RO.m{2} ROb.RO.m{2}); auto.
+ by proc; inline*; auto; smt(mem_empty fdom0).
+ proc; inline*.
  sp; swap{2} 5 -3.
  wp; conseq/>.
  + move=> &l &r /> eqa eqb.
    move=> hyp xab xa xb.
    rewrite -3!mem_fdom -eqa -eqb=> />.
  conseq(:_==> r{1} = (r,r0){2})=> />. 
  + move=> &l &r eqa eqb hyp xa xb.
    rewrite -3!mem_fdom -eqa -eqb=> />.
    rewrite mem_fdom 3!get_setE/= 3!fdom_set -eqa -eqb /= Core.oget_some /=.
    smt(mem_set get_setE).
  transitivity{1} {
      r <@ PS.S.sample(da,db);
  (true ==> ={r}) (true ==> r{1} = (r{2}, r0{2}))=> //=.
  + by inline*; auto.
  transitivity{1} {
      r <@ PS.S.sample2(da,db);
    (true ==> ={r}) (true ==> r{1} = (r{2}, r0{2}))=> //=; last first.
  + by inline*; auto. 
  by call PS.sample_sample2; auto.
+ proc; inline*.
  sp; swap{2} 6 -4.
  wp; conseq(:_==> r{1} = (r,r0){2})=> />. 
  + move=> &l &r eqa eqb hyp xa xb.
    rewrite -3!mem_fdom -eqa -eqb=> />.
    rewrite mem_fdom 2!get_setE/= 3!fdom_set -eqa -eqb /= 2!Core.oget_some /=.
    smt(mem_set get_setE).
  transitivity{1} {
      r <@ PS.S.sample(da,db);
  (true ==> ={r}) (true ==> r{1} = (r{2}, r0{2}))=> //=.
  + by inline*; auto.
  transitivity{1} {
      r <@ PS.S.sample2(da,db);
    (true ==> ={r}) (true ==> r{1} = (r{2}, r0{2}))=> //=; last first.
  + by inline*; auto. 
  by call PS.sample_sample2; auto.
+ proc; inline*.
  sp; swap{2} 6 -5.
  wp; conseq(:_==> r{1} = (r0,r){2})=> />. 
  + move=> &l &r eqa eqb hyp xa xb.
    rewrite -3!mem_fdom -eqa -eqb=> />.
    rewrite mem_fdom 2!get_setE/= 3!fdom_set -eqa -eqb /= 2!Core.oget_some /=.
    smt(mem_set get_setE).
  transitivity{1} {
      r <@ PS.S.sample(da,db);
  (true ==> ={r}) (true ==> r{1} = (r0{2}, r{2}))=> //=.
  + by inline*; auto.
  transitivity{1} {
      r <@ PS.S.sample2(da,db);
    (true ==> ={r}) (true ==> r{1} = (r0{2}, r{2}))=> //=; last first.
  + by inline*; auto. 
  by call PS.sample_sample2; auto.
smt(mem_empty fdom0).

local equiv eq_2 :
  D(O3(ROa.LRO,ROb.LRO)).distinguish ~ D(O2(ROa.RO,ROb.RO)).distinguish :
  ={arg, glob D, ROa.RO.m, ROb.RO.m} ==>
  ={res, glob D, ROa.RO.m, ROb.RO.m}.
proc( ={ROa.RO.m, ROb.RO.m})=> //=.
+ by proc; inline*; auto.
+ by proc; inline*; sim.
+ by proc; inline*; sp; wp 2 2; sim.
by proc; inline*; sp; wp 2 2; sim.

local module D1 (Ob : ROb.RO) (Oa : ROa.RO) = D(O3(Oa,Ob)).
local module D2 (Oa : ROa.RO) (Ob : ROb.RO) = D(O3(Oa,Ob)).

equiv prod_split :
  Game(D,O1(ROab.RO)).main ~ Game(D,O2(ROa.RO,ROb.RO)).main :
  ={arg, glob D} ==> ={res, glob D}.
transitivity Game(D, O3(ROa.RO, ROb.RO)).main
  (={arg, glob D} ==> ={res, glob D})
  (={arg, glob D} ==> ={res, glob D})=> //=; 1: smt().
+ by conseq eq_1=> />.
transitivity Game(D, O3(ROa.LRO, ROb.RO)).main
  (={arg, glob D} ==> ={res, glob D})
  (={arg, glob D} ==> ={res, glob D})=> //=; 1: smt().
+ proc; inline*. 
  by call(ROa.RO_LRO_D (D1(ROb.RO))); auto.
transitivity Game(D, O3(ROa.LRO, ROb.LRO)).main
  (={arg, glob D} ==> ={res, glob D})
  (={arg, glob D} ==> ={res, glob D})=> //=; 1: smt().
+ proc; inline*. 
  by call(ROb.RO_LRO_D (D2(ROa.LRO))); auto.
by proc; inline*; call eq_2; auto.

end section.
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