Revision d001f75585f36015df36feafd1f5ad6c1618b8dc authored by TUNA Caglayan on 03 May 2021, 07:22:28 UTC, committed by TUNA Caglayan on 12 May 2021, 12:26:22 UTC
1 parent d38084d
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Demonstration of PARAFAC2

Example of how to use the PARAFAC2 algorithm.

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorly as tl
from tensorly.decomposition import parafac2
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment

# Create synthetic tensor
# -----------------------
# Here, we create a random tensor that follows the PARAFAC2 constraints found
# inx `(Kiers et al 1999)`_.
# This particular tensor,
# :math:`\mathcal{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{I\times J \times K}`, is a shifted
# CP tensor, that is, a tensor on the form:
# .. math::
#    \mathcal{X}_{ijk} = \sum_{r=1}^R A_{ir} B_{\sigma_i(j) r} C_{kr},
# where :math:`\sigma_i` is a cyclic permutation of :math:`J` elements.

# Set parameters
true_rank = 3
I, J, K = 30, 40, 20
noise_rate = 0.1

# Generate random matrices
A_factor_matrix = np.random.uniform(1, 2, size=(I, true_rank))
B_factor_matrix = np.random.uniform(size=(J, true_rank))
C_factor_matrix = np.random.uniform(size=(K, true_rank))

# Normalised factor matrices
A_normalised = A_factor_matrix/la.norm(A_factor_matrix, axis=0)
B_normalised = B_factor_matrix/la.norm(B_factor_matrix, axis=0)
C_normalised = C_factor_matrix/la.norm(C_factor_matrix, axis=0)

# Generate the shifted factor matrix
B_factor_matrices = [np.roll(B_factor_matrix, shift=i, axis=0) for i in range(I)]
Bs_normalised = [np.roll(B_normalised, shift=i, axis=0) for i in range(I)]

# Construct the tensor
tensor = np.einsum('ir,ijr,kr->ijk', A_factor_matrix, B_factor_matrices, C_factor_matrix)

# Add noise
noise = np.random.standard_normal(tensor.shape)
noise /= np.linalg.norm(noise)
noise *= noise_rate*np.linalg.norm(tensor)
tensor += noise

# Fit a PARAFAC2 tensor
# ---------------------
# To avoid local minima, we initialise and fit 10 models and choose the one
# with the lowest error

best_err = np.inf
decomposition = None

for run in range(10):
    print(f'Training model {run}...')
    trial_decomposition, trial_errs = parafac2(tensor, true_rank, return_errors=True, tol=1e-8, n_iter_max=500, random_state=run)
    print(f'Number of iterations: {len(trial_errs)}')
    print(f'Final error: {trial_errs[-1]}')
    if best_err > trial_errs[-1]:
        best_err = trial_errs[-1]
        err = trial_errs
        decomposition = trial_decomposition
print(f'Best model error: {best_err}')

# A decomposition is a wrapper object for three variables: the *weights*, 
# the *factor matrices* and the *projection matrices*. The weights are similar
# to the output of a CP decomposition. The factor matrices and projection 
# matrices are somewhat different. For a CP decomposition, we only have the
# weights and the factor matrices. However, since the PARAFAC2 factor matrices
# for the second mode is given by
# .. math::
#     B_i = P_i B,
# where :math:`B` is an :math:`R \times R` matrix and :math:`P_i` is an 
# :math:`I \times R` projection matrix, we cannot store the factor matrices
# the same as for a CP decomposition.
# Instead, we store the factor matrix along the first mode (:math:`A`), the 
# "blueprint" matrix for the second mode (:math:`B`) and the factor matrix 
# along the third mode (:math:`C`) in one tuple and the projection matrices,
# :math:`P_i`, in a separate tuple.
# If we wish to extract the informative :math:`B_i` factor matrices, then we
# use the ``tensorly.parafac2_tensor.apply_projection_matrices`` function on 
# the PARAFAC2 tensor instance to get another wrapper object for two
# variables: *weights* and *factor matrices*. However, now, the second element
# of the factor matrices tuple is now a list of factor matrices, one for each
# frontal slice of the tensor.
# Likewise, if we wish to construct the tensor or the frontal slices, then we
# can use the ``tensorly.parafac2_tensor.parafac2_to_tensor`` function. If the
# decomposed dataset consisted of uneven-length frontal slices, then we can
# use the ``tensorly.parafac2_tensor.parafac2_to_slices`` function to get a 
# list of frontal slices.

est_tensor = tl.parafac2_tensor.parafac2_to_tensor(decomposition)
est_weights, (est_A, est_B, est_C) = tl.parafac2_tensor.apply_parafac2_projections(decomposition)

# Compute performance metrics
# ---------------------------

reconstruction_error = la.norm(est_tensor - tensor)
recovery_rate = 1 - reconstruction_error/la.norm(tensor)

print(f'{recovery_rate:2.0%} of the data is explained by the model, which is expected with noise rate: {noise_rate}')

# To evaluate how well the original structure is recovered, we calculate the tucker congruence coefficient.

est_A, est_projected_Bs, est_C = tl.parafac2_tensor.apply_parafac2_projections(decomposition)[1]

sign = np.sign(est_A)
est_A = np.abs(est_A)
est_projected_Bs = sign[:, np.newaxis]*est_projected_Bs

est_A_normalised = est_A/la.norm(est_A, axis=0)
est_Bs_normalised = [est_B/la.norm(est_B, axis=0) for est_B in est_projected_Bs]
est_C_normalised = est_C/la.norm(est_C, axis=0)

B_corr = np.array(est_Bs_normalised).reshape(-1, true_rank).T@np.array(Bs_normalised).reshape(-1, true_rank)/len(est_Bs_normalised)
A_corr = est_A_normalised.T@A_normalised
C_corr = est_C_normalised.T@C_normalised

corr = A_corr*B_corr*C_corr
permutation = linear_sum_assignment(-corr)  # Old versions of scipy does not support maximising, from scipy v1.4, you can pass `corr` and `maximize=True` instead of `-corr` to maximise the sum.

congruence_coefficient = np.mean(corr[permutation])
print(f'Average tucker congruence coefficient: {congruence_coefficient}')

# Visualize the components
# ------------------------

# Find the best permutation so that we can plot the estimated components on top of the true components
permutation = np.argmax(A_corr*B_corr*C_corr, axis=0)

# Create plots of each component vector for each mode
# (We just look at one of the B_i matrices)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(true_rank, 3, figsize=(15, 3*true_rank+1))
i = 0 # What slice, B_i, we look at for the B mode

for r in range(true_rank):
    # Plot true and estimated components for mode A
    axes[r][0].plot((A_normalised[:, r]), label='True')
    axes[r][0].plot((est_A_normalised[:, permutation[r]]),'--', label='Estimated')
    # Labels for the different components
    axes[r][0].set_ylabel(f'Component {r}')

    # Plot true and estimated components for mode C
    axes[r][2].plot(C_normalised[:, r])
    axes[r][2].plot(est_C_normalised[:, permutation[r]], '--')

    # Plot true components for mode B
    axes[r][1].plot(Bs_normalised[i][:, r])
    # Get the signs so that we can flip the B mode factor matrices
    A_sign = np.sign(est_A_normalised)
    # Plot estimated components for mode B (after sign correction)
    axes[r][1].plot(A_sign[i, r]*est_Bs_normalised[i][:, permutation[r]], '--')

# Titles for the different modes
axes[0][0].set_title('A mode')
axes[0][2].set_title('C mode')
axes[0][1].set_title(f'B mode (slice {i})')

# Create a legend for the entire figure  
handles, labels =  axes[r][0].get_legend_handles_labels()
fig.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper center', ncol=2)

# Inspect the convergence rate
# ----------------------------
# It can be interesting to look at the loss plot to make sure that we have
# converged to a stationary point. We skip the first iteration since the
# initial loss often dominate the rest of the plot, making it difficult
# to check for convergence.

loss_fig, loss_ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 9/1.6))
loss_ax.plot(range(1, len(err)), err[1:])
loss_ax.set_xlabel('Iteration number')
loss_ax.set_ylabel('Relative reconstruction error')
mathematical_expression_of_loss = r"$\frac{\left|\left|\hat{\mathcal{X}}\right|\right|_F}{\left|\left|\mathcal{X}\right|\right|_F}$"
loss_ax.set_title(f'Loss plot: {mathematical_expression_of_loss} \n (starting after first iteration)', fontsize=16)
xticks = loss_ax.get_xticks()
loss_ax.set_xticks([1] + list(xticks[1:]))
loss_ax.set_xlim(1, len(err))

# References
# ----------
# .. _(Kiers et al 1999):
# Kiers HA, Ten Berge JM, Bro R. *PARAFAC2—Part I. 
# A direct fitting algorithm for the PARAFAC2 model.*
# **Journal of Chemometrics: A Journal of the Chemometrics Society.**
# 1999 May;13(3‐4):275-94. `(Online version)
# <;2-B>`_

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