Revision d087acc279e6d26992aadfd3b5e34f8f34248548 authored by Bowen Bao on 13 December 2018, 18:37:03 UTC, committed by Bowen Bao on 13 December 2018, 18:37:03 UTC
* pyqt is required by matplotlib and various other libraries. In our
.yaml files we default to install the latest version of pyqt. However
the current latest version (5.9.2) is exhibiting some problems. Thus we
downgrade to the stable version 5.6.0.
1 parent ef2f039
Raw File
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<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
    <!-- Note: SolutionDir / RepoRootPath are the same in current setup -->


    <DebugBuild Condition="$(Configuration.StartsWith('Debug'))">true</DebugBuild>

    <ReleaseBuild Condition="!$(DebugBuild)">true</ReleaseBuild>

    <FlavorName Condition="$(ReleaseBuild)">Release</FlavorName>
    <GpuBuild Condition="$(Configuration.EndsWith('_CpuOnly'))">false</GpuBuild>
    <GpuBuild Condition="$(Configuration.EndsWith('_UWP'))">false</GpuBuild>

    <CpuOnlyBuild Condition="$(GpuBuild)">false</CpuOnlyBuild>

    <NoOptBuild Condition="$(Configuration.Contains('NoOpt'))">true</NoOptBuild>

    <HasSwig Condition="Exists('$(SWIG_PATH)\swig.exe')">true</HasSwig>

    <HasJava Condition="Exists('$(JAVA_HOME)\bin\javac.exe')">true</HasJava>

    <!-- Set CNTK version related properties -->

    <!-- CntkVersion:
         CNTK version which should be used where CNTK version is required. Ex: print version or tag CNTK binaries. Default value is the last released version of CNTK. -->
    <!-- NOTE: Modify both CntkVersion and PublicBuild during MAJOR RELEASE -->
    <!-- PublicBuild:
         True if build binaries are meant to shared publicly with CNTK community. -->
    <!-- NOTE: Modify both CntkVersion and PublicBuild during MAJOR RELEASE -->

    <PythonWithDeps Condition=" '$(PYTHON_WITH_DEPS)' != '' ">$(PYTHON_WITH_DEPS)</PythonWithDeps>
    <PythonWithDeps Condition="$(PublicBuild)">true</PythonWithDeps>

    <!-- CntkVersionProvidedExternally:
         Hard-coded CntkVersion can be overridden if property BUILD_CNTK_VERSION is present. -->
    <CntkVersionProvidedExternally Condition=" '$(BUILD_CNTK_VERSION)' != '' ">true</CntkVersionProvidedExternally>

    <CntkVersion Condition="$(CntkVersionProvidedExternally)">$(BUILD_CNTK_VERSION)</CntkVersion>
    <PublicBuild Condition="$(CntkVersionProvidedExternally)">true</PublicBuild>

    <!-- CntkVersionBanner:
         Cntk Version banner is printed wherever CntkVersion should be printed. ex: python -c 'import cntk;cntk.__version__'. -->
    <CntkVersionBanner Condition="!$(PublicBuild)">$(CntkVersionBanner)+</CntkVersionBanner>

    <CntkComponentSuffix />
    <CntkComponentSuffix Condition="$(DebugBuild)">d</CntkComponentSuffix>
    <!-- CntkComponentVersion:
         Cntk binaries (generated by build) are appended with CntkComponentVersion. Ex: Cntk.Core-$(CntkComponentVersion).dll -->
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