Revision d087acc279e6d26992aadfd3b5e34f8f34248548 authored by Bowen Bao on 13 December 2018, 18:37:03 UTC, committed by Bowen Bao on 13 December 2018, 18:37:03 UTC
* pyqt is required by matplotlib and various other libraries. In our
.yaml files we default to install the latest version of pyqt. However
the current latest version (5.9.2) is exhibiting some problems. Thus we
downgrade to the stable version 5.6.0.
1 parent ef2f039
Raw File
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root for full license information.
    [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$targetConfig,           # the config created (CPU, GPU, ...)
    [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$targetConfigSuffix,     # the config suffix (CPU-Only, GPU ...)
    [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$releaseTag,             # the tag of the release (2-0-beta11-0)
    [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$outputFileName,         # the generated zip file name

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

$workSpace = $PWD.Path
Write-Verbose "Making binary drops..."

# Set Paths
$basePath = "ToZip"
$baseDropPath = Join-Path $basePath -ChildPath cntk
$baseIncludePath = Join-Path $baseDropPath -ChildPath Include
$baseIncludeInternalPath = Join-Path $baseIncludePath -ChildPath Internals
$buildPath = "x64\Release"
if ($targetConfig -eq "CPU")
    $buildPath = "x64\Release_CpuOnly"
# Include Files
$includePath = "Source\Common\Include"
$includePath20 = "Source\CNTKv2LibraryDll\API"
$includeFiles = New-Object string[] 5
$includeFiles[0] = Join-Path $includePath -ChildPath Eval.h
$includeFiles[1] = Join-Path $includePath20 -ChildPath CNTKLibrary.h
$includeFiles[2] = Join-Path $includePath20 -ChildPath CNTKLibraryInternals.h
$includeFiles[3] = Join-Path $includePath20 -ChildPath CNTKLibraryC.h
$includeFiles[4] = Join-Path $includePath20 -ChildPath HalfConverter.hpp
$sharePath = Join-Path $sharePath -ChildPath $targetConfig

# Include Internal Files
$includeInternalPath20 = Join-Path $includePath20 -ChildPath Internals
$includeInternalFiles = New-Object string[] 5
$includeInternalFiles[0] = Join-Path $includeInternalPath20 -ChildPath ComputationGraphAlgorithms.h
$includeInternalFiles[1] = Join-Path $includeInternalPath20 -ChildPath EvaluatorWrapper.h
$includeInternalFiles[2] = Join-Path $includeInternalPath20 -ChildPath PrimitiveFunctionAttribute.h
$includeInternalFiles[3] = Join-Path $includeInternalPath20 -ChildPath PrimitiveFunction.h
$includeInternalFiles[4] = Join-Path $includeInternalPath20 -ChildPath PrimitiveOpType.h

# binaryDrop locations
$artifactPath = Join-Path $workSpace BinaryDrops
$whlArtifactFolder = Join-Path $artifactPath $targetConfigSuffix
New-Item -Path $artifactPath -ItemType directory -force
New-Item -Path $whlArtifactFolder -ItemType directory -force

# Copy wheels to destination
Copy-Item $buildPath\Python\*.whl $whlArtifactFolder

# Make binary drop folder
New-Item -Path $baseDropPath -ItemType directory

# create version.txt file
$fileContent = "CNTK-{0}`r`nRelease`r`n{1}`r`n{2}`r`n" -f $releaseTag, $targetConfigSuffix, $commit
$fileContent | Set-Content -Encoding Ascii $baseDropPath\version.txt

# Copy build binaries
Write-Verbose "Copying build binaries ..."
Copy-Item $buildPath -Recurse -Destination $baseDropPath\cntk

# Clean unwanted items
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\*test*.exe*
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\*.pdb
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\python -Recurse

# Keep EvalDll.lib
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\*.lib  -Exclude Cntk.Eval-*.lib, Cntk.Core-*.lib
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\*.exp
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\*.metagen
# Remove specific items
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\CommandEval.exe -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework.*
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\cntk\java\Main.class

# Make Include folder
New-Item -Path $baseIncludePath -ItemType directory

# Copy Include
Write-Verbose "Copying Include files ..."
Foreach ($includeFile in $includeFiles)
    Copy-Item $includeFile -Destination $baseIncludePath

# Copy Include Internals
Write-Verbose "Copying Include internal files ..."
Foreach ($includeInternalFile in $includeInternalFiles)
    Copy-Item $includeInternalFile -Destination $baseIncludeInternalPath

# Copy Examples
Write-Verbose "Copying Examples ..."
Copy-Item Examples -Recurse -Destination $baseDropPath\Examples

# Copy Tutorials
Write-Verbose "Copying Tutorials ..."
Copy-Item Tutorials -Recurse -Destination $baseDropPath\Tutorials

# Copy PretrainedModels
Write-Verbose "Copying PretrainedModels ..."
Copy-Item PretrainedModels -Recurse -Destination $baseDropPath\PretrainedModels

# Copy Manual
Write-Verbose "Copying Manual ..."
Copy-Item Manual -Recurse -Destination $baseDropPath\Manual

# Copy Scripts
Write-Verbose "Copying Scripts ..."
Copy-Item Scripts -Recurse -Destination $baseDropPath\Scripts
# Remove some files if they exist
Remove-Item $baseDropPath\Scripts\pytest.ini -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Recurse $baseDropPath\Scripts\install\linux -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# Copy all items from the share
# For whatever reason Copy-Item in the line below does not work
# Copy-Item $sharePath"\*"  -Recurse -Destination $baseDropPath
# Copying with Robocopy. Maximum 2 retries, 30 sec waiting time in between
Write-Verbose "Copying dependencies and other files from Remote Share ..."
robocopy $sharePath $baseDropPath /s /e /r:2 /w:30 /np
# Check that Robocopy finished OK.
# Any exit code greater than 7 indicates error
# See
If ($LastExitCode -gt 7)
    Throw "Copying from Remote Share failed. Robocopy exit code is " + $LastExitCode

Write-Verbose "Making ZIP and cleaning up..."

# Make ZIP file
# Switched to use 7zip because of the backslash separator issue in .NET compressor
# (fixed in 4.6.1, which is not a standard component of build machines
# see )
$source = Join-Path $workSpace -ChildPath $basePath
$destination = Join-Path $artifactPath -ChildPath $outputFileName
Set-Location -Path $source
7za a -bd $destination .
If ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
    throw "7za returned exit code $LastExitCode"

Set-Location -Path $workSpace

# Log the file hash
Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path $destination, $whlArtifactFolder\*.whl

# Remove ZIP sources
Remove-Item -Recurse $basePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 

exit 0
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