Revision d0f673bdaeabe8dffa77528c13d81063a20d29f6 authored by Peter Teuben on 03 April 2024, 01:39:10 UTC, committed by Peter Teuben on 03 April 2024, 01:39:10 UTC
1 parent 0615225
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Tip revision: d0f673bdaeabe8dffa77528c13d81063a20d29f6 authored by Peter Teuben on 03 April 2024, 01:39:10 UTC
Tip revision: d0f673b
 * STDINC.H: standard include file for C programs.
 * Copyright (c) 1986  Joshua Edward Barnes  Princeton, NJ.
 * xx-jul-89     stdinc_h added, 'stream' defined as *FILE   PJT
 * 10-sep-90     void  not always needed to be #defined	     PJT
 * 16-sep-90     merging header files Nemo with Starlab	     PJT/PH
 * 19-oct-90	 bcopy/memcpy
 *  1-mar-91     added strname()			     PJT
 * 25-may-91     deleted accidental trigraph                 PJT
 * 18-nov-91	 bool never got defined on AIX               PJT
 * 22-nov-91     special #undef/#def for NULL on AIX	     PJT
 * 24-feb-92     bool is defined in <curses.h> as char ...   PJT
 *               and this conflicts with our typedef
 *               also g++ seems to define it (2.6.3 at least)
 * 21-oct-93     defined ARGS to aid ANSI prototype def's    PJT
 *  5-nov-93	 added #ifndef/MAXLINES for ascii tables     PJT
 * 19-feb-94     added stdlib.h and C++/ANSIfied this header PJT
 *		note the PROTO kludge at the end for some bad acc bugs
 *  3-aug-94    while linux installation:
 *              - sym_angle, pos_angle macro's now in UPPER case -
 * 12-apr-95    cleanup for release 
 *              - got rid of all ARGS and PROTO; force prototypes
 *  5-jul-95    static version ID
 *  4-mar-96    test const argument to dprintf() for UNC's GCC 2.7.2
 * 13-feb-97    sizeof redefinition for allocate()
 *  2-apr-97    optional HUGE ???
 *  8-jan-98    temp. added common.c until laptop version merged
 *  6-apr-99    merged in AutoConf for 2.5 release
 * 22-jun-01    added some new ZENO macros for compatibility (-DNEMO)
 *  7-sep-01    added maxsizes.h
 *  8-dec-01    added errno.h
 *  7-may-02    removed some old starlab crap, added strneq
 * 13-mar-03    macros MIN,MAX deleted before redefinition
 * 12-jul-03    WD's macro name changed backfitted
 * 24-nov-03    include mathfns.h, which includes forced math.h
 * 22-jun-04    added some more useful astr constants
 * 25-jan-05    added powd/powi
 *  1-aug-05    nemo_string, nemo_stream for starlab interfaces
 * 29-nov-06    within() now using double's
 * 23-oct-07    added some more PI's and LN's from ZENO/Koda's mathfns.h
 * 06-jun-08    nemo_exit                                           WD
 * 12-jun-08    nemo_dprintf  is macro, reports [file:line]         WD
 * 12-jun-08    allocate, reallocate are macros (not under C++)     WD
 * 16-sep-08    removes nemo_exit (better use stdlib's atexit)      WD
 * 18-sep-08    replaced sqr, qbe, dex inline in mathfns.h          WD
 * 11-dec-09    tinkering with halfp                                PJT
 *    jul-20    add cputime2()                                      PJT
 *    oct-21    deal with error() in the GNU C library              PJT
 *              programs linking with e.g. gnuastro will otherwise barf

#ifndef _stdinc_h      /* protect against re-entry */
#define _stdinc_h

#if !defined(__STDC__)
ERROR!  Sorry, NEMO now requires an ANSI C compiler

#define NEMO  1

/* If we're not using GNU C, elide __attribute__ */
#ifndef __GNUC__
#  define  __attribute__(x)  /*NOTHING*/

#include <maxsizes.h>   /* should be in $NEMOLIB - made during install */
#include <version.h>	/* our static version id - made during install */
#include <config.h>     /* should be in $NEMOLIB - made during install */
#include <options.h>    /* our private options   - manually edited still */

/* 	some backwards compat things */
#if defined(HAVE_LIBGSL)
#ifndef  HAVE_GSL
#define HAVE_GSL  1

 * Always include stdio.h and stdlib.h and ....

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>  

#include <malloc.h>

#if !defined(NOMATH)
#   include <math.h>

 * our own math functions

 * string stuff, hopefully handled via the configure script (config.h)

#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
# ifndef HAVE_STRCHR
#   define strchr  index
#   define strrchr rindex
# endif

  char *strchr(), *strrchr();

# ifndef HAVE_MEMCPY
#  define memcpy(d,s,n)  bcopy((s),(d),(n))
#  define memmove(d,s,n) bcopy((s),(d),(n))
# endif


 * NULL: a long name for nothing....
 *	Since there has been a debate if NULL should be 0 or (void *)0,
 *	there is potential trouble. AIX is an example of trouble.
 *	According to ANSI either is OK. We recommend 0, though AIX
 *	defines another one which we can't use.

#if defined(aix)
# undef NULL

#if !defined(NULL) 
#  define NULL 0

 * BOOL, TRUE and FALSE: standard names for logical values.
 * The standard guarantees that the result of logical operations is
 * 1 if TRUE and 0 if FALSE.
 * (see  6.3.9, 6.3.10, 6.3.13, 6.3.14)
 *      18-nov-91:  disabled the #ifdef to always get 'bool' (AIX)
 *	24-feb-92:  bool as char ? - sendoff mesg to Josh
 * WARNING: bool is now an official type in C++.....

/*  probably should not use in C++ since bool is a new type in C++ */
#if !defined(__cplusplus)
#if !defined(CURSES_H) && !defined(_CURSES_H_)
    typedef unsigned char bool;

#if !defined(FALSE)
#  define FALSE (0)      
#  define TRUE  (1)

 * BYTE: a short name for a handy chunk of bits. 
 *       (void *) could be fine too and is to be preferred in ANSI

typedef unsigned char byte;

 * STRING: for null-terminated strings which are not taken apart.
 * CONST_STRING:  and read-only strings (useful for C++)

typedef char       *string;
typedef char       *nemo_string;
typedef const char *const_string;

 * STREAM: a replacement for 'FILE *'.
 * ==> typedef struct _iobuf *stream        <== older version
typedef FILE *stream;
typedef FILE *nemo_stream;

typedef struct _mstr {     /* see mstropen(3) */
  string tmplate;
  string filename;
  int status;
  int count;
  int mode;
  stream ostr;
} mstr;

 * REAL, REALPTR: default type is double; if single precision calculation is
 * supported and desired, compile with -DSINGLEPREC. 
 *      DOUBLEPREC:     everything (variables & functions) is double. *      MIXEDPREC:      user values are float, -lm functions are double.
 *      SINGLEPREC:     everything (variables & functions) is float.
 * Note: The whole package must be compiled in one floating point
 *       type, although some routines are compiled in both single
 *       and double. Using this conmpile directive we can keep one
 *       version of the source code.
 * Warning:
 * The "D" language defines a "real" as a floating point with the largest
 * number of bits the hardware supports (e.g. 80 bit on intel). Don't confuse
 * that with the real here, which is either float *or* double.
 * Also:
 * For convenient storage we also define a 'halfp' type, which has half the 
 * number of bits of a float.

/*   first off, by default, NEMO will be in DOUBLEPREC mode */

#if !defined(MIXEDPREC) && !defined(SINGLEPREC) && !defined(DOUBLEPREC)

#if defined(DOUBLEPREC)
typedef double real, *realptr;
#define Precision "DOUBLEPREC"

#if defined(MIXEDPREC)
typedef float *realptr, real;
#define Precision "MIXEDPREC"

#if defined(SINGLEPREC)
typedef float real, *realptr;
#define Precision "SINGLEPREC"

/* halfp needs to be 2 bytes */
typedef short halfp, *halfpptr;

/* NOTE: to be deprecated
 * The following conveniences cannot be used in full ANSI C or C++:
 * one needs a new type for each kind of function pointer, i.e.
 * not only dependant on the return type, but also on the arguments.
 * Note that C++ does not allow a varargs-only argument list, C does.
 * PROC: pointer to a "function" object which returns no value.
 * BPROC: pointer to a boolean-valued function
 * IPROC: pointer to an integer-valued function.
 * RPROC: pointer to a real-valued function.

typedef void (*proc)();
typedef bool (*bproc)();	/* problems on sun3 ??? aix too */
typedef int (*iproc)();
typedef real (*rproc)();

typedef int  (*qsort_proc)(const void *, const void *);
typedef real (*real_proc)(real);
typedef real (*double_proc)(double);
typedef real (*float_proc)(float);

 * LOCAL: declare something to be local to a file.
 * PERMANENT: declare something to be permanent data within a function.

#define local     static
#define permanent static

#if 0
#if !defined(__STDC__)
#   define const
#   define volatile

 * STREQ, STRNEQ, STRNULL: handy string-equality macros

#define streq(x,y)    (strcmp((x), (y)) == 0)
#define strneq(x,y,z) (strncmp((x), (y), (z)) == 0)
#define strnull(x)    (strcmp((x), "") == 0)

 *  PI, etc.  --  mathematical constants
 *  Note: some <math.h> already define PI, the official name is M_PI and M_PIl
 *  See also:

#ifndef PI
#define   PI         3.141592653589793238462643
#define   TWO_PI     6.283185307179586476925287
#define   FOUR_PI   12.56637061435917295385
#define   HALF_PI    1.57079632679489661923
#define   FRTHRD_PI  4.18879020478639098462
#define   INV_PI     0.31830988618379067154
#define   TENSVN_IPI 0.45472840883398667363
#define   ONETRD     0.33333333333333333333
#define   TWOTRD     0.66666666666666666667
#define   FORTRD     1.33333333333333333333
#define   ONESVN     0.14285714285714285714
#define   ONESIX     0.16666666666666666667
#define   LN10       2.30258509299404568402 

 * angular conversion factors (multiplicative)
 *   DR2H   radians to hours
 *   DH2R   hours   to radians
 *   DR2D   radians to degrees
 *   DD2R   degrees to radians
 *   DR2AS  radians to arcsec
 *   DAS2R  arcsec  to radians
#define DR2H    3.819718634205488058453210
#define DH2R    0.2617993877991494365385536
#define DR2D    57.29577951308232087679815
#define DD2R    1.745329251994329576923691e-2
#define DR2AS   206264.8062470963551564733
#define DAS2R   4.848136811095359935899141e-6

 *  POS_ANGLE, SYM_ANGLE: bring angular variables into standard form.
 *    To map an angular variable 'phi' into the range [0, 2pi),
 *    keeping 'phi' invariant modulo 2pi, use the statement
 *            phi = pos_angle(phi);
 *    To map an angular variable 'phi' into the range [-pi, pi),
 *    keeping 'phi' invariant modulo 2pi, use the statement
 *            phi = sym_angle(phi);
 *  Note: be aware of side effects here
 *  3-aug-94: changed lower case to upper case for consistency

#define  POS_ANGLE(phi)    ((phi) - TWO_PI * floor((phi)/TWO_PI ))
#define  SYM_ANGLE(phi)    ((phi) - TWO_PI * floor(((phi)+PI)/TWO_PI ))

 * Some "useful" macro's:    this is where C just falls down,
 *		             everybody pretty much comes up with these names....
 *  ABS: returns the absolute value of its argument
 *  SGN: returns the sign of its argument
 *  MIN: returns the argument with the lowest value
 *  MAX: returns the argument with the highest value
 *  RND: roundup a number (now: ROUNDUP)
 *  RNG: range a number between a low and high value (now: RANGE)
 *  Note: be aware of side effects here

#ifdef ABS
#  undef ABS
#define   ABS(x)       (((x) < 0) ? -(x) : (x))

#ifdef MIN	/* WD 13/03/03: added to prevent clash with other definitions */
#  undef MIN
#define   MIN(x,y)     (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))

#ifdef MAX      /* WD 13/03/03: added to prevent clash with other definitions */
#  undef MAX
#define   MAX(x,y)     (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))

#define   SGN(x)       (((x) < 0) ? (-1) : ((x) > 0) ? 1 : 0)
#if 0
/* nrutil.h defines SIGN(a,b) */
#define   SIGN(x)      (((x) < 0) ? (-1) : ((x) > 0) ? 1 : 0)
#define   RND(x,y)     ((y)*(((x)+(y)-1)/(y)))
#define   ROUNDUP(x,y) ((y)*(((x)+(y)-1)/(y)))
#define   RNG(x,l,h)   (((x) > (h)) ? (h) : (((x) < (l)) ? (l) : (x)))
#define   RANGE(x,l,h) (((x) > (h)) ? (h) : (((x) < (l)) ? (l) : (x)))

 *      On some older BSD (4.2?) implementations the strchr() and strrchr()
 *      may not be implemented, and are known under the name 
 *      index() and rindex()
 *	Also on these machines <strings.h> may not exist, and Nemo should
 *	define "strings.h" to #include <string.h>
 *	Here we adhere to the ANSI standard and leave out this stuff

#if 0
#   define index strchr
#   define rindex strrchr

/* SYSV unicos has no random, srandom -- see xrandom.c for better solutions */
#if defined(unicos)
#   define random rand
#   define srandom srand

/* We have to decide which memory copy/compare function we're supporting */
/* The BSTRING(3) or MEMORY(3) functions */
/* Posix says:  MEMORY : see string.h */
/* let's keep it out now, see above with string handling */
#if 0
#if defined(mc68k) || defined(SYSV)
# define bcopy(from,to,n) memcpy(to,from,n)

 * Prototypes for some of NEMO's frequently used kernel functions
 * should really use some more descriptive .h files

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

/* various math */

#include <mathfns.h>

/* io/stropen.c */

extern stream stropen(const_string, string);
extern int    strdelete(stream, bool);
extern string strname(stream);
extern bool   strseek(stream);

/* io/mstropen.c */
extern mstr  *mstr_init(string tmplate);
extern stream mstr_open(mstr *mp, string mode);
extern void   mstr_close(mstr *mp);
extern int    mstr_count(mstr *mp);
extern int    mstr_multi(mstr *mp);

/* io/endian.c */
extern bool BigEndian(void);
extern bool LittleEndian(void);

/* io/filesecret.c */
extern void   strclose(stream);

 * tell nemo that this process is part of an MPI run: give its rank (dprintf.c)
void set_mpi_rank(int rank);

/* error and warning */
/* C99 stdargs example of macro usage:   #define HELLO(a,...)  error(a,__VA_ARGS__)   */
/* GNU stdargs (deprecated now)          #define HELLO(a,args...)  error(a,##args)    */

/*  GNU C library has error.h with error(int,int,string,...) */
#define error   nemo_error
#define fatal   nemo_fatal  
#define warning nemo_warning
#define recover nemo_recover
#define stop    nemo_stop  

/* prints error message (printf-style) to stderr and exits (via nemo_exit) */
void error(string, ...);
/* void errorn(string, ...);   not implemented, commented out WD 10-09-2008 */
/* prints warning message (printf-style) to stderr */
void warning(string, ...);
int progress(double dtime, string, ...);

/* dprintf.c */
/* is a given depth below the current debugging level ? */
bool nemo_debug(int depth);

 * WD 12th June 2008
   improved debugging info: report [file:line]
   nemo_dprintf() reports the source file name and line number of its call if 
   debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL_FOR_REPORTING_FILE (see dprintf.c).

   We implement this by a C-macro "nemo_dprintf" which expands to calling a 
   function which (i) takes file name and line number and (ii) returns a
   pointer to a function with nemo_dprintf style syntax.

   NOTE Since nemo_dprintf is a macro, one must not declare it as an external 
        function anywhere else (and rely on the library to resolve it).

   NOTE It seems that our way to implement this functionality is the only way.
        The possible simpler alternative of using a C macro with variable number
	of arguments fails if there are no additional arguments after the format

/* pointer to function of same syntax as nemo_dprintf() */
typedef int (*dprintf_pter)(int, const_string, ...);

/* return pointer to function with nemo_dprintf() syntax */
dprintf_pter get_dprintf(const_string, int);

/* implement nemo_dprintf() as macro */
#define nemo_dprintf  get_dprintf(__FILE__,__LINE__)

   identical to old-style nemo_dprintf:
#define nemo_dprintfN get_dprintf(0,0)

#if(0) /* commented out WD 12th June 2008 */
  int nemo_dprintf(int, const_string, ...);    /* NEMO has same name as libc */

/* END of changes WD 12th June 2008 */

#define dprintf		nemo_dprintf
#define dprintf		nemo_dprintf

/* eprintf is ZENO's "warning" */
#define eprintf nemo_warning

/* core/allocate.c */

 * WD 12th June 2008
   allocate() and reallocate to report [file:line] with nemo_dprintf

   Rationale: At debug_level >= 8, allocate() reports number of bytes
              allocated as well as the memory address. Here, we add to that
	      the source code file and line number.

   NOTE  This is implemented by C macros which call extended versions
         of allocate and reallocate().

   NOTE  This implies that every source code using allocate() or 
         reallocate() MUST #include this file.

   NOTE  With C++ this will not work, as the C++ std header file <new>
         has a member function allocate() (so that our macro definition
	 causes a compilation error). Therefore, under C++, we simply
	 define allocate and reallocate as inline functions, which however
	 never report source file and line number.

/* extended functions taking file and line information */
  extern void *allocate_FL(size_t,const_string,int); 
  extern void *reallocate_FL(void *, size_t,const_string,int);

#if !defined(__cplusplus)
  /* in C: implement allocate() and reallocate() as macros */
# define allocate(SIZE) allocate_FL(SIZE,__FILE__,__LINE__)
# define reallocate(PTER,SIZE) reallocate_FL(PTER,SIZE,__FILE__,__LINE__)
  /* in C++ make allocate() and reallocate() inlined functions
     NOTE: these will not report [file:line] */
  inline void *allocate(size_t n) { return allocate_FL(n,0,0); }
  inline void *reallocate(void*p,size_t n) { return reallocate_FL(p,n,0,0); }

#if(0) /* commented out old code 12/06/2008 WD */
  extern void *allocate(size_t);
  extern void *reallocate(void *, size_t);
/* END of changes WD 12th June 2008 */

/* this is to shut up e.g. gcc when allocate(n*sizeof(T)) is used */
// #define  sizeof  (size_t)sizeof

/* core/common.c */
void set_common(int id, int byte_size);
int get_common(int id, int elt_size, int bucket_size);
byte *open_common(int id);
void close_common(int id);

extern bool scanopt(string, string);

/* core/cputime.c */
extern double cputime(void);
extern double cputime2(int mode);

/* core/burststring.c */
string *burststring(string lst, string sep);
string *burst0string(string lst, string sep);
string *burst2string(string lst, string sep);
void freestrings(string *strptr);
int splitstring(int maxout, string out[], string lst, string sep);

/* core/file_size.c */
int nemo_file_size(char *name);
int nemo_file_time(char *name);
int nemo_file_lines(char *name, int deflen);

 * replaced by inline functions in mathfns.h
 // misc/sqr.c
extern double sqr(double);
extern double qbe(double);
extern double dex(double);

  /* misc/pow.c */
extern double powi(double,int);
extern double powd(double,double);

  /* misc/log2.c */
  /* cygwin defines log2 as a macro */
#if defined(log2)
#define HAVE_LOG2
#if !defined(HAVE_LOG2)
extern double log2(double);

  /* cores/bswap.c */
extern void bswap(void *vdat, int len, int cnt);
extern void bswap_litend(void *vdat, int len, int cnt);
extern void bswap_bigend(void *vdat, int len, int cnt);
#define bswapr(p,cnt)  bswap(p,sizeof(real),cnt)
#define bswapd(p,cnt)  bswap(p,sizeof(double),cnt)
#define bswapf(p,cnt)  bswap(p,sizeof(float),cnt)
#define bswapl(p,cnt)  bswap(p,sizeof(long),cnt)
#define bswapi(p,cnt)  bswap(p,sizeof(int),cnt)
#define bswaps(p,cnt)  bswap(p,sizeof(short),cnt)

  /* misc/within.c */
extern bool within(double val, string range, double fuzz);

#if defined(__cplusplus)

/* for solaris compiler SC4.2, doesn't appear to know HUGE .... */
/* should fit double and single precision floating point        */
#ifndef HUGE
#define HUGE 1e30

#endif /* _stdinc_h */
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