Revision d31084e9d1118b25fd16580d9d8c2924b5740dff authored by Marc G. Fournier on 09 July 1996, 06:22:35 UTC, committed by Marc G. Fournier on 09 July 1996, 06:22:35 UTC
0 parent
Raw File
 * pg_type.h--
 *    definition of the system "type" relation (pg_type)
 *    along with the relation's initial contents.
 * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * $Id: pg_type.h,v 1996/07/09 06:21:18 scrappy Exp $
 *    the script reads this file and generates .bki
 *    information from the DATA() statements.
#ifndef PG_TYPE_H
#define PG_TYPE_H

/* ----------------
 *	postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the
 *	CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file
 *	can be read by both and the C compiler.
 * ----------------
#include "postgres.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"		/* for Relation */

/* ----------------
 *	pg_type definition.  cpp turns this into
 *	typedef struct FormData_pg_type
 * ----------------
    NameData 	typname;
    Oid  	typowner;
    int2  	typlen;
    int2  	typprtlen;
    bool  	typbyval;
    char  	typtype;
    bool  	typisdefined;
    char	typdelim;
    Oid 	typrelid;
    Oid  	typelem;
    regproc  	typinput;
    regproc  	typoutput;
    regproc  	typreceive;
    regproc  	typsend;
    char	typalign;	/* alignment (c=char, s=short, i=int, d=double) */
    text     	typdefault;	/* VARIABLE LENGTH FIELD */
} TypeTupleFormData;

/* ----------------
 *	Form_pg_type corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
 *	the format of pg_type relation.
 * ----------------
typedef TypeTupleFormData	*TypeTupleForm;

/* ----------------
 *	compiler constants for pg_type
 * ----------------
#define Natts_pg_type			16
#define Anum_pg_type_typname		1
#define Anum_pg_type_typowner		2
#define Anum_pg_type_typlen		3
#define Anum_pg_type_typprtlen		4
#define Anum_pg_type_typbyval		5
#define Anum_pg_type_typtype		6
#define Anum_pg_type_typisdefined	7
#define Anum_pg_type_typdelim     	8
#define Anum_pg_type_typrelid		9
#define Anum_pg_type_typelem		10
#define Anum_pg_type_typinput		11
#define Anum_pg_type_typoutput		12
#define Anum_pg_type_typreceive		13
#define Anum_pg_type_typsend		14
#define Anum_pg_type_typalign		15
#define Anum_pg_type_typdefault		16

/* ----------------
 *	initial contents of pg_type
 * ----------------

/* keep the following ordered by OID so that later changes can be made easier*/

/* OIDS 1 - 99 */
DATA(insert OID = 16 (  bool       PGUID  1   1 t b t \054 0   0 boolin boolout boolin boolout c _null_ ));

#define BOOLOID		16

DATA(insert OID = 17 (  bytea      PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  18 byteain byteaout byteain byteaout i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 18 (  char       PGUID  1   1 t b t \054 0   0 charin charout charin charout c _null_ ));

DATA(insert OID = 19 (  name      PGUID NAMEDATALEN NAMEDATALEN  f b t \054 0  18 namein nameout namein nameout d _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 20 (  char16     PGUID 16  16 f b t \054 0  18 char16in char16out char16in char16out i _null_ ));
/*DATA(insert OID = 20 (  dt         PGUID  4  10 t b t \054 0   0 dtin dtout dtin dtout i _null_ )); */
DATA(insert OID = 21 (  int2       PGUID  2   5 t b t \054 0   0 int2in int2out int2in int2out s _null_ ));

#define INT2OID		21

DATA(insert OID = 22 (  int28      PGUID 16  50 f b t \054 0  21 int28in int28out int28in int28out i _null_ ));

 * XXX -- the implementation of int28's in postgres is a hack, and will
 *	  go away someday.  until that happens, there is a case (in the
 *	  catalog cache management code) where we need to step gingerly
 *	  over piles of int28's on the sidewalk.  in order to do so, we
 *	  need the OID of the int28 tuple from pg_type.

#define INT28OID	22

DATA(insert OID = 23 (  int4       PGUID  4  10 t b t \054 0   0 int4in int4out int4in int4out i _null_ ));

#define INT4OID		23

DATA(insert OID = 24 (  regproc    PGUID  4  16 t b t \054 0   0 regprocin regprocout regprocin regprocout i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 25 (  text       PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  18 textin textout textin textout i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 26 (  oid        PGUID  4  10 t b t \054 0   0 int4in int4out int4in int4out i _null_ ));

#define OIDOID		26

DATA(insert OID = 27 (  tid        PGUID  6  19 f b t \054 0   0 tidin tidout tidin tidout i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 28 (  xid        PGUID  4  12 t b t \054 0   0 xidin xidout xidin xidout i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 29 (  cid        PGUID  2   3 t b t \054 0   0 cidin cidout cidin cidout s _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 30 (  oid8       PGUID 32  89 f b t \054 0  26 oid8in oid8out oid8in oid8out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 32 (  SET        PGUID -1  -1 f r t \054 0  -1 textin textout textin textout i _null_ ));

DATA(insert OID = 71 ( pg_type PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 71 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_));
DATA(insert OID = 75 ( pg_attribute PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 75 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_));
DATA(insert OID = 76 ( pg_demon PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 76 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_));
DATA(insert OID = 80 ( pg_magic PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 80 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_));
DATA(insert OID = 81 ( pg_proc PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 81 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_));
DATA(insert OID = 82 ( pg_server PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 82 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_));
DATA(insert OID = 83 ( pg_class PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 83 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_));
DATA(insert OID = 86 ( pg_user PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 86 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_));
DATA(insert OID = 87 ( pg_group PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 87 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_));
DATA(insert OID = 88 ( pg_database PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 88 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_));
DATA(insert OID = 89 ( pg_defaults PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 89 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_));
DATA(insert OID = 90 ( pg_variable PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 90 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_));
DATA(insert OID = 99 ( pg_log PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 99 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_));

/* OIDS 100 - 199 */

DATA(insert OID = 100 ( pg_time PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 100 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_));
DATA(insert OID = 101 ( pg_time PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 101 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_));

/* OIDS 200 - 299 */

DATA(insert OID = 210 (  smgr       PGUID 2  12 t b t \054 0  -1 smgrin smgrout smgrin smgrout s _null_ ));

/* OIDS 300 - 399 */

/* OIDS 400 - 499 */
DATA(insert OID = 409 (  char2     PGUID 2  2 t b t \054 0  18 char2in char2out char2in char2out s _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 410 (  char4     PGUID 4  4 t b t \054 0  18 char4in char4out char4in char4out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 411 (  char8     PGUID 8  8 f b t \054 0  18 char8in char8out char8in char8out i _null_ ));

/* OIDS 500 - 599 */

/* OIDS 600 - 699 */
DATA(insert OID = 600 (  point     PGUID 16  24 f b t \054 0 701 point_in point_out point_in point_out d _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 601 (  lseg      PGUID 32  48 f b t \054 0 600 lseg_in lseg_out lseg_in lseg_out d _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 602 (  path      PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0 600 path_in path_out path_in path_out d _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 603 (  box       PGUID 32 100 f b t \073 0 600 box_in box_out box_in box_out d _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 604 (  polygon   PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  -1 poly_in poly_out poly_in poly_out d _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 605 (  filename  PGUID 256 -1 f b t \054 0 18 filename_in filename_out filename_in filename_out i _null_ ));

/* OIDS 700 - 799 */

#define FLOAT4OID 700

DATA(insert OID = 700 (  float4    PGUID  4  12 f b t \054 0   0 float4in float4out float4in float4out i _null_ ));

#define FLOAT8OID 701

DATA(insert OID = 701 (  float8    PGUID  8  24 f b t \054 0   0 float8in float8out float8in float8out d _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 702 (  abstime   PGUID  4  20 t b t \054 0   0 nabstimein nabstimeout nabstimein nabstimeout i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 703 (  reltime   PGUID  4  20 t b t \054 0   0 reltimein reltimeout reltimein reltimeout i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 704 (  tinterval PGUID 12  47 f b t \054 0   0 tintervalin tintervalout tintervalin tintervalout i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 705 (  unknown PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0   18 textin textout textin textout i _null_ ));

#define UNKNOWNOID	705

/* OIDS 800 - 899 */
DATA(insert OID = 810 (  oidint2    PGUID  6  20 f b t \054 0   0 oidint2in oidint2out oidint2in oidint2out i _null_ ));

/* OIDS 900 - 999 */
DATA(insert OID = 910 (  oidint4    PGUID  8  20 f b t \054 0   0 oidint4in oidint4out oidint4in oidint4out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 911 (  oidname  PGUID  OIDNAMELEN OIDNAMELEN f b t \054 0   0 oidnamein oidnameout oidnamein oidnameout i _null_ ));

/* OIDS 1000 - 1099 */
DATA(insert OID = 1000 (  _bool      PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  16 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1001 (  _bytea     PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  17 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1002 (  _char      PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  18 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1003 (  _name    PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  19 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1004 (  _char16    PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  19 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1005 (  _int2      PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  21 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1006 (  _int28     PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  22 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); 
DATA(insert OID = 1007 (  _int4      PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  23 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));  
DATA(insert OID = 1008 (  _regproc   PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  24 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));  
DATA(insert OID = 1009 (  _text      PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  25 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1028 (  _oid       PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  26 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1010 (  _tid       PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  27 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1011 (  _xid       PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  28 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1012 (  _cid       PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  29 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1013 (  _oid8      PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  30 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
/*DATA(insert OID = 1014 (  _lock      PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  31 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));*/
DATA(insert OID = 1015 (  _stub      PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  33 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1016 (  _ref 	     PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0 591 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1017 (  _point     PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0 600 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1018 (  _lseg      PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0 601 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1019 (  _path      PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0 602 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1020 (  _box       PGUID -1  -1 f b t \073 0 603 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1021 (  _float4    PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0 700 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1022 (  _float8    PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0 701 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1023 (  _abstime   PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0 702 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1024 (  _reltime   PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0 703 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1025 (  _tinterval PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0 704 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1026 (  _filename PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0 605 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1027 (  _polygon PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0 604 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ ));
/* Note: the size of an aclitem needs to match sizeof(AclItem) in acl.h */
DATA(insert OID = 1033 (  aclitem PGUID 8  -1 f b t \054 0 0 aclitemin aclitemout aclitemin aclitemout i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1034 (  _aclitem PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0 1033 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));

DATA(insert OID = 1039 (  _char2    PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  409 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1040 (  _char4    PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  410 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1041 (  _char8    PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  411 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ ));

#define	BPCHAROID	1042
DATA(insert OID = 1042 ( bpchar  PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  18 bpcharin bpcharout bpcharin bpcharout i _null_ ));
#define	VARCHAROID	1043
DATA(insert OID = 1043 ( varchar PGUID -1  -1 f b t \054 0  18 varcharin varcharout varcharin varcharout i _null_ ));

DATA(insert OID = 1082 ( date      PGUID  4  10 t b t \054 0  0 date_in date_out date_in date_out i _null_ ));
DATA(insert OID = 1083 ( time      PGUID  8  16 f b t \054 0  0 time_in time_out time_in time_out i _null_ ));
 * prototypes for functions in pg_type.c 
extern Oid TypeGet(char *typeName, bool *defined);
extern Oid TypeShellMakeWithOpenRelation(Relation pg_type_desc,
					 char *typeName);
extern Oid TypeShellMake(char *typeName);
extern Oid TypeCreate(char *typeName, 
		      Oid relationOid,
		      int16 internalSize, 
		      int16 externalSize, 
		      char typeType,
		      char typDelim, 
		      char *inputProcedure, 
		      char *outputProcedure,
		      char *sendProcedure, 
		      char *receiveProcedure,
		      char *elementTypeName,
		      char *defaultTypeValue,
		      bool passedByValue, char alignment);
extern void TypeRename(char *oldTypeName, char *newTypeName);
extern char *makeArrayTypeName(char *typeName);

#endif /* PG_TYPE_H */
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