Revision d38084d993f6b218862f3aa0693aacc2e3b4b1b3 authored by TUNA Caglayan on 29 April 2021, 08:44:25 UTC, committed by TUNA Caglayan on 12 May 2021, 12:26:22 UTC
1 parent e54a8ff
Raw File
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

import pytest
from time import time
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import svd

import tensorly as tl
from .. import backend as T
from ..testing import (assert_array_equal, assert_equal, assert_,
                              assert_array_almost_equal, assert_raises)

# Author: Jean Kossaifi

def test_set_backend():
    torch = pytest.importorskip('torch')

    toplevel_backend = tl.get_backend()

    # Set in context manager
    with tl.backend_context('numpy'):
        assert tl.get_backend() == 'numpy'
        assert isinstance(tl.tensor([1, 2, 3]), np.ndarray)
        assert isinstance(T.tensor([1, 2, 3]), np.ndarray)
        assert tl.float32 is T.float32 is np.float32

        with tl.backend_context('pytorch'):
            assert tl.get_backend() == 'pytorch'
            assert torch.is_tensor(tl.tensor([1, 2, 3]))
            assert torch.is_tensor(T.tensor([1, 2, 3]))
            assert tl.float32 is T.float32 is torch.float32

        # Sets back to numpy
        assert tl.get_backend() == 'numpy'
        assert isinstance(tl.tensor([1, 2, 3]), np.ndarray)
        assert isinstance(T.tensor([1, 2, 3]), np.ndarray)
        assert tl.float32 is T.float32 is np.float32

    # Reset back to initial backend
    assert tl.get_backend() == toplevel_backend

    # Set not in context manager
    assert tl.get_backend() == 'pytorch'

    assert tl.get_backend() == toplevel_backend

    # Improper name doesn't reset backend
    with assert_raises(ValueError):
    assert tl.get_backend() == toplevel_backend

def test_set_backend_local_threadsafe():

    global_default = tl.get_backend()

    with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as executor:

        with tl.backend_context('numpy', local_threadsafe=True):
            assert tl.get_backend() == 'numpy'
            # Changes only happen locally in this thread
            assert executor.submit(tl.get_backend).result() == global_default

        # Set the global default backend
            tl.set_backend('pytorch', local_threadsafe=False)

            # Changed toplevel default in all threads
            assert executor.submit(tl.get_backend).result() == 'pytorch'

            with tl.backend_context('numpy', local_threadsafe=True):
                assert tl.get_backend() == 'numpy'

                def check():
                    assert tl.get_backend() == 'pytorch'
                    with tl.backend_context('numpy', local_threadsafe=True):
                        assert tl.get_backend() == 'numpy'
                    assert tl.get_backend() == 'pytorch'

            tl.set_backend(global_default, local_threadsafe=False)

        assert tl.get_backend() == global_default
        assert executor.submit(tl.get_backend).result() == global_default

def test_backend_and_tensorly_module_attributes():
    for dtype in ['int32', 'int64', 'float32', 'float64']:
        assert dtype in dir(tl)
        assert dtype in dir(T)
        assert getattr(T, dtype) is getattr(tl, dtype)

    with assert_raises(AttributeError):

def test_tensor_creation():
    tensor = T.tensor(np.arange(12).reshape((4, 3)))
    tensor2 = tl.tensor(np.arange(12).reshape((4, 3)))

    assert T.is_tensor(tensor)
    assert T.is_tensor(tensor2)

def test_svd_time():
    """Test SVD time
    SVD shouldn't be slow for tall and skinny matrices
    if n_eigenvec == min(matrix.shape)
    M = tl.tensor(np.random.random_sample((4, 10000)))
    t = time()
    _ = tl.partial_svd(M, 4)
    t = time() - t
    assert_(t <= 0.1, f'Partial_SVD took too long, maybe full_matrices set wrongly')
    M = tl.tensor(np.random.random_sample((10000, 4)))
    t = time()
    _ = tl.partial_svd(M, 4)
    t = time() - t
    assert_(t <= 0.1, f'Partial_SVD took too long, maybe full_matrices set wrongly')

def test_svd():
    """Test for the SVD functions"""
    tol = 0.1
    tol_orthogonality = 0.01

    for name, svd_fun in T.SVD_FUNS.items():
        sizes = [(100, 100), (100, 5), (10, 10), (10, 4), (5, 100)]
        n_eigenvecs = [90, 4, 5, 4, 5]

        for s, n in zip(sizes, n_eigenvecs):
            matrix = np.random.random(s)
            matrix_backend = T.tensor(matrix)
            fU, fS, fV = svd_fun(matrix_backend, n_eigenvecs=n)
            U, S, V = svd(matrix)
            U, S, V = U[:, :n], S[:n], V[:n, :]

            assert_array_almost_equal(np.abs(S), T.abs(fS), decimal=3,
                err_msg='eigenvals not correct for "{}" svd fun VS svd and backend="{}, for {} eigenenvecs, and size {}".'.format(
                        name, tl.get_backend(), n, s))

            # True reconstruction error (based on numpy SVD)
            true_rec_error = np.sum((matrix -, S.reshape((-1, 1))*V))**2)
            # Reconstruction error with the backend's SVD
            rec_error = T.sum((matrix_backend -, T.reshape(fS, (-1, 1))*fV))**2)
            # Check that the two are similar
            assert_(true_rec_error - rec_error <= tol,
                msg='Reconstruction not correct for "{}" svd fun VS svd and backend="{}, for {} eigenenvecs, and size {}".'.format(
                        name, tl.get_backend(), n, s))

            # Check for orthogonality when relevant
            left_orthogonality_error = T.norm(, fU) - T.eye(n))
            assert_(left_orthogonality_error <= tol_orthogonality,
                msg='Left eigenvecs not orthogonal for "{}" svd fun VS svd and backend="{}, for {} eigenenvecs, and size {}".'.format(
                        name, tl.get_backend(), n, s))
            right_orthogonality_error = T.norm(, fU) - T.eye(n))
            assert_(right_orthogonality_error <= tol_orthogonality,
                msg='Right eigenvecs not orthogonal for "{}" svd fun VS svd and backend="{}, for {} eigenenvecs, and size {}".'.format(
                    name, tl.get_backend(), n, s))

        # Should fail on non-matrices
        with assert_raises(ValueError):
            tensor = T.tensor(np.random.random((3, 3, 3)))

        # Test for singular matrices (some eigenvals will be zero)
        # Rank at most 5
        matrix = T.tensor(, 5)), np.random.random((5, 20))))
        U, S, V = tl.partial_svd(matrix, n_eigenvecs=n)
        true_rec_error = tl.sum((matrix -, tl.reshape(S, (-1, 1))*V))**2)
        assert_(true_rec_error <= tol)

        # Test if partial_svd returns the same result for the same setting
        matrix = T.tensor(np.random.random((20, 5)))
        random_state = np.random.RandomState(0)
        U1, S1, V1 = tl.partial_svd(matrix, n_eigenvecs=2, random_state=random_state)
        U2, S2, V2 = tl.partial_svd(matrix, n_eigenvecs=2, random_state=0)
        assert_array_equal(U1, U2)
        assert_array_equal(S1, S2)
        assert_array_equal(V1, V2)

def test_randomized_range_finder():
    size = (7, 5)
    A = T.randn(size)
    Q = T.randomized_range_finder(A, n_dims=min(size))
    assert_array_almost_equal(A,, tl.transpose(T.conj(Q))), A))

def test_shape():
    A = T.arange(3*4*5)

    shape1 = (3*4,5)
    A1 = T.reshape(A, shape1)
    assert_equal(T.shape(A1), shape1)

    shape2 = (3,4,5)
    A2 = T.reshape(A, shape2)
    assert_equal(T.shape(A2), shape2)

def test_ndim():
    A = T.arange(3*4*5)
    assert_equal(T.ndim(A), 1)

    shape1 = (3*4,5)
    A1 = T.reshape(A, shape1)
    assert_equal(T.ndim(A1), 2)

    shape2 = (3,4,5)
    A2 = T.reshape(A, shape2)
    assert_equal(T.ndim(A2), 3)

def test_norm():
    v = T.tensor([1., 2., 3.])
    assert_equal(T.norm(v,1), 6)

    A = T.reshape(T.arange(6), (3,2))
    assert_equal(T.norm(A, 1), 15)

    column_norms1 = T.norm(A, 1, axis=0)
    row_norms1 = T.norm(A, 1, axis=1)
    assert_array_equal(column_norms1, T.tensor([6., 9]))
    assert_array_equal(row_norms1, T.tensor([1, 5, 9]))

    column_norms2 = T.norm(A, 2, axis=0)
    row_norms2 = T.norm(A, 2, axis=1)
    assert_array_almost_equal(column_norms2, T.tensor([4.47213602, 5.91608]))
    assert_array_almost_equal(row_norms2, T.tensor([1., 3.60555124, 6.40312433]))

    # limit as order->oo is the oo-norm
    column_norms10 = T.norm(A, 10, axis=0)
    row_norms10 = T.norm(A, 10, axis=1)
    assert_array_almost_equal(column_norms10, T.tensor([4.00039053, 5.00301552]))
    assert_array_almost_equal(row_norms10, T.tensor([1., 3.00516224, 5.05125666]))

    column_norms_oo = T.norm(A, 'inf', axis=0)
    row_norms_oo = T.norm(A, 'inf', axis=1)
    assert_array_equal(column_norms_oo, T.tensor([4, 5]))
    assert_array_equal(row_norms_oo, T.tensor([1, 3, 5]))

def test_clip():
    """Test that clip can work with single arguments"""
    X = T.tensor([0.0, -1.0, 1.0])
    X_low = T.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
    X_high = T.tensor([0.0, -1.0, 0.0])
    assert_array_equal(tl.clip(X, a_min=0.0), X_low)
    assert_array_equal(tl.clip(X, a_max=0.0), X_high)

def test_where():
    # 1D
    shape = (2*3*4,); N =
    X = T.arange(N)
    zeros = T.zeros(X.shape)
    ones = T.ones(X.shape)
    out = T.where(X < 2*3, zeros, ones)
    for i in range(N):
        if i < 2*3:
            assert_equal(out[i], 0, 'Unexpected result on vector for element {}'.format(i))
            assert_equal(out[i], 1, 'Unexpected result on vector for element {}'.format(i))

    # 2D
    shape = (2*3,4); N =
    X = T.reshape(T.arange(N), shape)
    zeros = T.zeros(X.shape)
    ones = T.ones(X.shape)
    out = T.where(X < 2*3, zeros, ones)
    for i in range(shape[0]):
        for j in range(shape[1]):
            index = i*shape[1] + j
            if index < 2*3:
                assert_equal(out[i,j], 0, 'Unexpected result on matrix')
                assert_equal(out[i,j], 1, 'Unexpected result on matrix')

    # 3D
    shape = (2,3,4); N =
    X = T.reshape(T.arange(N), shape)
    zeros = T.zeros(X.shape)
    ones = T.ones(X.shape)
    out = T.where(X < 2*3, zeros, ones)
    for i in range(shape[0]):
        for j in range(shape[1]):
            for k in range(shape[2]):
                index = (i*shape[1] + j)*shape[2] + k
                if index < 2*3:
                    assert_equal(out[i,j, k], 0, 'Unexpected result on matrix')
                    assert_equal(out[i,j, k], 1, 'Unexpected result on matrix')

    # random testing against Numpy's output
    shapes = (16,8,4,2)
    for order in range(1,5):
        shape = shapes[:order]
        tensor = T.tensor(np.random.randn(*shape))
        args = (tensor < 0, T.zeros(shape), T.ones(shape))
        result = T.where(*args)
        expected = np.where(*map(T.to_numpy, args))
        assert_array_equal(result, expected)

def test_qr():
    M = 8; N = 5
    A = T.tensor(np.random.random((M,N)))
    Q, R = T.qr(A)

    assert T.shape(Q) == (M,N), 'Unexpected shape'
    assert T.shape(R) == (N,N), 'Unexpected shape'

    # assert that the columns of Q are orthonormal
    Q_column_norms = T.norm(Q, 2, axis=0)
    assert_array_almost_equal(Q_column_norms, T.ones(N))
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(i):
            dot_product = T.to_numpy([:,i], Q[:,j]))
            assert abs(dot_product) < 1e-6, 'Columns of Q not orthogonal'

    A_reconstructed =, R)
    assert_array_almost_equal(A, A_reconstructed)

def test_prod():
    v = T.tensor([3, 4, 5])
    x = T.to_numpy(
    assert_equal(x, 60)

def test_index_update():
    np_tensor = np.random.random((3, 5)).astype(dtype=np.float32)
    tensor = tl.tensor(np.copy(np_tensor))
    np_insert = np.random.random((3, 2)).astype(dtype=np.float32)
    insert = tl.tensor(np.copy(np_insert))

    np_tensor[:, 1:3] = np_insert
    tensor = tl.index_update(tensor, tl.index[:, 1:3], insert)
    assert_array_equal(np_tensor, tensor)

    np_tensor = np.random.random((3, 5)).astype(dtype=np.float32)
    tensor = tl.tensor(np.copy(np_tensor))
    np_tensor[2, :] = 2
    tensor = tl.index_update(tensor, tl.index[2, :], 2)
    assert_array_equal(np_tensor, tensor)
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