Revision d3d20dcdca9dc79d893a03dfa611fb1055c28f96 authored by Sagar Vemuri on 11 April 2019, 02:24:25 UTC, committed by Facebook Github Bot on 11 April 2019, 02:31:18 UTC
Introducing Periodic Compactions.

This feature allows all the files in a CF to be periodically compacted. It could help in catching any corruptions that could creep into the DB proactively as every file is constantly getting re-compacted.  And also, of course, it helps to cleanup data older than certain threshold.

- Introduced a new option `periodic_compaction_time` to control how long a file can live without being compacted in a CF.
- This works across all levels.
- The files are put in the same level after going through the compaction. (Related files in the same level are picked up as `ExpandInputstoCleanCut` is used).
- Compaction filters, if any, are invoked as usual.
- A new table property, `file_creation_time`, is introduced to implement this feature. This property is set to the time at which the SST file was created (and that time is given by the underlying Env/OS).

This feature can be enabled on its own, or in conjunction with `ttl`. It is possible to set a different time threshold for the bottom level when used in conjunction with ttl. Since `ttl` works only on 0 to last but one levels, you could set `ttl` to, say, 1 day, and `periodic_compaction_time` to, say, 7 days. Since `ttl < periodic_compaction_time` all files in last but one levels keep getting picked up based on ttl, and almost never based on periodic_compaction_time. The files in the bottom level get picked up for compaction based on `periodic_compaction_time`.
Pull Request resolved:

Differential Revision: D14884441

Pulled By: sagar0

fbshipit-source-id: 408426cbacb409c06386a98632dcf90bfa1bda47
1 parent ef0fc1b
Raw File
## Cross-building

RocksDB can be built as a single self contained cross-platform JAR. The cross-platform jar can be usd on any 64-bit OSX system, 32-bit Linux system, or 64-bit Linux system.

Building a cross-platform JAR requires:

 * [Vagrant](
 * [Virtualbox](
 * A Mac OSX machine that can compile RocksDB.
 * Java 7 set as JAVA_HOME.

Once you have these items, run this make command from RocksDB's root source directory:

    make jclean clean rocksdbjavastaticrelease

This command will build RocksDB natively on OSX, and will then spin up two Vagrant Virtualbox Ubuntu images to build RocksDB for both 32-bit and 64-bit Linux. 

You can find all native binaries and JARs in the java/target directory upon completion:

## Maven publication

Set ~/.m2/settings.xml to contain:

    <settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

From RocksDB's root directory, first build the Java static JARs:

    make jclean clean rocksdbjavastaticpublish

This command will [stage the JAR artifacts on the Sonatype staging repository]( To release the staged artifacts.

1. Go to []( and search for "rocksdb" in the upper right hand search box.
2. Select the rocksdb staging repository, and inspect its contents.
3. If all is well, follow [these steps]( to close the repository and release it.

After the release has occurred, the artifacts will be synced to Maven central within 24-48 hours.
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