Revision d3d20dcdca9dc79d893a03dfa611fb1055c28f96 authored by Sagar Vemuri on 11 April 2019, 02:24:25 UTC, committed by Facebook Github Bot on 11 April 2019, 02:31:18 UTC
Introducing Periodic Compactions.

This feature allows all the files in a CF to be periodically compacted. It could help in catching any corruptions that could creep into the DB proactively as every file is constantly getting re-compacted.  And also, of course, it helps to cleanup data older than certain threshold.

- Introduced a new option `periodic_compaction_time` to control how long a file can live without being compacted in a CF.
- This works across all levels.
- The files are put in the same level after going through the compaction. (Related files in the same level are picked up as `ExpandInputstoCleanCut` is used).
- Compaction filters, if any, are invoked as usual.
- A new table property, `file_creation_time`, is introduced to implement this feature. This property is set to the time at which the SST file was created (and that time is given by the underlying Env/OS).

This feature can be enabled on its own, or in conjunction with `ttl`. It is possible to set a different time threshold for the bottom level when used in conjunction with ttl. Since `ttl` works only on 0 to last but one levels, you could set `ttl` to, say, 1 day, and `periodic_compaction_time` to, say, 7 days. Since `ttl < periodic_compaction_time` all files in last but one levels keep getting picked up based on ttl, and almost never based on periodic_compaction_time. The files in the bottom level get picked up for compaction based on `periodic_compaction_time`.
Pull Request resolved:

Differential Revision: D14884441

Pulled By: sagar0

fbshipit-source-id: 408426cbacb409c06386a98632dcf90bfa1bda47
1 parent ef0fc1b
Raw File
//  Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc.  All rights reserved.
//  This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
//  COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
//  (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).

#include <map>

#include "rocksdb/filter_policy.h"

#include "table/full_filter_bits_builder.h"
#include "table/index_builder.h"
#include "table/partitioned_filter_block.h"
#include "util/coding.h"
#include "util/hash.h"
#include "util/logging.h"
#include "util/testharness.h"
#include "util/testutil.h"

namespace rocksdb {

std::map<uint64_t, Slice> slices;

class MockedBlockBasedTable : public BlockBasedTable {
  explicit MockedBlockBasedTable(Rep* rep) : BlockBasedTable(rep) {
    // Initialize what Open normally does as much as necessary for the test
    rep->cache_key_prefix_size = 10;

  CachableEntry<FilterBlockReader> GetFilter(
      FilePrefetchBuffer*, const BlockHandle& filter_blk_handle,
      const bool /* unused */, bool /* unused */, GetContext* /* unused */,
      const SliceTransform* prefix_extractor) const override {
    Slice slice = slices[filter_blk_handle.offset()];
    auto obj = new FullFilterBlockReader(
        prefix_extractor, true, BlockContents(slice),
        rep_->table_options.filter_policy->GetFilterBitsReader(slice), nullptr);
    return {obj, nullptr};

  FilterBlockReader* ReadFilter(
      FilePrefetchBuffer*, const BlockHandle& filter_blk_handle,
      const bool /* unused */,
      const SliceTransform* prefix_extractor) const override {
    Slice slice = slices[filter_blk_handle.offset()];
    auto obj = new FullFilterBlockReader(
        prefix_extractor, true, BlockContents(slice),
        rep_->table_options.filter_policy->GetFilterBitsReader(slice), nullptr);
    return obj;

class PartitionedFilterBlockTest
    : public testing::Test,
      virtual public ::testing::WithParamInterface<uint32_t> {
  BlockBasedTableOptions table_options_;
  InternalKeyComparator icomp = InternalKeyComparator(BytewiseComparator());

  PartitionedFilterBlockTest() {
    table_options_.filter_policy.reset(NewBloomFilterPolicy(10, false));
    table_options_.no_block_cache = true;  // Otherwise BlockBasedTable::Close
                                           // will access variable that are not
                                           // initialized in our mocked version
    table_options_.format_version = GetParam();
    table_options_.index_block_restart_interval = 3;

  std::shared_ptr<Cache> cache_;
  ~PartitionedFilterBlockTest() override {}

  const std::string keys[4] = {"afoo", "bar", "box", "hello"};
  const std::string missing_keys[2] = {"missing", "other"};

  uint64_t MaxIndexSize() {
    int num_keys = sizeof(keys) / sizeof(*keys);
    uint64_t max_key_size = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < num_keys; i++) {
      max_key_size = std::max(max_key_size, static_cast<uint64_t>(keys[i].size()));
    uint64_t max_index_size = num_keys * (max_key_size + 8 /*handle*/);
    return max_index_size;

  uint64_t MaxFilterSize() {
    uint32_t dont_care1, dont_care2;
    int num_keys = sizeof(keys) / sizeof(*keys);
    auto filter_bits_reader = dynamic_cast<rocksdb::FullFilterBitsBuilder*>(
    auto partition_size =
        filter_bits_reader->CalculateSpace(num_keys, &dont_care1, &dont_care2);
    delete filter_bits_reader;
    return partition_size +
               partition_size * table_options_.block_size_deviation / 100;

  int last_offset = 10;
  BlockHandle Write(const Slice& slice) {
    BlockHandle bh(last_offset + 1, slice.size());
    slices[bh.offset()] = slice;
    last_offset += bh.size();
    return bh;

  PartitionedIndexBuilder* NewIndexBuilder() {
    const bool kValueDeltaEncoded = true;
    return PartitionedIndexBuilder::CreateIndexBuilder(
        &icomp, !kValueDeltaEncoded, table_options_);

  PartitionedFilterBlockBuilder* NewBuilder(
      PartitionedIndexBuilder* const p_index_builder,
      const SliceTransform* prefix_extractor = nullptr) {
    assert(table_options_.block_size_deviation <= 100);
    auto partition_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(
             ((table_options_.metadata_block_size *
               (100 - table_options_.block_size_deviation)) +
              99) /
    partition_size = std::max(partition_size, static_cast<uint32_t>(1));
    const bool kValueDeltaEncoded = true;
    return new PartitionedFilterBlockBuilder(
        prefix_extractor, table_options_.whole_key_filtering,
        table_options_.index_block_restart_interval, !kValueDeltaEncoded,
        p_index_builder, partition_size);

  std::unique_ptr<MockedBlockBasedTable> table;

  PartitionedFilterBlockReader* NewReader(
      PartitionedFilterBlockBuilder* builder, PartitionedIndexBuilder* pib,
      const SliceTransform* prefix_extractor) {
    BlockHandle bh;
    Status status;
    Slice slice;
    do {
      slice = builder->Finish(bh, &status);
      bh = Write(slice);
    } while (status.IsIncomplete());
    const Options options;
    const ImmutableCFOptions ioptions(options);
    const MutableCFOptions moptions(options);
    const EnvOptions env_options;
    const bool kSkipFilters = true;
    const bool kImmortal = true;
    table.reset(new MockedBlockBasedTable(
        new BlockBasedTable::Rep(ioptions, env_options, table_options_, icomp,
                                 !kSkipFilters, 0, !kImmortal)));
    auto reader = new PartitionedFilterBlockReader(
        prefix_extractor, true, BlockContents(slice), nullptr, nullptr, icomp,
        table.get(), pib->seperator_is_key_plus_seq(),
    return reader;

  void VerifyReader(PartitionedFilterBlockBuilder* builder,
                    PartitionedIndexBuilder* pib, bool empty = false,
                    const SliceTransform* prefix_extractor = nullptr) {
    std::unique_ptr<PartitionedFilterBlockReader> reader(
        NewReader(builder, pib, prefix_extractor));
    // Querying added keys
    const bool no_io = true;
    for (auto key : keys) {
      auto ikey = InternalKey(key, 0, ValueType::kTypeValue);
      const Slice ikey_slice = Slice(*ikey.rep());
      ASSERT_TRUE(reader->KeyMayMatch(key, prefix_extractor, kNotValid, !no_io,
      // querying a key twice
      auto ikey = InternalKey(keys[0], 0, ValueType::kTypeValue);
      const Slice ikey_slice = Slice(*ikey.rep());
      ASSERT_TRUE(reader->KeyMayMatch(keys[0], prefix_extractor, kNotValid,
                                      !no_io, &ikey_slice));
    // querying missing keys
    for (auto key : missing_keys) {
      auto ikey = InternalKey(key, 0, ValueType::kTypeValue);
      const Slice ikey_slice = Slice(*ikey.rep());
      if (empty) {
        ASSERT_TRUE(reader->KeyMayMatch(key, prefix_extractor, kNotValid,
                                        !no_io, &ikey_slice));
      } else {
        // assuming a good hash function
        ASSERT_FALSE(reader->KeyMayMatch(key, prefix_extractor, kNotValid,
                                         !no_io, &ikey_slice));

  int TestBlockPerKey() {
    std::unique_ptr<PartitionedIndexBuilder> pib(NewIndexBuilder());
    std::unique_ptr<PartitionedFilterBlockBuilder> builder(
    int i = 0;
    CutABlock(pib.get(), keys[i], keys[i + 1]);
    CutABlock(pib.get(), keys[i], keys[i + 1]);
    CutABlock(pib.get(), keys[i], keys[i + 1]);
    CutABlock(pib.get(), keys[i]);

    VerifyReader(builder.get(), pib.get());
    return CountNumOfIndexPartitions(pib.get());

  void TestBlockPerTwoKeys(const SliceTransform* prefix_extractor = nullptr) {
    std::unique_ptr<PartitionedIndexBuilder> pib(NewIndexBuilder());
    std::unique_ptr<PartitionedFilterBlockBuilder> builder(
        NewBuilder(pib.get(), prefix_extractor));
    int i = 0;
    CutABlock(pib.get(), keys[i], keys[i + 1]);
    CutABlock(pib.get(), keys[i]);

    VerifyReader(builder.get(), pib.get(), prefix_extractor);

  void TestBlockPerAllKeys() {
    std::unique_ptr<PartitionedIndexBuilder> pib(NewIndexBuilder());
    std::unique_ptr<PartitionedFilterBlockBuilder> builder(
    int i = 0;
    CutABlock(pib.get(), keys[i]);

    VerifyReader(builder.get(), pib.get());

  void CutABlock(PartitionedIndexBuilder* builder,
                 const std::string& user_key) {
    // Assuming a block is cut, add an entry to the index
    std::string key =
        std::string(*InternalKey(user_key, 0, ValueType::kTypeValue).rep());
    BlockHandle dont_care_block_handle(1, 1);
    builder->AddIndexEntry(&key, nullptr, dont_care_block_handle);

  void CutABlock(PartitionedIndexBuilder* builder, const std::string& user_key,
                 const std::string& next_user_key) {
    // Assuming a block is cut, add an entry to the index
    std::string key =
        std::string(*InternalKey(user_key, 0, ValueType::kTypeValue).rep());
    std::string next_key = std::string(
        *InternalKey(next_user_key, 0, ValueType::kTypeValue).rep());
    BlockHandle dont_care_block_handle(1, 1);
    Slice slice = Slice(, next_key.size());
    builder->AddIndexEntry(&key, &slice, dont_care_block_handle);

  int CountNumOfIndexPartitions(PartitionedIndexBuilder* builder) {
    IndexBuilder::IndexBlocks dont_care_ib;
    BlockHandle dont_care_bh(10, 10);
    Status s;
    int cnt = 0;
    do {
      s = builder->Finish(&dont_care_ib, dont_care_bh);
    } while (s.IsIncomplete());
    return cnt - 1;  // 1 is 2nd level index

INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FormatDef, PartitionedFilterBlockTest,
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FormatLatest, PartitionedFilterBlockTest,

TEST_P(PartitionedFilterBlockTest, EmptyBuilder) {
  std::unique_ptr<PartitionedIndexBuilder> pib(NewIndexBuilder());
  std::unique_ptr<PartitionedFilterBlockBuilder> builder(NewBuilder(pib.get()));
  const bool empty = true;
  VerifyReader(builder.get(), pib.get(), empty);

TEST_P(PartitionedFilterBlockTest, OneBlock) {
  uint64_t max_index_size = MaxIndexSize();
  for (uint64_t i = 1; i < max_index_size + 1; i++) {
    table_options_.metadata_block_size = i;

TEST_P(PartitionedFilterBlockTest, TwoBlocksPerKey) {
  uint64_t max_index_size = MaxIndexSize();
  for (uint64_t i = 1; i < max_index_size + 1; i++) {
    table_options_.metadata_block_size = i;

// This reproduces the bug that a prefix is the same among multiple consecutive
// blocks but the bug would add it only to the first block.
TEST_P(PartitionedFilterBlockTest, SamePrefixInMultipleBlocks) {
  // some small number to cause partition cuts
  table_options_.metadata_block_size = 1;
  std::unique_ptr<const SliceTransform> prefix_extractor
  std::unique_ptr<PartitionedIndexBuilder> pib(NewIndexBuilder());
  std::unique_ptr<PartitionedFilterBlockBuilder> builder(
      NewBuilder(pib.get(), prefix_extractor.get()));
  const std::string pkeys[3] = {"p-key1", "p-key2", "p-key3"};
  CutABlock(pib.get(), pkeys[0], pkeys[1]);
  CutABlock(pib.get(), pkeys[1], pkeys[2]);
  CutABlock(pib.get(), pkeys[2]);
  std::unique_ptr<PartitionedFilterBlockReader> reader(
      NewReader(builder.get(), pib.get(), prefix_extractor.get()));
  for (auto key : pkeys) {
    auto ikey = InternalKey(key, 0, ValueType::kTypeValue);
    const Slice ikey_slice = Slice(*ikey.rep());
                                       prefix_extractor.get(), kNotValid,
                                       false /*no_io*/, &ikey_slice));

TEST_P(PartitionedFilterBlockTest, OneBlockPerKey) {
  uint64_t max_index_size = MaxIndexSize();
  for (uint64_t i = 1; i < max_index_size + 1; i++) {
    table_options_.metadata_block_size = i;

TEST_P(PartitionedFilterBlockTest, PartitionCount) {
  int num_keys = sizeof(keys) / sizeof(*keys);
  table_options_.metadata_block_size =
      std::max(MaxIndexSize(), MaxFilterSize());
  int partitions = TestBlockPerKey();
  ASSERT_EQ(partitions, 1);
  // A low number ensures cutting a block after each key
  table_options_.metadata_block_size = 1;
  partitions = TestBlockPerKey();
  ASSERT_EQ(partitions, num_keys - 1 /* last two keys make one flush */);

}  // namespace rocksdb

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
  return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
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